Internet Radio Show
Dreams to Enhance Your Waking Life
- Garnet Thompson
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Welcome to Healing From Within. I am your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Teacher, medium, and author of the newest book in my trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares the notion that as infinite beings the possibility to create a healthy prosperous physical life journey lies within, and it is not the political economic or societal demands of the world that hold us hostage to suffering and fear. Today Sheryl welcomes Garnet Thompson author of 20/20 Vision Dreams an interactive book and journal about pursuing dreams with persistence and focus, primarily for youthful individuals in age or heart which encourages to dream big and often.
Garnet as listeners of Healing From Within are well aware my guests and I share intimate and often intuitive insights into the challenges of merging our dual nature as both energetic soul beings with a physical life journey. We discover so many ways to merge our unique forces of life experiences with inner soul remembrances or awareness and become able to conquer many irrational limiting fears and barriers and break free of childhood patterns to pursue healthier joyful purposeful lives.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Garnet Thompson helps listeners to identify how much they have to offer the world and provides answers to begin to take consistent action to achieve goals and dreams that have often been delayed or denied out of perhaps fear of failure? Garnet shares a wonderful perspective on how with persistence attitude and a network of support even “seemingly” impossible dreams are possible.
Garnet when asked to think back to his childhood and remember a person place or event that might have signaled to him or others what his interests might be as an adult begins by telling us of his life in Jamaica at 9 years old when he lived with his ministers family as his grandparents who he lived with moved to Canada to set up a better life for him. His exposure to many loving people in the community gave him an open heart and a desire to meet many people from different cultures to share his thoughts on living a positive life. Garnet writes, “During my youth I dreamt of flying to distant far-off lands and experiencing other cultures and meeting new people. The idea of getting on an airplane and flying free as the birds raced through my young mind for most of my childhood days. I reasoned that I would become a pilot and would have unlimited opportunities to fly each and every day. I think my younger self would have been quite pleased that I have been a passenger on many flights and travelled around the globe north south east and west of Jamaica where I began.”
“The only comment that I can offer is that the things I values most in life are family teamwork truth courage and integrity. At this stage in my life my greatest desire is to share the knowledge wisdom and understanding gained so far with today’s youth in order to help harness their previously unrecognized and unused talents and skills.’
Garnet tells us for him the number one thing holding people back from successfully living the life of their dreams.
“Let’s start with a dictionary definition of dreams: a series of thoughts images and sensations occurring in a person’s mind. Dreaming then is the conscious or subconscious act of imaging the possibility of something occurring. As children we tend to dream quite often both during sleep and sometimes while awake. Often as we grow up we lose or relinquish the willingness and ability to let our minds wander and just dream.”
Garnet goes on to write ”The thoughts which flow through our minds can be likened to a great river from an unknown source which washes through our minds leaving debris and residue for us to examine closer during our waking hours. The deposits of debris (images or visions) of places, people, things and experiences which we find appealing and drawn to exploring provide a sense of hope which is vital to maintaining the life force of within our beings.“
Sheryl says that Garnet you get to the source of the matter most immediately in that statement of the essence of our inner soul infinite being which connects to the creative force of Universal source and energy that is within all living beings and when we have knowledge of that part of our being, we are open to the alignment and downloading of helpful information to guide and improve life and creating our dreams.
In Sheryl’s new book A New Life Awaits Sheryl expressed it this way,” In recognizing your divinity, you will begin to hear your inner voice. The inner voice is the way to the soul and proof that the soul and your memories are eternal. Before awakening to thoughts of your inner soul voice and its eventual announcement that we all survive physical death—therefore, consciousness survives physical death—we cannot know this voice is of Spirit. This voice is the whisper of guidance from a Higher Self, a gut feeling connected to the mind and also the innate cellular intelligence of Creation. If you realize you are surrounded by the guidance of a Universal life force, everything is possible. However, if you cannot access your inner voice fear and ego-based illusions will allow a constant flow of mind chatter. Mind chatter merely limits you from truly connecting your heart’s soul-based truth with your mind and holds you back from healing, loving, and living life with joy. ‘
During this period of lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic, what guidance can be given to young people preparing to attend either a college or university?
Garnet wrote “There comes a time in everyone’s life when the realization dawns that life is fleeting and everything and everyone about us is in constant state of change. It is this realization that could either drive us to greater accomplishments or paralyze us with an overwhelming sense od dread and fear. Often at this very moment it becomes clear that there is nothing to lose by making an all -out effort to live out our dreams and images playing on the movie screen in our minds.”
Sheryl says This world wide deadly disease and the economic collapse of world wide markets has been such a time. Many have learned to work from home and enjoy their children and families sharing more love and help to educate and communicate their ideas and dreams and make ways to accommodate everyone’s needs. Husbands and wives have had to be cooperative and creative in household chores and keeping productive not wasting their time and energy on negative attitudes and behaviors. Social media has helped people be closer and connect while they must socially distance. While it is not desirable long term, we can only hope we will find a vaccine very soon and move beyond the fear that political and media sources have compounded to make this time worse.
We look at the most challenging part in achieving one’s dreams and how can people overcome this
Sheryl says, “It could be many of the barriers and fears the imprinted on young minds by family teachers society as children and the perceptions internalized due to unfavorable conditions or to traumas which caused us either to see the world and people as a safe or trustworthy place, or one where risks lead to danger. Fear, I believe, sets the limitations and barriers to securing our most adventuresome wholesome and healthiest life journey, but once this fear is exposed and can be rethought and rechanneled to eventually create new dreams or possibilities that we can joyfully and successfully achieve.
Garnet suggests that whether the journey will be awful, mediocre, good great or spectacular will be determined by the way that individual perceives the world about them. The attitude adopted by the individual either consciously or unconsciously will determine the level of success and the results along the way. Then again Garnet writes, Some individuals realize early on that they must keep learning and developing in order to become successful and live their dreams. While others feel they have all the knowledge necessary and avoid learning anything new which could make the journey a lot easier, or at the very minimum more comfortable over the decades to come.
Garnet feels some of the things that may have held him back in the past was the self doubt to the many changes he experienced and not knowing his mother and father. Garnet expresses that not meeting his father until he was 27 was a great source of distress for him.
In 2020 Garnet commemorated a milestone birthday FIFTY and whatever way you look at it a significant amount of valuable time has elapsed…some of the questions which raced through his mind were
- Have I accomplished the dreams or things which I set out to do during the days of youth
- Have I made a difference or positively impacted anyone’s life?
- Are the things I have accomplished meaningful in the world?
- Am I the best I can be?
- What will be my legacy?
- What’s next and what does the future hold
Sheryl is extremely delighted by the thought of reflecting on did we make a difference or positively impact anyone’s life. Perhaps few people think of this when trying to realize their fondest dreams but it is in our estimation the real reason a soul incarnates into a physical life and many even though they are accomplishing this major objective do not realize or appreciate themselves enough. Sheryl reminds Garnet of the movie It’s A Wonderful Life where George was unable to travel and find his dream because he had to take over his father’s mortgage and loan business which ultimately helped many people have a home and decent life.
Garnet and Sheryl discuss why it’s important for people to have a support network while striving for their dreams and goals
It might be that our elders or loved ones whether they be parents grandparents aunts and uncles and other guiding parental figures often have life experience and a true desire to help younger people benefit from any mistakes or challenges they had In Garnet’s case they all said that getting an education was the most important thing to focus on in life in order to one day achieve your dreams. It is true that the more adept you are at whatever profession or life path you choose it will benefit you ultimately.
Sheryl always likes to tell clients that you may not succeed instantly for it appears that to be really proficient and competent it might take as long as 15 years of patience practice and consistency
Garnet also suggests that each person is on a separate journey on the ocean of life. We find the strength to keep going and to keep fighting through temporary alliances by the sharing of resources with friends or family members by hearing a favorite song and at times, via a kind word from family members or strangers. Garnet tells the story of being offered a position which required his wife and two children to relocate to another city and move away from family, At first he thought he might not take that direction but weeks later his wife mentioned that perhaps challenge would be an interesting adventure…so it seems Garnet and his family overcame perhaps a fear of the unknown and it led to great things for their personal and family growth. Sheryl shares with Garnet that years ago after writing her first book Life Is No Coincidence The Life and Afterlife Connection she received a call from Voice America offering her the chance to host an internet radio show and her first instinct was that she had no experience and how would she manage to secure guests for each show. Well she almost said, “No” out of fear but then realized that every opportunity offered something new to learn and enjoy, and since she knew there was no failure only experience she would do her best and take a risk, and so that is how “Healing From Within” began. Now ten years later Sheryl has interviewed over 500 authors and changemakers and what seemed impossible not only became possible, but quite a wonderful way to share her joy and love of life with other gifted talented people from all over the world.
The three most important attributes necessary to accomplish your dreams for Garnet are persistence, attitude and free will.
First you might want to recognize there are six weight-bearing pillars which have the responsibility of keeping everything standing throughout the course of our lives.
The six pillars of life are as follows:
Destiny Our purpose on life accomplishments, impact on the world
Values Personal moral code of conduct such as family truth integrity
Standards Behaviors and attitude in keeping with one’s vision and purpose
Belief Faith to know that something is true without evidence for or against it
Words powerful verbal or written elements which shape everything in the world
Actions Intentional movements to do something or achieve a desired goal
When we begin to build a strong foundation for living our most fulfilled life we come to recognize who we are. Sheryl wrote, “In recognizing your divinity, you will begin to hear your inner voice. The inner voice is the way to the soul and proof that the soul and your memories are eternal. Before awakening to thoughts of your inner soul voice and its eventual announcement that we all survive physical death—therefore, consciousness survives physical death—we cannot know this voice is of Spirit. This voice is the whisper of guidance from a Higher Self, a gut feeling connected to the mind and also the innate cellular intelligence of Creation. If you realize you are surrounded by the guidance of a Universal life force, everything is possible. However, if you cannot access your inner voice fear and ego-based illusions will allow a constant flow of mind chatter. Mind chatter merely limits you from truly connecting your heart’s soul-based truth with your mind and holds you back from healing, loving, and living life with joy.
If Garnet had an opportunity to speak with his younger self, he might offer this advice.
“It might be to have told myself that unexpected winds of adversity will eventually cross our paths. On our journey. Whether it is the loss of a parent or child, the loss of a job or home or marriage and whether they happen once or twice in a lifetime hurricane perhaps these challenges come to test or build our level of commitment and desire to live our dreams. We must see these events and recognize them as opportunities to build or use our will power to get through the storm. We may find a permanent solution to a severe but temporary adversity in life.”
Sheryl says she has come to realize over time, ”Experiences are neither good nor bad just experience.
Many of Garnet’s childhood dreams and the soul journey he created have been realized and he is as such a man of comfort and joy to those he participates in life with. Sheryl thinks that the realization that these are the times Garnet has dreamt of from his earliest dreams of youth, a sense of service to others which now occupies most of his time and a sense of gratitude that the universe is unlimited and willing to provide the deepest desires and wishes of his heart or soul essence. And Garnet continues to meet new and interesting people and experience their cultures. So the boy from Jamaica who was raised by his wonderful grandparents and relocated to Canada found his wife and her family from Jamaica and had a most remarkable relationship with her Dad filling his own need to have a father figure he could love and respect. The circle comes around to completion and where we started and end is exactly right for the needs and life plan we have envisioned.
We thank Garnet Thompson author of 20/20 Vision Dreams for sharing what some might think a challenging early beginning raised from birth by maternal grandparents in Jamaica and living with several different families while his grandparents immigrated to Canada but was exactly the life experience his soul created. Garnet has overcome tremendous self -doubt social and economic challenges through persistence will power and with the support of compassionate relatives mentors and friends proving to himself and others that our dreams are surely within our thoughts and our thoughts have the power to create our reality.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have found a lovely way to begin to understand our dreams our challenges and our good fortune no matter what the circumstance to embrace every opportunity to just live life to the fullest and to find the best ways to relate to family and friends as we enjoy our work our travels our challenges and draw upon the wisdom within which wants you to know without judgment or fear or limitation you can remove any barrier to your most ambitious goals if you adopt a plan and work tirelessly and with consistency to improve your vision skills and be patient for if your dream doesn’t appear instantly it will in some form manifest as we are each born with a soul destiny and as we remember that part of ourselves we open up to possibilities and realize much of our potential to thrive love live with compassion serve and sprinkle our remarkable energy into the world so others may live inspired and hopeful once more.
Garnet and I would have you remember dreams from earlier days and from today recognizing how much of what you wanted in those younger days has been fulfilled and then realize It is a Wonderful Life and your being part of it makes it even better.
I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and invite you to visit my website to read about and listen to authors and changemakers healers and visionaries parents lovers and all who help us to recognize what is most valuable during our life and beyond. That is to know yourself and others with love and compassion and joy. Shows may also be heard on and