Internet Radio Show
God’s Last Savior
- Les Jensen
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” with you host Sheryl Glick author of Life Is No Coincidence and also The Living Spirit which share stories of spiritual awakening spiritual communication healing energies miracles and ways to find and know your divine soul essence and am delighted today to welcome Les Jensen author of Forgiven Sinner a search for finding the path to understanding suffering and find a way to human salvation and fulfilling the dreams of our ancestors of bringing Heaven to Earth.
Listeners of Healing From Within are well aware that Sheryl and her guests share amazing intimate experiences and ways we have come to know both our physical and energetic or spiritual life and how to bring both together for helping to create our best life journey of love healing and well-being.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Les Jensen a television engineer working with technology frequency energy and high levels of power helped him to work with the energy of human consciousness and to later use this experience to create a language of Divine Love bringing a fresh perspective about human nature.
When Les is asked what brought a television engineer to write a book about sinners and saviors Les wrote, “In hindsight I could see that when my soul chose my life path, it put me in front of high-power television transmitters so I could start to understand the nature of power that was not perceivable by our five senses. This would become a core aspect of what I was here on earth to teach and write about. And I would also have a life-changing event later on in my life that would require an already existing understanding of power and the mechanics of how it all works. These early days of my career in broadcast television were setting me up for a much bigger and much different life path awaiting me later in my life.”
Aren’t saviors by their very title the ones that save us? To summarize we are spiritual beings evolving through the many aspects of this human experience in our inevitable journey to truly discover the truth of who we really are. God personified. So it is not saviors who save us bus each of us in our own discovery of higher consciousness and the mind of God within us allowing us to transcend transform and transmute the reality of our ego based physical lives to know the truth of eternal compassion and love.
Sharing aspects of his life Les has come to understand what the sages saints and mystics have been saying since the beginning of time. That we are all connected. That we all emanate from the One. That we are all Source Consciousness. And that we are always and forever connected to God, as God.
Every savior from every religion has come and gone, yet we still have suffering on this planet. What happened? What went wrong?
Les wrote, “When we look at what’s happening in the world we can take on that view of concern and perhaps hopelessness too….but there is something we can do and we have everything we need to get there too. The current upheaval that is happening in our culture is based on centuries of very deep karmic imprinting on the collective consciousness of us all. Including us as individuals too When I talk about collective consciousness I am talking about humanity as a whole. The collective story of all humanity. On many fronts, we have become entrenched in a karmic peril of sorts. We as citizens of the world have watched as so-called leaders have created a history of war and confrontation between our various governments. We have lived in a shared karma of sorts when it comes to so many fundamental aspects of our culture. Our currencies, Our economic systems, And the notion of being patriotic and loyal to our respective governments. Our religions have taught us the nature of God and how we are to behave. And that our school systems have taught us theoretically preparing us for our future. And yet, here we are living in a world that is full of turmoil and seeming despair. ….In many way we, the people, have been exploited and taken advantage of.
So many of us want to bring about change, change for the better. We must ask ourselves, “How can we the people play our best hand when it comes to bringing about change? if the ego is in step with the heart and soul then anything is possible in the next moment. What Les is talking about here is your personal freedom to create whatever we can. This is the gift of the Divine consciousness in you. Your ability to fetch any solution to the paradigm at hand, and then bring it into action in your life is the process of creation. It is within all of us to receive divine inspiration and to bring it forth into the material world. It appears each of us is a representative of the Divine and we must bring salvation to ourselves through living with joy positivity happiness and gratitude for Life…that is the change that is needed to bring heaven to earth. When we remember our divine soul nature treasure it and have faith that we can make choices to improve ourselves and others the light grows brighter and the world heals. We are each and every one of us a Messiah teacher and spiritual being of hope.
So many of us have been taught about the absolute power of God, so isn’t praying to God the best way to end the suffering of humanity?
Believing in the absolute power of God outside of ourselves takes us away from our personal power or divine essence that if called upon would provide us with everything needed to overcome struggles. Les writes, “Perhaps religion tried to sell it as God’s promise. And, perhaps it IS GOD’S promise. But the religions that put conditions
Sheryl says , “Praying to God or simply talking to Universal Energy and souls in Spirit helps create a feeling of acceptance and allowing life to flow as it will and must and helps each of us to achieve our personal goals and life path which in essence leads us to find peace love and happiness and if we share from within with the outside world we are all the better for it. So while pray is a way to help us recreate our thoughts and actions to serve humanity and God in a more positive loving way it is not the only necessary ingredient to creating heaven on earth within you and then in the world. It is however a way to awaken and focus your thoughts in a more generous grateful fashion and that is definitely a prerequisite of improvement in the human condition.
Les you write, “When we look at the collective story being played out on the global stage it is quite clear that God with a capital “G” will now be fixing this. At least not as some single glowing deity. God has already shown us that God will not be the one to end wars. God sucks at ending wars. I did some simple math and there has to have been easily billions of prayers to God for ending of war on this planet. And, as I write this, people are dying all over the world in wars against our humanity. God has not answered those prayers an all-powerful force descending from heaven. And never will.
BUT GOD WILL show up as you and me. There is Divine potential within every single human being on the planet. Your past cannot disqualify you. You are pre-approved right now. All that the Divine consciousness requires is your own desires to align with it. ..And honor that divinity with your own personal preferences. Living the authentic life. Your authentic life. A type of Heaven on Earth.
We are allowed fierce freedom here on Earth. We can elevate this human experience to Heaven on Earth, or we can take it to “game over.” God will not intervene as the big God. One thing to remember is that we are here, as humans, to master the experience of being a human. All solutions will come through this human experience. The God that religion has sold us does not exit. Les is not saying that God does not exist but to have a healthy relationship with God we need to recognize what role this all-powerful God is willing to play with us.
To summarize this we are spiritual beings evolving through the many aspects of this human experience, in our inevitable journey to truly discover the truth of who we really are. God personified.
Sheryl says like the words Namaste in Yoga The God in me sees the God in You. We are part of the Universe and the Universe is part of us. Life is eternal as the Creative Force of Energy and the Divine Source or God is always moving changing evolving and growing greater in love and compassion.
Saviors do have a role to play. Les writes ”Who are the spiritual legends of your religions? What saviors, prophets or gurus does your culture form its religion around. The really good deities are always pointing the awareness right back on us. Typically with an indifference to what you will actually choose to do as powerful deities always take a hand-off approach. They understand that we, human beings living on Earth are here to master the art of living from the human experience. That we are given fierce freedom to do as we choose. That we are to overcome our own struggles by who we become.
We, the humans, are the ones holding the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. If it is to be so, it will be by our own human thoughts, choices and actions that heaven returns to Earth….So you naturally get to the point where you no longer have the urge to follow them but rather to look within yourself. The “last mile” of enlightenment is always an inside job.
It took us a long time to get to where we are now. We all experience a lot of subtle nuances. Habits or attributes that we have acquired along the way. Each one having its own effect on our own demeanor. Yet the prophets and spiritual leaders of the past have also mentioned the idea that everything we seek, is already within us. The idea is that there is a fundamental truth to how we, the people can live our lives where we are honoring the truth of who we are and living a life that honors that truth.
As we get skilled at staying focused on our own Divine Inner Wisdom, the turbulence of our current human paradigm does not sway us emotionally into a re-active pattern of resistance.
We are all souls, here for the human experience. And when we can bring that soul-aspect of ourselves into our core understanding of who and what we are, then we are ready to engage our life in a lasting and sustainable way.The personal hero is within you. Not to measure your life against anybody else or their expectations. You can tune into your own higher wisdom and align to your own life’s purposes and preferences.
We are is forgiveness important in the salvation of humanity? Les writes, Our mythology is the ultimate “teacher” from our past, as far as what our tribe thought was the promised way,” The road to salvation. Perhaps we have to forgive the stories of our religious backgrounds which asked us to pray for God to heal us war and all the darkness in light but we may have been focusing our attention on the wrong things. By honing who you are authentically pure you find a place where you are at ease with yourself. That place of Divine peace within you and from the stillness of peace find your true Divine potential that can manifest in you through you, as you. The entire universe is a hologram of the One mind. So if we were able to have an experience with power and creation so too could we all have the same types of experiences as Jesus said that we will do everything that He has done and even more. Therefore As we so believe, then that is where we will find our Divine Path. To the consciousness of miracles themselves. Miracles are the new norms. “
So forgiveness for thinking that God will bring war and suffering to an end is not the forgiveness we need. We need to trust the divine soul and connectedness to creation to find that each of us will bring Heaven to ourselves and to the world.
The everyday citizen fits into all of this.Les suggests that it is our human consciousness where we will rediscover that there is a very powerful source within us that we can use to improve our human condition. We know there are many “villains” on the world stage and it only seems fair to conclude that there are legions of heroes, mystics, gurus and saviors in the making also. The saving of the world will not be through a single hero or savior to right all that is wrong with the world. But rather, it will be through an ocean of everyday heroes. Arising out of the masses. Discovering their own inner Divine guidance and wisdom. Discovering your own soul connection and who you really are and the heroes of tomorrow will wear a million different faces and will know the Divine Spark of consciousness within ALL of us. No longer waiti9ng for the media to bring the news that it is done. Knowing within that the vision your soul had in mind for you since the day you were born is perhaps the place where you will find your personal Heaven on EARTH
Sheryl says that since the day 25 years ago when she had a dream and her grandfather spoke to her in Spirit saying she had to write something for my father and then the very next day learned her father had passed leading her to write his eulogy she was opened to remembering the thoughts of her childhood and the dreams of whatever she could think of could be accomplished…She was open to communication with Spirit which in some ways had never ceased, but wasn’t totally aware of that inner guidance she had always followed but could never explain.
In her book The Living Spirit Sheryl wrote, “ I believe that we all have the ability to connect to God through the higher consciousness of our soul… Each of us can come to understand the Divine energy at work in his/her evaluation, whether through prayer meditation or study…..Religious leaders can offer their own interpretations and feelings, and we have the choice to follow religious dogma or a different path. Either way it is up to the individual to find his or her won truth and communication with God. The Divine Force is in us around us, for us, loves us, and hopes our love for Universal Source will help us achieve a more successful human experience.”
We talk about purity and what purity has to do with our salvation.
Les writes, “I was told that God as a big entity could be seen from within a pure heart. The heart of someone who had practiced being compassionate towards all of humanity. Over time showing intentional compassion those same souls would intuit how to cleanse arenas of consciousness and start cleaning up the collective by cleaning up themselves. Thus creating even more of a difference of potential of human consciousness between themselves and the collective consciousness of the masses. And showing others how to cleanse themselves too. Purity is always in fashion when it comes to Divine intentions. For it is only through purity that a perfect image of the answer to any prayer can manifest itself, without any thing, ethereal or physical lingering about. Soul Ego Love and through that purity is the power to accomplish it too.
In order to develop this ability to embody purity, one would need to keep the language we use very sterile. “I AM THAT I AM, and, AS IT IS. No place for archetypes, emotions ego brain symbols words ideas nothing. Clean as a whistle.”
Being authentic to ourselves also so important. By being authentic to yourself you are actually realizing yourself as more than the physical human body and know that there is an ethereal aspect about ourselves. Our eyes show us matter. Things or tangible aspects to life. Yet our soul has no matter of its own. Our soul which existed before we even had a body exists in an ethereal realm as an intangible realm of pure consciousness. It will be by questioning the aspects of this ethereal process that will bring the most comfort to us and help us realize who we are and then allow authenticity to sustain us while offering insights as to what our capabilities and spiritual gifts are and what is really possible for our human experience
We can find our path to our own salvation. We find our path to our own salvation by realizing the notion of having a karmic energy field of our own past. We learn to discern karmic tendencies within ourselves. And how to understand that we tend to have repetitive patterns of behavior based on our own karmic composition. These karmic tendencies can get in the way of our ego being able to fulfill the inspirations of our heart and soul. Our ego can be intimidated or even scared of the energies we have accumulated in our subconscious. We all have acquired a lot of karma in this lifetime from our family of origin. Who taught us about symbols and their meanings. Words are symbols. Belief systems. And then they set up a karmic propensity by teaching us the VALUE of those symbols. By respecting the value of the symbol you were honoring the core values of the family unit. Like the core value of a family living on a farm was hard work and a strong back to make the family system operational..Or in a religious family it was perhaps behaving in righteous ways. But often these symbols and beliefs took us away from knowing the truth of who we are. The truth is it is God’s consciousness in you right now and if that Divine Spark weren’t there would be no consciousness to read these words. If you get good at recognizing inspiration from your heart soul you can master the art of Divine Creation.
Les would like us to remember though humanity has prayed for the end of suffering that it has not yet happened in human terms and perhaps we missed some important aspects that the saviors of various religions each fulfilling their individual callings but still unable to allow humanity to cure or end suffering. There is a way to salvation peace and healing and through a look at the saviors and the magnificence of their own appreciation for God creation and human life we find a way to find heaven within us and discover the part we can individually play in bringing the best of our spiritual and material world into alignment.
I want to thank Les Jensen author of Forgiven Sinner for a clear also imaginative way for us to begin to merge history antiquity spirituality and religion into a magical web of interconnected love and enthusiasm for life our human potential and the possibilities for infinite creation miracles and change when we truly value our inner soul wisdom and open our hearts and minds to the magic of eternal life and salvation.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Les Jensen author of Forgiven Sinner God’s Last Savior has shown us that each of us is perhaps the way to cure the belief systems and karma both individually and collectively that have allowed or encouraged us to think that it is God that must cure fix or heal suffering war disease and lack of genuine compassion and love in the world. He must teach us how to move past accepting the failures of the past and change ideas not completely evolved or developed that have allowed us to wallow in self-doubt and wait patiently for our lives to become magnificent and fulfilling. The truth is we as energy beings part of the hologram of the universe or Oneness of creation are divine manifestations of that compassionate loving whole life force and when we begin to act from within that source of personal power we can create miracles as the saviors and divine Spiritual teachers of each religious group have done in the past.
As Les wrote, “There are millions and perhaps even billions of us who want to see fundamental change to how our human experience is unfolding. This is raw human potential. This is an unfulfilled desire for change. And ….a desire for the end of suffering. This specific arena holds so much raw power for those who can discover the underlying truth of who they really are and then come into alignment with that truth and will be the new humans who show up in their own divinity. These are the new humans that can transcend the karmic imprinting of the collective. That can transcend the dogma of our culture’s misunderstanding of our human potential. Those who get glimpses of their own inner light and know that all things are possible….These will be the next wave of Gandhis, Jesuses, Muhammads and such. Legions of mystics and sages arising out of the common man. From every corner of the planet. These are the ones we have been waiting for. These are the ones who will seed the “new” Divine paradigm, by actually restoring the understanding of the timeless truth of who we really are.
Les and I would have you know that this journey of awakening is happening Now for all of us and we can find our own way in time past limitations and fears to embrace the wonderment of our inner soul light force and energy finding peace and eventually the end of human suffering.
Les Jensen link to
Forgiven Sinner link to
Sheryl Glick link to
The Living Spirit link to