Internet Radio Show
Heaven and Earth Are For Healing
- Dr. Joe Gallenberger
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In this episode of Healing From Within your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit which is a tale of spiritual awakening, spiritual healing, spiritual communication, and a guide to intuitive functioning is delighted to welcome a fellow traveler on the journey of love and respect for life, and for knowing the truth of Soul Being Dr. Joe Gallenberger author of Heaven Is For Healing: A Soul’s Journey After Suicide.
Sheryl and her guests share intimate experiences that have often led past the early beliefs or training of the physical world to explore the true energetic nature of man and spirit and to know life in its multidimensional aspects. Whatever field of work or lifestyle we pursue, those with open minds and hearts are ultimately led to the truth of our energy presence to discover the real reason a soul would come to experience a physical life.
Today Dr. Joe Gallenberger reveals how his contact with his brother Pete on the other side over two decades of communication has shown him how Pete with the most loving assistance in Spirit has progressed in healing from his suicide and is exploring new options for his next life. We discover love can pierce any veil and that life is eternal. Dr. Gallenberger is a clinical psychologist and psychokinesis and manifestation workshop provider, and will describe the many tools available to handle struggles with depression and grief in order to achieve a productive life journey.
Sheryl asks Joe to think back to his childhood and a person place or event that was important to him. He writes of his family and especially his older brother Pete who he loved so deeply. He wrote, “My parents had four boys, each four years apart, followed by my sister two years later. Pete was the second child and I the last boy. All of us were born in the snowy season which in Wisconsin lasts half the year. We moved to the East Coast when my dad started climbing his corporate ladder. Both my parents were very busy during that time so Pete took up the slack and often served as my mother father friend and mentor…Eight years older he volunteered to diaper me as an infant play with me when I was a toddler and counsel me on playground tactics as I started school…He enjoyed competition and abhorred poor sportsmanship. I never saw him angry at our parents. He seemed always to be performing “up to specs.” What I most admired about Pete as I was growing up and what I still treasure is that he treated all life forms human, animal or plant with an intelligent, quiet kindness and respect. And he did so in a very manly way. Adults, peers and children all responded to him with great attraction So he set an example which seemed to me both worthy and reachable. If I could follow it, I felt guaranteed to become a good man, well liked and successful.”
We fast forward to a sad time when Joe’s brother Pete died as a result of suicide Joe shares that though he understood and believed in Spirit and the soul surviving physical death he still did not want people to think that suicide was the best decision as people who get left behind struggle greatly and those who chose to depart early while not any less accepted in Spirit may have missed further opportunities for soul growth during their life. Life is precious and must be valued even in difficult times.
Joe tells us that about twenty five years ago Pete shot himself after decades of struggle with physical pain and financial stress. It threw him and the family into turmoil. He worked on ways to meet the grief head on, to help everybody through it, and to find out what he could about what happened to Pete on the other side after his death. He used his many skills learned as a meditation trainer at Monroe Institute and help from a channeler Pam to get additional information as well as communicating with Pete on the other side by himself.
Sheryl loves the title for Joe’s book, Heaven is for Healing and like the title for her show “Healing From Within” it offers a view or perspective on energetic soul existence which is actually the guiding force for all life here and beyond. Joe tells us what motivated him to write this book approximately twenty years after the death of his brother and he writes “He was strongly influenced to write this book for his own healing and to help others suffering the after-effects of a suicide and also for those curious about what happens to us after death. The western world has a very dark and damning view of suicide which causes great grief in those left behind. I wanted a ray of reason and hope by showing that all death leads to light and new life. In the process I explore the healing and growth that we will encounter after we die.
Sheryl says to Joe that two years ago she lost her sister from pancreatic cancer. In her next book New Life Awaits- Creating Your Best Afterlife by Living Consciously Now she relays her feelings and impressions in a reading she did many months after her passing and wrote, “When I interviewed Annie Kagan who wrote The Afterlife of Billy Fingers, on my internet radio show, “Healing from Within” where she so beautifully and artistically expressed the value of every life even those that another person may see as useless and wasted as expressed to her from communications received from her deceased brother Billy, I had no idea that before long my sister Rodelle would pass. As a medium I received messages for my clients. I assumed that was the way Spirit intended for me to use the gift of spiritual communication. However, I was told years ago that I could ask to speak to any soul energy, anywhere, alive or in spirit. I never tried to contact my own family members as I felt that should they need to reach me they would. Eight months after Rodelle’s passing I decided to meditate and try to check in and see how she was relating to her new world. Unlike Billy who reached out to his sister, I reached out to mine in Spirit.
Usually when I do a reading, I simply write down whatever is presented to me. It seems the information is usually perfectly tailored to what my client needs at the moment. With Rodelle however, I decided to ask her questions. When she was ill, I tried so hard to show her that she was in for an amazing journey into forever and beyond, which was something Rodelle was not able to believe in. I already knew that there is no death for our true life essence or soul survives physical death, sadly, she did not. I soon felt her energy around me and sensed she was surrounded in a blanket of green glory and quietness, but her heart still hurt. She had not wanted to depart as her love of life was quite palpable and her fight to stay alive was most courageous. I asked her who was there to meet her. Immediately I began to feel a pressure, a tightening on my head as perhaps the drugs she was given before passing confused her. She was frightened. Our dad was calling to her to move forward. Rodelle soon saw the Statue of Liberty immense in size: the face was very close to her face. The beams of light from the crown on the statue’s head enlarged and many people moved forward from the bright light to meet her- relatives, friends, and guides. Rodelle felt free like the immigrants who had come to our shores looking for a new life, filled with the hope that they would be welcomed. Tears started to fill my eyes as I realized how joyful she was to find this new world and see so many souls she loved there to greet her. There were many other messages but Rodelle’s final message showed me that she had found a new soul family in Spirit and was helping others as it was the best way she had discovered to serve. How beautiful I thought and knew that she was safe.
Joe goes on to describe how many cultures and religions were unforgiving and negative about people who committed suicide. From Roman times well into European civilization nearly zero compassion was extended. Suicide was considered a crime, relatives property was confiscated and the soul condemned to hell. For example in 17th century New Orleans the person who committed suicide’s body was thrown to the crocodiles unconsecrated ground so the demons could torture the soul for eternity. Suicide is still a felony in many countries.. Sheryl says to Joe, “ How sad…that religion which seeks to understand life and death, forgiveness and compassion and God, could think that the Divine would love his child any less for having been desperate enough to commit suicide and return Home….We talk about free will and many of us know that spirit will only intercede to help us if we Ask because of respect for our choices in this life and in the afterlife. I think nothing is random and we have a time to come and go and will leave this life as it was written in our destiny. Those of us who move beyond the mind or ego and meditate or reach the higher realms of Consciousness can feel the peace love and safety that all souls discover when they transition. Joe says that his communication with his brother has validated these thoughts and jokingly says there is a sign upon entering that says, “No Judgment.”
Joe tells us something about The Monroe Institute and his many experiences there. The Monroe Institute offers a series of tapes developed by that expert in death and dying Elisabeth Kubler Ross MD, by the expert in consciousness Charles Tart Ph.D, and by the out of body expert Robert Monroe. This tape series called “Going Home” is designed to help a terminally ill person feel more comfortable and when the time comes for death make his transition more comfortable. Sheryl says that after doing eight years of hospice work she realized that being grateful for your life, accepting loving and being unafraid helps one transition more easily. During Reiki sessions Sheryl helps clients in meditation to create a personal sanctuary …a beautiful peaceful place where water meets the light of the sky and mountains waterfalls meadows and peace reign supreme…this Is a place between earth and heaven and in getting to know how beautiful life is in the silence, one will begin to know what the soul experiences when they pass. From data and near death survivors we know that you are met by loved ones and helped to assimilate into the energy of the Afterlife
Joe is passionate about this topic and it personal. After his brother’s suicide Joe watched his mother struggle not just with devastating loss, but nearly crushed by the belief that her son would be in hell for eternity. In thirty years of working as a psychologist, I have helped clients with many losses. Suicide and our response to it produces some of the greatest trauma, stickiest grief and sense of isolation of any human event. Sheryl says to Joe she doesn’t know if her passion is about sharing the many mystical experiences or because of any one event…Sheryl just wants to share with people the greatest TRUTH: We are spiritual beings having a physical life and there is life beyond this physical world. Our challenges are only stepping stones to our remembrance of our reality or true nature as souls. The biggest thing we have to fear while alive physically is conquering the fears of childhood and training ourselves once again to love ourselves, others and life.
The word suicide like the word death or cancer strikes a chord of horror in many people. Joe tells us that suicide is one of the last taboos. Suicide is consigned to the deepest shadows of shame and is often kept secret. It is not addressed as the epidemic health problem it now is and little comfort is extended to those left behind shamefully by the church or community. It is a leading cause of death among our young, veterans, and rising in the elderly. Sheryl says that she read in Heaven is for Healing that after his brother’s death Joe was on a plane back home from visiting your parents and wrote, “I became aware that my relationship with Pete as I had known it had ceased to exist. To find him again in spirit, I had to throw previous conceptions away and search for a transformed Pete and perhaps a new one.” He also wrote a lovely poem on that plane ride.
My father is a gentleman
My mother a sad angel
Well, they have lit my way.
As I open my heart to them
A radiance warms my chest.
It is a joy to treasure them,
And know they love me.
But now we grow further.
One last shell to crack
Before we go clear
Into deeper intimacy
It is time to stop “sonning”
And fathering and mothering
We release to meet again as equals.
To see each other, truly
We release forty year patterns
And find eternity.
As Joe looks back and realizes the tremendous journey that Pete’s death launched me on …how it changed me and inspired me to research and then teach abundant creation as an antidote to depression and lack of success in life. Wanting to know what happened to Peter after death led me to know there are angelic beings to help those whose hearts and souls were damaged in life and to know there is deep love no matter the circumstances of your challenges or your passing. Through channeling experiences with Pam who channels her guide Argo Joe discovered the upon arriving on the other side most people who have taken their own lives feel an immediate lifting of much of the psychological and physical pain they may have been experiencing prior to the act. Argo says, “The healing of the heart begins almost at the point of death for the soul who has committed suicide.”
The biggest challenge in writing a book about a topic that for so many people living in their materialistic world mindset who might not have an understanding of their spiritual reality
is how to share the amazing probability of healing available to a person who commits suicide and their family, Joe did not want to in any way to encourage the taking of one’s own life. Life as we said before is precious and the best opportunity for the soul to refine and renew karma and energy on a higher emotional vibration . However Joe shares the devastating effects of suicide by showing how after suicide one does not escape the consequences of their life choices and yet, there is truly no lost soul. All experiences are necessary for each soul. Most souls can recover from this self-destructive act and continue their spiritual journey as each of us and will review our life and its difficulties when we pass, before deciding on what experiences might serve the soul in the next life incarnation.
Of course Healing In Heaven talks more than about Joe’s brother’s experience on the other side. Joe was able to get information on how the other side handles transition by suicide for the spectrum of people ending their life while facing terminal illness, all the way to the heaviness of murder- suicide. There are different processes depending on the circumstances yet ALL contain compassionately looking at the attitudes and events of a life without judgment or condemnation. The book also looks at how we are helped in the planning of another life which may occur here in the physical, but can also involve lives on a non-physical plane. Some are so traumatized by their life here that they are very reluctant to return to this planet. When we incarnate here our issues are coded into our very DNA. There can be lives that are more like a very real situation where experiences can happen but with greater awareness of the spiritual support available. Just as in lives here on the planet, the goal is to learn to love oneself and others despite the fears and challenges that arise. Joe said something Sheryl had not heard before. Some souls decide to live their next life in “Simulation” not in a physical body, so they may not affect their DNA negatively until they have had practice in approaching the issues that were hard for them in a previous life. It sounds like it could be a good idea to learn more about yourself, your reactions and limitations, and adjust your thinking to a higher vibration of love and compassion rather than fear and anger.
Joe shares one of these processes experienced by new souls returning to higher life. After a suitable period of rest which may with suicide include putting the soul in a coma like sleep where healing work is first done unconsciously, there is usually a life-review period that may take place much like watching a movie of your life surrounded by compassionate support where all the major decisions and attitudes are reviewed and their effects shown. They also see what their life would have been like with different decisions including if they had decided to stay and complete their lives naturally.
Joe’s brother’s death taught him many things, but in terms of living here on earth he showed me that it is not sufficient to be a good person, honest and hard working. To create a joyful life you also have to feel deserving of goodness and continually vote for love over fear. I developed the phrase “ Fear is expensive, love is priceless, choose wisely” to remind myself each day. Sheryl says…I am reminded when I see mindless acts of unkindness to say to myself, “Forgive them for they know not what they do… “ “Help them guides to see the beauty in life lived lovingly.”
An example of something that is helpful for those who have lost a loved one through suicide might be when my brother died, I felt as if my heart was broken in a way that would never heal. I hardened my heart against feeling such pain again. Over time I realized that a broken heart while speaking to our pain is just a myth. Myths contain an element of truth, but often not the whole truth. I learned to substitute another image…that of an ocean filled with unlimited love. With ocean heart, when you come into my life you are enveloped without resistance, like putting a hand in water. If you leave, the water goes back to complete perhaps losing a drop. The new image has helped me through many deaths and partings and allowed my heart to stay peaceful, open hearted and filled with good energy no matter what happens. The CD that complements this book is called Ocean Heart and guides people into healing a broken heart and establishing an ocean heart.
Sheryl imagines that is what Joe would like readers of Heaven is For Healing to remember…In our acceptance of life and its complications we are never alone, and experiences are neither good nor bad, just there for our soul to have the opportunity to reach its fullest potential to love more deeply..
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have learned through information received by Dr. Joe Gallenberger working with a channel named Pam and messages received from her guide ARGO as well as well as his own experiences with Spirit during meditation… many truths about being accepted beyond life without retribution or ending up in hell as some religions suggest especially in cases of suicide. It is only those souls who have such a deepened despair and dislike for love and for self that would hold in their disturbed psyche a vision of hell. It is the inner distaste for self that gives a soul a belief in eternal suffering. Soul life both here, and beyond is a process of experiencing all emotions challenges, fears, limitations, and then moving towards joy and happiness and eventually to triumph over the mundane. Learning to live with greater love for life, Self and Universal Energy or the Divine is the purpose and goal of a physical life. Discovering that when love conquers fear, all is possible, and realizing life is more than the physical world leads to healing or a mind body spirit connection realized over infinite journey’s or many lives both here and in Spirit.
Joe shares a great regard for the freedom God allows us even though it results in great pain as well as pleasure and he wrote. “Still a compassionate intelligence could not bear this without there being a greater reality, a context in the infinity of time, or free of time, where a full peace and a dynamic harmony exist. It had always seemed to me that it was inelegant and insufficient that these two realities, one pain-filled and the other blissful) proceed one after another like acts in a play—Earth and then Heaven. For me the blissful reality has to be the greater eternal reality that is always present and always available to be perceived. In some way physical matter and its suffering has to be as a dream in relation to fully awake, pure consciousness.”
Joe and I would have you know that Afterlife exists and that contact with loved ones who have died is possible. As souls we are able to manifest and create many realities and possibilities and explore many emotions with our mind. Life in a body, or without a body, is simply generated by pure eternal energy, thought, love and beauty of our unending experiences with soul growth.