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Happy People Are More Successful-Be Like Them
- Andrew Matthews
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In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which shares stories of spiritual awakenings, spiritual communication, healing energies, miracles along with ways to tap into your inner self and intuition for greater awareness of what you and life really are all about is delighted to welcome from Australia Andrew Matthews author of his newest book How Life Works for when you understand the Universal Laws of Energy it is increasingly easier and more possible to find happiness health and prosperity and a love of life.
As listeners of the show are so well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories and insights into how to find the truth of both the physical and spiritual world so we may utilize the wisdom of our mind body and spirit to move past fear, blame, judgment, and create a new story and state of peace harmony balance and love.
Andrew Matthews is the author of a range of self-help books whose specialty include life-work balance, embracing change dealing with disasters and achieving success and we will discuss success happiness and well-being that may be encouraged by how good you feel and that it is within your power to discern and know how when we feel good….good things happen and when we feel bad bad things begin to happen. Andrew focus on showing us how we can find work we love, be surrounded by people we love and with honor the beauty of this precious gift of life. We will come to know thoughts as energy which ultimately shape our reality.
When Andrew is asked to think back to his childhood and remember a person place or event that may have been influential for the development of the adult he has become and the lifestyle he values now he immediately tells us of his father who loved working and felt free enough to trust his instincts to make different career changes as necessary and explore different fields which helped him learn and develop many different skills and because he was expanding and exploring life he loved work and life fully.
Andrew tells us how he selected the title How Life Works and how he set up the book so readers could find ways to understand different approaches and perspectives for events and challenges so they could remain engaged where necessary, detach when needed, and create new ways to see themselves and to create what they need and want. Each chapter is set up with stories and at the end In a Nutshell a spiritual awareness. We come to know that we are responsible for our choices actions words thoughts and that all are influencing the outcome of what we may perceive as good or bad.
Andrew’s first chapter is entitled “When Bad Things Happen. He tells us why he began the book with this topic and what we can learn from both good and bad experiences Sheryl goes on to say why what happens is really not good or bad until we judge it and determine we will react to it in a certain way rather than just see it as an experience which can help us find something good rather than bad if we so choose. For example if you are working with people who pay little attention to your efforts and ideas it might simply mean that they are not on the same vibration or have different values or interests. That’s also ok because in order to find peace and happiness you have to accept others as they are and find those who might enjoy your interests. What does this event help you to discover is what is really important to your own well being and happiness. These events offer you the opportunity to be thankful and grateful to your family and friends who treat you with love and to the efforts you make to make others feel comfortable and welcomed. They can help you develop greater empathy for their distress and unhappiness.
Furthermore we can learn that “The Law of Attraction” which says that what we think about and pursue continually does materialize over time. If we become conscious of the repetitive patterns that we are engaging in and aware of our thoughts actions and behaviors we can begin to recognize what works well for us and what might be holding us back from creating a life that brims with joy and purpose.
Andrew you write “ Good things happen when we are feeling good and bad things happen when we are feeling bad.”
Andrew shows us how to take a look at the subconscious mind to realize how it works and how important beliefs are in making things happen in our lives.The subconscious mind is powerful. Every night when you go to sleep you continue breathing your heart keeps pumping ad you continue digesting dinner. What’s controlling all that? It’s your subconscious mind. Ninety nine percent of your brain power is in that part of your mind which you are not aware of. Example: You drive a car while munching peanuts singing to the radio and planning dinner. Every few seconds you steer, brake or accelerate, while giving no thought to controlling the car. So who is doing the driving? It’s your subconscious.
Your subconscious mind is one giant recorder. It has programs you were born with that regulate breathing, heartbeat, and a thousand other functions and it has programs you created—like how to walk talk type dance drive and whistle. It is easiest to create new programs before you are six years old. Children’s brain waves are different: they are slower, and that is why they live in the present moment. They are an open book effortlessly downloading information. Children have no adult conscious mind saying, “This is too hard.”
Children have no filters no barriers. This explains why you can harm or damage a young child’s perception of themselves and for life by telling him he is stupid. Whatever you tell a four year old – “You are beautiful” or “You are a loser” becomes law for him. The subconscious mind doesn’t argue. It just accepts information as fact.
Example: Nicole planned a trip to Bali. She told me all she wanted to do was to lie down and do nothing. When I asked her how Bali was when she returned the response she gave me was that she got a five day migraine and spent the whole week in the hotel room doing nothing…When you plant a thought, your subconscious delivers.
Some people want to know why the same things keep happening to them repeatedly. Some people are always broke or late, or always busy or getting ripped off, or dating people who turn out to be problems. Then there are people who make friends wherever they go, make money, or land on their feet when challenges come.
In a Nutshell
We discover “Life Unfolds from the inside out” and the good news is you are not your patterns and can change your patterns. For life to get better you don’t need to dwell on the past or worry about what you did wrong. You just need to understand that you helped create it and begin to think and feel differently, so you can have a better result.
Sheryl asks Matthew to tell us about negativity and how for most of us negative becomes normal. Many people see themselves as generally being right about things and so that makes others the problem when something goes wrong. Most of us grew up with worried parents who taught us to worry. They often told us what we couldn’t do or have and this confirmed what we suspected that the world is a dangerous place. How on earth could we fear less and develop our many talents? Only we now know by accepting responsibility for our actions and thoughts and correcting our mistakes , by saying we are sorry and acknowledge that no one is perfect and that’s simply OK.
It seems many people seem happy and positive but we don’t know their innermost thoughts. Many are often suffering in silence and denial from depression quilt and fear.. Sheryl brings us two recent suicides by celebrities who seemingly were doing just fine. Just look at the two suicides by Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain successful to many. Excessive social structures competition materialism social media and wanting to follow what others deem acceptable has brought about a weakening of the individual quest for personal attention to our innermost soul guidance system. We must come to understand how our ego interactions and our inner needs to find peace and happiness must work together for a true alignment of our best life. Indeed negative thoughts appear to us daily and we must decide how to use that negative thought to perhaps learn something from it.
For example: You confront a rude person. Ask yourself, “What’s good about confronting rude people?”
I’m building character and patience
I’m developing people skills
The rude people at work help me to appreciate my parents siblings and spouse.
Now here are more realistic ways to see this thought. Lousy things do happen.
Say you break your leg. What’s good about this?
You get to rest.
You learn to empathize with sick people.
You can read some great books.
In a Nutshell
One negative thought attracts another One positive thought attracts another. Always ask the question “What’s good about this” to see the opportunity to grow and discover more about yourself and others through whatever challenge or circumstance presents itself to you.
We go on to discuss what a thought is and how thoughts influence us in the moment and after that.
If you have lived with junk thinking for 25 years thinking you hate your life, job and can never pay your bills and accept that life is tough and then you will die, life will continue that way much like a person who has eaten junk food for twenty years and then decides to eat salad for four days. Four days is a good start but it can’t correct twenty years of junk.
What you think about yourself life and others becomes just like what you eat. It determines how you feel and the state of your health. Before we dismiss the idea that the quality of our thoughts creates our quality of life we should ask ourselves Have we invested enough time energy and been persistent about changing ourselves our patterns our language and ideas to create a positive sustainable new reality.
In a Nutshell
What you think about, you become. We might also ask What is a thought?
Andrew writes about a scientist who Sheryl finds most fascinating and enlightening and the work he shared with the public That scientist was Dr. Masaru Emoto who did experiments to give us evidence that our thoughts and words affect the world around us? His experiments showed that our thoughts and words create a reaction. He experimented using water. He used thoughts and wrote them out and talked to the samples of water. For instance…He would say to one jar of water, “ I love you” and to anther jar of water, “You’re ugly.” The water that was appreciated formed exquisite highly organized crystals like jewelry that could be seen under . The water that was criticized developed ugly cancer like blobs. Think about how parents talk to their children when they are in their formative years and how their bodies and cellular structure will be affected years down the road and how they can develop emotional and physical health challenges. You can just think a word and send that thought to the water and the ice crystal will reflect the quality of your thought. Dr. Emoto also wrote thoughts and placed it under the jars and had the same reactions. What does all this mean? Thoughts are energy: a force for creating good or bad. Sir issac Newton formulated the laws of motion and gravitation and an advanced understanding of mathematics mechanics astronomy and more. He also conducted experiments to demonstrate the influence of mind on matter. Newton was a student of ancient wisdom and the idea of a mechanical Universe unaffected by prayer or human thought is not one that Newton would not agree with. We now know that some things cannot be measured and that the Universe is not a machine.
Andrew suggests, “You Get What You Feel.” Thought and action contain the same essence or energy.Thought and feelings have their own magnetic energy which attracts energy of a similar nature…This is the principle that whatever you put into the Universe will be reflected back to you. What this means from a practical standpoint is that we always attract into our lives whatever we think about most, believe in most, strongly expect on the deepest levels and or imagine most vividly…(Quote from Shakti Gawain)
You give an understanding of the importance of knowing “the Rules of the Game” by asking us to imagine that we are playing a ball game and didn’t know the rules and other players kept jumping on our head. Wouldn’t we feel like a victim Wouldn’t we decide, This is unfair. I don’t want to play anymore. But when you learn the rules you will know when you’re holding the ball, people will jump on your head..It’s not you. It’s just the way the rules of the game are. When we stop taking things personally and allow ourselves and others some slack life becomes incredibly easier.
It seems then that thought create feelings and so negative thoughts attract more negative things into your life like annoyance hopelessness anger frustration jealousy and other lower vibration emotions or feelings attract that energy. But if you think I’m lucky to have a job and most days are good days and then add to those thought, “ Life is getting better” create a happy feeling. You can concentrate on editing your thoughts, accepting those that are fruitful productive and enjoyable and watch life improve.
In a Nutshell
It’s not what you know so much as how you feel
Prayer also figures into this equation of, “A change of feeling is a change of destiny” which is a quote from Neville Goddard.
To get what you want you first need to have a feeling of what you want. And see it as it has already happened for you. Some people will say this is like prayer. It can be but it usually isn’t.
Most of us learned to pray in a different way such as, “God I am a powerless sinner and my life is a mess. Can you please fix it? This approach doesn’t work and now we know why. If you are filled with negative emotion and feeling and thoughts of disappointment and powerlessness and the belief you are a bad person unworthy of success health happiness love you create experiences that match those feeling.
So why hasn’t religion been able to show us how truly to pray. Well they have but over time it was watered down and lost. For example in the Kings James Bible John 16:24 we read Ask and ye shall receive that you joy may be full.
Traditional cultures the world over acknowledge the power of feeling. The Navajo Indians understand that you don’t wish for rain. You FEEL the rain and give thanks that it has arrived. Perhaps you see yourself and others drinking bathing and enjoying the flow of life as well as water. In his book Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer Gregg Braden describes monks in the mountains of Tibet who express what they are feeling when they pray hear the gongs say the mantras and see their prayers happening on the inside.
Feeling is the prayer. This is how life works and the Law of Attraction is realized
So if we need to feel better to create better results in our life how do we go about that? Let’s think of emotions and rank them on a ladder with the most positive at the top and the least positive at the bottom.
10 Love and joy
9 Happiness
8 Optimism
7 Contentment
6 Pessimism
5 Disappointment
4 Worry
3 Anger
2 Hatred and Revenge
1 Fear and Grief
So how do you get from fear to joy? You move to the next gear…you don’t jump from hatred to joy overnight, but you set up a path or plan that can allow for small steps and success. You might go from making $30,000 a year to $40,000 and then $60,000 with effort, prayer, feeling and gratitude for progress.
What if you are ill or in pain? How do you expect me to feel happy and positive. It’s not fair! Maybe it isn’t fair, but it is a law of life: for your circumstances to improve you first have to feel more positive.
In a Nutshell
This darkness before the dawn is known as the eleventh hour. But the eleventh hour is an imposter. So often, if we just hang on the tide will turn.
Sheryl always tells her clients and students that when they are viewing events or deciding whether to engage with a person or event, to take physically take one step back. Observe. Take a deep breath and Wait. Experience how you feel and if you wish to engage or disengage in the emotions that others are involved in. The body and the physical feelings we experience are a guide to knowing what is good or not so good for us to engage with. We must select that which suits our vibrational state of being and allow and accept ourselves to flow with life and the people or experiences we need for our personal growth. Knowing from within not from the outside circumstances is the tool to be used. But the key is feeling how your body responds to people places and thoughts or actions. If it feels positive you will experience emotions on the higher steps of the scale of emotions that Andrew set up. Then, it is advisable for us to engage. Otherwise just move away and let it go.
Andrew might hope after reading his book How Life Works that you find his way to choose the easy way to set goals and to be less specific. Say you have found the perfect car job partner . It seems the answer to your prayers. What do you do? You begin to feel your goal happily achieved, and here is what you can tell yourself.
That car or something better.
That job or something better.
That partner or something better.
Then we are showing gratitude and trust in the Universal plan that change is acceptable and we will be fine as our inner soul and the Universe determine we can continue to learn and evolve. The magic is that you are unattached and accept that your conscious mind can only see a fraction of the picture or plan. This way of thinking becomes your way of life. You just know you are connected to everything and that when you are calm and believe in the process it works.
In a Nutshell
The hard way is forcing things to happen
The easy way is allowing things to happen.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Andrew Matthews author of How Life Works has shared in amusing and practical ways how we may transcend and transform life and our often unrealistic or unauthentic beliefs of what we may wish to achieve or experience based on the views of society our friends and family and learn to experience life from within our own thoughts and energies as we learn the rules of the game and enjoy life more. We can move from knowing that it is not perfection that we need or even can achieve and that happiness is about self-improvement and celebrated steps of progress. We have also discovered perhaps the reason for having a physical life.
Andrew wrote. “Imagine for a moment that you were God and you decided to make some humans. These humans would be like apprentice creators. They don’t build universes but they are fairly handy. They write stories and make music invent helicopters and ipods, build cities and also make babies. These humans inhabit a Universe that seems solid enough. But on investigation they discover that the building blocks of the Universe are not solid particles but waves of energy. This energy turns out to be the same stuff as human thoughts.
Andrew and I would have you recognize the divine quality of your unique life and thoughts and focus on happiness which most probably is the aim and end of human existence as Aristotle said so long ago.
Andrew Matthews link to
How Life Works link to
Sheryl Glick link to
The Living Spirit Link to