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Immortal Principles of Mind Body Wisdom
- Eric Ehrke
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Welcome to Healing From Within.” with host Sheryl Glick author or The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which shares stories of spiritual awakening spiritual communication healing energies miracles and ways to discover and utilize your intuition for improving the quality of life and today welcome Eric Ehrke author of The Promise of Wholeness who is trained in Western and Eastern applied philosophy and integrative healing strategies that may lead to lasting peace and wholeness when integrated into your everyday life experience.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” have come to expect my guests and I share intimate insights into the metaphysical spiritual and physical aspects of our human and energetic qualities so we may begin to know who we are and how life serves us while we gather experiences and new perceptions creating and manifesting the best version of ourselves both in a spiritual and physical sense. We are indeed complicated beings and people who discover their inner soul essence and wisdom often have a more creative positive and joyful life journey.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we will discuss a new foundation for profound living based on classical teachings and enriched by modern scientific psychological breakthroughs. We will discover the principles and values it takes to be happy and whole and find critical exercises for infantile childish and adolescent stress responses as we move towards lasting peace and well being.
When Eric is asked to think back to his childhood and remember a person place or event that may have shown him or others the adult they would become and the work and interests they would embrace as an adult he immediately remembers being bullied as a youngster and having a stutter as boys seems to have this issue more than girls. He remembers wanting to be a priest and like most sensitive and emphatic children they feel the energetic pull of the Universe and the sense there is much more to know than we are being told by societal structures parents teachers as we are on a self-investigative journey and living and feeling is the best way to remember our soul essence and true reality.
Sheryl shares that her mother told her she might be a “rabbison” some day or the wife of a Rabbi for she had that sense of wholeness or oneness with a bigger plan or universal source. Well as a priest or religious figure heals through love so do all people in the healing professions who ultimately wish to help others release fear misconceptions and find a road to freedom of the soul or peace and well being.
As a psychiatric social worker, clinical psychotherapist and transformational teacher for more than 40 years, Eric has witnessed both love and human angst on a daily basis. As a practitioner of family systems theory, I educate families, couples and bonded groups about intimacy and how to reach their full potential as a unified entity. And I teach people about unconscious empathy and how poor energetic boundaries affect their moods.
Discussions about life’s purpose always fascinated him but mostly, Marc watched people enduring love and true happiness prove to be elusive quarries and he noted when something worked or missed the mark. Resolving life’s paradoxes and the mysteries confronting people in their day to day lives became his profession but what philosophy, literature, and psychology teach us about love, happiness and suffering became his true passion. This book is a culmination of my discoveries, working observations, and practical suggested gleaned through my life time of wonder and because the resiliency of the human spirit inspired me, he studied under many traditional and transformational spiritual teachers.
The book is called The Promise of Wholeness: Cultivating Inner Peace, Mindfulness and Love in a Divided World. The promise of wholeness provides the ancient philosophical foundation and effective strategies to develop inner peace, mindfulness and loving relationships. Embodying immortal principles and developing effective practices to experience our divine origins in the midst of the divisiveness of everyday life are worthy goals. Reconciling our daily challenges and merging into mystical union with the divine makes humans feel whole.
Sheryl says it truly is by knowing you’re a spiritual being having a physical life and that your soul is immortal and will survive physical death, that you can live without fear and can embrace the beauty of life and love unconditionally all that is. Merging our physical and spiritual lives is the only way to find peace.
Plotinus is an ancient Greek philosopher who Eric discusses and shares with us how he is the father of the mind body and spirit movement two millennial ago. Plotinus was a major Hellenistic philosopher who lived in Roman Egypt. In his philosophy, described in the Enneads, there are three principles: the One, the Intellect, and the Soul. His teacher was Ammonius Saccas, who was of the Platonic tradition.
Plotinus' doctrine that the soul is composed of a higher and a lower part -- the higher part being unchangeable and divine (and aloof from the lower part, yet providing the lower part with life), while the lower part is the seat of the personality (and hence the passions and vices) -- led him to neglect an ethics of ...
The Three Fundamental Principles of Plotinus' Metaphysics. The three basic principles of Plotinus' metaphysics are called by him 'the One' (or, equivalently, 'the Good'), Intellect, and Soul . These principles are both ultimate ontological realities and explanatory principles.
Neoplatonism, on the other hand, seeks to locate the One, or God in Christian Neoplatonism, in the finite world and human experience. This is evidenced in Plotinus's now-famous maxim that the Absolute "has its center everywhere but its circumference nowhere."
Henosis is the Greek word for oneness/unity. Since time immemorial this universal concept has been championed with traditional wisdom ancient philosophy and theology. The psychoanalyst Carl Jung referred our shared human experience with the phrase “collective consciousness.” While physicists use the term quantum entanglement to describe how every particle is inherently connected to the whole. The missing link between the wisdom of ancient philosophy and the startling insights within modern psychology to transform suffering transcend circumstances and increase our capacity for love are explored in The Promise of Wholeness.
Philosophy literature psychology can teach us a great deal about love happiness and suffering? And Eric’s 40 years as a psychiatric social worker psychotherapist and transformational teacher has proven much of those modalites to be quite on target for understanding human and higher spirutal values. Sheryl says as an intuitive medium who picks up a great deal of information about clients from their energy field and from downloading universal information I have made the following observation about the states of happiness or suffering which are affected by our choices and mindset..In my book The Living Spirit I wrote, in response to a question often asked of me. How can I find peace and happiness in my life?” this is the answer I give them: Before there can be peace and happiness in a person’s life and in the world, every person must be responsible to do their own work about acknowledging what needs to change within their attitudes or actions so that they may better relate to the outer world. Finding true happiness and joy is the natural outcome of self-investigation. There are no short cuts. No one can make you happy or unhappy unless you give him or her the power to do that by surrendering or giving your own power away…We should aim to become a person who doesn’t find fault in others, moving past personal obstacles with courage, hope and faith to find peace. Be free of any influence of others that take that state of mind peace away from you.”
A discussion of the somatic empathy theory proves to be quite informative. “Somatic” comes from the Greek word somatikos which means concerning or effecting the body. Somatic empathy includes the absorption of contagious emotional energy, cognitions and felt sensations of others in our body. We are all interconnected and have empathic connections with others, unless something blocks our compassion. Internal awareness is a visceral (relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect).
Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another's position. Definitions of empathy encompass a broad range of emotional states. Types of empathy include cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, and .somatic...
We discuss what an empathetic person is called An empath is someone who is highly aware of the emotions of those around them, to the point of feeling those emotions themselves. ... Many highly sensitive people (HSPs) are also empaths — but there may be a difference between empaths and HSPs.
An empath is someone who is highly aware of the emotions of those around them, to the point of feeling those emotions themselves. Empaths see the world differently than other people; they’re keenly aware of others, their pain points, and what they need emotionally. Marc and Sheryl are highly empathic and have learned to handle energy in ways that help rather than hinder themselves and others. It is a great gift but can cause problems if not understood and used to keep the empath safe from an overflow of external energy forces from people places and events.
But it’s not just emotions. According to Dr. Judith Orloff, author of The Empath’s Survival Guide, empaths can feel physical pain, too — and can often sense someone’s intentions or where they’re coming from. In other words, empaths seem to pick up on many of the lived experience of those around them.
13 Signs of an Empath
- You take on other peoples’ emotions as your own
- This is the classic, number one trait of an empath. No matter what someone else near you is feeling, even if they think they aren’t showing it, you’re likely to pick up on it immediately. But more than that: you may actually feel the emotion as if it were your own, essentially “absorbing” it or sponging it up.
How exactly this works is a subject of some debate. But we do know that people who have high levels of empathy also have very active mirror neurons — the part of the brain that reads emotional cues from other people and figures out what they might be thinking or feeling. In other words, if you’re an empath, it’s likely that you can pick up on tiny changes in expression, body language, or tone of voice that others miss — and immediately sense what the person is feeling.
Those same active mirror neurons, however, mean that you basically live through the feeling as if it were your own. That can be a powerful gift, but also exhausting and overwhelming at times. - Sometimes you experience sudden, overwhelming emotions when you’re in public
It’s not just in one-on-one conversation where you sense the emotions of others. It can happen at any time when there are other people around, and without warning.
If you’re an empath, it can be challenging to go into public spaces, because you may suddenly find yourself filled with an emotion that came out of “nowhere” — or, more accurately, from someone else in the area. - The “vibe” of a room matters to you — a lot
Perhaps unsurprisingly, empaths are extremely sensitive to the “feel” or atmosphere of their surroundings. When surrounded by peace and calm, they flourish, because they take on those qualities internally themselves. For the same reason, places of beauty can be transformative for empaths, whether it’s a quiet garden, a lovely bedroom, or the halls of a museum. Likewise, chaotic or depressing environments will quickly pull the energy out of an empath. - You understand where people are coming from
Empath expert Dr. Judith Orloff explains that this is the core trait of an empath — even more so than absorbing the emotions of others. After all, empaths can learn not to absorb emotions as much, and some empaths rarely “absorb” them at all. But all empaths are able to intuitively sense what someone is trying to express, even when they’re having a hard time getting it out. Empathy, after all, is fundamentally about understanding and connecting with others. And that’s what it means to sense where people are coming from. - People turn to you for advice
With such insight, empaths are frequently sought out by their friend for advice, support, and encouragement. It helps that empaths also tend to be good listeners, and will often patiently wait for someone to say what they need to say and then respond from the heart.
If this sounds like you, you probably know that it can be hard at times, too — people don’t always realize how much of your energy it takes for you to be the listener an advice-giver, and some people take it for granted. - Tragic or violent events on TV can completely incapacitate you
If you’re an empath, it doesn’t matter that a horrible event isn’t happening to you, you still feel it through your entire being. You may seem to “live through” the pain or loss of the event yourself, even if you’re thousands of miles away — or indeed, even if it’s a fictional event in a show. This reaction can be completely overwhelming at times.
Empaths, like HSPs, may not do well watching violence or human tragedy, even if it’s a movie that others find gripping. - You can’t contain your love of pets, animals, or babies
Sure, everyone knows that babies are adorable little miracles, and dogs and cats are cute — but for you, those feelings seem to be much stronger. You may not be able to help yourself from gushing over someone’s lovely child, or immediately crouching down to show some love to a puppy. Some people might find your reaction “over the top,” but for you, how can anyone not react this way? In many ways, this is one of the many perks of being an empath. All your feelings, including positive ones, are turned way up. - You might feel people’s physical illnesses too — not just their emotions
When someone is sick or injured, you might even go so far as to feel their ailment as if it’s your own. This doesn’t just mean feeling sympathy or concern for them, but having actual physical sensations like pain, tightness, or soreness in the same areas of the body. It’s as if your empathic brain is not only mirroring what the other person must be experiencing but also projecting that experience physically into your own body.
And it can be uncomfortable — even debilitating. It’s probably not a “gift” that most empaths love to have. But it’s also at the root of why empaths are such exceptional caregivers. Without this ability, they wouldn’t be able to truly connect with someone who is in pain, or get them just what they need to feel more at ease.
It’s not surprising that empaths are drawn to roles like nurse, doctor, elder care provider, or healer. If you can feel everyone’s pain, it would be surprising not to want to do something about it. - You can become overwhelmed in intimate relationships
Relationships can be challenging for everyone. But imagine how much bigger those challenges are when you can sense every little mood, irritation or, yes, even lie from your partner. And positive emotions can also become overwhelming — as if the relationship may “engulf” you. Sound familiar?
But it’s more than that. Once you live together, the shared environment is also a hurdle. A cohabiting partner’s “energy” is always present for an empath, and can almost feel like an intrusion. Empaths view their homes as a sanctuary where they can get away from the constant demand on their emotional senses, and a partner changes that.
While some empaths choose to remain single for this reason, others learn to adapt — perhaps by having a room that’s their private space, or (extremely important) seeking a partner who respects their boundaries. - You’re a walking lie detector
Sure, there probably have been times when someone successfully deceived you… but even then, you knew you were going against your gut instinct from the start. The thing about an empath’s ability to process even the tiniest social cues means that it’s almost impossible for someone to hide their true intentions. Even if you don’t know exactly what a person really wants, you know if they’re not being completely honest — or if they seem shifty. - You can’t understand why any leader wouldn’t put their teams first
There are plenty of managers and group organizers who simply don’t pay attention to their team’s needs. If you’re an empath, this isn’t just rude or annoying — it’s a failure of leadership.
Partly, this is because empaths can make excellent leaders themselves, and when they do, it’s always by listening to their team and uniting people around shared goals. Empaths tend to be thoughtful and attentive, making sure each team member feels heard. The result isn’t just a happier group of people, it’s making better decisions by getting all the information. - You have a calming effect on other people — and the power to heal them
It’s true. Just as people seek out empaths for advice, they also just feel more at peace in an empath’s presence. In fact, people often unwittingly seek out their most empathic friends during difficult times.
This is something you can develop and use to actually heal people, in the sense of helping them work past serious emotional baggage and overcome unhealthy patterns. But you can’t do so if you hide your sensitivity and empathy — you have to embrace your gift if you really want to make a difference. - You cannot see someone in pain without wanting to help
Can you walk past someone who’s in need, without wondering how you could help them? Do you struggle to turn off your concern for others because “there’s a job to do”? If the answer is no — not even when you’re busy, not even when you’re rushed — then there’s good chance you’re an empath.
Eric also talks about the stories and dramas in our modern day or past societies. Society often believes criminals, terrorists and in our fairytales, witches are born wicked. But Eric has seen firsthand in his practice that these people were usually victims themselves before they began to victimize. Clans and communities create cultural storylines of “us vs. them” which the form of illusion corrupts, transforming people into adversaries to overcome. Some people transcend trauma while other unfortunately recycle the modeled templates of abuse and neglect they experienced. Suffering can, like it did with the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz, increase our sensitivity and empathy, but blaming friends, family and adversaries for causing our troubles is simply a dysfunctional stress response, which momentarily pushes pain onto scapegoats. However, victimization can and often induces self-destructive tendencies or payback fantasies, only self love, social awareness, personal responsibility and the willingness to look past the illusions ensure our connection to humanity and divinity.
Sheryl says that belief in more than the physical world affecting you and living with your intuition or inner guidance system knowing you are connected to all life and that the Universal Source of Life works with us while we are incarnated in physical form and that “Consciousness survives physical death” are all ways to learn more about your dual nature as spiritual beings having a physical life but ultimately returning to the Oneness of Eternal life. If you truly know this then you are able to accept all challenges as opportunities for self-investigation and self-mastery of your emotions so you can live a more positive productive purposeful and happy healthy life. Learning to know that the ego based reality is filled with illusion fear that leads us away from our heart or soul based truth is an important part of the key to the Greek philosophy of unity and wholeness.
I would like to thank you Eric Ehrke author of The Promise of Wholeness for a comprehensive integrative look at mind body spirit healing and awareness of how to reach states of higher consciousness for acceptance and ultimately mindfulness inner peace and love to thrive individually and hopefully in time collectively.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have tried to bridge the gap between the falseness of ego based realities societal misconceptions ancient ways of perceiving life so we may move into an inner based self healing awareness of energy and how it affects our health prosperity and happiness For in knowing about our dual nature as spiritual beings having a physical life we are able to transcend fear and false beliefs to find the truth of our eternal nature and life sustaining practices making ourselves and the world a truly dynamic environment for acceptance of all and for creating or manifesting our best lives.
As Eric wrote, “Love is fundamental to our explorations and to how humans become whole and eventually incorruptible. Love is like water, because it is forceful beyond measure and yet its basic nature is to yield and seek the low places, its fluid nature melts into other structures and gives life to everything it touches. Whatever happens is perfect when we love because, like water, love never loses its constitutional integrity and will continue to exist in its next location… people die without water and our heart and soul would suffer from a dearth of spirit without love.”
Eric and I would have you begin to observe the many miracles happening in your life and around you even though at times we face challenges that seem insurmountable. It is in the hope and faith that we are indeed part of a divine energetic force of life that we can find the peace and love that has always been within us. The Promise of Wholeness lies within you in the acceptance that you are part of Universal source and love and as such are eternal …there is no separation from this creative source and we are always evolving and manifesting our greatest potential.