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Embrace the Limitlessness Divine I Am Nature of Self
- Stephen Shaw
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Welcome to Healing From Within with host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher and author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us our challenges in the physical world are not merely economic political or societal but often a disconnect from our deep inner soul wisdom or intuition. We welcome today Stephen Shaw author of Divine Love and They Walk Among Us as well as many other titles.
As listeners of Healing From Within are well aware, Sheryl and her amazing authors seek to bring the duality of life into a merging with oneness unity and awareness that we are spiritual beings having a phyiscal life and are all unique and on personal journeys to explore Self, the Collective Consciousness, and to foster greater love compassion and fulfilment in for our life journey.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within, Stephen Shaw author of Divine Love and They Walk Among Us and other enlightening topics, will share the diverse potent healing technologies he has explored from shamans in Africa, Peru and Mexico lamas in Tibet and Bhutan helping us find answers to questions like Who We Really Are, the True Nature of Life and how to live in deep fulfillment Love and Peace. Stephen Shaw has searched into every nook and crevice to find the keys to success, fulfillment peace and bliss and the answers to age old questions. Who are we? What is life really about? and How do we find Happiness?
Sheryl always loves to ask her intuitive and creative guests to think back to their childhood and remember a person place or event that may have alerted them or others around them the lifestyle and interests they might embrace as an adult for within the heart and soul of the child is the destiny and life plane and it begins to show itself early on in the human journey.
Stephen who grew up in South Africa having unusual experiences including clairvoyance. By the time he was fifteen he committed himself to fully explore spirituality to find the answers to life’s most critical questions. Heavily influenced by the pragmatism of his father, he journeyed deep into all aspects of life, including military service university, marriage and running a business. He sought answers, then gave up everything he knew as his current life wasn’t enough and spent the next decade learning from shamans in Africa Peru and Mexico. Lamas in Tibet and Bhutan and finally shares with us Who We Really Are, the true Nature of Life and how to live in Deep Fulfilment Love and Peace.
Stephen tells us in very descriptive writing in his book They Walk Among Us about some of the fabulous experiences or trips to such mystical places such as Africa, Peru, Tibet and what he found to be similar or different in each place he explored.
In Stephen’s book They Walk Among Us he describes an island that the guide Michael takes the young woman he cares for deeply in order to avoid the overseers from spirit who want to bring him home because he has breached one of their most irrefutable laws—Never to engage in a love relationship with a human--and Stephen describes the island this way. “The backdrop of towering granite boulders and swaying palms fringes a gorgeous expanse of turquoise water protected from the ocean’s waves by a reef. It is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.” This is La Digue This is the third largest inhabited island of the Seychelles with a population of about 2,000 people. It has an area of about 10 square kilometres so most people travel around on bicycles. The temperature during the day varies between 24 and 32 degrees. Celsius with occasional heavy rainfall. In the interior is the lovely Veuve Nature Reserve. There are many guesthouses and down, a few restaurants and a dive center. We can stroll down to Union Estate Park and watch the giant tortoises, some over 100 years old: climb to Bellevue and sav- our the spectacular views across the island: and get lost in the Veuve Nature Reserve, chasing for glimpses of the Paradise Flycatcher, a bird with iridescent blue sheen, blue bill and long black tail streamers.”
Stephen shows us how to create their best life even if we often don’t have the right tools to shift consciousness. Stephen writes and shows us how to change our viewpoint or perspective “When you look at the sky, you see rain clouds and sunshine. No one is asking you to ignore the rainclouds. Instead, you might observe them. You acknowledge their presence. Then you settle your gaze on sunny light blue sky. Is it healthier to stare and brood at the cold rain? Or to absorb and celebrate the gorgeous sun? Is it useful to engage in negative gossip or supportive dialogue? Is it beneficial to dwell on struggles and hardships or to focus on success and milestones…..if you sow seeds of negativity you slowly create a rotten tree. If you sow seeds of positivity, you slowly create a luscious tree.
Positivity is partly a chosen attitude and
partly a matter of perspective. Here’s a
crucial word….ENOUGH
I am enough
I have everything. Many people focus on
scarcity…I am not good enough. And believe
abundance is the answer. But it is clearly not.
The answer is simply ENOUGH
I am enough
I have enough
That is your mantra. Your new viewpoint. Your sacred chant. Your new belief.
We start to align to life’s values and find our true path. Stephen might say it all starts by understanding energy. Who are you beneath and beyond all your external qualities? If we are all the same underlying eternal permanent universal energy, why do we hold so strongly into eternal transient impermanent - ever changing qualities? Why do you create an IDENTITIY out of transient impermanent qualities? Does it help or hinder to rigidly hold onto beliefs and identity? Of course it limits us from being in the moment and creating something new if we only focus on the past. Is it more useful to be adaptive, flexible and flowing? Of course it is more valuable to allow, accept and surrender to all of life’s transient experiences and moments, as they transport us forward into the next moments of our creation. All your qualities arise from NATURE, NURTURE and ENVIRONMENT, as you genetically inherit certain physical psychological and emotional qualities. You also acquire and absorb qualities from your parents, friends, family school culture media and religion.
Sheryl senses that all these qualities shape a sense of identity, who you believe you are. But, perhaps, a focus on these worldly qualities hinder you from remembering your inner soul qualities which are eternal and oh so much more progressive than the physical world allows you to see.
It becomes necessary to realize your inner soul nature in order to know who you really are. Then, you would understand the “I” is an eternal witness, an observer of all the infinite qualities of life. What if you walked through life observing and thinking, “It is what it is?” How much inner peace and stillness would arise? How much would be healed and how much pain would be released? So that is the goal of life, to rediscover your energetic presence or energy life and merge it with physical needs to achieve the goals of your soul.
Stephen shows us that trusting your heart and listening to your intuition is important to become aware of this inner wisdom. It is really very simple. Torment your mind with comparison and judgment or know peace by acceptance of infinite differences. Another mantra. Say it often. Absorb it. “It is what it is”…therefore I am enough, I have enough, You are enough. It feels heartfelt and open mindedness like beautiful new clothes. The ethereal silky softness. The stillness. The peace.
Here is an intriguing secret. A profound key to your happiness. Something to deeply ponder and absorb.
The difference between GUILT AND SHAME
Guilt: I did something bad. Guilt is healthy.
Shame: I am bad. Shame is destructive. Shame is a terrible lie. Shame is a form of control. Never accept shame. Ever. Shame is an insidious poison.
When it arises, apply the antidote.
Soothing self-talk
Self-awarness reminds you that YOU alone create your reality.
Comparisons and judgments are foistered on you from the outside world….from parents, teachers, friends, family, school, culture ,media and religion You are indoctrinated and absorb it as an internal reality None of it is natural None of it is innate. None of it is real
Your true nature is pure fee loving consciousness
Sheryl shares with Stephen that on one of the shows where her guests was talking about the shame she felt in regard to a relationship, Sheryl mentions that she believes that she never has felt shame because whenever in doubt about her own interactions with others, if she felt guilty about doing something, she would apologize and make it right. Therefore, even before she read Stephen’s description of guilt and shame and truly understood the difference, Sheryl was never absorbed into the negativity of shame as too many people are.
Everyone professes to be looking for deep self-love and loving intimate relationships but many fail at this and Stephen offers his view on why this may be. Stephen writes in They Walk Among Us “What’s life about anyway? Sure, I’m young, But this world never made sense to me. Everyone competing for resources when there is an abundance on our planet. A selfish minority who accumulates wealth at the expense of others. Leaders who abuse power and engage in war and genocide. Religious systems that marginalize women and promote disparity and segregation. Governments that fail to provide the fundamental pillars of free health care and free education. These are the conditions that hold so many people back from living in a loving environment of trust and compassion.
The world is quite strange according to Lailah, the girl Michael, a messenger from Spirit also Lailah’s guardian who is allowed to move between earth and the home world of other dimensions of energy that he and other messengers, beings of light, watch over and mentor. Messengers can choose to become Guardians. While Messengers can move freely between the higher world of light and earth reality, Guardians are earth-bound for the duration of their assignments. Michael considers this a minor sacrifice: the fulfilment of mentoring souls far outweighs the loss of his homeland. Michael has been, we are told in the story, a Guardian for the last 300 years and it has brought him great joy.
When we understand the hierarchy of the spiritual helpers, we can know we are never alone, and that helps us enjoy and foster better relationships with all people, both here on earth and in spirit. It is the purpose of a physical life to improve communication and enhance relationships. Besides Messengers there are also Guardians to help the humans. Guardians are earth-bound who tend to congregate in peaceful places. They often gather at religious premises temples, beaches, oceans, forests, mountains. Guardians are connected energetically to their assignments. There is no distance in the energy world. We can be on a beach in Hawaii and hear your call. We can be present with several of our assigned souls at once. Guardians are not limited in the way humans are.
Then there are the Overseers who monitor everyone and everything and enforce the rules. They administer the Knowledge Bank where every being constantly uploads experiences and learning into this knowledge bank. Any being can download information at will. It’s as simple as typing a question into an internet search engine.
There are however, certain rules that must be followed.
“Teachers and guides are bound to the Three Immutable Laws.”
- You may not reveal yourself.
- You may not interfere with free will.
- You may not interrupt the flow of Life.
The story goes on in the book They Walk Among Us, and Michael discovers when he takes human form and has a personal love relationship with Lailah that there is much to be done to make our lives and relationships more wonderful. “The idea is to get away from destructive behaviors like criticism, blaming, dredging up the past, score-carding, diagnosing, judging, moralizing, insulting and labelling, Instead we learn to listen deeply to ourselves and others so that we can identify and express needs. This is a natural and healthy approach to relationships.”
Michael observes most people are excellent at complaining and criticizing. Lailah tells Michael about a book Nonviolent Communication. A Language of Life. The author is Marshall Rosenberg. It is she thinks the best book on relationships. According to Nonviolent Communication Three Primary Questions are vital when it comes to relationship:
- What am I feeling, needing requesting?
- What is the other feeling needing and requesting?
- What can be done to make our lives more wonderful?
People talk about negative energy and as a sensitive or empath, and one can clear negative energy from their energy fields. Simply by knowing we are spiritual beings having a physical life and supported by loved ones in spirit who can advise and guide us through our difficult times we can clear fearful and negative thoughts and ask for their help whenever it is needed.
Sheryl says in her new book A New Life Awaits that the helpers in Spirit that Stephen has written about in they Walk Among Us are real and are helping us navigate the physical life challenges our souls created, before being born. Sheryl wrote, “Messages and stories received for my clients during meditation help me recognize that a multitude of small pleasures is provided by our loved ones and guides in Spirit who wish us to have pleasure in life. While there may be events that cause suffering, suffering need not be embraced or encouraged, suffering must be felt and released as we move toward joy and happiness, as that is our natural state of being. Information from Spirit offers us ways to appreciate personal abilities and preferences and gain greater respect for the uniqueness of our personality. That awareness allows us to find a way to accept everything and everyone, without a concept of good vs. bad or right vs. wrong, helping us to eliminate many unproductive opinions or biases, allowing the objective part of our soul to observe the bigger picture and remain ‘neutral’ and unbiased so we may create our own interactive story with the world of our emotions. Having a physical life is truly a gift. Sheryl believes not every soul in the Universe has this opportunity.”
There are many ways to access high resonance energy and Divine Light. The single greatest challenge facing most relationships is communication. Males and females usually have very different perception and communication styles. In order to access high resonance and awareness of Divine Light, it is necessary to know more about yourself, move past traumas, or hardships that limit opening your heart and mind to your spiritual gifts and to developing better listening skills.
The majority of conversations between people take the form of back and forth banter or dialogue. This is completely natural and ideal for social bonding and information exchange. HOWEVER, we need to reserve a place for “Egoless Listening.” Here attention is focused solely on the other person, a technique quite rare in most societies. “This type of listening is about experiencing and building a deeper connection. It’s like a gift you give at special times. Although you can use it socially and professionally, it is ideally used in your intimate relationships. It is like a gift you give at special times. It creates a feeling of being truly heard, recognized and loved.” Sheryl says she believes it is what every soul incarnated in a body truly seeks. Sheryl says Egoless Listening may be rare because 80 percent of the population are not aware that they are spiritual beings, having a physical life, so their soul essence might be refined to higher consciousness and levels of compassion. And to know love as the soul is love. The influences of the physical world often blind us to what we think is most important because we are concerned about our survival. It certainly is wise to know yourself in terms of physical and spiritual aspects and that is a key factor for developing Egoless Listening Sheryl would imagine.
Egoless Listening is not a passive form of listening…Just the opposite. A silent stoical stare does not create a listening ambiance. Egoless listening employs a number of active techniques.
First, you need to remove all distractions and completely focus on the other person. Put your own thoughts, agendas and stories aside. This is not about you, and you will not be sharing your mind. Empty of self
You must show your interest by using open body language-eye contact, nodding, uncrossed arms—and verbal encouragement - tell me more,” mmm…. More advanced techniques include
- Reflect the facts This simply means that you repeat them back in your own words what your partner has said
- Use phrases like “If I heard you correctly, you are saying….If I understand you, you mean…., In other words, you’re saying.
- Use the Echo, Take the main word or phrase and repeat it as a question.
- Summarize Offer a condensed version of what you have said.
Egoless listening is about focusing actively and exclusively on the other person It differs from day- to- day casual dialogue and banter. It deepens the connection and creates a feeling of being recognized and love. We can use any number of techniques including reflection, echoing and summarizing. Love is the secret ingredient of effective communication.
Stephen reminds us to becoming more aware of your childhood Relationship Attachments which all starts with the primary caretaker (parent) who should be providing Presence, Loving Kindness, a Secure Base offering safety, allowing exploration, and not abuse, neglect, and or abandonment. The attachment style is very deeply engrained and you carry your style into adult relations. The attachment styles are Secure Attachment Style, Anxious Attachment Style, Avoidant-Dismissive attachment Style, Avoidant Fearful Attachment Style. To read more go to Divine Lovers page 58.
Some tools to embrace healthy relationships and let go of dysfunctional style are:
Sense Your Body
Feel Your Emotions
Regulate Your Emotions
Seek Deep Connections
Engage in Relationships
Surrender to Intimacy
Inhabit Beautiful Earth
Create Heaven on Earth
Stephen might like readers of his books to remember that true seeking is based on desire, a desire to learn and to love. It is the mind that grasps. Yet, the very thing that seeks and grasps, is the barrier.
Imagine a drop of water in the ocean. All that separates the drop from the ocean is a flimsy delicate illusionary barrier. Ponder the flimsy barrier seeking that which SURROUNDS IT and is INSIDE IT. Is there anything to grasp or attain?
The drop and ocean are the same. The drop already is the ocean: The harder the mind seeks, The more it reinforces itself And the barrier remains.
We thank Stephen Shaw author of Divine Love and They Walk Among Us among many other titles, for sharing an intense journey through time and space shared with divine guides, messengers, guardians, angels and as all seekers in human form, who go within to reveal the truth of our human and divine nature and in the process hope to find love, compassion, healing, truth, and well- being.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within, we have explored the energies of light beings, human beings, the many dimensions of life in the Universe, in order to know with certainty, that life is a miraculous journey for revealing the many mysteries of heaven and earth, and for opening our minds and hearts to the infinite possibilities to create a life story and journey to improve the human condition as well as to protect and heal Earth. When we work cooperatively as those in Spirit guide us we discover through the challenges of a physical life, that evolution is a continuous, changing, and wonderful process.
In his book They Walk Among Us Lailah one of the main characters says, “Do you realize that we are surrounded by angels. Each of us has a Guardian. And the Messengers regularly come and go ….On top of that who knows how many angels have fallen and walk among us. They walk among us says Michael. Lailah responds Yep…like air-beings, Invisible and everywhere…as if in the air around us. So many subtle and hidden influences. I guess we are not alone after all. How does that change anything? We still have to make choices and live our lives. …We are creating our reality. We are choosing our adventures. And we will continue until we blend with Love and then enter the Light. The speed of the journey is up to us. For some the slow circuitous route. For others a direct path. When the body dies, I know I want my home world. Some call it heaven There are many realities on the way to Source. You choose your own journey. It all depends on what you seek, what you desire.”
Stephen and Sheryl would have you know that for all of us --those in Sprit and souls here on earth, that Life is a series of stories that we create in order to learn about Love. It really is that simple and that profound, and we in one way or another all move towards that realization and it is marvelous!
Sheryl Glick RMT, host of Healing From Within and author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us our challenges in physical life are not economic political ore societal but often a disconnection from our true inner soul wisdom. Sheryl invites you to visit her website and read about and listen to leaders in the metaphysical scientific spiritual medical psychological legal and arts and music fields share their journeys within and around worlds of hope love and intuition to answer all your insightful questions. Shows may also be heard on or