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Guiding Children to a Sense of Personal Control Over Their Fate
- Mary Petto
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Welcome to Healing from Within with your host Sheryl Glick, Reiki Master Energy Teacher, Medium, who assists clients connect to their life plan goals and manifest through thought and action their most spiritual and physical life realities. As author of her newest book in a trilogy, A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Share Global Awakening, Sheryl is delighted to welcome Mary Petto, author of The Family Guide to The Law of Attraction, who’s stories and research help readers understand the Law of Attraction for manifesting our best life results and it’s all based in using energy effectively, lovingly, and for the purpose of improving one’s self, the community, and world.
As listeners of Healing from Within are well aware, Sheryl and her intuitive guests share intimate stories and insights into the metaphysical world of creation and possibilities for creating while here in a physical world, a life that merges our soul-based memory with our ego-based physical life reality so we may know ourselves more fully and not have the physical world and its challenges take away from the magnificent personal power we all possess within. Like any game to be played well, one must know there are rules, and we must learn to effectively use the tools of our inner wisdom along with meditation, energy healing, higher awareness and higher consciousness in all its aspects, which make manifesting not just a possibility but our everyday reality.
In today’s episode of Healing from Within, Mary Petto shows us how she has discovered the Law of Attraction from her earliest days as a child and has been leveraging the Law of Attraction since she was a teenager to help her achieve many of her goals and successes in life. Mary, as one of her goals, wishes to help parents and teachers assist the younger generation to be aware of these universal laws before they become overwhelmed by the complicated current happenings in today’s world such as the Coronavirus, economic and political upheaval, decisions about their future prospects for their careers and health among other things.
When Mary is asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person, place, or event that signaled to her or others around her the interest and lifestyle she would embrace as an adult, she tells Sheryl that she had a very happy childhood and always knew she was supported to make choices that would ultimately bring her closer to achieving all her goals. She was actually practicing the Law of Attraction, which suggests that the energy that you give out into the world brings back the same results that you are focusing your thoughts on. One of the Universal Laws of Energy, which when understood and practiced can allow for a healthier and more prosperous physical life journey is the Law of Attraction. Other laws include The Law of Totality, Karma, Wisdom , Love, Harmony, Abundance Attraction, Evolution, Manifestation, Destiny, Non-locality. (in that order)
Mary tells us that one of the first things that she is aware of in using the Law of Attraction in a positive way was when she manifested her first boyfriend whom she met on her first day at a new summer camp. The night before she had decided to become someone new. In her 14 year old mind in the early 1980’s that meant the kind of person that was popular and had a lot of friends. She repeated to herself that she was popular and would have a boyfriend…She had made a shift in perception and as a result attracted what she wanted to herself. Sheryl goes on to reveal that she herself has always been using the Law of Attraction well before she even knew about it.
Sheryl has a similar happening to Mary’s. When she was 15 going on 16, she was a CIT or Counselor in Training and away from home for the first time. “There was a counselor Ira in charge of the horses and agriculture and he was 22 and a Senior in College. He was going with the most popular girl in the camp and secretly she found him attractive. Shortly after he broke up with her and we all were at the campfire one night. When he walked over to me and sat down, I was mystified. How had this guy found me? We were an interesting combination. I was a gifted student and he was a man of Nature…he either wanted to be a rancher or news anchor…he had a great speaking voice. We went out over the next year when he could travel in from college in Delaware to New York but I was only entering college and he was finishing college and ready for a different chapter of his life. He soon married a girl he had known prior to our meeting and went out west to live on the ranch he manifested in his discussions with me. My life took me in pursuit of many different interests. Kind of funny that he became the rancher and I in time, became the host of a radio show.”
Mary tells us about the Law of Attraction, and how can it help children and young adults thrive.
The Law of Attraction refers to an ancient scientific law of the universe that states that your mind, with the right focus and emotion (intention), can attract to you everything you desire. Harnessing the universe’s field of potentiality is not difficult, and if you are open to acknowledging your own power to make things happen, you absolutely will. Like all scientific laws, the Law of Attraction is happening whether you are aware of it or not. You could be manifesting exactly what you don’t want by focusing your intention in the wrong direction.
Many experts around the globe, for thousands of years, have explored the important connections between the mind and the body. From science and psychology, from modern-day life coaches and the great philosophers, there is agreement on these few matters:
- Thoughts create things.
- Your thoughts attract the people and situations that vibrate at the same frequency.
- Energy flows where your intention goes!
- You have enormous healing potential. The goal is learning to access it.
Sheryl is reminded of the many times she has been guided by Spirit to see the Law of Attraction at work and in her newest book A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening. While at hospice one day, Spirit showed Sheryl once again how the Law of Attraction is always at work to help us and others, and shares the following story:
Sheryl writes, “Suddenly we noticed snowflakes falling, and within a few minutes, enough accumulated to make the open plains beyond the building glisten and shine with freshness. The patient wanted to go outside to smoke, and he told his son to get a nurse to help them. I said that that would not be necessary as I was trained to take him. He was so thrilled not to have to wait. I told the patient “This is the first time I’ve done this, so if we cooperate, we can show the staff how expert we are at this maneuver.” I was acutely aware that only an hour ago, I had said to myself “Why do they keep teaching me how to use the wheelchair when I would never have to do this?” Was the Universe saying, “Never say never,” or did I intuitively pick up that I would have to help this man by using a wheelchair? It might be that the Universe gives us what we most want, or what we do not want, as it doesn’t analyze it but just delivers it. Make sure of where your concentration and thoughts are, as they are crucial in manifesting your reality.
The Law of Attraction works well when we learn how to” ask, believe and receive”. Those are the three words to remember.
Mary would tell us that it is possible to begin to assist your children to learn the techniques and thought processes necessary to know that their inner happiness comes from their own creation not the outside world.
You can begin by helping them make bookmarks. On one side of your bookmark, you can make a list of ten things you are thankful for. On the other side of the bookmark put ten more things you are thankful for. You are actually creating positive thoughts which assist in manifesting positive events people and success in your life.
It’s also helpful to have groups at home or a club while reading this book so you can share what you have learned and how you are implementing it into your daily life experiences. Next we can make a vision board and think about what we are grateful for and what we hope to create in the days ahead that will supplement the high-vibe energy we are creating.
Sheryl suggests another great series of books for parents and children to read together It is called Sara written by Esther and Jerry Hicks and shares the Law of Attraction and other energetic awarenesses. A group of young teenagers Sara Seth and Annette go through tough times and are assisted by their spiritual teacher an owl named Solomon they learn to understand life, death, energy and how their thoughts are changing their lives and the lives of those they love.
It is great way to teach our children the Universal Laws of Energy so they can begin to use their inner energy and begin to work with the Law of Attraction and other Universal Laws as described by a former guest on the show, Dr. Carmen Harra, a psychic medium and psychologist who wrote The Eleven Eternal Principles.
Mary tells us how she became more aware of the Universal Laws of Energy and how it helped her greatly. After she got married and had two small children, she suffered from anxiety. She was stricken by fear on a daily basis…fear of death, fear for her kids safety, fear of flying and so on. This is not uncommon for people who are sensitives or empaths and eventually are guided to find their spiritual path and know how the Universe works through energy and to eventually connect to soul energy to harness the personal power within, which can sustain us through any challenges the physical world throws at us.
Being with groups or individuals who have been able to sustain their spiritual memories of their connection to the universe and the oneness of Being and manifesting our best lives helps us to be more successful as when we are supported by our tribe like when we are on the same page as our parents and our friends and co-workers because we are not alone.
Mary shares with us why it is that many people don’t have what they want.
Mary writes, “A primary reason there are people who don’t have what they want is that they are thinking more about what they don’t want than what they do want. So if you are a complainer, The Law of Attraction brings into your life more situations for you to complain about. On the other hand people who think we think of as “lucky” people who seem to have everything go their way all the time, manifest those good thinks because they only expect good things to happen. Words + Thoughts = Energy” For those doubters it is good to remember a quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” This means that our perception of the world creates our life experience.
Other scientists such as Max Planck, known as the founder of quantum physics was a German physicist who demonstrated that when an individual looks at an object the characteristics of the object actually change at a very real and physical molecular level.
Sheryl says “It is interesting but when my oldest granddaughter was little she dressed up as Snow white and with her very dark hair and pale complexion and bright Blue eyes she was perfect as the character. I may have said to her over many times that she was truly like Snow White except Snow White had green eyes. By about the time she was 4 or 5 her eyes changed from the bluest of blue to green eyes. Maybe we both thought of that option and it happened through the Law of Attraction. I still wonder how that change happened? Genetically, both of her parents have blue eyes. Well ultimately I said it but she made it happen. Our thoughts change our perception and then our reality.”
Mary goes on to say “think of something you used to be afraid of or disliked but eventually overcame like fear of the dark or public speaking distaste for a certain food. As soon as your perception flipped, that thing became something different—it went from bad to good. Science has brought us to understanding the opportunities we have to create our environment and our life with our mind or thoughts.”
Isaac Newton first published his theories on gravity and his laws of motion which is the basis for understanding the universe appears to work in a precise and mathematical manner like clockwork. During the era of Galileo there wasn’t a focus on concepts like soul, spirit or consciousness. But just before Newton was born, Rene Descartes, the French “father of philosophy” declared that the best way to understand how the world works would be to divide existence into two parts: the objective, material world governed by the principles of science and the subjective world of the mind and the soul which would be understood by religion. He was emphasizing the duality of life the physical and energetic both very real. Descartes famous statement “I think therefore I am” helps us to understand how to use The Law of Attraction to create that which we truly want and not accept the random outside world to impress negativity or other goals or desires for us.
In the beginning of the 20th century Albert Einstein, a mathematician, found that the only way to explain the behavior of light was to stop looking within the framework of traditional Newtonian physics. He introduced the Theory of Relativity which described how energy and matter are not only related to each other but can be transformed back and forth into each other.
Einstein’s breakthrough comes down to this. Everything is energy. Everything you can taste touch or smell is made of molecules. What you’re made of, atoms, is literally vibrating packets of energy.
Years after Einsteins work other scientists Neils Bohr and Warner Heisenberg realized when you take a deeper look at atoms, they aren’t just protons, neutrons and electrons. At the even smaller level they are packets of energy called quanta and suggested that physical matter—reality and real things—are not solid substances but fields of energy and that a particle takes on the specific character of a material thing only when it is measured or observed.
Thought is where everything comes from.
Dr Fred Alan Wolf an authority on quantum physics and consciousness says you can’t have a universe without the mind entering into it. The mind is actually shaping what we perceive
Here is all you need to know:
Everything in the physical world is made of atoms.
Atoms are made of energy
Energy is influenced by consciousness
Sheryl says “Years ago when everyone was so concerned that the year 2012 was going to be cataclysmic I was at a spiritual psychic development workshop with advanced practitioners of metaphysic theories and we were guided into a deep meditation and ask a single question of the Universe so I asked What will happen to humanity in 2012. I felt myself as a single atom in the dark skies of the universe No body but yet I was me Sheryl Glick all consciousness….I was frightened for a moment and when I pulled myself out of the meditation had no idea where I had just traveled to. Was it where I existed all the time as a single atom creating a life from the mind of the Universe? We all shared our experiences One woman had a very similar vision to mine and suggested it meant humanity would become aware of their soul or energetic being and there would be a Spiritual Evolution for humanity. I liked her version better than the idea that we would all return to Spirit from where we had originated.”
Mary shares some of the amazing stories from her book about kids she’s worked with and the seemingly miraculous situations they manifested.
Trina a woman spoken of in the book tells how using the Law of Attraction helped her make her bullies go away. Trina was in fourth grade and was having with two girls who had been at one time her best friends Jenny and Leila. They had decided they no longer wanted to include Trina in their little group and they also convince other girls in their class not to include her or sit with her at lunch or talk to her. This made Trina very unhappy. Trina began to image what if Jenny and Leila weren’t at school as if they didn’t exist. She visualized getting off the bus, going into class sitting with the girls she used to have fun with before bullies told them to stay away from her. And she noticed how relaxed she began to feel. She also started to repeat a new affirmation or mantra in her thoughts: “I have lots of friends at school and everybody likes to be with me.”
The next day she went into school and notice Leila wasn’t there. Maybe she was sick Trina thought. Trina sat down and one of the girls in the class came over and said hello and showed her the new gloves she got from her mom the night before. Trina turned and saw Jenny behind her at her usual seat but she appeared to shrink away when Trina turned to look at her and Trina felt so powerful. Then class started and the principal entered and called Jenny out of the classroom and rumor was that Jenny was being reprimanded for bad behavior. At lunchtime when Trina sat down another girl called out her name and came over to sit with her Some other girls came over too and Trina was busy telling stories and doing all the talking and the other girls were listening and laughing. One of the girls kept in touch with Trina and several years down the road she had lots of friends and worked on community service attended honor’s program at her high school and was accepted into the college of her choice. Trina learned when she was 9 years old how powerful and magical, she really was and how to conquer bullies or other challenges with courage and faith. So, learning how to use The Law of Attraction at a young age is very beneficial.
Another story is that of Jenny who had a bad divorce and the worry about her daughter having bad relationships made her talk negatively about many situations. Jennifer had also given up on the idea of dating or even finding love again. Mary spoke with Jennifer and convinced her that the dating scene she disliked so much was the result of her thoughts and she had the power to change the whole situation. She learned about vibration and that the energy was emanating from her was her decision to be single for the rest of her life. How could she possibly attract others into her life when she asked the Universe to keep her single? When Trina asked Jenny what kind of relationship she wanted, Jenny immediately though of an older couple she had seen in the parking lost at the grocery store the day before. The woman was using a scooter due to a handicap and her husband was walking at a slow pace next to her with his hand gently placed on her back. Jennifer longed for that kind of unconditional love and companionship Now that she had that feeling behind what she thought true love was Trina could guide her to visualize what it would be like to love a man deeply and nonconditionally and have it reflected back to her equally. Trina gave her two affirmations to say as she fell asleep that night believing it already had brought her the love she needed. “ I am in an exciting and wonderful relationship. There are so many great men around me all the time.” It wasn’t long before she was smiling just thinking that it was going to happen. And of course it did.
Mary explains the life-long impact on kids who understand their manifesting power this has.
They could learn where quantum physics intersects with thoughts intentions and visualization and how everything has to do with the Law of Attraction and the outcome you want. We now know that everything is energy and there is no difference between matter and energy or soul life and physical life. The boundaries between the physical world and the world of our energetic thoughts is blurred.
Here’s all you need to know:
Everything in the physical world is made of atoms.
Atoms are made of energy.
Energy is influenced by consciousness.
Imagine what can happen if we believe that only the best of everything is happening to us and around us.
Before you can see what people can accomplish by utilizing the Law of Attraction, we might realize who we really are. Some people believe that human beings are made of the same elements as the stars. It seems we are literally made of stardust and the fact that the universe is actually part of us and that we are one with the universe isn’t the only cool scientific proof that we are magical. Of course, scientists like Albert Einstein have discovered that everything is made of energy. You may have learned that we are made of molecules, atoms, protons, neutrons and electrons but there is a smaller component to those components. Deep down inside an atom below the level of protons neutrons and electrons are energy packets called quanta. The vibration of these quanta support or validate that a good decision was made.
Mary shares with us some simple experiments that may show you that the universe Is well aware of your thoughts and wants to help you achieve what you ask for. In the first experiment we ask for a sign, and you get to pick what the sign is.
- Pick your sign. Mary’s is a clown because she says clowns are weird and a little creepy
- Say out loud. Universe, prove that you’re listening to me and that I can attract whatever I think about…Within the next 24 hours show me a ______________________. Sheryl did this experiment asking to see an angel. The next day she opened her computer, and there was an email from the guest of the show telling her all about one of the angels she would be discussing on the upcoming show. When Sheryl left the office, she went to a store and standing behind her, she noticed a woman wearing a lovely gold necklace of an angel. It seems the Universe was very much paying attention.
- Set a timer for 24 hours.
Another good experiment is asking for a gift. Here is the only step- In your mind or outloud very clearly ask the Universe to deliver a special gift in the next 48 hours and say thank you as if you have already received it. There are many responses possible like a letter from long lost friends, gift cards, getting asked out by a co-worker getting a raise checks in the mail etc. Shery also did this activity and when she arrived at home, there was a check in the mail, and her assistant handed her a crystal tree of life ornament. So it worked, and rather quickly.
Another good experience is asking show me I’m on the right path.
Sheryl tells us that now in this time of political upheaval and change and recovering from the Covid pandemic is it the perfect time to instill self -confidence and courage in our children. As we are becoming more aware of our spiritual gifts and ability to use the Law of Attraction, we may realize that the political concept of “wokeism” is not the same as people seeking enlightenment, evolution, a true connection to Universal Source, and the oneness of being. People on a spiritual journey “Awaken,” transform any negativity and false beliefs, and eventually transcend the limitations of their physical life.
Sheryl says: Anytime is a good time to help children develop an awareness of their own personal power and courage to face life’s challenges by using solutions not fear. Understanding that they have choices and helping then learn about energy and how it influences our emotions and state of being is perhaps the most important information you can share with them for to live life you need to learn the rules of the game. And the Universal Laws of energy assist us in living out our life plan and destiny with boldness creating much of what we bring into our lives.
Mary reminds us that in manifesting better results and outcomes in these challenging times after we ask for what is needed, we must believe.
- We must also remember not to be judgmental or feel bad about asking. The Universe is like a big catalog. Everything you want is already available whether it’s a job, good grades, a relationship or a new car. Go ahead and ask for what you want. There’s nor reason to feel guilty. Whatever it is, you deserve it. The Universe wants you to be happy.
- We must remember to Think Big. The universe works in mysterious ways, and recognizing that it is mysterious and magical is one of the secret clues to manifesting. Focus on the end result like if you want to go to Europe with your girlfriends don’t think of the money you need or the steps that need to be taken to get there Just ask for the trip,
- Make sure it feels really good. Whether it’s something for the next day or forever make sure it will truly bring you joy.
Some things people have asked for and received are listed below:
- A new job close to home
- Getting accepted to a program that they had previously been rejected from.
- Doubling business sales in a week
- New romantic relationships
- Getting a seat assignment changed in a science class
- Enrolling a child in an expensive summer camp when there wasn’t enough money for it
- A dream vacation in Malibu
- A mean teacher transforming into a nice one
- Invitations to important events
- Health recovery
- New friendships
- A house on the beach
- A drama fee end to a toxic relationship
- A massive career promotion
- The exact wedding dress admired in a fake photo that came in a picture frame
- All the best shifts at work
Mary might like readers to remember that learning to really believe that you already have what you want is the most important step to manifesting any situation. By excitedly and joyfully believing that you already have an abundance of money, that you have already gotten accepted to your college of choice or that your relationship with your sister, mother, father, friend is terrific you are setting the vibration emanating from your new mindset or thoughts. The world is your oyster and the Universe will reveal to you all of the situations’, people, ideas and clues, that align with your new beliefs.
We thank Mary Petto author of The Family Guide to the Law of Attraction for sharing a practical simple way for our children and young adults or anyone to begin to understand energy, vibration, and how thought creates what we bring into our lives and how to begin to improve our mindset for a more prosperous, happy and creative life of manifesting, all that we desire for it is the natural birthright of the soul to have a good life regardless of outside world influences.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within, Mary and Sheryl have shared their wondrous journeys of discovering that they are spiritual beings having a physical life and matter and energy are interchangeable as we can live in a body or not in an eternal world of dimensions of varying vibrations of thought and creation from mind. Learning to relax becomes an important aspect to achieving your goals and desires.
And Mary writes, “The most important rule about step two Believe is to really believe the Universe is listening to you. If you know that the Universe has what you want and is going to give it to you at some point, you don’t cry, stress, strain or struggle trying to get that thing. If you are anxious and working hard to manifest what you want you are not believing that it’s coming to you by way of the Law of Attraction. The only emotions around what you’re feeling should be joy, because the only thing you believe is that you’ve already magically manifested what you wanted.”
Mary and Sheryl and all the scientists and writers we have mentioned in today’s discussion have had the courage to question their own mind and find the Self of inner being within, who only desires you to ask for help as then everything becomes possible. Open your mind and heart to knowing you are connected to all life now and forever.
Sheryl Glick invites you to visit her website to read about the nature of human and divine eternal life and listen to leaders in the metaphysical scientific spiritual educational legal and medical fields as well as the arts and music fields explore the Universal Source of life and living in joy knowing who we are and where we come from. Shows may also be heard on and