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Escaping Our Old Ways of Suffering: Finding the Feminine Within
- Christine Page M.D.
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Welcome to Healing From Within. I am your host Sheryl Glick Author of the final book in my trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit showing us our challenges are not merely economic political or societal but a deep dissociation from our true being or inner soul wisdom. I am delighted today to welcome Dr. Christine R. Page author of The Heart of the Great Mother offering sacred spiritual tools to connect to the love passion and creative powers of the Great Mother for spiritual transformation.
Hello Dr. Page and thank you for joining us on “Healing from Within” to share how the Great Mother Hears our heart’s yearning to escape our old ways of suffering and struggle to find peace fulfillment and joy.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” have come to expect over the years my guests and I share intimate stories and insights into the human and divine nature of man or the duality of our physical ego related world and that of the heart or soul of our energetic eternal life force. In learning more about the metaphysical aspects of life we learn to move beyond fear and restriction to find fluidity creativity and our inner spiritual gifts.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Christine R. Page M.D. who has been a pioneer in the fields of spiritual wisdom and holistic health care for over 40 years and who offers individual soul readings astrology workshops and retreats for women empowering them to embody the gifts of the Great Mother is the author of 8 books including the Healing Power of the Sacred Woman. Today we will discuss how since 2012 which marked the birth of a new cycle of time that will last for 26,000 years the Great Mother’s eternal source of energy will be calling on the feminine within us all to create a world worthy of the next seven generations and begin an era of peace abundance and spiritual evolution and to share how the Great Mother hears our heart’s yearning to escape our old ways of suffering and struggle to find peace fulfillment and joy. We will find that we must release our hold on the destructive patterns and embrace the divine feminine qualities of intuition creativity and rhythmic renewal.
At the beginning of the book Dr. Page describes the birth of a new world in 2012: a new start for everyone. Why, years from this event are we still not fully embracing the opportunities for change? Christine shares with us the thought that All mystics let us know that despite appearances, life is impermanent: here today, gone tomorrow. All dreams and ideas arise from a primal source often described as the Great Mother or ocean of possibilities. It is to here that all our creations will eventually return to enhance her collective consciousness. So what image of the future do we wish to create?
Dr. Page writes “ Life has sadly become a struggle for so many people due to external circumstances. The fire of their free will has almost been extinguished by a belief that their life is controlled and fated by a higher authority or power and there is no escape. Yet the deep eternal fire of their soul cannot be extinguished. The intuitive heart is today sending our radiant pulses of light and love to help us remember that unlimited possibilities—associated with love joy and pleasure---are still readily available to us now! This is not fantasy or wishful thinking: can you not feel the cells of the body starting to shimmer and feel excited once more. A deeply buried memory is starting to awaken which if nurtured with the help of the emotions will create a fruitful future worthy of your soul’s desires…..The Earth and its inhabitants are presently engaged in a powerful time of transformation when the old paradigm is giving way to the new. In other words we’re dissolving to evolve. We are lucky to be alive at this time. For ever since the birth of new twenty-six thousand year cycle on December 21, 2012 everybody is being given the opportunity to decide how future generations live for centuries but first we need to release our attachment to the old pattern until we are filled with inspiration and through breathing realize the Great Mother’s realm of creative potential.
For here between the worlds, time collapses, space expands into infinity and the veils between the dimensions drop revealing a single feature: NOW Our challenge is to be able to release our obsessively emotional hold on the past and future and fully appreciate the rich choice being offered now.
It seems over the time we have forgotten the illusionary nature of reality—a collection of holographic images created by our own subconscious thoughts and emotions causing us to believe the structure of our world is solid and cannot be changed. Yet in essence, these loose collections of vibrating energies are capable of transforming themselves as quickly as it takes for us to change our mind!
During the decades to come there will be a great need for all who consciously hear the call to encourage others to remember their inherent destiny. Together we can birth a world that encompasses the principles of “cooperation and oneness” through the acceptance of diversity ensuring right relationships with all life forms who share this planet. Despite the propaganda, large numbers of ordinary people are awakening to the fact that many of the dogmas that have been taught for centuries are based on flawed reasoning. Millions of people are beginning to listen to their own inherent guidance or intuition knowing they are connecting to the pulse of the Great Mother’s heart and to remember their soul purpose to bring heaven to earth and create a new world.
We know this is a time for the empowerment of women across the world, but why is the feminine so important during this transitional period between the old and new worlds? Dr. Page reminds us over time and despite the masculine tendency to solidify wisdom into dogma, the goddess managed to keep her timeless qualities of truth and wisdom alive through the arts, body centered wisdom and intuition. Yet her hold was tenuous and such inner knowing was often viewed as feminine fancy, implying, that because it does not come from reasoned thinking, it must be delusional emotional or a little crazy.
Sheryl says that for the first half of her life she functioned exactly according to an ego based patriarchal reality until many metaphysical events started to happen frequently for her increasing her awareness of the unseen world of energy and intuition, and she developed mediumship skills and energy healing practice allowing her to integrate all aspects of the physical and spiritual realms of life.
Dr. Page writes in some depth about the importance of embracing all three faces of the Triple Goddess—Virgin Exploring the mythology of the Triple Goddess, Dr. Page explains how the three faces of the Great Mother help us on our spiritual journey of transformation. As virgin she inspires us to manifest our dreams. As a mother she teaches us to celebrate and nurture all living things, especially ourselves. As crone, she shows us that creativity changes like the seasons, encouraging us not to be possessed by our creations but to embrace mystery and impermanence. Finally the Great Mother emboldens us to build our magician’s wand the rod of light along the spine which enables us to be masters of creativity, bringing forth transformation for ourselves and generations of children still to come as we embark into a new era of expanded consciousness and love.
The Great Mother hears our heart’s yearning to escape our old ways of suffering and struggle to find peace fulfilment and joy. She is reaching out to us across the dimensions offering spiritual initiation and the chance to know ourselves fully right now. Drawing on alchemy and mythology Dr. Page details the journey of the soul through the twelve signs of the zodiac until our inner light shines. She also explores how to connect with and use sacred spiritual tools to open our hearts and merge with the Great Mother’s love and creative powers.
Alchemy is the ultimate process of transformation turning base consciousness into the gold of illumination, the stages outlined in the Emerald Tablet. There simple steps we can start to take to experience such transformation in our own lives. In other words, spirit and matter are just different faces of the Divine. Each gives birth continually to the other at the expense of its own existence. The ability to shift frequencies between the vibration of spirit and the vibration of matter is possible because of the existence of a transformer found, not only within every human being, but also within the center of our sun and of our galaxy. This unique piece of equipment is the heart. Without it our very purpose as creative beings would grind to a halt as we’re forced either to live a lie of continual unrealized potential or to stagnate, paralyzed by the weight of our own creations. In more modern terms this miraculous heart would be called a star gate, transporting us naturally between the many different dimensions. Anybody who has ever been in love knows of the heart.
Alchemy is the ultimate process of transformation turning base consciousness into the gold of illumination. Note the mention of the Ka in which Tom Kenyon in The Magdalen Manuscript describes the alchemical teachings of the Egyptians in their quest for immortality. They understood that each of us has 3 bodies: the Khat or physical body the Ka or light body, and the Ba or higher self. Through deep inner work and alchemical practices, they aspired to activate each of the body’s chakras thereby sending serpentine energy up a central connecting pathway known as the Djed which is positioned along the spine. The process known as the raising of the Djed is clearly synonymous with the raising of the dead, or the transformation of base consciousness into the golden consciousness of enlightenment. In order to reach immortality, it was taught that there must be an alignment between the energy within the Djed and the Ba or higher spirit self.
We cannot continue our exploration of immortality and our union with the Heart of the Great Mother without acknowledging the science of the mystics alchemy and its treatise the Emerald Tablet. Alchemy can be a practical science where base metals are turned into gold or a profound spiritual journey where, through careful stages of initiation, we achieve the golden light of illumination, we become immortal.
Christine and Sheryl discuss The Count of St. Gemaine a master alchemist around 1560 said that alchemy when properly understood deals with the conscious power of controlling mutations and transmutations within matter and energy and even within life itself . It is the science of the mystic and the forte of the self-realized man who having sought, has found himself to be one with God and is willing to play his part. He taught the use of the purple flame or energy to assist in energy healing of the chakra system
Dr. Page describes a journey towards immortality as one that spirals through the 12 astrological signs and explains how such a hero’s journey takes place in the ever- present love of the Great Mother. This cycle between spirit and matter or heaven and earth is also known as the hero myth in which the ego passes through several stages of evolution (inspiration) and dissolution (expiration) taking on different roles as it dives in and out of the Great Mother’s ocean of possibilities. The intimate balance between the masculine focus to create and the feminine the force to create is reflected in the interplay of energies between the various signs of the zodiac.
Listening to the different intuitive calls of the Virgin, Mother and Crone is so important in the journey. As we continue to explore ancient Creation myths, we learn the Great Mother gave birth to herself creating the Triple Goddess consisting of the 3 archetypal faces of the feminine Virgin, Mother and Crone. Each face is essential for the complete creative process to transpire. The Virgin represents creative inspiration, the Mother creative nurturing and the Crone creative transformation. All three of them act exclusively through their unique style of compassion and intuition, ever expanding our awareness of ourselves toward our perfect eternal state.
Contrary to popular belief the word virgin does not reflect a sexually inexperienced girl but instead means “to be complete unto oneself without the need for another to make one whole.” Often depicted wearing white the Virgin radiates a state of energetic perfection wherein she is comfortable with herself and has nothing to hide.
The Virgin can be described as
Our Spiritual blueprint awaiting manifestation
Our unrealized or unmanifested self
Our imagination containing all the seeds of possibility
Energetic perfection
Our holographic self in which everything is present. If we return to the original meaning of the word virgin imagine being in a relationship where you were complete unto yourself without the need for another to make you whole. You would still enjoy the creative change that comes from intimacy but without the fear of rejection, the stickiness of codependency, or the burden of unrealistic expectations that are commonly place on another person in the mistaken belief that this will make you whole. Imagine the joy of just being in the presence of another soul who embraces his or her implicit wholeness and allows us to do the same.
Dr. Page writes “Within the realm of creativity we cannot pick and choose what we decide to own. Everything that causes us to have an emotional reaction reflects a part of our spiritual blueprint. This is based on the understanding that our purpose on Earth is to manifest fully the unique aspect of the Great Mother that we carry in order for her to know herself through us—in other words to express heaven on earth. Hence as we move through the world, we project our energetic blueprint or aura into the environment. This attracts people and situations into our lives that ensure the blueprint is brought into manifestation. This is the true meaning of the law of attraction, which is not derived from mentally or emotionally based desire but from the undeniable intention of the soul, causing us to receive what we need, not what we want.”
Through this journey we are strengthening our Magician’s wand or so we can use it to create a new reality within this new world. It is important to understand the duality that is at work in our lives at all times and Dr. Page wrote, “In a world of duality both aspects have equal importance and each impact everything we do. The masculine face provides our world with structure and stability mainly through identity, thoughts laws, and beliefs. The feminine face provides movement and opportunity largely through creativity inspiration and intuition. Problems arise when one aspect is given preference over the other, causing the one that is suppressed to rise up in order to reestablish its rightful position. When the world becomes too structured and lacks spontaneity and growth, the feminine face offers turmoil shaking things up and in a similar way when mayhem or confusion is rampant events occur that force us to make decisions or set priorities thereby bringing masculine order out of the chaos. A continual flow of energy between the masculine and feminine principles is the force that creates healthy rewarding relationships where all aspects are respected and honored.”
Dr. Page might like readers of The Heart of the Great Mother to take away with them after reading her book that we can be “Free of Dogma” without ego centered direction and most intuitive. These few words set the scene for a profound experience their study is in itself a lifetime’s work.
Simply stated we are told that the process of alchemical transformation can occur only when we learn to:
Be honest with our thoughts words and actions where nothing is hidden and everything is owned
Master not suppress our emotions and energies
Carry a level of self-confidence that has no need to judge others.
Release our need to defend our opinions
Live from a place of discernment, detached from the outcome
Think, act and speak from our central core where head and heart are aligned
Be guided by our intuition, driven not by fear but by love
In Sheryl’s new book A New Life Awaits Sheryl addressed the process of change and awareness of our human and divine values and wrote, “ In the past several years, I have noticed through my own personal connections with family, friends, and clients that as we ride through life, much like the joyful merry-go-round ride of our childhood, we experience much joy, terror, or even a combination of both. Reminded of experiences from our earlier life, we approach rapidly changing times with the same simplicity of earlier training, which, although correct, may not be sufficient to deal with the challenges of our adult life. Still these old-fashioned values of our youth are the foundation of our humanity. It is therefore a great sadness to those of us born in a different era to see values such as love of country being dishonored by unhappy youths who burn our flag and denigrate our passion for freedom. To witness anything less than living honorably with these well-relied-on ethics is not an option, as we have discovered the real goal of life is to become or remain righteous citizens. Remember your childhood as I remember mine! The best hopes for happiness come from the best memories and happiness experienced in childhood and a trust in a timeless, universal plan.
We thank Christine Page M.D. author of The Heart of the Great Mother for sharing a way to understand how reaching across dimensions offers a spiritual initiation and the chance to know ourselves more completely right now in the physical realm of life while discovering our shadow selves—the unloved parts of us—so we can eventually know both our spiritual energetic reality and physical form and radiate our full light from the fullness of who we are without the lower vibration energies of shame or guilt or any negative emotion.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within it has become apparent that by exploring the mythology of the Triple Goddess or the Great Mother we are helped on our spiritual journey of transformation Drawing on alchemy and mythology we have discovered how to connect with and use sacred spiritual tools to open our hearts and merge with the energy and wisdom of the Great Mother’s love and creative power. We are beginning to call on the feminine within us all to create a world worthy of the next seven generations and begin an era of peace abundance and spiritual evolution.
As Dr. Christine Page writes, “In the Aquarian age it will no longer be possible to give your power away to another person and then blame them when things go wrong for unlike the Piscean age, everybody will be asked to be self-conscious and self-accountable. Rather than living in hierarchal societies where policies are made at the level of the central or federal government, power will return to the communities who will make decisions that are best for everyone in the area. At the same time, we will see everybody’s contribution as equally important and unique, just as each piece is required to be in place to complete the jigsaw puzzle. There will be no need for leaders and messiahs, for everyone will be their own guru. Such a shift from giving power away to an authority figure to taking full responsibility for our thoughts, words, and actions will not be easy. …..Yet times are changing and despite the inconvenience of having to take responsibility for our creations, we will feel tremendous relief when we no longer have to
Spin plates to keep everyone happy
Wear masks to avoid being seen fully or upsetting others
Stay small so others aren’t threatened by us
Be the proverbial round peg in the square hole
Convince others that tomorrow will suffice when it comes to following our bliss
Dr. Christine Page and Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Teacher would have you remember that the soul power within carries the wisdom of the Great Mother and Universal Source and are your eternal means to create lives of glory beauty and joy beyond anything your mind or physical life can dictate. Be free to expose your heart to All that is and will be forever.
I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and author of the newest book in my trilogy A New Life Awaits which shares the spirit of divinity that lies within us and yearns to know itself as love and infinite possibilities and invite you to visit my website to read about and listen to leaders in the metaphysical scientific spiritual medical and educational fields share their ways to view life in its totality as eternal and divine.