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Empathy and Intuition to Heal
- Elaine Clayton
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Thank you for joining us on Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher medium and author of the newest book in a trilogy, A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us our challenges are not merely economic political or societal but a deep disconnect from our spiritual essence or life force our soul awareness and guidance system. Today I once again welcome Elaine Clayton artist illustrator and Reiki Master teacher of intuitive empathic development. For those who wish to listen to former shows with Elaine please go to my website on the radio page April 2020 Angels Fairies Guidance and Magic
As listeners of Healing From Within are well aware Sheryl and her extraordinary guests share stories and insights into the world of spirit energy and love in order to remember we are spiritual beings having a physical life for the purpose of recreating old stories and handling them in more advanced ways to improve relationships, refine our energy and move towards refinement of thought and action to create a world beyond the fears and limitations of human endeavors. We merge the duality of soul and physical life to create and bring Heaven on Earth.
In today’s episode of Healing from Within Elaine Clayton will share with us ways to see the unseen and welcome the mysteries of life through psychic events synchronicity and fun encounters. As we explore ways to understand empathy and use mystical spiritual and imaginative insight to better understand our place in the universe.
When Elaine is asked to remember her childhood and a person place or event that may have shown her or others the lifestyle work and interests they might explore as adults her grandmother immediately comes to mind as she expresses the delight her grandmother took in seeing her draw and her interest in art work/ She remembers how her grandmothers eyes twinkled with amusement and joy and how each drawing was as fantastical as the one before. So Elaine knew that every mark she made was precious to her grandmother. Sheryl says that that lovely memory is how she hopes her grandchildren remember her one day as she always provided the materials for art work and her four granddaughter all engaged in creating beauty as she was like Elaine’s grandmother and delighted with every movement and interest her granddaughters had.
Elaine decided to write The Way of the Empath at the present time because it was a way for her to share the tools and joy she herself had discovered from using her empathic gifts in a way to balance her own life and help others to understand the need to protect their sensitive energies by having boundaries rest time and simply fun in being alive.
Sheryl says she wrote her trilogy for much the same reason. Told by a medium that she would write three books for spirit she was highly skeptical but in short order she began journaling her experiences as she was also told to do and has seen how much has been discovered through allowing accepting and surrendering to her destiny and God’s direction. In her new book, A New Life Awaits Sheryl writes,” It is quite possible we will discover the reason for venturing out of our original state of life: a spiritual, eternal world of Universal Energy and incarnate into this physical body, in a three-dimensional world. Many of the people I have encountered have suggested to me they would never have embarked on a physical life experience if they knew the pain and difficulties they would have to witness. But at the end of life, as a hospice volunteer, I have been happy to hear people on the brink of returning to their true form as soul beings express to me that life is good and beautiful. As mentioned in my previous book, The Living Spirit, as an answer to this dilemma, I wrote, “Each of us is presented with a series of life experiences and lessons in order to learn and benefit our own soul awareness. In fact, we choose these experiences, pleasant or unpleasant, because of the lessons we need to have, which were chosen by us with the help of our teachers in spirit before we were born into this plane. Each life is important, and at the time of passing, regardless of how easy or hard life was, the soul values the opportunity it has had to increase its emotional quintessence. We have memories of whatever was meaningful and valuable to us and bring it along to the next stage of life.”
Elaine and I are only sharing the miraculous view we have been able to download from Spirit with our empathic gift and making it easier for people to accept and live their dreams through cooperation with Spirit and loved ones.
Elaine tells us the following about Empathic sensing the art of seeing the unseen and welcoming the mysteries of life through psychic events and fun encounters with yourself and others. Living as an empath means embracing the ideal of heart-centered intelligence by attuning to the experiences and well-being of others. Empaths seek to live a life of generosity through sensing and quiet knowing. This intuitive intelligence his psychic clarity the hallmark of “knowing from the heart,” the pinnacle of empathic knowledge.
An empath’s life is not an ordinary life. It requires the strength of a lion, because it takes real courage to be empathic. This form of artful living asks that you develop your imagination, your curiosity, and your consciousness in an extraordinary way that you discover how your perceptions guide and inform you, how they shape you and, at times, challenge you. It encourages you to step into your own innate role as creator and work to bring compassion and an open heart to yourself and others.
We are all sentient beings somewhere on an empathic spectrum, feeling our way toward deeper knowing and seeking, toward compassionate understanding and intuitive awareness. Some are born with an innate sensitivity to their surroundings and those in its proclivity that allows them to feel the presence of life energy in the atmosphere around both people and objects. Empaths sense the unseen, the energy that lies between and within the physical and material. Some develop empathic sensing through life experiences, perhaps by witnessing the suffering of a loved one or possibly through challenges like early childhood traumas that may spark ultra-sensitivity derived from emotional or physical danger. These experiences may cause some to be more compassionate because they have felt so much themselves and are able to see their own experiences reflected in the conditions of others.
With a guiding hand The Way of the Empath shows us how to put yourself in a state of receiving and awareness. By putting yourself in a state of openness and allowing yourself to feel and know all emotions trauma and experience rather than shielding yourself from these difficult experiences a desire to cultivate a heightened sense of empathy and empathic awareness grows and is a very spiritual and worthy undertaking, one that encourages the imaginal aspects of our creative natures to guide us to a balanced and meaningful life. The duality of our existence means that we cannot avoid highs and lows in our lives. We all struggle as individuals to thrive despite the challenges we encounter. But we can learn to go through these experiences with a desire to feel them and an aspiration to understand them. With this understanding comes the potential for transformation and a sense of wonderment about the beauty in humanity. When we enhance our relationship with our higher selves by expanding our consciousness, rather than living lives in which we move from one reactionary episode to the next, we make room for deeper empathic connections with others. And we begin to create the life we’d most like to live.
Taking note of synchronistic events and signs and learning to protect yourself is important to the empath, Natural empaths are “sensitives” who have a genuine intuitive intelligence that allows them to feel the emotions of others as if those emotions were their own. Because they can easily sense the emotional “atmosphere” of a person or place, they are susceptible to the emotional, psychological, mental, and physical energy in the people and objects around them, and they must learn to cope with that. Some choose mystical paths and methods to help them cope, because they are generally open to sensing what is not visible that is, energy. In fact, all natural empaths have an innate ability to sense spiritual energy, and to be accepting of it and oriented to it. Empaths don’t need practical proof of everything. They don’t rely only on material or physical “reality” for knowledge and meaning. Thus, empaths whether their sensitivity is innate or acquired live their lives as a quest for the spiritual and a desire for the transcendental. They seek to become mystically attuned, inspired, and healed.
Sheryl tells of being at a Broadway show when she was 17 years old and hearing the song “The Impossible Dream” and knowing she had to go where others were afraid to go, even angels, and explore all the realms of here and beyond to find out Who we were? Where we came from? And what a physical life and soul life was about in reality and in energy.
Elaine suggests that many perceptions are based in beliefs and societal mores family attitudes and not always what is true or best for each individual. Until old traumas fears and limitations are released, we are not free to change or create new perceptions of our desired reality and to know the greater truth of Universal Source or being. Empaths like everyone else need to recreate themselves using their intuitive knowingness and shedding the past but to do that and Because empaths carry within them an inclination to love unconditionally, it is important to understand that there is no love without self-love. Those who lack self-compassion or patience or self-forgiveness cannot reflect authentic strength in fellow feeling. Self-love is the starting point of empathy. Empaths feel love easily; they see beyond the personalities of others and connect instead with their soul essence. But without self-love, self-respect, and self-forgiveness, they may find themselves bereft, exhausted, or feeling worthless; they may end up in a struggle with the self-loathing facet of the ego that dominates the thinking mind.
As an artist Elaine accesses intuitive knowing through creative drawing and journaling.
Elaine writes, “The space between us is sacred. It is the approach, the port, the inhaled breath before the word is spoken. That space holds our intentions, the choices we are about to make, our hopes, our longings, our fears. It is the place where the next miracle will unfold. Through empathy, we can fill that space with clarity and the presence of compassion. We may sense a separation between ourselves and others, but with empathy and compassion, we acknowledge our shared humanity and our common existence. We recognize that we are alive together at a specific point in time, and that we have a lot of power to bestow love, to bring goodness into our shared experiences. How we treat one another becomes, ultimately, how we treat ourselves.
This truth is perfectly expressed by Rabbi Evan Shultz in his 2021 work, “A Poem Using Book Titles in My Library.”
In every generation,
In every tongue, A time to speak.
Like dreamers Stepping forward, Restoring hope,
A passion for truth. Shared dreams,
American values,
Religious voices,
Political tribes,
Tough choices,
Broken tablets. You’re more powerful than you think!
To bless the space between us.
As Rabbi Shultz so gracefully assures us, empathy makes our lives so much brighter. It makes us feel as if we are in a wondrous celebration at times. When we approach others with room to go beyond our egoic sense of pride, competition, and labeling, we fill the space between us with benevolent thoughts and compassion.
Elaine tells us of the mental processing of intuitive-empathic impression. The mental processing of intuitive-empathic impressions usually occurs after the initial gathering of emotive energy rather than in the moment. Through repeated experience, empaths develop a response mechanism that envelops on-the-spot compassion and combines it with kindly self-containment. They learn not to be so influenced by the hurt or even the agendas of others, that they don’t get swallowed up or swept away by them. Because they are sensitive, they are susceptible. When empaths are moved by the words or experiences of others, when they react immediately with mercurial feelings of empathy, they can easily lose themselves in the exchange and make themselves vulnerable. The feelings of others can become theirs and be felt within their own physical being.
Elaine writes, “If I go to a party, everyone’s energy slams me. I feel this person’s tension and that person’s anger and that person’s wish to forget pain. I can tell when someone is holding back and I easily get uncomfortable. I start feeling all this and, before I know it, it’s as if they’re my own emotions. Yet, when I arrived, I was feeling fine. rather than in the moment. Through repeated experience, empaths develop a response mechanism that envelops on-the-spot compassion and combines it with kindly self-containment. They learn not to be so influenced by the hurt or even the agendas of others that they get swallowed up or swept away by them. Because they are sensitive, they are susceptible.
Empaths are caught in a daily storm of varying emotive sensations, even in the most casual of exchanges with others. For them, events that anyone else may consider meaningless and forgettable may seem significant. Reflecting on these empathic storms, in which they are inundated with the emotions or thoughts of others, can help them cope with the residual feelings that may surface for them once the interactions have ended and the cloudburst has subsided. This time of reflection helps empaths review their impressions and find their own place for centering again. It helps them to clarify for themselves what they felt during an encounter and try to understand why they felt it. This takes time, but it is time well spent, because it keeps empaths from getting layered with residual emotions to the point of breaking down. When empaths do end up immersed in the energy of others, whether they want it to happen or not, they must then deal with the consequences.
Compassion empathy and intuition heal your world. Once empaths develop pivotal awareness that allows them to empathize without taking on responsibility for the pain or predicament of others, however, they can more easily manage these emotional onslaughts. By becoming conscious of what is happening while it is happening, and acknowledging that they don’t have to soak it all up in the moment, they realize that the woes they are encountering belong to others and not to themselves. This makes them stronger spiritually, and enables them to be strong for others as well, offering care and listening without being inundated energetically. Instead of drowning in the downpour of impressions, they become able to connect with others through heart-centered healing energy and prayers for their well-being. “When I was a teenager, my mother told me every time I spent time with this one friend, I came home in a terrible mood. I realized I was juggling all of the feelings and energy of that person and that a lot of it was negative. It was going directly from her into me. Sometimes I’d have anxiety from so much energy coming at me. I had to get away from that.” It is not an empath’s job to rescue anyone, although most empaths have tried and perhaps many times over.
But empaths are at their best when for others as well, offering care and listening without being inundated energetically. Instead of drowning in the down pour of impressions, they become able to connect with others through heart-centered healing energy and prayers for their well-being.
Elaine writes, “When I was a teenager, my mother told me every time I spent time with this one friend, I came home in a terrible mood. I realized I was juggling all of the feelings and energy of that person and that a lot of it was negative. It was going directly from her into me. Sometimes I’d have anxiety from so much energy coming at me. I had to get away from that.” Empaths must realize they are not the grand overseers of others’ lives. Nor are they the personal consiglieri of others, although they may very much wish they could help heal those they care about, even those who may try to draw them into every personal drama. Most empaths learn sometimes the hard way that they cannot manage or heal any adult life other than their own. Once they discover ways to take ethical action using their empathic skills without getting enmeshed in the sagas of others, they become more stable and are able to enjoy the many wonderful aspects of being empathic.
Synchronistic events, signs, and mysteriously interesting happenings are what empaths live by and for, even when doing everyday tasks. For empaths, that which is material, physical, or concretely fixed is not just solid mass, because even inanimate objects carry some kind of energetic vibration. Empaths get a surge of energy from everything. For them, objects give off a frequency and a quality of personality that is deeply felt and cannot be ignored. They often attribute human qualities to objects, playfully “seeing into” or even “seeing through” whatever they encounter at any given time. They also know when something feels “good” and when it gives off an unpleasant vibe. In fact, they are spiritually psychogenic toward objects they handle or use.
An example: But how do these impressions arise? “I wanted to enjoy browsing in the antique shop, but found myself in a soup of disturbing feelings, as if I sensed all these people who h/0ad lived and died. There were heavy sentiments attached to the antiques. I had an overwhelming feeling about each thing I laid my eyes on, not to mention when from everything these, objects give off a frequency and a quality of personality that is deeply felt and cannot be ignored. They often attribute human qualities to objects, playfully “seeing into” or even “seeing through” whatever they encounter at any given time. They also know when something feels “good” and when it gives off an unpleasant vibe. In fact, they are spiritually psychogenic toward objects they handle or use. But how do these impressions arise? I touched things. It wasn’t that this was negative energy, but it was all just too much to take in. A silver sable brush or some old oval mirror, a tool chest made of oak—all the objects in the place just weighed me down inside. It was as if I felt the lives of all the people who had used those things and I had to get out and breathe fresh air.”
Empaths receive what may not be visible or immediately obvious to others through a “sixth sense” the mind’s eye, or third-eye visions. They pick up on this wave of feeling, which is often sensed as psychic imagery, internalizing it all and projecting their perceptions back outward. In fact, they “see” in ways that are quite like the way we see when we dream, when our physical eyes are closed. Empaths may receive input from this sixth sense all day long. Empaths receive what may not be visible or immediately obvious to others through a “sixth sense” the mind’s eye, or third-eye visions. They pick up on this wave of feeling, which is often sensed as psychic imagery, internalizing it all and projecting their perceptions back outward. In fact, they “see” in ways that are quite like the way we see when we dream, when our physical eyes are closed.
Empaths may receive input from this sixth sense all day long seeing color, details of rooms or spaces, features of landscapes or places, and all kinds of people and animals. These third-eye visions are at times like seeing “through a glass darkly,” and at times as clear as if seen in broad daylight.
Elaine tells us that although empaths may appear to be focusing on events or circumstances in the moment, such as in group conversations, they may also be inwardly seeing what is unfolding on a completely different level on a screen in their minds. They may be listening, but also sensing strongly what is left unsaid, what is felt beneath the surface of people around them. They may be watching the aura of light around others or picking up on some inward sadness that goes unnoticed or appears irrelevant to most. Empaths continually see these mental images these flashes of colorful and impressive visions as information streams in their minds that enter through the third eye or in other forms. This kind of seeing and sensing, without the use of the physical eyes, is most common during the dream state, in which scenes arrive and change in a multi-dimensional or multi-faceted way. In fact, paying attention to dreams is one way we can develop empathic knowing
Seeking wisdom through dreams, signs, and synchronicities is really fun because, when you are open to the expectation and anticipation of these events, you are delighted when you recognize them happening. So much is possible once you develop a strong companionship with your imaginative subconscious self. Often, the line between sleep and wakefulness blurs and you begin to see elements from inside a dream during the day sometimes unexpectedly. Empaths often remark on how exhilarating this can feel when it happens.
Some signs that empaths say they notice regularly include:
- Cardinals. “It is my grandmother saying hello.”
- Coins. “I found one in the shower as if it came out of nowhere!”
- Feathers. “I heard an owl outside my window. In my mind, I asked it for one of its feathers. The next day, while walking the dog in the backyard, I found a huge owl feather beside a tree.”
- Repeating numbers (3:33, 11:11, 2:22, etc.). “Every time I look at a clock, it’s 3:33!”
- Ask for signs out loud, with the expectation that you will receive them.
- Look for signs like a child on a treasure hunt.
- Get outside in nature with the intention of appreciating every little growing thing.
There are a lot of ways to open yourself up to synchronistic signs. Here are just a few:
When I woke up, I asked for a sign that would verify what the spiritual robe in my dream symbolized—that I would come through okay. Later, I went to an art class where the teacher picked up an artist’s smock and said: ‘I’m going to put a robe on you.’ As she put it on me, she explained that it was the most special smock she had ever owned. The fact that she called the smock a ‘robe’ sent a little shock of delight through me. I knew instantly that it was the sign I was looking for.” There are a lot of ways to open yourself up to synchronistic signs.
Here are just a few:
- Pay attention to numbers, coins, feathers, and other random objects.
- Pay attention to names, titles, car license plates, etc. as if you’re on a magical journey.
- Notice things that others say.
- Open a book at random and point to a word with your eyes closed, then find meaning in the word. ·
- Journal any thoughts and impressions you have; jot down synchronistic events so you remain in the flow.
Elaine might like readers of The Way of the Empath to take away with them after reading your book that there are many ways to connect to people and explore our human as well as divine spiritual gifts.
Elaine writes, “Sensing what is felt in others and caring empathically about it is, in many ways, the fiber that connects us to one another in our humanity. However, the professional roles people play for example, roles in which they may not be given to seeing beneath surface projections or may never feel inundated with the emotions of others are valuable as well. People get amazing things done and can benefit others greatly without necessarily having an empathic orientation to life. They may be doers-of-great-things and movers-of-mountains; they may be scientists or technical geniuses. They may never immerse themselves in empathic sensing, or they may not come to it until later in their lives. But the world is in need of all kinds of talents, actions, and improvements. And we all have unique gifts and skills that have their own value.”
We Elaine Clayton author of The Way of the Empath for all the beauty she brings into the world through her art her Reiki Healing gifts and this book which most sincerely describes and honors the lives of those whose destiny it is to serve humanity by developing and using their empathic abilities to add a new perspective to the unfolding of everyday events.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Elaine Clayton has shown us that to be an empath is an art form—to discover how our perceptions and feelings guide and inform us, shape us and at times limit us and this requires extraordinary awareness. It takes great courage to walk the path of an empath and to learn how to use spiritual, mystical, and imaginative insight, but, learning ways to protect yourself while living with an open heart is a lifetime experience and one that is not in the least bit boring. Empaths experience synchronicity and coincidences, messages from Spirit that help lead them to use their soul heart centered intelligence in ways that protect, serve, and change old beliefs, as they grow into their awareness and higher consciousness.
Elaine writes, “Cultivate Imagination The imagination is very important as a spiritual conduit and as a creator of human connection and fulfillment. Our imaginations seem to create a momentum that puts our wishes into action on the material plane. The infinite dimensions of possibility invoked by our imaginations help create an intuitive structure, like building an ethereal castle in the air that ultimately engages with the physical world. In fact, the imagination is where it all happens! All good things exist in our minds as ideas first, before we help manifest them on this plane of existence. Cultivating our imaginations is integral to living creative lives and fundamental to living an empathic life.”
Elaine and Sheryl both empaths who have explored the world of spirit and physical life, always trying to merge and use all the awareness and guidance through our duality for best results in our personal lives, and then to share this energy of love and healing, in being observant and helpful at times, discovering that life is a great gift and living it as you have uniquely created it, is being in alignment to the universe and spirit and that was always from the beginning of time the purpose of life.
I am Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher medium and author of the newest book in a trilogy, A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening and invite you to visit my website to read about and listen to leaders and visionaries in the metaphysical scientific spiritual medical and energy healing practices as well as psychologists attorneys and those in the arts and music fields explore the possibilities and probabilities of using awareness as the pathway to knowing ourselves the world and life in its totality. Shows may also be heard on and