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Energy Self-Healing for Everyone
- Athena Bahri RMT
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Teacher and author of her newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us that our challenges at the present time are not economic political or societal but often a disconnect from our true being or soul wisdom. Sheryl is delighted to welcome Athena Bahri RMT a Reiki Master Teacher author of Raise Your Vibes energy healer and a messenger and light worker for Spirit. Athena is part of a Hollywood Dynasty niece of Rita Hayward cousin of Ginger Rogers and Donna Reed who all succeeded in their lives and careers and were “perhaps?” aware of Universal Energy “The Law of Attraction” and their Higher Self which made success a certain reality for them.
As listeners have come to expect over the years Sheryl and her guests share intimate and insightful stories and ideas of Universal source, the creative force of All life and an understanding of the duality of physical and spiritual essence so we may self-investigate and discover more about who we are and what life is really all about. We come to know life is not random and we are constantly transforming and changing whether we want to or not, and many discover that life survives physical death so we are indeed spiritual beings having a physical life and not the other way around.
In today’s episode of Healing From within Athena Bahri will share quick and easy ways of improving your life and show us that we each have our own energy vibration and when vibes are low we may experience physical illness as well as negative feelings such as anxiety anger sadness and loneliness but we can shift negative emotions into the positive as we each have the personal power to raise our vibration to manifest healthy happy and safe lives. Athena discusses her interesting work in Hollywood and leaving a life of glamour to create a life of peace and energy healing as many in business medicine and the arts often do when they begin to remember who they really are and what life is really about.
When Athena is asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that may have signaled to her or others around her the interests and lifestyle she might pursue as an adult she never doubted that she would be a force for vitality and joy as she was surrounded by the most successful and creative people in Hollywood whose energy was vibrant and shared imagination and magic with her and their public.
Athena may have been guided to study Reiki an alternative healing method and an ancient energy based practice that channels higher Universal Energy through a person attuned by a Master Reiki Teacher that helps to relax and allow an intelligent divine energy to support the physical emotional and spiritual healing of a person who has been unable to correct the problem with western traditional medicine or surgery. Athena suffered a back injury and looked for many ways to help her deal with the pain and dysfunction. Eventually she was guided to study and use Reiki in her return to good health.
Reiki energy or Universal Energy is all around us at all times and is our connection to the creative force of life and each other. Reiki is an energy healing art or modality originating from Japan but a spiritual healing technique found by other names in every country in the world. Love is its highest frequency.
The Five Reiki Principles offer a path and life style that stimulates rightful thinking and action and creates an environment that is conducive for a healthy and purposeful life style
Just for today I will not worry.
Just for today I will now be angry.
Just for today I will do my work honestly.
Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings
Just for today I will be kind to myself my neighbor and every living thing.
So as Athena and Sheryl as practicing Reiki Master Teachers have found Reiki like all spiritual practices guide one to live in a conscious loving and sharing way as we embrace the Oneness of all life and trust the Universal Plan that is personally and collectively changing as humanity evolves to a higher vibration and frequency of living with greater compassion and love for life in its unique and eternal essence.
Reiki like many alternative healing methods massage chiropractic cranio -sacral therapy acupuncture yoga polarity and chakra healing are all becoming more main stream?
More people are becoming aware of their own empathic abilities and the importance of understanding how energy plays a part in every aspect of our lives from the atoms that make up our physical bodies to the emotional mental and spiritual states. Every word and action is an energy transmission and how we feel and think directly affects not only ourselves but everyone around us. By healing and raising the frequency of our own vibration, we have the chance to create a more loving environment.
It is necessary to understand how the term vibration is used. Vibration is the transfer and movement of energy. We can see it when a pebble is tossed into a body of water which ripples out into the water. We can feel it when we stand near a speaker playing loud music. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it is simply moved from one space to another and can of course as Einstein announced Never destroyed. Our own physical emotional and spiritual bodies also have their own unique vibrations. When our vibes are low, our mood is negative, our emotional state anxious angry or sad, our physical bodies suffer from illness, and we feel disconnected and alone. But we do not have to stay in this state of low energy. We have the power to raise our vibration to one of love and vibrancy but of course that takes awareness discipline and effort and is a choice.
Athena and Sheryl share their thoughts on Eastern alternative energy healing and traditional or Western allopathic medicine.
Athena writes, My experience has shown me that energy healing is just as important a part of self- care as conventional medicine. By raising your vibration, energy healing fills in the gaps of modern medicine. It is gentle but the shift is profound—it will alter both your mindset and the internal workings of your body enabling you to enjoy a much happier and healthier quality of life. However, an understanding of spiritual health is typically not taught to us in the modern age. Instead, we are often raised to depend on others for our health. Our society as a whole has lost sight to call upon we relied heavily on diet worship and sacred tools to cure ourselves. If we go back to the days of ancient peoples of the world many spiritual practices were uses including herbs, crystals, different forms of smudging prayer and as you can see I believe of our incredible innate ability to heal ourselves. Not too long ago when there were no physicians we need a full spectrum of healing practices for our wellbeing. Of course it’s important to note that modern medicine also has immense value. Only after doing research and exploring alternative methods did I grasp that there is much more to healing than just treating physical symptoms—that true healing takes place on all the levels of body mind spirit.
Sheryl says In regard to those thoughts of Eastern alternative healing modalities and western allopathic medicine in my new book A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening she addressed the growing epidemic of Cancer and new thoughts on methods to deal more effectively to assist the mind body and spirit to heal and Sheryl wrote, “My sister Rodelle became ill with pancreatic cancer and chose to have chemotherapy………. Over the year and a half of treatments, her will to live and her spirit to trust never wavered. As a volunteer for hospice, I observed many people pass from pancreatic cancer, so I knew the pain was excruciating. So, each night, I sent Reiki energy and prayers to Rodelle, asking that she have the least amount of pain possible. Over the course of her many treatments, I always asked her if she had much pain, and she always responded, “No.” Rodelle’s love of life was supported by her many friends and family, her work, her enthusiasm for fashion, and her interest in exploring this beautiful world by travelling to many exotic tropical locations and historical places. These interests and passions worked to sustain her through the many setbacks and complications of the treatment plan she had opted for.”
As a holistic practitioner, Sheryl had wanted her to try alternative treatments such as Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, hyperthermia that kills cancer cells but does not weaken the immune system, and other energy-healing methods. Of course, Sheryl is aware that approximately 98 percent of people with a diagnosis of metastasized cancer do not survive with chemotherapy or perhaps with any other treatments. Sheryl knows there was little that the system or the protocols of The American Medical Association could do other than follow their formula for treatment, but believes after 40 years of chemotherapy producing ultimately the same results and loss of life for a good number of patients, patients should be offered ALL options available, not only those approved by the FDA.
Improvements and advanced knowledge by the doctors should be offered, and patients should be told of all complications surrounding different treatments so they can eventually make a personal decision for how to face their challenge and ultimate ending.
A person who is diagnosed with cancer is initially filled with fear and dread and will usually follow the first plan of treatment offered. It seems prudent to Sheryl to receive at least two to three opinions before embarking on any treatment plan, and we should incorporate a host of modalities and treatments to assist anyone dealing with a serious or terminal illness.
Sheryl writes of many other treatment plans such as “Wait and See” before using the last resort chemotherapy. In some cases the body is able to heal itself with changes in diet lifestyle and spiritual awareness and practices as well as making job or relationship changes which may be so stressful that they may actually have created the cancer.
Athena writes, My experience has shown me that energy healing is just as important a part of self- care as conventional medicine. By raising your vibration, energy healing fills in the gaps of modern medicine. It is gentle but the shift is profound—it will alter both your mindset and the internal workings of your body enabling you to enjoy a much happier and healthier quality of life. However, an understanding of spiritual health is typically not taught to us in the modern age. Instead, we are often raised to depend on others for our health. Our society as a whole has lost sight to call upon we relied heavily on diet worship and sacred tools to cure ourselves. If we go back to the days of ancient peoples of the world many spiritual practices were uses including herbs, crystals, different forms of smudging prayer and as you can see I believe of our incredible innate ability to heal ourselves. Not too long ago when there were no physicians we need a full spectrum of healing practices for our wellbeing. Of course it’s important to note that modern medicine also has immense value. Only after doing research and exploring alternative methods did I grasp that there is much more to healing than just treating physical symptoms—that true healing takes place on all the levels of body mind spirit.
Athena and Sheryl discuss how they and other practitioners perform a Reiki healing on people far away or “Distant Healing” as it is called and give us examples of such a healing event.
In the first attunement to Reiki known as Reiki I the student is aligned or attuned to three symbols which help them channel Universal energy but are not yet taught how to use these and more advanced symbols. The student continues to practice Reiki self healing sessions on themselves clearing and refining their own health and a deeper connection to the energy they have embraced.
In Reiki 11 training the student receives a second attunement and new symbols are passed to the student allowing that individual to work on others at a deeper level and to send Reiki energy to other people situations places and animals remotely without limitation of space and time in a practice known as Distant Healing Reiki. This is regarded as the practitioner level by most Reiki masters in the West.
Sheryl tells of one of her first Distant Healing sessions. On New Years Eve many years ago, Sheryl received a call from her son who told her that his wife’s cousin only 19 had a brain bleed and the family was desperate as the outcome seemed dire. My son said, “Mom I don’t exactly know what you do but if you could help that would be great.” Being a new practitioner myself I wasn’t exactly sure how it worked but I invoked the Distant Healing symbol and began to connect to the energy of the young woman and her family. There was such pain and fear that she wouldn’t survive that Sheryl began to cry but continued to sent healing symbols and hopeful intentions for her survival requesting that she live a full healthy life but, whatever her soul needed to do as a result of this event must be allowed, accepted and surrendered to. Sheryl must have spent over an hour in mediation and then for days to follow. The young woman miraculously survived and needed months of rehab but made a full recovery. Sheryl realized that there is no time and space but all energy can be anywhere that the mind intends it to be and time and space is merely a concept of a three- dimensional physical world. Energy can be everywhere independently of the body or mind. Sheryl has continued to use Distant Healing over the years to prepare clients visits to doctor’s offices, hospitals, large events and people in need to help further the best outcome for the person. During Covid after having the disease herself and knowing its ability to go to all parts of the body affecting certain areas more intensely if there was a weakness there, and after recovering Sheryl was able to send Distant Healing to many people near and far and helped many weather serious challenges.
Athena tells us crystals play a significant role in her own Reiki practice as combining Reiki with crystal helps to focus and strengthen healing energies. To assist your self -attunement, she recommends using a piece of clear quartz crystal. “Clear quartz” is considered the master healing crystal and its ability to help amplify energy is unmatched. Simply hold the crystal or place it near you to intensify your body’s openness and allow the bio-electric energy field to harmonize with the Reiki energy you are intending to connect with. Reiki energy flows from above through the crown chakra whereas crystals bring in the grounding energy from the Earth so together they form a natural and seamless circuit. Clear quart should always be cleansed when you first begin to use it. You want to make sure it is amplifying your intention and energy not that of others it has come in contact with.
Athena might tell us that “Selenite” is unique in that it is both self- cleansing and clears the energy attachments of other crystals. Simply place the two stones together in a bowl overnight to cleanse the other crystal.
Athena tells us her desire and need for writing a book and her inspiration for Raise Your Vibes Athena tells us her mission is to make the healing power or Reiki and energy healing accessible to all. She has developed an approach that combines simple Reiki techniques with a range of different healing modalities from crystals to lunar rituals. The tools she provides create a vibration raising practice that readers can use in many different situations from dealing with physical pain to ridding themselves of stress and lingering emotional upset to improving the vibes of their surroundings at work and at home. Athena also provides step by step meditation guides.
Athena and Sheryl both might want you to think of “The Violet Flame” as a powerful and protective tool that has been used throughout the ages. The beauty of the Violet Flame incorporates the power of light color and divine connection together with the one of the four elements Fire. Although there is no literal flame involved, the sense of the warmth generated from the energy can be seen as a warm bath or mother’s womb restoring the feeling of safety and security that many have lost on our journey in life. It is a powerful tool that anyone can invoke with some practice and visualization. This beautiful light will help cleanse and seal your aura remove uninvited entities and energy blocks: restore your sense of peace: protect from jealous and hurtful energy vampires: give you confidence in social situations: heal old hurts: cut energetic cords of attachment as well as raise your vibration.
In historical writings the color violet has been associated with the Ascended Masters those spiritual guides of the past who transcend religion, denomination, creed and conviction. The most known Ascended Masters include Jesus Christ, Gautama, Buddha, Quan Yin and the Egyptian goddess Isis.
Sheryl tells of meeting a Reiki Master from England who instructed her to use the Violet Flame. He told her the violet flame is especially associated with the Ascended Master Saint Germaine who was said not to age according to many accounts. Sometimes referred to as Master R he was reputed to be an 18th century alchemist and crystal collector and confidant of the French XV regime.
In modern times, purple remains the color of royalty in England. It features in songs such as “Purple Haze” by Jimi Hendrix and “Purple Rain” by Prince. Purple or violet is one of natures most healing colors and is used in color therapy for soothing mental and emotional stress. It is often found in nurseries to create a calm serene environment.
Athena gives some ways to bring in the Violet Flame which are easy and practical. Sheryl simply recites “Make me a recipient of the Violet or Purple Fire and make me as God desires, Transform Transform Transform.” Then she envisions herself surrounded in the healing purple light- protected and healed at the same time feeling the calm surround her and asks the energy to go to whatever part of her body is in need of extra a
We thank Athena Bahri RMT author of Raise Your Vibes for sharing your creative loving journey with Reiki healing and many other metaphysical techniques and modalities used to help our mind body and spirt to attune to Universal Source, the laws of nature and the Universe, and help to tap into a true recognition of eternal life which is so much more than physical life, thereby allowing us to know our soul nature and begin to transcend fear and limitation for greater love of Self and the miraculous gift of life.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing from Within Athena and Sheryl have shown you the joy and fulfillment they have found as Reiki Master Teachers and universal citizens of a multi-dimensional universe filled with love and compassion, hope and joy, and the Reiki path to find a bit of this magic as you begin to be aware of the coincidences that really are messages from Spirit helping us to put the puzzle of life together, realizing we have the power within to create and manifest through our thoughts and actions the life we are living.. By changing thoughts and behaviors, we change our reality and can improve ourselves, our communities, and really begin to Manifest a miraculous life journey. Athena in a very organized factual creative practical guide to Reiki self- healing and the many tools to be explored to help that process such as crystals meditation mudras smudging sound healing the Violet Flame shows us how to conquer fear and other negative emotions as we gain greater self -love confidence and joy in our daily experiences.
Athena writes, “We are all divine beings blessed with our individual talents and traits. Many of us tend to forget this for a number of reasons such as having other people’s pain projected onto us: unhealthy relationships, childhood traumas, or the constant comparing of ourselves to others. Whatever the reason know that you are deserving of love—and that must start with loving yourself. Showing ourselves some love is a beautiful way to lift ourselves up, raise our vibes and start attracting those who will also show us love.’
Athena and Sheryl help you find the path to feeling the beauty of Universal Energy all around you calling you to take a step towards refining your own energy and finding the peace and happiness that is the divine birth right of every human soul being.
Sheryl Glick RMT host of Healing From Within invites you to visit her website to read about and listen to authors metaphysical leaders spiritualists scientists medical professionals psychologists attorneys and those in the arts and music fields share insights into the true nature of physical and spiritual life leading to greater health happiness and prosperity. Shows may also be heard on and