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Empaths Represent the New Human Blueprint
- Rev Stephanie Red Feather
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Welcome to Healing From Within, I am your host Sheryl Glick Reiki empathic Master Teacher medium and author of the last book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening exploring awakening of higher consciousness transformation to higher levels of functioning and transcendence or knowing that our soul energy is eternal and evolving at all levels of being. Today I welcome Rev. Stephanie Red Feather an ordained Shamanic minister and author of The Evolutionary Empath which shares that being an empath is a real thing and you are not alone in your experience of the world as you conquer the pitfalls and sensitivities of being an empath employing your gifts to create healthy boundaries for living authentically from your heart center. Rev Red Feather relays her wonderful journey through all aspects of energy healing and the traditions of ancient Peruvian Shamans to merge science and spirituality in a dance of love.
As listeners of Healing From Within are so well aware Sheryl and her amazing guests have traveled the world and beyond in search of truth of our human and divine essence so we may be able to live a healthy productive purposeful and joyful physical life experience. It is by understanding the duality of our physical and energetic forces of life that we can move beyond the fear and limitations of societal training to access higher consciousness which truly lets us handle challenges in a more accepting and loving way.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Rev. Red Feather the founder of Blue Star Temple who holds a decree in mathematics and masters and doctorate degrees in shamanic studies will share with us her own journey as an empath who has experienced firsthand the challenges of being extremely sensitive to subtle energies and the emotions of others. She will offer advice on how to manage life’s difficulties as an empath and how these qualities are vitally important in the future of humanity.
We are all familiar with the term empathy but what exactly is an empath? Empaths are those who have been called too sensitive or emotional. Empaths have abilities of perception that others don’t possess and who have probably even been ridiculed for them. It’s for those who know that you are different but can’t find your tribe or figure out where you fit in.
It’s for the nurses, massage therapists, shamans, intuitives, artists, health care workers, energy healers, mediums, coaches, therapists, counselors, psychics, and change agents. And it’s for the scientists, engineers, pharmacists, computer programmers. military members, factory workers, advisors, lawyers, teachers, politicians, waiters, and bankers. While most conscious empaths fall into the former group there are plenty of closet empaths in every walk of life. Since empathic qualities don’t usually jibe so well with more conservative left- brain type environments these people have forced their special qualities so far down that they no longer remember their true nature. Yet buried or not, they are still plagued by difficulties and challenges as a result of their empathic nature.
Empaths often struggle with the following challenges
Drawing boundaries
Experiencing codependent relationships
Feeling overwhelmed
Taking on everyone else’s emotions
Standing up for themselves or saying no
Addiction to alcohol drugs food sex or patterns of behaviors
Feeling extreme sensitivity to any amount of disharmony in their environment ( people or things)
Becoming overstimulated from noise light scents too much information or too many people
Achieving adequate self -care and energy hygiene practices.
Empaths may also have the following qualities:
Strong intuition or psychic abilities
An ability to perceive subtle energies of the unseen realms or see angels apparitions or the dead
A predisposition towards paranormal experiences
An uncanny ability to tune in to other people’s emotions and feelings -
Clairvoyance (clear seeing)
clairaudience (clear hearing)
clairsentience (clear feeling) or
claircognizance (clear knowing)
Ease in astral traveling shamanic journeying, or accessing altered states of consciousness
Communication with animals, plants rocks or trees
A strong desire to serve, support or heal others.
An innate connection to the natural world, God, spirits nature or animals
A sensitivity to the energy of everything in their environment causing them to often adjust knickknacks, furniture, color light sound.
Stephanie talks about the human imprint and tells us that there is a part of all of us a higher self -consciousness that is totally comfortable with being an empath and understand implicitly that this is our higher nature. On a deep subconscious level all of us know and remember our true nature. You are here to lead by example. To awaken in yourself and our fellow souls the memory that we are all sensitive loving heart centered compassionate beings. As a collective we are ascending out of the consciousness of the lower chakras anchored to the physical reality and rising into the higher spiritual chakras into the heart or soul consciousness You are an empath because you chose to be an empath before incarnating into this human life experience. We must embrace our spiritual gifts as empaths are the new human blueprint.
Rev Red Feather says that we’re at a historical moment in terms of the number of empaths on earth. What tells you there are more empaths today?
Simply look at the numbers of people engaging in sports nature exercise energy practices yoga tai chi Reiki Craniosacral chiropractic massage all events which help a person connect to their soul energy and know peace and calm.
Look at this terrible health pandemic the Corona virus the world is experiencing. People wanting to see that others would not get sick if they were asymptomatic or infectious so they stayed home, not going out as they might hurt others. Concern for others and being sensitive to doing what is right for the common good of all is a outgrowth of the empathic way of life. Look at the death of George Floyd and the thousands of people protesting for greater unity and the end to discrimination and abuses. While these situations have caused pain and loss, they have also advanced the human cause to feel and open up to their heart centered energy and awareness to the oneness of our being.
Stephanie writes, “There are many institutions structures and belief systems in our society that seem hostile toward our sensitive empathic qualities. We have become masters at wearing masks and pretending. And while we might be in the minority in the physical world, it is essential to remember that being an empath is actual our natural state of being. In spirit form the human constructs of division separateness and the need for protection don’t exist. We all feel and sense everything in the realm of spirit although our experiences of “feeling” manifest differently in that form. In the spirit world we are highly attuned to the fact that we are all one. Illusions and ignorance are not part of the paradigm. We are grounded in the knowledge that we all come from the same source and therefore, don’t perceive another soul’s energy as a threat.
The challenges we experience as empaths in human form—being co- dependent, overwhelmed, or unable to ask for what we need, merging unhealthily with others, being judged and or needing to keep our energy field clear, don’t exist when we are in spirit form. These are accoutrements of the human experience. It is time….As a collective species and at the level of soul consciousness, we have decided it is time to anchor god consciousness more fully and more accurately back into the human experience to more fully embody our spiritual nature. Our vibration is being raised. We are in the upswing once again moving toward enlightenment and illumination.
Sheryl says…In a meditation I became aware that at the present time there are over 500,00 beings of light sent to help our planet and humanity to overcome the tragedies and painful experiences of these times war, disease, racial and religious division, gender and sexual inequality and we will be asked unequivocally to find clarity, love, and move pass judgment and anger to solve these problems. There will be many miracles and as we have so many spiritually minded souls as well as empaths cooperatively existing on the planet at this time we will be aligned to so many groups bringing people together rather than seeking division and separation.
In her book A New Life Awaits Sheryl wrote “I believe more and more people will be made spiritually aware through personal experiences or through world events. Little by little, step-by step, God will awaken this present-day group of mortals to the reality of the next dimension and to their real purpose for life on earth. Spirit may begin with the children and lift them up to hold their own sense of goodness and help the elders be more aligned to their own innocence. In fanning and cooling the rage and anger of these modern times, miracles will be seen more often, and kindness and love will be shown to those experiencing life-threatening traumas who will, at times, be saved and then express their love of life. Healers and those in Spirit who constantly offer divine intervention will awaken a sensitivity of hope and gratitude towards the spiritual workers who are walking with us and sharing our sorrows as we move towards greater love, happiness, and awareness of our divine nature.”
Rev. Red Feather goes on to talk about humanity in a cycle of ascension. A lot of people might say we’re regressing to greater anger hate war violence conflict but still there is evidence of this ascension phase. Just as there is a cycle of day and night caused by the Earth’s spinning on its axis and a cycle of seasons caused by the Earth’s orbit, there is a rise and fall of civilizations, as well as the rise and fall of human consciousness. Ascension isn’t just a spiritual concept, it is really happening. The length of the Great Year cycle is 24,000 years. The Great Year is broken into four smaller segments. The ancient Indians called these periods “yugas” and the Greeks broke the Great Year into ages: The Iron Age, Bronze Age, Silver Age and Golden Age. So what causes this grand cycle? It is almost universally agreed that it is linked to the observable celestial phenomenon. Yet, though we can’t identify the exact source of the electromagnetic influence the concept of EM influences human life. Explained simply during the sunlight photosynthesis and growth occur, and man awakens and becomes active. Conversely when the Sun is out of view and night comes biological systems shut down into subconscious sleep.
It is undeniable that we are electromagnetic beings. And, it is undeniable that EM influences affect us both positively and negatively. Our universe is literally awash with subtle electrical magnetic waves. A concept that has greatly helped Stephanie in trusting the ascension process is to look at what happens when we move from one season to the next. Take winter into spring. Temperatures do not rise in a linear fashion. Each day is not necessarily warmer than the next. On an average the days are getting warmer. It is the same with ascension and descension from one age to another. Some days the news bodes extraordinary discoveries or advances in technology or medicine. Other days the news bodes horrific atrocities of war, mass murder, loss of human rights, or famine. Each day is not always going to be better than yesterday. But over time we are definitely trending toward greater consciousness. As we have moved in the new age of Aquarius or the age of Collectiveness and authoritarian behavior, we must observe the opposite shadow side of Leo which is megalomania.
As empaths we’ve been hit with a double whammy experiencing both ascension symptoms and our normal complement of unusual peculiarities. Quite literally we have been dying while still being alive undergoing repeated cycles of figurative death and rebirth on a global scale, as our systems are preparing to hold higher frequencies.
What are some of the symptoms of this Ascension Cycle.
Some physical symptoms:
Stomach and gastrointestinal issues
Changes in appetite and diet
New intolerances to foods
Temperature fluctuations in body
Being less tolerant to heat or cold
Feelings of waves of heat or chills
Random flulike symptoms
Headaches Cranial pressure
Third eye and crown chakra sensations
Increased sensitivity to sight sound smell hearing tones odd sounds
Achiness Joint Pain Clumsiness dizziness
Increased sensitivity to and dislike for scents and chemical
Insomnia or need for much more sleep Fitful sleep
Heart rhythm changes in heart chakra
Tingling and similar sensations.
Skin changes Rashes
Emotional/Intuitional Symptoms:
A general feeling and knowledge that change is happening
A preference for natural settings and less populated environments
Synchronicities increase
Seeing meaningful patterns around you
Craving time alone
Grief for your old self and desire to discover your true self.
Emotional sensitivity
Cycling from one emotional extreme to another
Time pressure or urgency Changes in experience of time speeding up or slowing down
Lack of mental clarity Forgetfulness
Psychic and extrasensory abilities increase
Heightened communication with other beings Telepathy
Intuition and insight increase
What are the implications of this cycle of The Great Year and Current Ascension? These cycles of ascension and descension carry tremendous implications Time is speeding up. We are experiencing accelerated growth and the feeling of living multiple lifetimes over the course of one lifetime. We are being subjected to rapidly increasing amounts of data and stimulus energetically psychologically intellectually and digitally. For example, we are exposed to the equivalent of 174 newspapers of data a day. A hundred years ago people were lucky to read the equivalent o fifty books in a lifetime.
Our energetic bodies are being recalibrated. The Earth and the very dimension we operate in are undergoing an enormous process of purification. Many empaths incarnated now because we are in an Ascension cycle and our consciousness is rising. We cannot help but be affected by the myriad changes at the microcosmic and macrocosmic scales. The planet is now ready for humans with a more refined energy body, highly tuned nervous system and sensitivities to subtle energy and the unseen realms.
It seems empaths are here in this time to help unlock the next phase of human development. And at the same time empaths incarnating collectively now and in the last century are also “wayshowers.” In choosing to embrace our unique collection of characteristics we can help others remember and welcome what has been dormant inside us all waiting for the next Great Year Cycle. In A New Earth Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose Echhart Tolle says collective human consciousness and life on our planet are intrinsically connected. He declares that a new heaven is the emergence of a transformed state of human consciousness and “a new earth’ is its reflection in the physical realm.
Sheryl says In this New Earth the main purpose of human life is to bring the light of consciousness into the world. Consciousness is as the energetic or eternal nature of spirit being
You say that people choose at a soul level to be an empath. Are you saying they are born with it. Explain how that work. Can you choose to stop being an empath? Being an empath is not something you can turn on and off. This is not to say you don’t have control over it or that it can’t be developed cultivated or managed but make no mistake being an empath is not a skill competence knack or proficiency. It is a purpose, if you will, something you were either born with or not. And if you are born with it, it is something you live with 24/7. Whether you suppress it or not, it is an undeniable part of who you are. It is a choice you made at the soul level.
There are 5 distinct qualities of an empath.
The Five Distinct Qualities of an Empath:
- The ability to merge with and absorb the energy of other beings (people animals or anything with a life force) which stems from a very open personal field.
- A highly sensitive nervous system which makes us prone to overwhelm and overstimulation which require extra vigilance and self-care.
- Great sensitivity to the energies around us and an ability to perceive or access subtle information stored in the energy of all types of life-forms including the unseen realm of spirit including angels, apparitions, the dead, energy fields of people and things, paranormal experiences past lives the Akashic records people’s emotions and much more
- The premium we place on peace and harmony in relationship to our environment, and our own energy field
- Big open hearts and a desire to serve others. Over giving and putting ourselves last on the list.
Being an empath manifests physically and does affect personal relationships and living with an empath can be difficult. Everything that manifests on a physical level is created first at the etheric level. Disease and conditions don’t just randomly appear. They begin in the etheric body as unresolved issues suppressed emotions active destructive belief systems and since an empaths neurological functions are intensified often when the system is rebooting and old patterns are being cleared so new frequencies can be experienced empaths may deal with depression or anxiety
Many will choose not to use medication but will seek a number of non -traditional therapists energy healers counselors shamanic guides for relief. Living as an empath can be difficult because much of society is still centered and motivated by fear and ideas like
Be Strong (Never show weakness)
Suck it up (Never complain)
Work hard (Never rest or give yourself a break)
If you don’t know what to do, conquer destroy overpower eliminate
If you don’t know how fake it. Honesty is dangerous.
There isn’t enough We must compete even if that includes manipulation
Never say you’re sorry
Suffering is expected
You can’t trust anyone
Empaths are an anomaly in western culture and in general there is not much tolerance or appreciation for the traits of an empath. Being open hearted sensitive emotional vulnerable intuitive or service focused is generally considered weak. People often say they appreciate altruism cooperation and people who are honest, but behavior tells the real story and often there is a disconnect between their words of acceptance and compassion and their deep seated unconscious beliefs and reactions to seriously empathic and empowered people for many would like to have their uniqueness, but wouldn’t know how to utilize these spiritual gifts, so jealousy and ignorance causes many to act in an unkind way to empaths or spiritual people in general.
Rev. Stephanie Red Feather might like readers to take away with them after reading this book that being an empath is a life path, a choice that was made in spirit form when souls were deciding what characteristics and experiences they wanted for themselves in this incarnation. Why you might ask would empaths chose to experience the many emotional and physical challenges to our health and relationships that an empath may experience. Perhaps walking the path of an evolutionary empath is a choice to deeply engage the full spectrum of characteristics of an empath, to gain further insights into the nature of human form for our soul’s highest growth and expression It is the choice to experience in a human body all the unique challenges and gifts associated with having an open energy field, a highly sensitive nervous system, the ability to perceive and access subtle energies, to serve others, and a profound need for peace and harmony. In addition our soul contracts include anchoring this vibrational field on planet Earth and being of service to humanity’s ascension as a whole. We along with other legions of empaths, sensitives, conscious elders, and next generation youth are here to establish the energetic frequency we are evolving towards as a species. As empaths progress through life’s challenges we are discovering developing and refining our medicine. In shamanic terms our greatest wounding or tribulation has the potential to become our greatest medicine later in life.
Sheryl thanks Rev Stephanie Red Feather, as one empath to another. for sharing a very complete and comprehensive look at the pain power and great path of empaths who are the “wayshowers” for the evolution we are all experiencing at this crossroad and leap to higher consciousness and self -awareness as both a soul and physical being.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have shared the true definition scope and necessary reality of all those souls who have chosen the sensitive lifestyle and life path of an empath: many of whom find great joy and gratitude for their original soul decision to enter this life with these gifts at a time when all seems to be cascading into decline, but is actually moving past the limitations of a worn out three dimensional reality, to birth the pathway for all humanity to embrace empath qualities. Rev Red Feather wrote, “An empath is a person who chose at a soul level to incarnate with a specific set of qualities expressing in various degrees an open energy field, a highly sensitive nervous system, the ability to receive subtle energies, a strong need to create peace and harmony and a deep desire to be of service. …the unique challenges hat these qualities present were accepted by the soul to serve their highest growth and to serve the planet by anchoring the new human bluepring and fourth chakra heart consciousness during this early period of ascension.”
Stephanie and Sheryl would encourage all empaths and those moving towards embracing these qualities of light to call on spirit and our helpers in the realm of eternal life to support us and to boldly walk with us with courage and love as we continue to accept the beauty of our purpose and bring it forth into the physical realm as we promised to do long ago before this specific life time.
I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and author of A New Life Awaits. Please visit my website to listen to and read about visionaries energy leaders spiritualists scientists medical professional and those who love life share their hopes for an uplifted new humanity. Shows may also be heard on and