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How to Cure Illness Using A Subconscious Mind
- Minister Rev Keiko Hoshino
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Welcome to Healing From Within I am your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Energy Teacher medium and author of A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories of our connection to eternal Universal Life Force Energy that reminds us when accessed that we are capable of creating wonderful experiences and miracles by improving our thoughts actions, conquering fear and negativity and becoming aware of how we are interconnected to all of life and must remember our highest goal is to know love in its many aspects. Today I welcome a former guest Minister Rev. Keiko Hoshino who is the Publishing Director for the U.S. branch of Happy Science IRH Press and represents the spiritual ideas and values of Master Ryoho Okawa author of The Resurrection who suffered a severe life threating episode and miraculously healed using the power of his will and subconscious mind.
Rev Hoshino is a past guest of Healing From Within and if listeners would like to hear the last show we shared together they may go to my website radio page December 2019 The topic was Common Spiritual Wisdom for Creating Peace and Oneness.
As listeners of Healing From Within are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate experiences into the world of energy and metaphysics as we conquer the illusions of the physical realm and reclaim our divinity or eternal soul wisdom so we may create healthier lives and restore our communities to more positive behaviors respecting the interconnectivity of all life.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Rev Hoshino will share the story of Ryoho Okawa who suffered at the age of 47 a life altering experience which is represented in the film “ Immortal Hero” This movie has currently received 29 awards from 6 countries. Available to watch on VOD (
Storyline: Makoto Mioya, a highly successful Japanese author and publisher, has a life-threatening, near-death experience. Powerful spiritual beings with whom he has communicated most of his adult life visit Makoto to remind him he has the power within to heal himself.
Reborn, Makoto commits his life to sharing the almighty wisdom he receives from the spiritual realm. As doubters, including some of his own family, challenge and question his new-found ardor, Makoto must find a way to connect with his family and to inspire a better world
Much happened in Okawa Okawa’s life before he wrote his book The New Resurrection showing how he became aware of self healing after many years of communication with his spiritual guides.
This movie focuses on the main character’s internal conflict which arises as he progresses through the various stages of his life, starting from the time when he resigns from his job and becomes a best-selling author; he then marries and builds a family with children; and his work gradually expands. In that sense, this movie is not only an autobiographical episode of a religious leader’s life, but also about the weight of responsibilities carried by middle-aged people who are at an age to fill managerial positions. So, I believe many people can empathize with this movie. Perhaps people who have suffered a severe illness in their 40s, who are unsure whether they can return to their job after being discharged from the hospital, may sympathize by watching the movie also.
The movie steps in a little deeper and Personally, Okawa saw himself as a religious leader because he was able to receive spiritual messages, but at the same time, he also saw myself as a bestselling author, and so did the majority of the public too. At that time, there was a part of Okawa which thought that it would help to be known as a writer first, to gain popularity and attract more people. In those days, there used to be a list of the highest taxpayers that was publicized annually. So I often applied to the ‘Writer’ category, but every time, I was put under the ‘Other’ category instead. Usually, artists and cultural figures are classified into this group. Their reason for placing me in the ‘Other’ category was because I not only wrote books, but also gave lectures and did other types of activities.
In a way, any new religion tends to have a bad reputation, so Happy Science has been working very hard to transform the impression into a positive one. Since new religions were received quite poorly in Japan after the World War II, it was not easy to promote religious activities. This was true even during the days I was employed.
Sheryl tells Keiko that recently she received an e-mail from a man who he wanted me to do a show with: a healer he found very authentic who lived in Japan. Somehow I mentioned that I had done several shows with representatives from Happy Science discussing Ryoho Okawa’s books for the most part that I found to be representative of the many truths I have garnished from Spirit as an intuitive healer and medium mystic or seeker of metaphysical understanding. He said people in Japan were not happy with Okawa’s religious ideas. Sheryl sees his work more as a spiritual awareness of energy, Source the Divine or the creative force of life and like the Buddhist or other Eastern philosophies a way to live the healthiest and most joyful life while here and then beyond.
Sheryl personally didn’t see Okawa’s writings as a religion but as a spiritual understanding of Universal Energy and a plan for living a purposeful healthy happy life much like her own writings and work as A Reiki Master Teacher and medium. Okawa also mentions the following..” Like so, the doctors and I had widely differing opinions. We simply knew that there was something wrong (with my body). He needed to find a way for healing his body and by then, had already received messages from the guiding spirits of Jesus Christ and Edgar Cayce who both told him that he would leave the hospital in a week to ten days’ time. With that in mind, I was lightheartedly preparing my next project while I was still hospitalized. But the people around me were the exact opposite. Sheryl also has received guidance from those guides and considers herself aligned to their messages of love and healing.
Keiko tells us more about the Happy Science philosophy and the “four fundamental teachings” of Love Wisdom Self-reflection and Progress.
Anyone living every day in accordance with these core values regardless of gender, ethnicity, or religion can attain happiness.
Love - Love without asking for anything in return. Love that gives is the foundation of happiness
Wisdom -Learn to distinguish good from evil in all things by correcting negative thoughts and actions.
Self-reflection- Purify the mind and restore the true self by correcting negative thoughts and actions.
Progress -Make concrete efforts to create a happy society while improving one’s own character
In understanding the actual problem Okawa’s heart we learn more about the powerful Universal Healing energy and how he was healed.
To the doctors, It was impossible for me to have been alive
In any case, after the doctors saw the results from all the tests they did, they said to me, “It is impossible for a normal person to be alive in the condition that you’re in.” I had no idea what they were saying. That’s because I was perfectly fine until the day before. It is true I experienced some sensations that resembled a crow digging its claws into me and clutching my heart, but as soon as I started listening to Buddha’s Teaching: The Dharma of the Right Mind, the sensation disappeared. So, I thought I was cured.
Myocardial infarction, heart failure, Pulmonary edema, silent angina pectoris…
Either way, that’s how I became hospitalized.
Even the doctors seemed confused. They were saying all sorts of things. I understood what a myocardial infarction or heart attack was, but they mentioned a list of unfamiliar medical terms, including heart failure and pulmonary edema. They explained that I had a heart failure since my heart wasn’t contracting, and pulmonary edema because my lungs were filled with water. On top of that, I was also diagnosed with angina pectoris but a ‘silent’ angina pectoris. I presume they called it ‘silent’ angina pectoris because I kept on insisting that I experienced no pain. But it made me wonder if ‘having no pain’ is even a symptom that can be called an illness. If that’s the case, a ‘silent’ heart attack may exist, but that’s what the doctor diagnosed me as having.
It is important to know that Okawa’s doctors did not think his experience a near death experience. As a result, they attempted to change the plot so it was in line with the standards of worldly medical knowledge and tried to make it as though I had a near-death experience. I explained to them that I did not have a near-death experience and then I was told I was already dead since no one with all my problems could still be living.
Aside from an unusual illness Okawa also had an unusual marriage from start to finish with a woman with very different spiritual values.
Okawa writes, “When we first got married, we somehow managed to get along with each other despite some conflicts here and there. But as Happy Science grew, the contradictions in our faith began to show. My wife at the time had not only a firm “religious faith,” but also “academic faith” and “medical faith.” These three were firmly implanted in her. It is true that new religions were frowned upon after the World War II in Japan, so people could not be open about their faith at the time. As for my marriage, my former wife’s parents agreed to take me because my educational background and income were good, and they judged that I’m not a crazy person since I’ve had a career working at a trading company in New York and was appreciated in a worldly aspect.
I was not at that time perceived as a religious leader but after Okawa’s own miraculous energetic healing he lead his organization towards understanding Universal healing and his wife having many people in the medical profession had trouble understanding much less accepting the reality of Spiritual Healing.
Even her friends seemed to suggest that I was not a regular religious leader, having graduated from the University of Tokyo, written books, and lived in New York. In this way, she probably had three faiths: religious faith, academic faith, and medical faith.
For Sheryl Reiki Master Teacher the miraculous power that transcends medical science is Reiki or spiritual healing. Reiki or any other form of connection to Universal Energy the creative force of life in the Universe that is around and within us and we are part of force of life. Reiki or Spiritual Healing is an ancient healing art that channels this energy through a trained practitioner who accepts the responsibility for their own development and to help others attain higher levels of consciousness and awareness.
Master Okawa and Sheryl hope that the ancient healing methods are aligned with allopathic or western medicine for best results.
True healing is related to a connection between the mind health and illness. Some kind of faith in medicine is becoming more and more established today, while religion has greatly detached from medicine. In the past, religions were greatly involved in curing illnesses and new religions were the same as well. But Western medicine started to win as people began thinking that the chance of recovering at a hospital was higher and more effective. When medicine is regarded as a part of science, both the advancement of science and the decline of magic seems to occur together at the same time.
This has created a world where people think that new religions do not cure illness, and it put Okawa in a difficult position. That is why he did not actively engage in curing illness until after his own illness. It seems the more our religious organization gains spiritual power like a magnet, some people can become spiritually connected (to the heavenly world) just by having those chances. For example, it may happen when someone who had been strongly against Happy Science—even against their own family member who are our believers—to suddenly have God’s light enter them the moment that they accept Happy Science. It can happen.
The bigger and stronger the spiritual power of our organization and any group or individual becomes, the more of such phenomena are likely to occur.
Even Okawa couldn’t believe it myself; He understood when he heard about people being cured from an illness after watching a Happy Science movie, but recently, heard that people are recovering just by receiving a Happy Science flier.
Belief and trust in the Universal plan and an understanding that we are eternal beings of life and conscious survives physical death are the keys to success in this life and in the Afterlife.
Okawa writes, “The same is true for spiritual messages. I already had faith in God and Buddha since I was a child, and I believed that the afterlife, spirits, and paranormal phenomena existed. However, I noticed a tremendous difference before and after I actually started to receive direct messages from spirits.
Even if I say that they are direct messages from spirits, I am sure there are many fake ones out in the world. That is why I published a large number of spiritual message books. When you listen to the recordings of the spiritual messages, you might feel that the voices are the same as they are spoken through me. But by transcribing them and putting them into text, people have been able to identity the difference in the way each spirit speaks. They could see their unique characters, and really tell that they are the spirits of the person they said they were. These experiences have certainly helped deepen faith greatly.
We started to strengthen what Other religions were already doing.
In this way, my new resurrection was when I took another leap from the time I attained the ability to receive spiritual messages. As Happy Science started curing illness, which is what other older traditional or newer religions were already doing, we were able to strengthen what we didn’t focus on and make it stronger.
Until this point, our activities were focused mainly on spreading our books that taught about how to improve one’s mind to live an honest and sincere life. From such a level, Happy Science took a significant step forward into doing what religions would usually do and making it our standard. This was a great development
In the movie Immortal Hero, Makoto Mioya’s wife was supportive of her husband’s work only while his focus was on the idea of using one’s will to lead a meaningful and successful life, such as the book, The Laws of Success. However, once Makoto began talking about curing illness and healing people, she could no longer accept it and she felt he had crossed the line. Like so, I sense that there are various stages of faith in real life.
Also, it seems “academics” was standing in the way of her. Oftentimes, academics could take over people’s religious faith.
Instead of it creating individuals with qualities like god, it creates many “little gods” based on the level of academic intelligence. So the higher the educational background people attain, the likelier it is for them to lose faith. As a result, they will become self-centered, and have a strong sense of wanting people to ‘have faith in them.’
Sheryl says that as a Reiki Master Teacher during sessions she helps clients connect to their own soul energy and receive the downloading of healing energy that also changes peoples perspectives opening them up to new ways of viewing themselves and life. Sheryl has seen that many are able to heal using natural methods of meditation prayer walking in nature and releasing negativity and toxins, fears and misbeliefs, and remembering they are spiritual beings living at the moment a physical life. Sheryl often tells her clients that whatever illness or challenge they are experiencing is manufactured by their soul to allow for new opportunities to grow and expand their human potential. No one has any disease …it is a necessary part of overcoming some issues of the soul to refine that energy and go beyond being stuck . It is not the energy healer or doctor that cures anyone but the soul’s adherence to their life plan and destiny and their own ability to connect to Spirit and allow for healing to transform them. You can be intellectually astute, but unaware of your true nature as a spiritual being having a physical life, until you know that truth life is a duality and unity is the only way to achieve success both in the physical and spiritual realms.
In her new book A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening Sheryl shares this thought,
“This event would not be understood until many years later when I would discover the truth of who I am…who we all are. We are all beings of divine energy and physical possibilities at the same time. Ultimately, this discovery has helped me to accept the loss of my father and other loved ones, as I know we will all be reunited beyond life. People involved in the study of metaphysics, psychology, quantum physics, and energy healing help others discover the truth about their soul longevity, allowing them to remember the eternal unbroken chain of life here and in Spirit. We do not have to wait to be beyond our physical life to realize the enormity of our soul’s ability to bridge the gap between the two worlds of finite and infinite being. We are part of the endless circle of life.’
Master Ryoho Okawa might like readers of The New Resurrection and those who see his new movie” Immortal Hero” to take away with them the following:
Okawa wrote, “Life in the end is about what you choose. You have to choose one from many things, so you will have to abandon something to gain another thing. Each time, you would ask yourself, “What should I abandon and what should I choose.” If your boat were to sink, you would throw out all your valuable items. So the question is, “What is the last thing you will keep?” In this way, the teachings of ‘Today is my whole life’ and ‘Die for the Truth’ are very important.
In other words be responsible to your own values and needs and choose what is right for your life
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have discussed a spiritual master’s journey to discover within himself the power of healing and loving life as each of us is capable of doing, if we pay attention to the guidance of Spirit, as they lead us to remember we are spiritual beings having a physical life journey to experience the full range of emotions and challenges and ultimately hopefully to find the soul within our physical bodies and know the eternal nature of our Being. I believe we have a time to enter this world and a time to leave but while we are here we must live each day and moment, not worry about the future, for in doing that we forget to enjoy the moment. We are also here in this life to find the Light that we are and while Okawa was recovering in the hospital after his very serious life challenge years ago he wrote the following poem.
On a cold morning,
When the sky is grey and dull
You may feel down, depressed,
And desperate to escape the day.
You may be shaken by feelings of
Anxiety and hopelessness by a
miserable start to the day.
I’m sure there are many who feel this way.
The moment a ray of bright light
Breaks through the clouds from the sky
And shines in,
The world changes dramatically.
Everything changes dramatically.
Trees shine in brilliant green,
And flowers would smile and begin to greet.
This is the power of faith.
This is the great mercy of God.
Shine a ray of light in your heart also.
You, yourself, must become a ray of light.
Rev Keiko Hoshino Master Ryoho Okawa and I would like you to know beyond the shadow of a doubt as we have absorbed this truth into our soul essence remembering the message of life and love as a gift from the Creative Force of Universal Life to bring Heaven to Earth in all the moments of our days so may you receive and share this gift also.