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Father and Son Connected Forever through Time and Space
- Joe McQuillen
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Welcome to Healing From Within. I am your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Energy Teacher and author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us our challenges are not merely economic political or societal but often a disconnect from our true being or inner soul connections to all of life. In today’s show I am delighted to have Joe McQuillen join us for a second time to talk about his new book We’re Not Done Yet, Pop Previously we discussed his book My Search for Christopher on the Other Side revealing a mixture of narrative, italicized visits with Chris from the other side, input and conversations with respected psychic mediums which is relatable to anyone who has experienced loss or even anyone who has imagined it. Go to my website December 2020 to Find Life Exists After Death.
As listeners of the show well know my intuitive and compassionate guests who wish to bring comfort and hope to those open hearted minds who seek to know more about the human and divine connection share intimate and insightful stories that help us realize that we are more than our physical life and that this physical life offers opportunities to expand our soul and human capacity to love and deeply care for life here and beyond as we are spiritual beings having a physical life and life is eternal.. for those who know, it is the truth and reality and helps to move us past all challenges knowing we are loved and guided from a creative Universal Energetic Force of Love and Compassion.
In today’s episode of Healing from Within Joe will continue to help parents with troubled teens understand addiction and for those who have lost a child friend or parent that while our body is left behind after phyiscal death, our energy continues to find connection with our loved ones from both sides of the veil. Joe continues to serve as an example of how one can establish an ongoing relationship with loved ones who have passed. He models total commitment to learning about his son’s new state of being and as a result helps readers heal and once again treasure life in it’s entirety. Joe calls himself an ordinary man but perhaps like each us is a unique and magnificent source of soul creation and possibilities for growth.
I always love to ask my guests to think back to their childhood and remember a person place or event that may have shown them or others the lifestyle they would embrace as an adult for often the destiny or life plan for us is visible at an early age or sometimes when we look back we realize why certain events happened.
Joe tells us that when his son died in a canoe accident with 3 other friends in 2016 this major tragedy put him on this metaphysical path? He had some sense through his Catholic upbringing that there might be a life beyond this life but his search to communicate with his son brought him beyond any skepticism to put the puzzle pieces of his own life together and to begin to accept that his son’s fate in the universal plan was as it must be. After my son Christopher drowned in a canoe accident in 2016 I wasn’t ready to accept a world with him. I wanted to know where he went, so I began a search. And if the answers suggested “nowhere, “ I wanted to know that, too. What I found changed my life forever.
Sheryl tells Joe how as a sensitive child she felt there was more to life than what she was being taught, but not having a family who believed in the afterlife had her fears as they all did about life and dying.
In her book Life is No Coincidence The Life and Afterlife Connection Sheryl describes the visit from her grandfather in a dream while she was sick with the flu and he told her she had to write something for her father. The very next day she received a phone call from her mom saying dad had passed.
Sheryl wrote his eulogy as her grandfather suggested she must and said….” I spoke of a man having many different faces as perceived by the different people who frequented his life. To myself, I wondered whom he had been in other lifetimes, but then forced myself to focus on what he meant to the many mourners attending, to the family, relatives, friends and patients who were part of him in this lifetime. He was a son, a brother, a father, a husband and a professional. My father was a podiatrist, which also made him a colleague, a friend of so many friends who had been comforted, had been touched by their memories of him. So many patients had been healed by “his golden hands.” However, his most important role was that of a soul housed in a human body who had to balance his life forces with his earthly personality and arrive at the knowledge, toward the end of his journey on earth, that he was, more than anything, a spirit of life, love and eternal unconquerable energy
Joe tells us that the first book wasn’t even in my plan, much less this one, but as I now know it was in Chris’ plan. It was in the Universe’s plan. When I was finishing book now, My Search for Christopher on the Other Side, Chris came to me and said, “We’re not done yet Pop.” Thus began the title for the next book.
Like Joe Sheryl says when she was told during her first reading by a medium a gift to her at a Christmas party that she was going to write three books she responded by saying “I don’t think so.” But our loved ones and guides in Spirit know our destiny and are with us to help us accomplish our soul goals. Later Sheryl was told by another medium that when she walked on the boardwalk by the ocean many of the thoughts were from her father who was helping her download thoughts to be included in the book, He was helping Sheryl as Christopher helped Joe to share this wondrous message of life after life, and infinite love to all who would embrace this miracle.
Absolutely! There will be a third book. I’m working on the third book now. Chris told me in the second book that we will be doing this together until it’s my time to cross. I’m not that old, so there may be many more!
We know Chris helped you complete this book and how does this book differ from the first book? It’s far more detailed and complete. And Chris was with me for every paragraph…every key stroke. It’s really his story
Joe’s family is part of this journey to learn more about life in the dimensions beyond this physical life. Joe tells us he is loved and supported by Sally his wife of thirty years and his two kids Caroline and William. Sally is just finishing her first book and it will be brilliant and heartfelt. But all of us have our own path. And we all deal with the grief in our own way. But I know that Chris is guiding them all in their daily lives.
When Joe is asked if he ever have any doubts he responds and tell us, “Yes, Early on, I did. And I would get a message from my boy: “Really Dad?” It was sort of a cosmic “You gotta be kidding me!” After all that has been revealed to me, I just bought in. Sheryl says it was the same for her at the beginning when she was trying to find to why her grandfather came to her in a dream the night before her father passed and could people really get messages from the souls of their loved ones. Sheryl says to Joe that she was brought up in a methodical practice approach to life and not being taught to believe in life after death was a skeptic as well, but after many coincidences synchronicity and meditation and studying with master teachers she herself began to receive a downloading of information: impressions, visions sounds thoughts feelings from spirit that proved to be accurate and welcomed by her clients many whom were suffering loss and health issues. As a result of these successful messages, she finally realized and truly accepted that life is not random and many of the experiences places and people we are meeting are programed into our soul’s life plan and we are assisted by Spirit. Since we survive physical death, our soul is eternal and always creating new ways to evolve and reach higher levels of love and compassion. A physical life seems one way for the soul to move through emotion and feel at higher levels of awareness and to correct refine or improve past relationships. As we journey through many lifetimes with many of the same people in our soul group we grow as well. Sheryl has discovered that for those who know, no proof is necessary and for those who do not know, these simple truths of life no proof will suffice.
Joe might tell the naysayers in his life good luck in finding your own path . I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything. I just want folks whose loved ones have transitioned (died) to know that they are still here. Still around us. Still accessible to us.
Sheryl says, “And perhaps they will one day see a sign or sense an energy or learn to meditate and be in silence and feel the shift in energy around them as they say their loved one’s name and talk to them just as if they could see them physically.”
Joe tells us he always believed in an afterlife. Just like I believed in a lot of things I couldn’t prove. But I didn’t think that I was facing death anytime soon. I didn’t dwell on the subject.
Sheryl says “It’s good not to focus thoughts on fearful or negative issues for our thoughts create our reality here in the physical world and if you think you will get ill, lose a job or relationship, or die, chances are those things materializing in life may happen. Sheryl remembers just before her mom passed, she said to her “Mom, go be with God and I will see you soon.” Then Sheryl remembered the universe might take her literally so she revised that thought and said, “Mom go with God and I will see you later.”
Sheryl asks Joe when did his new understanding of soul life become a knowing. Joe tells us that five minutes after he sat down with Andrew Anderson a medium, on June 30, 2016 he revealed things from Chris that no one except me knew. Joe went from believing to knowing at that moment. The visit is chronicled in Joe’s first book My Search For Christopher on the Other Side.
Joe writes, “I almost always connect with Chris on beaches at night. I experienced my strongest connection with Chris on a beach at night in Sarasota Florida in 2016. But it’s rare that I don’t feel him around me on any beach at night. Maybe it’s because when I walk on the beach my intention is to connect. Even before my feet hit the sand, I reach out to him through the field to let him know I’m heading to a beach to talk. As sure as I’m writing this, I feel a tingle on the back of my neck and an energy wash over me. My Chris is present and we are connected. “
11 What is the one thing you want to tell parents who have lost a child?
I will continue down the path of learning loving writing and speaking to parents who have lost kids. Be it on Zoom in person groups or one on one. Chris has put me on this path of service and has given me a great gift to share. But this kind of gift that you have to give away in order to keep it.
Joe also likes to share a greater awareness of what soul and physical life are really and writes, “The best explanation about what happens when your soul leaves your body at the time of physical death comes from a movie, What Dreams May Come. In the film, Cuba Gooding plays a spirit guide to the recently deceased doctor portrayed brilliantly by Robin Williams. He explains it this way: “The origins of the word “body” is the Anglo-Saxon “bodig” meaning abode. Which is what the physical body is, you see. A transient dwelling for the real self. Like you’re in your house right now. You’re in your house, that doesn’t mean you are your house. House falls down, your soul gets out and walks away.”
Sheryl says she has done readings soon after a soul departed. Her client called her shortly after her daughter’s 19-year-old boyfriend had died and everyone was devastated. I immediately sat down in my office and went into meditation and I saw Michael leave his body following light beings guiding him forward. He showed me he was lying on the ground and his soul was above the scene looking down. Several people had put a jacket under his head and he was not alone. He had left his body quickly upon impact and there was no pain only sadness that his mother father family and Jessica his girlfriend would be so sorry this had happened. But he knew it was his time and he would always be near-by to those he loved and then he followed the light beings as they guided him forward.
Joe reveals that he will never be over his son’s death No. But I also don’t want to. Joe lives a full and happy life but a piece of him will never heal until we are together again, on the other side. When I’m home with him. Anyone who says that time heals all wounds hasn’t lost a child.
When Joe is asked if his boy’s death pre-determined…was it in the stars he answers, “I believe not…I know that we have free will. I also believe we have exit points in our lives. Kind of like off ramps on a freeway. Those converge with a death or a transition, when we cross from this realm to the next. How that works exactly may be revealed to me while researching the next book or when I cross over. But I am confident at some point I’ll figure it out.
Sheryl says that she senses that the time for our return home is pre-determined, as we have a time to come and a time to go, and are constantly coming and going from this life to other lives where we continue to grow and evolve as we refine our soul energy. However, some believe there is in spirit the Akashic Records or a Book of Life for each soul, and in each soul’s ledger the challenges are written that they will face in each life they incarnate into. Before being born, souls work with teachers guides angels and incorporate into their life story, events that will ultimately empower their personal and collective growth. I think the way we leave this physical life is already in that plan or “pre-determined” by each soul. Free will of course gives us the opportunity to deal with any challenge or life issue in our own way and perhaps repair any wounds to the soul by making better choices for new challenges, but perhaps, we don’t have free will about the time of our passing and the way we will pass, as that was determined by us before we entered this lifetime and in conjunction with other souls who are affected by our passing, often enabling them to find new ways to enhance their own understanding of themselves or life in general. Sometimes a loved one gives a gift to those he or she loves in the way and time of their passing though it may not be apparent at that hurtful moment.
Joe might want readers of We’re Not Done Yet Pop to take away with them after reading your book that this book is a follow up to My Search for Christopher on the Other Side which chronicled Joe’s search and connection with his son during the first two years after his death or crossing over. What he discovered has changed his path and changed his life. “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass… It’s about learning to dance in the rain. As written by Vivian Greene.
Joe might like you to know that who we are as spiritual beings having a physical life makes total sense. We need to separate who we are—our soul, our spirit from our body or earthly personality, which is a temporary structure housing our true self and eternal being. This knowing is a magnificent revelation but it doesn’t take the pain away from the loss of a loved one especially a child. Knowing you can connect to your child through mediums and eventually if you work on understanding energy meditation and putting the intention forward to connect, you can do it yourself without the help of mediums. It is a process and with time we all can feel the energy flow around us and know our spiritual loved ones are near.
We thank you Joe McQuillen author of We’re not Done Yet Pop for his conscientious study of the Afterlife and his detailed stories of connection to his son Christopher who fully intended to engage his father in the process of sharing what the afterlife reveals about life here on earth and beyond.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing from Within we have shared Joe’s ongoing relationship with his son Christopher in Spirt while learning more about a soul’s new state of life or being after physical death. Joe models total commitment to sharing all his son shares with him as it is both the destiny and desire of both to help readers learn more about what awaits each of us at the time of physical death and how we are never far from our loved ones as it appears heaven and earth are merged, as are soul and physical life. There are different dimensions and layers of energy and spirit, but ultimately, we are part of the divine creative force of love and compassion and life gives our soul the opportunity to experience emotions and feelings on a deeper level as we refine our thoughts and actions, to improve personal and collective growth through experiences of all kinds. We discuss astral travel near death experiences and share the loving messages and information Chris shares with his father.
In one message from Chris he says, “It’s a door Dad. When the time comes you just walk through it. You won’t be freaked our or afraid, because of all the time we’ve spent. As soon as you walk through the door I’ll be there. Sorry I had to leave and it’s hard for you to know that it was for the best. But I miss you too and I am sorry for the pain. The pain would have been worse thought. Let it go Dad. Nice meditation this morning. You’re starting to see me in your head ….See the beach Dad? I’m not restless. I’m at peace. You will be too. I’m trying to bring that to you on your side.
Joe and I would have you know that we have shared so many wondrous messages from our loved ones in Spirit and wish you to truly one day know what we know: there is no death, just transformation and transition. Love and life is eternal as each soul lives beyond physical life still exploring the mysteries and wonderment of nature man and Spirit.
I am Sheryl Glick, host of Healing From Within, Reiki Master Energy Teacher (RMT), author of a trilogy with the newest book, A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening and invite you to visit my website to explore metaphysics, the afterlife, and understanding of energy and vibration, and ways to improve your own awareness and higher consciousness so you may start to feel and know that life and our loved ones are within reach. Shows may also be heard and