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Find Forgiveness and Love by Remembering the Truth of Your Being
- Barbara Mulvey Little
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Hello and welcome to Healing from Within. I am Sheryl Glick your host a Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner medium and author of Life Is No Coincidence, The Living Spirit and my soon to be released in February 2020 the third book in the trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which share stories of modern day worldwide challenges reminding us of our infinite soul potential to understand intuition and inner soul wisdom to guide us beyond fear to secure a prosperous healthy and joyful physical life journey. I am delighted to welcome Barbara Mulvey Little author of The Secrets Underneath and a former guest of Healing From Within who co-authored Opening Hearts: A Cardiovascular Surgeon Reflects on Faith Healing Love.
For those who would love to hear Barbara discuss the book she coauthored with cardiologist Dr. Sauvage Opening Hearts ; A Cardiovascular Surgeon Reflects on Faith Healing, Love and the Meaning of Life go to my website and go to radio page April 2018
Barbara was kind enough to edit the epilogue to my new book due out February 7, 2020 A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening and the epilogue addresses how Spirit and a channeled message from our first president George Washington directs our troubled nation to survive the confusion going on in our government, remember our values and universal goals of our ancestors in Spirit and find the way forward.
Barbara as you may remember my guests and I share intimate awareness of how energy thoughts and experiences influence how we create most of our life experiences and how with a clearer understanding of who we are, where we come from, and knowing we are more than our physical bodies, we may create the most positive joyful healthy life journey and work through challenges and limitations to conquer fear and find peace.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Barbara Mulvey Little will share how her book The Secrets Underneath explores how our choices to love and forgive, or to hold onto anger and resentment, affect our lives. We will discover we are all the sum total of our life experiences broken in ways that need healing and that much of what happens to us is necessary for an awakening process to remember soul life and how to complete our life plan or mission in this time and in this life no matter how challenging.
Barbara when asked to remember her childhood and a person place or event that may have shown her or others the direction interests work she might engage in in adulthood tells us of the many challenges in her family…alcoholism sexism and sexual abuse from generations earlier and how she always wanted to help people heal and be a doctor, but in high school a chemistry teacher told her women were not really so inclined to be doctors. She gave up that dream but has in her writing offered great insights into the emotional physical and spiritual challenges that we all face and ways to approach healing on a multi-demensional level.
Barbara’s work with Dr Lester Sauvage who represented a holistic spiritual approach to healing his patients on all levels: mind body spirt encouraged her to finish this novel she had started years before. In this new story the main character Dr. Sean Thomas was the only surviving member of a family that was murdered as a result of domestic abuse violence by the husband/father a police office. Now so many years later Barbara remembered the strong faith and love for God that Dr. Sauvage ,who she worked with for years possessed. was inspired to bring his thoughts and beliefs shared with his many patients who he not only helped survive heart challenges physically, but spiritually guided them to understand more about how life and death actually work. Dr. Sauvage believed in an afterlife and took care of many patients who had near death experiences and were in that state of eternal life beyond a physical life so he knew that we have a time to come and to go and it is written in our soul story. Dr. Sauvage felt that an understanding of soul energy was essential to conquer the fears of any human challenge. These thoughts and experiences are very obvious in The Secret Underneath.
The Secrets Underneath is a story focused on murderous violence in two families and the lies and betrayals that haunt the surviving family members eventually leading to a mysterious medical condition suffered by one of the main character, Dr. Sean Thomas. This condition allows Sean to lapse into a state where he visits another realm and encounters people in the afterlife who allow the truth to be slowly revealed. The story asks, “Can the choice to love really transform us? and can physical healing be found through forgiveness, mercy, and acceptance?”
Some of the other engaging characters include Michael the 6 year old boy rescued from the car where his father murdered his mother and sister, Anna his grandmother and the Judge his grandfather, Savannah the girlfriend of Dr. Sean Thomas and CJ an alternatives energy worker as well as Faith and Quinn important relatives in Spirit.
This story goes back and forth in time and is set up in two parts. Barbara uses two interesting epigraphs for the two parts of the book: Part 1 A quote from William Faulkner, “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” And in Part 2 a quote from Carl Jung, “One does not become enlightened by imaging figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. These thoughts help us realize that true healing is not merely about healing the symptoms of a physical disease or disability. True healing is an understanding that we are multi-dimensional energy or spiritual beings having a physical life in order to remember and refine our spirit or soul energy. We must self-investigate to recognize the traumas or fears of our childhood: identify them and eventually let them go, as they no longer are relevant to our present moment of creating a new life and reality.
One of Sheryl’s favorite characters in the book was Faith the sister of Michael who survived the violence of that night he murdered her and her mother due to mental illness and abuse he suffered in his childhood. Faith tried to shield her brother from death during the car crash and then came in a spiritual visitation to help Dr. Sean Thomas as well as her brother Michael as both had been damaged by abusive fathers. Was it a coincidence that all these years later Sean was there to save Michael who had suffered through the same scenario of terrifying abuse and murder? As the author of Life Is No Coincidence; The Life and Afterlife Connection Sheryl knows nothing in life is random and coincidences are the messages of the eternal creative life force of Spirit to help us navigate the world so we may begin to remember who we really are as Spiritual beings having a physical life with unlimited potential to love.
The virtue Faith shows most clearly is her loyalty and love for her brother and to the doctor who saved his life and her acceptance of her own fate and death while hoping her brother has the opportunity to live his life joyfully Barbara shares how she misses her Mother who passed about a year ago but feels her near-by in energy and hopes that one day she will see her. Barbara tells the story of being unable to be at the funeral for her nephew but saw him standing in front of her in her kitchen and was so comforted to know that in Spirit he was still able to connect to her and alleviate her sorrow for being unable to be at his funeral.
Sheryl says that as a medium she knows we are never alone as there are spiritual guides vibrational beings angels relatives or loved ones close by to each of us all the time, and when she meditates she connects to that dimension of spiritual energy and receives information that validates what is happening for her clients life and often the messages help to heal relationship problems that went unattended with loved ones while they were alive. In her new book due out February 7, 2020 A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening Sheryl shares an intimate reading with her sister Rodelle who passed from Pancreatic cancer several years ago as well as messages from our first President George Washington who like others in spirit are very troubled by the state of our nation. It is not really a political economic social or religious issue the world is experiencing but a disconnect from our Universal Life Force and soul needs that has diminished hope brotherhood and our love for American freedom and justice. Please go to my website to the book page to find out more.
Sheryl and Barbara realize how knowing that we are more than our physical body has allowed us to go beyond the pervasive fear of death and dying and has helped us find gratitude forgiveness and greater love for each day.
Sheryl says that throughout her awakening and transformation process which became full blown about 25 years ago she has made many changes to her original thinking, attitudes, and everyday life practices for by understanding we are not merely our physical bodies but a soul energy and life force she has allowed herself to conquer many of her childhood patterns and societal belief systems which limited the use of her spiritual gifts and kept her restricted from living life boldly.
In her book The Living Spirit she wrote, “Throughout the amazing journey that followed stepping outside my comfort zone and entering a new state of life beyond the physical plane, I have learned several truths. The first is that there is indeed an afterlife: the second is that the separation between this world and the next is not a thick, impenetrable wall, but a thin veil that allows our loved ones in spirit to communicate with us, and us with them. We are never alone, but are guided by loved ones at all times. They assist us in making the choices in this life that prepare us for the next dimension, where we will encounter further support for our soul development in that world. The assistance received from spiritual influences will be in proportion to our wish for help and the effort we expend in our self-growth process in this lifetime.” Barbara in her fictional story quite clearly shows this reality at work and the benefits received by the characters who awaken to the truth of their spiritual and human nature.
Sheryl feels if Barbara could share one amazing truth of the Universe it might be that” Consciousness survives physical death and the development of our soul energy while we are living a physical life is advantageous to the afterlife experiences we will have as a result of our choices and actions in this life.
Barbara wrote,“ Love is the only thing that is eternal. Neither our pain or guilt last forever. It is only in telling you that I experience it again in the now. It is the experience I am willing to relive a thousand times if it helps you. I long ago forgave Jack and myself for our parts in our tragic dance. And now with you Regan and Brendan here I have offered forgiveness to them since they are able now to hear.”
This statement was said to Sean by Quinn, his mother in Spirit. Sean had struggled all his life due to the mistakes and violence that took his mother father’s and sister and brother’s life and left him to struggle with the trauma of violence and loss though he had never been told the real story by his aunt who raised him and so felt unloved undervalued and so alone in life.
Forgiveness and love are available to us while we live this physical life and can be achieved even in the meeting of souls in the afterlife. No matter when we are able to let go of pain and sorrow and return to our normal soul ability to ‘be love” it resonates in the Universe as it is meant to.
In connecting to Quinn his mother in the Higher Realm of eternal life, he recognized that only by fully awakening to the power of his unconscious (soul) self would it allow him to change how he reacts to life. And he knew that his courage came from the love he was able to accept from Savannah and C.J. now in his physical life. Sean finally understood how broken everyone could be and how that brokenness defined their actions. How could he expect forgiveness in his brokenness unless he was willing to forgive the brokenness of other….the demons that are calmed only in the Light of unconditional love.
As Sean finished his thought his mother Quinn in spirit stepped back and continued….
Facing our demons facing our fears, as you have done, is life giving, forgiving those of us who couldn’t is life affirming. I wish I had awakened sooner, while I was still physically alive. You have chosen life my son and with that choice, you can heal not only yourself but so many who will cross your path. Sean felt her love and her story, her wisdom and her sorrow, and he knew she would always be a part of him.
Sean had learned the value of our physical life and relationships, the need for forgiveness, and the beauty of Spirit and eternal life through his soul travels and intuitive soul essence.
Dr. Lester Sauvage Barbara and Sheryl believe the mind or memories can cause physical problems. Absolutely, many health issues are the result of life style, stress, childhood traumas or abuses, and are psychosomatic . We must change our thoughts and actions to improve health relationships moving past blame fear jealousy greed and unhappiness ultimately low vibrational emotions and energy which ultimately will weaken the spirit and immune system. As we have moved into a technologically dominated social media lifestyle, new diseases and old ones are reemerging, and materialism and loss of our spiritual needs has affected all of us. Time to seek awareness higher consciousness and love for life as we seek peace and harmony.
The past is only a memory but when we bring it into the present time it becomes real once again and painful hurtful memories can cause suffering and if played over and over in the mind can cause physical or emotional illness. Therefore, it is wise to retrieve memories that make you joyful and add to the quality of life.
Barbara Mulvey Little might hope readers take away with them after reading your The Secrets Underneath that as
In the book Sean found the way to true healing when he opened his healing center in Spokane, In honoring his deceased mother, brother and others and as a doctor he had always wanted to relieve suffering. In this holistic center they use every medical spiritual and psychological tool available. Every part of the work is a sacred calling. To heal the whole person, one must attend to the multi-dimensional aspects of our being and by finding forgiveness and love we find the catalyst for transformation.
I want to thank you Barbara Mulvey Little author of The Secrets Underneath for sharing a most interesting journey into the forces of life here and beyond with her well -developed characters both in Spirit and in life who help us understand the traumas of childhood martial abuse and violence that affect so many people well into our adult lives. Join Sean Thomas as he searches for love and healing through a series of coincidental happenings. To read a very imaginative book of finding the beauty of life and healing all wounds of the past go to
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have discussed a fictional tale of abuse loss and lack of love that affected the main character Dr. Sean Thomas and how coincidentally many years later he is drawn into the same turn of events as he saves a child in a car accident helps another child who he saves from the same scenario he faced so many years before. In this journey of faith Sean Thomas was allowed the greatest gift of Universal Source to know in his heart that forgiveness leads to healing and healing to true love. We discover that there are many family secrets that if had been addressed could have led to healing for many of the people involved. But we also learn through Sean’s fainting spells and visits to the higher realms of life where he encounters deceased relatives that there is love healing and new knowledge of who we are and how we can enjoy life both here and beyond.
Barbara and I would have you know that often fiction is but a reflection of reality and truth and the awakening of our heart or soul allows us to accept all things, repair broken relationships, and look to the heavens for peace and joy in knowing we are more than this physical life and life is eternal.
I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within author of Life Is No Coincidence, The Living Spirit and my soon to be released book in the trilogy, A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening. Please go to my website to read about and listen to leaders in the metaphysical scientific spiritual medical and the arts and music discuss the breath and scope of multi-dimensional life forces and our search past challenges and fear to find peace love and Spirit. Shows may also be heard on and