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Energy Medicine Yoga and Health Care System
- Lauren Walker
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” I am your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Energy practitioner medium and author of Life Is No Coincidence and also The Living Spirit which share stories of spiritual awakening spiritual communication healing energies miracles and ways to heighten your intuition for manifesting a better quality of health and life prosperity and am delighted to welcome Lauren Walker author of Energy Medicine Yoga for if you want to affect the physical matter that is your body, as well as the invisible matter that is your mind and soul, the most effective practice you can learn is how to work with your own energy. Her Energy Medicine Yoga practice offers you a solution oriented manual to complement any health regime—one filled with essential insights for well –being to activate your body’s natural healing intelligence and a powerful new vision for happiness and wholeness.
As listeners of the show are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate experiences and insights into the metaphysical world of energy experience and Universal Laws in order to more accurately understand how a spiritual being living a physical life can utilize all talents and abilities and manifest the best version of what they need to live successfully. It is by recognizing through self-investigation and self-mastery of our emotions that we have the ability to leave fears traumas blockages of thought and energy behind and awaken to a state of wholeness and joy.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” will help us uncover the root cause of specific physical emotional and psychological health complaints along with a treasury of potent self-care practices to accelerate healing. We will discuss the Five Elements System and three important Ayurvedic techniques to change your life.
When Lauren is asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that may have signaled to her or others the life path work or lifestyle she one day would live she tells us losing her maternal grandmother and others when she was quite young made her wish to make people healthy and live long lives. Her love for life and people made her study the body mind and soul so she could bring the many pieces of healing to herself and others
Energy medicine yoga is a combination of many energy healing modalities and as such works on the various levels of our multidimensional life force. Sheryl loves one of the endorsement quotes Lauren received which read, “As a professional athlete, I deal with a lot of pressure and nerves. The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription has helped me realize how important it is to clear my energy field. We as human-spiritual beings have to take the time to clear our aura and energy field so we can radiate light and be a loving force.” JAMIE ANDERSON Olympic gold medal snowboarder; yogi; activist
Another endorsement gives a clear example of what is discussed in her book “Drawing on insights from the Chinese Five Elements theory and the Vedic systems of yoga and Ayurveda, The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription offers an interesting perspective on self-care. It will help you think in a different way about bringing health and balance into your life.” GARY KRAFTSOW founder of the American Viniyoga Institute
Energy medicine might be described ways designed to move energy through the body and the chakras or energy vortexes of the body which channel Universal Energy around and within us for greater aliveness and well-being. Both are based on ancient, tried-and-true methods. Lauren Walker has done a great job of charting Five Elements Theory, yoga, the meridian system, and many other wonderful tools to enter the state of union that yoga is all about We discover that combining Energy Medicine with Yoga is a guide for the person who wants to increase their health and vitality and knows that the most effective path is one that combines physical, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions. The secret sauce to that outcome is through the energy system of the body, and Lauren Walker offers a multitude of easy-to-apply methods to affect that system through breath, diet, tapping, movement, gratitude, self-compassion, and much more.”
Energy Medicine Yoga — the marriage of Energy Medicine with a tantra- based yoga practice — has the same possibility and the same parallel. We come to our yoga mat day after day, hour after hour. Our energy, like the snow, is also changeable; every day it’s different. But we do the same moves again and again. There isn’t anywhere to get to. There’s no prize at the end for the most downward dogs. It is simply the moment that is sublime. It is like coming home to a feeling of goodness in our own bodies. This is the important part: We need to feel good in our lives and in our bodies just as we are right now. We need to know how to self-soothe and how to heal. It is important to have tools and skills to help us manage our emotions so we can balance and find harmony no matter what challenges occur. So many of us go for the outside stimuli of drugs, alcohol, shopping, sugar, or sex when we’re uncomfortable bored or tired. If we’re sick, we go for outside cures: pills surgery radiation. But we must learn how to simply and effectively take care of ourselves from the inside to be healthy and happy.
Lauren describes life in terms of being a skier and adjusting to the mountain and life and writes, “We can take a look at this metaphor. Once you go off into your life, you become the skier on the mountain. You are now taking these energy systems with you because they are you, and they are constantly changing. Being the mountain, you must come into stillness, calm, and solidity, having your energy work to help you ground and center. Being the skier, you must come into movement, the flow of life and experiences, and have your energy maintain its balancing work, no matter what is going on. Each of us is really a moving ball of energy, fields and lines, vortexes and swirls, all zooming around our central core, and we’re moving through the world, which is full of millions of similar but different energy systems all zooming around. We tend to see these energy systems and ourselves as fixed figures. But really we are just zooming bits of information and light. It’s all very Jetsony, except its invisible and its real. In this book, you’re going to learn how to be the skier — how to be the energetic structure, how to master the art of moving through the constantly changing world without falling down, ejecting from both of your skis, losing your hat, mittens, goggles, and poles — what is called in ski language a “yard sale!” Another ski phrase that is helpful is this: it’s all about the recovery! Sometimes what the mountain throws at you — what life throws at you — is too much to handle. How you negotiate and recover from it is essential to maintaining your health and sanity.”
We can derive many benefits from Energy Medicine yoga. People who understand who they are as energy or spiritual beings having a physical life and who can merge the aspects of heart intuitive guidance and ego or mind based personality awareness can ultimately be fit in mind body and spirit. The benefits from knowing this which may be experienced before or during energy medicine yoga are immense to the well being and personal development of the knowingness that comes from this awareness.
In yoga, we are constantly uniting opposites: yin and yang, extension and contraction, the individual soul and the eternal Soul. Because we are both the physical structure and the energetic structure, we must be able to affect change on both of these levels.
It isn’t an either-or proposition, as this book will show, but both. We are both the physical structure and the energetic structure. Neither is more important, but the energetic structure is often ignored for lack of information, knowledge, or tools to access it. The goal is to be both the mountain and the skier. As the mountain, you have your underlying energy systems working at their best. As the skier, you navigate your life and are able to handle anything it throws at you. You can recover and thrive no matter what comes your way by understanding how to work with energy in motion.
With the EM practice, we are guiding the energy in the directions it wants and needs to flow. With the repetition of the combined practices of EM and yoga, we help the energy to re-pattern and remain in these new, beneficial flows. The EM student gets the physical benefits of moving and opening the body. The yoga student gets the awareness of how and where to move energy. Putting the practices together, we get a healing paradigm that offers results that seem magical. Once your energy is working for and with you, almost anything is possible.
Teachers and students who have practiced yoga for years suddenly start shifting things that were stuck. Chronic pain, digestive complaints, depression, relationship struggles, hopelessness, pulled muscles, sleep disorders, indecision — these are just some of the issues that get resolved by students who have often tried every other kind of alternative practice with no result.
EM Yoga is a tantra-based practice. The Sanskrit word tantra means to weave and to stretch toward. More broadly it also refers to systematic techniques for achieving a particular outcome. The yoga part of EMYoga is grounded in a practice with emphasis on various techniques to help you accept your innate perfection and from there transform into, or stretch toward, becoming your best self. When Lauren first started studying tantra yoga, she was amazed at all the things involved that seemed to have nothing to do with my idea of “yoga” — things like Vedic astrology, gemology, and aromatherapy, as well as things like gratitude, journaling, and rituals. But has come to understand the deeper meaning and power of yoga, it all makes perfect sense. If we want to reach the goal of ultimate union with ourselves, and with the divine, we need to master more than just the physical body.
In EMYoga you’ll learn asana practices (physical postures) that incorporate poses and moves to access your underlying energy. Some of the poses look similar to yoga poses you may already be familiar with. Others will be complete departures from standard yoga and are used to influence specific flows of energy. You’ll use the electromagnetic energy of your own body, often with your hands, to affect the energy in your body — sort of like those old Wooly Willy games where you pull the magnet around to draw features on a face with iron filings.
EM yoga is both relaxing and a workout and helps to learn about the chakra system and the Five Element Healing system of water earth air wood and fire
A description of chakra personalities is included in this quick rundown of the personalities of the chakras:
- The first chakra (muladhara) carries energies related to family, tribe, security, and sexuality.
- The second chakra (swadhisthana) carries energies of creativity, innocence, joy, and sexuality.
- The third chakra (manipura) carries energies of ego, our personal identity, and our sense of power in ourselves and in the world.
- The fourth chakra (anahatha) carries energies of love — our ability both to receive and give love.
- The fifth chakra (vishuddha) carries energies of communication and expression.
- The sixth chakra (ajna) carries energies of intuition, insight, and vision, as well as our connection to our own inner world.
- The seventh chakra (sahasrara) carries energies of our connection to the larger world and to the cosmos or the divine.
27 Savasana Lie on your back and bring your arms down to your sides, slightly away from
Along with knowledge of our chakras and the five elements diet is an important issue to attend to. THREE MEALS A DAY, NO SNACKS Diet is a central tenet of Ayurvedic healing. Not only what you eat, but when and how. This simple Ayurvedic philosophy helps weight loss, digestive issues, depression, balances blood sugar, and reduces cravings. It also helps people come into their natural best weight. It is remarkably easy, yet at the same time, in this day and age of constant eating, it can be very challenging to practice.
Feeling is a primary sensor of a healthy diet. It doesn’t matter what you look like, it matters how you feel. Are you flexible and strong? Do you have resiliency? Can you get sick and then get well? Are you strong enough to accomplish the task at hand? How do you feel? The food you eat is what makes you. It literally becomes you. But when we talk about diet, we so often just mean how much we eat or don’t eat. Food is nurturing and satisfies our basic urges. It is the connective tissue of our families. It ties us back to our ancestors. It is also a mainstay of social interactions. But this is not always a positive thing. And many of us struggle with eating as a result of how we ate growing up.
There is a lot of wisdom (five thousand years!) in the Ayurvedic eating styles. There are many wonderful and easy books that share this wisdom. Among Lauren’s favorites are Dr. John Douillard’s “Body, Mind & Sport” and Deepak Chopra’s “Perfect Health.” One of the simplest pieces of that wisdom you can follow without reading another diet book is this: eat seasonally. The seasons bring forth the foods we need when we need them. Spring shoots help cleanse the body from the heaviness of winter. Summer berries give us major antioxidants. Fall roots help us nourish and ground as we go into the long winter. It goes on . . . the wisdom of the seasons is once again in play for us.
Energy Medicine Yoga differs from many styles of yoga as it is the combined awareness of metaphysics science and study and the power and comprehensive practices of EMYoga incorporate pranayama (breathing practices), meditation, visualization, journaling, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping, nutrition, diet, body image, and belief systems. The beauty of energy work is that it translates into every facet of your life — from what, how, and when you eat to how you think and how you feel about your body, mind, and life. It only starts on the mat. EM Yoga touches every area of your life because energy touches every area of your life.
Sheryl who is a Reiki Master Teacher and medium shares her awakening process over twenty five years ago when she was told during her first spiritual psychic reading which was a gift to her that she would begin her intuitive journey with yoga..Really? I said quite doubtful. But, a week later Sheryl’s hairdresser Anna said she had a free coupon to her yoga class in town and because Sheryl had been told she would take yoga classes she immediately said, “Yes.” That was the way Sheryl began to feel her energy flow awaken my healing process and move beyond belief systems that I had held tightly for all my life. Soon I was guided to Reiki Energy Healing and developed my ability to connect at a higher level to Spirit and download information to help people know their spiritual soul essence. It all led to a metaphysical study of energy and knowing life beyond the physical body and to the interconnected unity of all souls and life.
How we truly feel about ourselves must be considered when we talk about healing. Lauren has a chapter all about the fruition of the EM Yoga practice, which leads us to a place of deep intimacy, respect, and love for ourselves. From that place of love and acceptance, change can flow. But first is the place of being with what is. Many of us have what Pema Chödrön calls a “subtle aggression” against ourselves. Unfortunately, our desire for change or transformation often comes from there. But that never works.
Transformation begins on its own from deep inside us, when we love ourselves now, just as we are.
This is the magic of EMYoga. The way out is in. This may seem paradoxical, that in order to change, we have to accept what is. This is another example of both-and. We can change, but first we must accept what is, embrace what is, and allow ourselves to be okay in this moment now. Well most definitely if people begin to understand how important their mind and thoughts and actions are in creating from within themselves their reality and quality of life and can stop putting so much emphasis on the outer world and other people’s expectations for them, they can begin to know the truth of the Universal Law of Attraction and Karma and can begin to influence their health, relationships and all aspects of their daily life in the direction that brings happiness and prosperity to them.
The following quote shows you this idea quite truthfully. Your thoughts and beliefs are the single most important indicator of your state of health. . . . Your beliefs and thoughts are wired into your biology. They become your cells, tissues, and organs. There’s no supplement, no diet, no medicine, and no exercise regimen that can compare with the power of your thoughts and beliefs. That’s the very first place you need to look when anything goes wrong with your body. CHRISTIANE NORTHRUP, MD Goddesses Never Age
Yet here is the single most important thing to understand: it is the energy that needs to heal first. Only then can everything else heal. All successful medical interventions and psychotherapies work at the energetic level, intentionally or unwittingly, along with whatever they are consciously targeting. Shifting the energies is the most direct way of targeting a problem. So even if you can’t see energy, this book will teach you how to sense it, work with it, understand it, change it, and align with it.
You say that emotions play a vital role in the health of an individual stifling them or expressing them (moving them) EM Yoga work directly with emotions and works with them affecting the overall well-being of the physical body. Everything in the universe is energy vibrating at different frequencies. If you want to affect the physical matter that is your body and the invisible matter that is your mind and your soul — in the most efficient and powerful way — you must learn how to work with your own personal energy.
Specifically, you will learn how to work with and balance the energy systems that make up your body and that you experience indirectly by their effects. If things in your life are out of whack or if you are experiencing a health crisis of any kind — mental, physical, or spiritual — you are experiencing energy that is out of balance. Even if you are not in crisis but you feel overwhelmed, tired, anxious, melancholy, or rageful, you are experiencing energy that is out of balance. And even if you feel great most of the time but sometimes you feel completely off (depression strikes, you’re going through a period of doubt, or you just broke your leg), your underlying energy at that moment is out of balance.
When you are in balance and flow, your body and mind are working well, synergistically and coherently — meaning the least amount of effort is expended to accomplish all the tasks necessary for living and thriving. You are in resonance with yourself and your life path. You may feel tired after a long bike ride or a long day of work, but you fall asleep easily, your body rebuilds, and the next day you feel good again. If this is not the case, your energy is out of balance.
Yes Energy Medicine Yoga is for everyone. The beautiful and most powerful thing is that working with the energies of the body is quite simple. You don’t have to be able to do a one-armed handstand or sit in a full lotus. If you can breathe, you can do EM Yoga. At the same time, it isn’t a quick fix. This isn’t a pill, a cream, or a tincture. This isn’t chemotherapy, chelation, or reflexology. This is a series of tools, practices, and wisdoms that you can bring into your life to make your life better.
As you continue to practice, day after day, clear goals will lead you up the path of mastery instead of into a rut. I like to remind myself of this with the words of the brilliant musician Prince: “There’s joy in repetition.” The magic and complexity of your body makes your I Phone look like a Fisher Price toy. The body can do things that science still cannot explain, like differentiate cells and heal itself miraculously. But when things go wrong, it can be challenging to know where to look to fix them. For far too long, we looked at the body mechanistically, like a car. We replaced parts. Only recently have we begun to look at the body holistically, understanding that every part affects every other part. Your emotions affect your organs; your organs affect your emotions; your thoughts affect your physiology — everything affects everything else. And underneath all of that, the substrate on which your physical, mental, and emotional being rests is energy. It not only rests in energy, it is energy. You are at one level no more than a vibrating, pulsing wave form that is moving slowly enough to appear solid
Simple practices include: Visualization is one of the tools we’ll use to move energy through the body. Many studies attest to its power. Groups as diverse as elite athletes and people with paralysis use visualization practices with incredible results. My own personal experience of healing with my mind came from Healing Back Pain by John E. Sarno, MD. Sarno links all back pain to undigested anger, and since Lauren started doing the practice he recommended, after years of chiropractic adjustments, she has not had another back issue.
The beautiful thing is, you can rewrite your unconscious programming. This means accessing the unconscious mind and inserting new, positive programs that align with the desires of your conscious mind and many tools such as breathing practices can be helpful.
The reason breathing practices (pranayama) are so important in yoga is that your breath is a direct link between your conscious and unconscious mind, and shifting one shifts the other. Tapping journaling, automatic writing, and vocalizations are other tools for shifting these patterns. EM Yoga is designed to unite these opposing forces so that you are in true alignment with your soul’s deepest desires, your highest purpose, and your best life
Yes Energy Medicine Yoga can heal disease and maybe even the world when our though processes allow us to allow accept and surrender to the true nature of our being as spiritual beings having a physical life and learning to see feel sense the balance between our inner and outer realities.
Your personal recipe is a prescription to stay healthy as well as for healing if you’re sick. If your life is full of challenges and obstacles, whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, you can use this book to find a recipe to transform your disparate parts into a healthy and balanced whole. Both ancient Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda (the medical arm of yoga) hold the tenet that balance is the holy grail of healing. The body will do its own miraculous healing if its systems are in balance.
As you start to go deeper into this book, especially if you are suffering from an illness, it is vitally important that you understand the difference between “healing” and “curing.” Matthew Sanford, author of the book Waking, is one of the leading teachers of adaptive yoga and is a paraplegic. He responds elegantly about this in an interview with Yoga Digest: “I think that so much of our culture is fixated on healing as a reversal of condition. Anyone who has lived through trauma knows you can never go home. It’s never going to be the same, and that’s okay. I’m never going to walk again — does that mean healing is done for me? Does that mean the only healing possible is for me to have a good attitude about being paralyzed? Absolutely not! What yoga creates is the conditions for people to heal in unexpected ways if they can just look beyond healing as curing.”
It is sometimes impossible to understand the path of your life, especially when it takes an unexpected turn toward illness, disease, trauma, or loss. You cast about for answers, build stories to explain your new life, and move forward as best you can.
After reading Energy Medicine Yoga you might remember that Once you tap into your energy systems, cultivating a daily practice with consistency and devotion is the most important thing you can do to live healthfully and heal disease. It isn’t what you do every once in a while that can harm or heal; it is what you do most of the time. And that is true with your energy systems as well. Energy moves in patterns, has memory, and evolves which can help keep you stuck or help release you. But release only happens when you start to consistently introduce and practice new energy patterns.
Another thing Lauren suggests is to use your journal for “doodling.” Drawing connects the hemispheres of your brain and creates new neural links. You can doodle figure eights to increase them in your fields (the most powerful pattern to have in your fields). Doodling shifts you out of linear thinking into the quantum realm — the place you make real leaps in terms of change. It is these leaps that are called “miracles” or “magic.” It is connecting with Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance” — and it is not only attainable, it is learnable and replicable.
Sheryl shares a coincidence with Lauren and tells her she recently did a reading on herself and asked if one of her guides would come forward and answer some questions. One of the impressions Sheryl saw was that of a girl moving a baton in the figure eight position and marching to music and the message said, “Practice the rhythm of the baton and marching in unison with Truth and Music in the Band of Life.” And Sheryl found herself in her mind making that infinity sign and feeling in balance and harmony and peace. It was only days later that while reading Lauren’s book that Sheryl noticed the same sign and it was suggested it was an important sign for establishing health and balance. The infinity sign in Sheryl’s Reiki practice is the sign of love.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have discovered that we have a way for the body to heal from core traumas and illness often a result of our earlier childhood training and thinking and developing a fear of some possible reality. We often learn when we change our thoughts and emotions pursing a more positive spiritual plan for feeling well being joyful and positive, the body responds to this reprogramming and retraining process. It is possible and advantageous to work with yoga in a group dynamic with others who seek to empower themselves both in health mind and a purposeful lifestyle.
We have seen that we can connect to this universal source of life force energy by becoming still and allowing ourselves to feel the energy move through us and around it and by realizing this source of connection to Higher Self, we actually grow more peaceful. We also may become aware that we are very much more than our bodies and life exists on multiple plans of existence. This is a powerful freeing thought and though one cannot necessarily see energy they can certainly begin to feel and know changes in their environment and within themselves.
In the face of unexpected changes in our lives Lauren wrote, “What Energy Medicine Yoga offers in the face of these huge challenges is the ability to slow down, tune in, and understand the body and mind in a different way. Some challenges can be reversed; some diseases and conditions can heal or go dormant. There are many techniques in Energy Medicine Yoga that can help you transform the despair of your challenge into acceptance and understanding so that you can thrive in your life, instead of just survive. It’s also important to understand that nothing is going to take away the experience you’ve undergone. But that doesn’t mean that healing isn’t an option. There are many ways to heal and many ways to live your life that are sometimes different from what you’d planned or hoped for. This resiliency is in fact a huge part of healing.”
Lauren and I would ask you to try a healing energy session or go for a EMYoga class to begin to know yourself intimately and find a way to rest in the energy of eternal soul life which ultimately helps you relax in the physical world and to accept allow and surrender to your challenges often making it possible to move past them with courage and infinite success.