Internet Radio Show
Drum Therapy for Rewiring Brain Synapses for Healing
- Pat Gesualdo
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In today’s episode of Healing From Within, your host, Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love shares intimate stories of healing and love, spiritual awakenings, spiritual communication, miracles and ways to go within to find your true self. Sheryl welcomes Pat Gesualdo, author of Drum Therapy who pioneered the holistic healing art of the Drum Therapy program which is used by psychologists neuroscientists behavioral therapists and Special Education teachers in over 15 countries to help children with special needs develop physical and cognitive functioning.
Pat will shed light on the growing problem of Autism and show how for people with autism and cognitive disabilities, the synapses in the brain ineffectively communicate with each other. He will show how by playing repeated patterns of music you can retrain these synapses and help these people re-establish the correct synapse pathways.
Pat fought a battle with Dyslexia as a child. Growing up in a small town in Avenel, New Jersey doctors told Pat’s parents that he would never be able to do things that most kids do and would not be able to attend college. As a result of having dyslexia he would spend time alone and play the rhythms and patterns backwards on his drum. This devotion to the drums encouraged Pat to find new sounds and tones and develop techniques that worked for him. What he later realized was that the drumming methods he developed when he was younger retrained the synapses. By high school graduation, Pat had beat Dyslexia one hundred percent.
Sheryl relates to Pat that in her last year of teaching she was assigned to a Special Needs class of students ranging in age from 12 to 16 and wished she would have been able to use this drum therapy to help them. Sheryl did however discover that most of her students were very artistic and while reading and learning in traditional ways was nearly impossible. Sheryl built on this natural ability and instilled self-esteem and confidence and by engaging them in their own uniqueness they began to do somewhat better in other subjects. In actuality they learned to appreciate themselves each other and life.
Drums and Disabilities known as D.A.D. is proud to serve the special needs population, and help anyway we can. We are always available to advise on issues concerning disability discrimination, and special education concerns, and other issues where disabled children and adults face abuse and neglect.
Pat writes, “The organization provides Drum Therapy programs to schools, health facilities, and community centers in over 15 countries, to help special needs population develop physical and cognitive function. In addition, we advocate for those special needs children and adults who experience discrimination and abuse, and help parents develop special education school curriculums for their children.
It’s all about the special needs children and adults. I was one of them. I know the difficulties these children and their families go on a constant basis. Without the love and support of my family, and a very few special teachers, who knows where I would be today. I am extremely grateful to return what I was so fortunate to have received. The D.A.D. program is a tribute to all those that have helped me in the past. It is also a tribute for all the little boys and girls, adults, and wounded soldiers, who fight the never ending battle with a disability. With your help, we can make the world a better place for all of them.”
Governor Christie signed groundbreaking disability legislation into law May 2014 which was written by Pat. Pat’s new law helps further protect disabled children and adults. New Jersey is the first State to add such additional protection to the disabled population. In an extremely rare bipartisan effort, Pat’s legislation passed the Senate 34-0 and the Assembly 74-0.
Sheryl says It seems the politicians put aside their party agendas long enough to think of the common good of the children and made a humane contribution to the teachers and parents who wish to offer all and any techniques for helping those in need reach their full potential. Seems like a spiritual and heart- felt and very effective response to a serious need. It would be great for our political parties in 2016 in the forthcoming Presidential Election do the same and compromise and advance the best goals of both parties working together not limited by their own personal agendas. Perhaps the separation of these regionalized goals need to be rethought to find what best works for the population as a Whole. Our country is made up of a diverse group of people with special needs and the world is also in need of Unity and basic respect for life and support. No one wins if there are closed minds and hearts and ego minded thinking that separates us from helping Everyone….
Autism continues to haunt American children and has increased 172% over the past ten years. It now affects 1 out of 90 children and this alarming statistic continues to grow. Pat wrote….”For people with autism and cognitive disabilities the synapses in the brain ineffectively communicate with each other. Playing repeated patterns of music can retrain these synapses and can help these people re-establish the correct synapse pathways. Playing repeated patterns of music rhythms which the researchers called Drum Therapy helped the study participants to re-train the synapses in the brain and develop physical and cognitive functioning.”
Pat described that “The researchers also unlocked the key to coordination development for the special needs population. They found that the part of the brain responsible for processing thought (Cerebral Cortex) was being distracted by the part of the brain that processes sound Primary Auditory Cortex) As a result they found that silent practice or movement had very fast coordination and retention development in people with ADD and Dyslexia as compared with drumming or activity.”
Sheryl says “In her book, The Living Spirit in helping people understand the different ways men and women process words and thoughts I expressed that an understanding of the differences could allow for greater and improved communication and she wrote, “ While it is true that we are all aspects of Source, it is also true that men and women exhibit different energy, interests, hormonal structures, needs and obligations. In addition each of us has male and female energies in varying degrees. It is in understanding and utilizing both energies that we become well-functioning individuals …. According to a study from the United Kingdom University of Sheffield there are differences in the way men and women process the sound of the human voice. “Men’s brains hear women’s voices first as music but it is not music…so the brain goes into overdrive trying to analyze what is being said….It’s not the pitch, but rather the vibration and number of sound waves that cause the problem: The study also claims that “ men have to work harder deciphering what women are saying as a result of using the auditory part of the brain that processes music, not human voices…These differences often result in friction and miscommunication that can destroy even a loving connection. To encourage a better flow of communication between men and women we must keep these physical differences in mind….”
So Pat many women think the men are not listening to them but it is just that they need more time to process and analyze what is said before they can response…so we need to be patient and talk to the men again later and there will be less friction.
Pat, known as “The drum guru” has an exclusive Drum Therapy column in Modern Drummer Magazine, and is the author of the groundbreaking drum instruction book Drum Therapy, published by Alfred Music Publishing. Pat has won numerous awards, and is highly sought after for keynote speeches, clinics, and lectures, at major music, educational, and medical conferences throughout the world. He also represented the United States at the International Disabilities Festival. Pat is an artist/clinician for Pro-Mark Drumsticks, Zildjian Cymbals, Alfred Music Publishing, and ProLogix Percussion.
Pat fronts his new band called Iceland. Some of his special friends are rock guitarist Michel Romeo of Symphony X ,eminent guitarist Metal Mike, Chlasciak from Rob Halford’s band Halford and Industry sessin vocalist Chandler Mogel. In 2014, Pats band Iceland debuted in the # 9 position on the U.S. Radio Charts. Pat has worked with members of Kiss Deep Purple Halford, Quiet Riot Rainbow Symphony among others on various projects…
Pat was sponsored by Sony on the Warped Tour and represented the United States at the International Disabilities Festival in Europe. Pat has performed/recorded on industry projects with various Atlantic, Columbia, Warner Brothers, Sony, and Paramount Pictures artists and special projects. He was also featured in a public service announcement video series with Ray Charles, Lars Ulrich of Metallica, and producer Todd Rundgren, which aired in rotation on MTV, VH-1, and other major television networks. Sony Music also sponsored him for 40 dates on the Warped Tour.
Pat’s pioneering Drum Therapy techniques are used by Psychologists, Neuroscientists, Doctors, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Behavioral Therapists, Speech Therapists, and School Systems in the U.S., Bosnia, London, Sweden, New Zealand, Serbia, Australia, Slovenia, Norway, South Africa, Spain, and other countries.
“Playability Toys is a special needs toy company that focuses on toys that specifically cater to a wide variety of challenges including Autism Spectrum Disorders, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Blind or Visually Impaired as well as Cognitive, Speech and Physical Challenges. Our award winning toys have been bringing joy and the gift of play to thousands of children with these challenging conditions. Playability toys are designed specifically by professionals and parents to promote play and development for children that face a wide variety of challenges. PlayAbility employs unique design and production processes that set us apart from other toy producers. We have also found that a collaborative approach to toy creation where input is received from members of the special needs communities’ results in the creation of unparalleled toys. This collaborative design process allows us to craft unique features that both increase the level of enjoyment for children and adults with special needs and provides various developmental or educational benefits.
Sheryl says “Music expresses as does art a love of our natural soul potential helping us remember who we are as empowered souls of continuous expansion and change and for remembering who we are as spiritual beings having a physical life for the purpose of enlightenment and refinement of our magnificent Being. Music has played a very prominent role in awakening my awareness of inner soul potential and facilitating an awakening and a stronger sense of reality as who I am as a spiritual being having a physical life. In my development as a Reiki energy practitioner, I have traveled to many conferences and met many different types of healers and studied many different techniques for healing. One of the most profound experiences I had was with a sound bowl healing technique where different vibrations and musical notes were used to clear and align the energy points of the body known as chakras. The sounds and music put me into such a deep state of relaxation and joy and when it was over, I had felt a tremendous shift in the cellular level of my body and can express to listeners that the right vibrations in music have the power of the divine for healing.”
Mayor Bloomberg of New York has said “We need this program to help children with learning disabilities. Best of luck with your D.A.D program Pat!” Numerous celebrities, sports stars and corporations join with Pat to help children fight disabilities throughout the world. Pat was invited to the White House to meet President George W. Bush in an effort to bring his pioneering Drum Therapy techniques to help wounded troops throughout the United States. In 2012 under President Obama the US Department of State brought him to the West Bank region of Israel to help disabled Israeli and Palestinian children with his technique of drum therapy. The WWE and the NY Giants have taken part in D.A.D. events. Various WWE and NY Giants Superstars, and several Politicians joined D.A.D. Founder Pat Gesualdo at the Meadowlands IZOD Arena, at a live televised WWE event, to announce the D.A.D. Program, and give a special award to New York City School Officials. Sony Music also sponsored D.A.D. on the Warped Tour, for all 40 dates.
Pat Gesualdo has shared Drum Therapy and his approach for helping Autistic and dyslexic children a way to make life easier and to make learning possible by reprogramming the synapses of the brain through music and also through the dedication and caring of teachers and parents to believe in all the children…as Sheryl says,” We are born with everything we need to accomplish our soul mission in life.” Rather than look at what is lacking let us be grateful for the gift of life and find ways for each person to experience joy and success in whatever way is possible for them.Without judgment we may learn to allow accept and surrender while creating change and new ways to go forward as Pat did when he developed the Drum Therapy program.
Pat and Sheryl would have you listen to the music and the sound of music within your own being and whether in the silence of the moment or the music of the world find peace and a love for all life…