Internet Radio Show
Heaven on Earth
- Martin Rutte
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” with host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing And Infinite Love which shares stories of spiritual awakening communication healing energies miracles and shares ways to discover and utilize intuition for greater awareness and a true knowing of Self. Today Sheryl welcomes Martin Rutte to discuss his book and movement Heaven on Earth: what it means? and why so many of us think about ways to improve ourselves the human condition and our world. It seems to be a need or calling from the soul of life.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” know Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories and insights into further understanding the metaphysical aspects of life so we may accommodate our energetic spiritual inner life goals with the ego based physical reality of materialism family and community life expectations while learning to balance and utilize intuition or higher consciousness for a healthier more purposeful life experience. The goal has been and continues for us even if we unaware that perhaps we will discover heaven with ourselves, so we may offer this light into the world thereby creating Heaven on Earth as Spirit has always intended us to do.
In today‘s episode of Healing From Within we will explore the three simple questions that will help you change yourself, the world and easily provides a simple blueprint for you to discover what Heaven on Earth is for you and what simple easy concrete steps you can make in the next 24 hours to begin making Heaven on Earth real. Martin Rutte is the co-author of the New York Times business best seller Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work. He is president of Livelihood a management consulting firm in Santa Fe New Mexico and works with world corporations and addressed the Corporate Leadership and Ethics Forum of Harvard Business School.
When asked to think back to his childhood and remember a person place or event that may have shown him or others the adult life he might like to experience and the interests and passions that would bring him joy Martin writes and describes: “I was born and raised in a lower middle class family of Jewish immigrants in Hamilton Canada My mother was from Poland, my father from the Ukraine. Martin’s native tongue was Yiddish. I learned English on the streets and French and Latin in high school. I learned Hebrew in Hebrew school and a smattering of other languages. I tell you this because I’ve always had an ability to understand and translate between people and world views. This ability helps me perceive the world and thus what’s unique to them as individuals and what’s common to us all as humanity. The emphasis on helping people was on helping them distinguish between their mind ego and the Soul. When you set goals from your physical mind and socialized perception of the world you set your sights on what you believe is possible. When you do the same thing from your Soul from your deep inner being, what you want in life is usually beyond what your mind/ego believes is possible. So from an early age Martin simply knew he wanted to help people love life and live life in a Heaven on Earth fashion.
Sheryl shares with Martin that she also felt the pain and sorrow so many people were experiencing and wanted to understand the reason why life was so challenging She tells Martin that when she was 17 years old she saw the show Man of La Mancha about a man Don Quiote chasing dreams and miracles trying to protect people no matter the consequences. Sheryl heard the song “The Impossible Dream” which spoke of reaching for the stars, going where angels feared to tread, to bear with unbearable sorrow and to right the unrightable wrong. It continues by saying “This is my quest…to be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause, and I know if I’ll only be true to this glorious quest, that my heart will lie silent and sure when I ‘m laid to my rest, and the world will be better for this, that one man scorned and covered with scars, still strove with his last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable star.”
Well Sheryl says, “There was the beginning of asking Spirit, perhaps subconsciously, to help me be that energy of Heaven and goodness. I always yearned to conquer the physical limitations and rise to the soul potential that I knew within, but it took many miracles and years of searching for the truth of our connection to Universal Energy to begin to conquer the fears of physical life and be on my journey like Don Quiote. But the complete dedication to soul work began in seriousness twenty six years ago after completing many of my responsibilities to my physical life family so I could engage the larger focus of my attention: the human condition and how we can bring about the changes needed to be more humane and loving and bring about Heaven on Earth.
Martin like all spiritual seekers began exploring Heaven on Earth by asking himself certain questions: Why are we here? What is humanity’s job? Haven’t we had enough of the hells on Earth? Isn’t it time to make our world Heaven on Earth? Martin imagined being given a magic wand and with it could create Heaven on Earth. Wouldn’t you want to not only lessen the amount of war in the world but really end all war? And wouldn’t you want to do the same with hunger poverty homelessness crime addiction abuse and so on. In 1998 Martin was graced with an epiphany and realized what his next assignment in life was.” I’m going to take on changing the story of what it means to be a human and what it means to be Humanity so that we collectively experience co-creating Heaven on Earth.”
Sheryl says about 26 years ago she had a dream and in the dream her deceased grandfather in Spirit said to her, “Sheryl you have to write something for your father.
The next day Sheryl’s dad passed and she wrote his eulogy and so began her awakening process: the remembrance of her spiritual promises even before she was born moving her pass the issues of everyday living with fear and limitation, to living in a metaphysical way with awareness of our connection to the eternal multi-dimensional layers of eternal life, the Universal Laws and values of goodness humility honor truth justice love and compassion. Sheryl like Martin sensed there must be Heaven on Earth and as she developed mediumship skills or the ability to connect to spiritual energy to receive information to help people know themselves, life, and how to create with their thoughts and actions the best version of life, Sheryl constantly sensed within herself, the words “Heaven on Earth just flowing through her.” At that time it meant she must share the gift of Spirit and their love and hope for us to make ourselves the most responsible loving entities, divine humans who throw all their love and goodness into every project and encounter, actually creating a state of mind and Being so “Heaven on Earth” can begin within each of us.
In Sheryl’s book The Living Spirit Sheryl wrote, “One day at a meditation group I suddenly sensed Jesus next to me. He was crying and I found myself choking back tears as well. “I have cried for many ills done by unknowing souls,” Jesus said, “Just as you and your group members also cry for the injustice and insensitivity of many.” …His words to me brought a feeling to my heart that to this day is hard to describe. It was as if Jesus wanted us to know that he and other emissaries of the unseen world work by our side for the continued advancement of humanity. They impress upon all of us that self-love and love for others will always be the goal for a soul experiencing a physical as well as an energetic life. To strive for excellence without hypocrisy in thought, word and actions was the message he gave then and now. Heaven on Earth is the feeling within that we are never alone and always loved by the Divine.
Heaven on Earth is such a BIG idea and people might get overwhelmed. Well, people are busy attending to their physical life responsibilities and often feel there is no time to address the spiritual needs of their body mind and soul but of course this is the farthest thing from the truth. Martin writes, “Now that they knew the story of their workplace, they began discovering that they could nurture and expand the parts of the story that worked and change the parts that didn’t they spoke of using the same process to discover the story of their own lives, their families and their nation. I believe the time has come to do the same thing with the story of our world. We’ve heard it said many times that the old story isn’t working—disease wars poverty and other sufferings continue. What we need is a new story—but notice that no one ever says what that new story is. It’s never named. Let’s name the world’s new story and make it a grand and noble new story….. Let’s make it an ambitious and splendid story about what it means for us to be a human and what it means for us to be Humanity. Let’s engage people enroll them from deep within their hearts and Souls that makes them want to pitch in and contribute to make this new story work because it has touched something in the very essence of who we are. This new global story will usher in a new era of promise, creativity, responsibility dedication and devotion—our Soul’s deepest desire. We can do it.”
What and where Is Heaven is a question many continue to ask. Sheryl tells the story of Caroline’s father who had a stroke and in the hospital while Sheryl was practicing a Reiki healing session over the very quiet man, he shared with her the thought or impression that he was ready to take a rocket ride far away to the beautiful green lush terrain of his childhood days in Ireland…The next day in meditation and while Sheryl was sending healing energies Caroline’s father let Sheryl know that he wouldn’t need a rocket ship for Heaven was only a “helicopter ride away” and he would be very near to his family.
Martin hopes for all of us, for Humanity that:
We experience why we are here and what we are here to do
We understand what our work together is—creating a world that works—and we begin being of service in accomplishing that: and
We choose to move to our next level evolutionary level
We can continue believing that we can’t make a difference, that we have to resogn ourselves to a world without hope for the future that we are insignificant that life is overwhelming. Or we can choose to use our energies to have the kind of world we deeply long for.
The first choice is fearful, shut down, polarized vengeful and mired in negativity. The second choice overflows with possibility energy hope accomplishments and heart. Imagine harnessing our collective human capacities and taking this planet to its next evolutionary level.
As humans we can focus our life energies. As Humanity we can do the same and alter the planet and people’s lives for the better.
Sheryl says Eternal life or the Universal Energy that is all around us and the Divine Spark of God Life and Heaven a force of creativity love and expansiveness brings the past present and future together in one simultaneous energy that is around us and within us. That is “Heaven on Earth.” In recognizing our divine spark our divinity we bring heaven on earth to ourselves and in the way we express love and goodness into the world. We only have to help others to know who they are..”Spiritual beings having a physical life of experiences: none of them exactly good or bad, just experiences to help our soul energy refine and grow. Love and compassion raise us up from the three dimensional form of living to a “Fifth Dimension” of lightness of heart and being, with more compassion to shine out into the world. Many of us are almost there. Give up fear worry anger and many of the negative emotions and live with acceptance allowing and surrendering to the flow of your life plan and destiny, for “All is exactly as it is meant to be…Nothing is random …and we are eternal divine souls growing and expanding into greater awareness and Higher Consciousness.” Know thyself and you are free!
Martin shares with thoughts of Heaven on Earth from Ancient times. Heaven was imagined as a canopy which like a large sphere encapsulated the Earth. It was immediately visible above us. The stars the sun, the moon and the visible planets orbited within this sphere. Heaven was thought to exist from a couple of inches above the earth to the canopy above. In other words Heaven was here and now…
For Martin writes, “For me and a great many people Heaven is usually thought of as the place where God and the angels live and the place we go after death. Described by the Oxford Dictionary as a noun:
“ The celestial abode of immortal beings: the habitation of God and his angels and of beatified spirits, usually placed in the realms beyond the sky: the state of the blessed hereafter.”
In my research on Heaven though I discovered there is an additional way to describe it. The Oxford English Dictionary also defines Heaven as a verb:
“To make heavenly in character to transport or transform in heaven:
also to bless with heaven, beatify render supremely happy.” We feel heaven on earth in the love of a spouse children family and friends in our flowers and listening to music prayer art and in the joy in our heart that simply sings with gratitude and hope.
Martin and Sheryl have obviously worked with many people over the years who have experienced unspeakable horrors or traumas. Martin tells the story of a young girl he met in Fortaleza Brazil in a children’s hunger rehabilitation program called IPREDE and how it changed him. IPREDE takes in starving children nourishes them and brings them back to the normal weight for their age. It also works with the mothers teaching them how to properly feed their children grow food and medicinal herbs and realize they can positively impact the health of their children. And then one day Martin met a child about 10-12 years old sitting on the floor by herself, malnourished catatonic cigarette burns on her body. Martin sat down next to her and picked up a little stuffed animal and tried to engage her. She pulled away. Martin decided the only thing he could do was send her his loving compassionate thoughts and hopes for her recovery. In his mind he said to her that what had been done to her was unacceptable. It was wrong. It was not what it means to be human. And then he sent her his love.
Sheryl says that as an intuitive healer she responds much the same way to wounded clients. Only recently there was a five year old boy thrown from the third floor landing of a mall in Minnesota and seeing the smiling face of the child on twitter she simply cried. Then Sheryl sent Distant Healing each day for weeks feeling the pain and fear of the boy and family as she is sure many people did from all over the nation. One day on her twitter feed Sheryl read that the boy was alert and she knew he would survive perhaps to do something extraordinary in our world. It was a “miracle” and Sheryl feels Spirit is sending many light being helpers to move us forward and we will be seeing many miracles and changes for the good, but, we must all speak up and work for cooperation and healing on all levels. Past the hurt and anger we must choose to create “Heaven on Earth” Healing and love is the way.
We give some examples of how people have made co-creating Heaven on Earth real in their lives. Sheryl says she has made it her normal way of life to interact in any way needed at work home or in her healing practice, in her writing, in her radio show to honor the best of our thinking of and sharing of and receiving love. Sheryl talks to everyone and makes time and has patience with everyone. She looks past any instinct of judgment reserve and fear to see the best and bring out the best in all people, places and events. Sheryl did hospice volunteer work for eight years helping people accept the journey beyond and helping their families have a clearer view of who we are and how we can truly accept all things to grow past fears and limitations. Simply try to smile and enjoy the beauty of everything. Pull back from too much social media to encourage personal interactions. Love the sun moon and sky, the water and animals, and most especially, the children who are the promise and hope for a new world of knowingness.
Sheryl thanks Martin Rutte author of Heaven on Earth for sharing his three questions as an approach to change ourselves and then the world. And for his passion in being part of this powerful movement for people to connect to a deeper level of awareness and consciousness of eternal soul energy which allows us to remember and know the power within that is love and compassion at its purest level. Finding it and sharing it brings “Heaven to Earth.”
In summarizing today’s episode of” Healing from Within” Martin and Sheryl have shared a growing awareness of the possibilities of the new life we are creating with each new awareness of the energy of soul, breath and the hope for many more people to awaken to the infinite possibilities for healing and growing into the version of themselves and this world we live in.
As Martin revealed “We know we have it within ourselves to tackle the overwhelming problems of the world.
The human spirit has already
Sent and returned a man from the moon
Knocked down the Berlin Wall
Stopped smallpox and leprosy epidemics
Brought about a peaceful transition to democracy in South Africa
Invented the Internet with its endless possibilities (Sheryl says but also infinite challenges to be overcome.)
Detected gravitational waves for the first time
Launched an interplanetary probe that sent back the first close-up pictures of Pluto
Developed nanotechnology
Delved into the far reaches of the micro-universe (confirmation of the Higgs boson) and the macro-universe (observed light from just after the Big Bang.)
Accomplishments such as this and so much more are a testament to the human spirit and the positive caring and creative part of Humanity’s story…A story shapes our perception of reality. We tell our story to others to connect and to define who we are. Doing is another aspect of story such as Martin Luther King”s actions in the emancipation movement story and Mother Teresa/s story of extreme poverty in Calcutta and chose to change it.
Martin and I would have you join us on this journey of self-investigation of our inner world of dynamic new insights and passions and the self mastery of emotions as we seek the highest forms of love cooperation humility honesty trust and truth and move past the materialist trappings of society politics and business religion or any limiting structure to be at one with Self the world, Humanity, and Universe and create Heaven on Earth. Just begin by feeling what makes your heart feel pain or joy and then find ways to use your intuition to rise above challenges to engage and participate in life. We can change ourselves and then change our world for the better finally bringing about Heaven on Earth in our hearts minds and actions.