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Improved Quality of Life From Higher Brain Function
- Dr. Michael Cotton
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In today’s episode of Healing From Within your host Sheryl Glick ,Reiki Master Teacher, and author of her soon to be released book The Living Spirit- Answers for Healing and Infinite Love (May 2014) welcomes Dr. Michael Cotton who shares The Higher Brain Living (HBL) technique which is an alternative gentle touch process that activates specific points in the body, in a specific sequence, with specific timing, creating a surge of energy from the primal fear-based lower brain into the prefrontal cortex, the seat of the Higher Brain. The physiological effect of energy healing often releases stress, rejuvenating and reorganizing the body’s cells. This technique as other hands on energy healing modalities- Reiki, Craniosacral, The Reconnection System, Arch Energy Healing, Quantum Healing Chakra Balancing and others provide a way for the body to relax and release thoughts, toxins and embedded emotions which hinder the creative and natural self-healing part of our energetic and physical bodies.
Michael Cotton has more than thirty years as a leading authority in personal and cultural transformation and is a leading Evolutionary Theorist and the founder of Higher Brain Living. He has a Doctoral degree in Chiropractic, has earned all three levels of certification in NSA and offers his Higher Brain Healing technique as a way to awaken human potential for creating a lifetime of lasting joy purpose and potential. This is the way of all spiritual energy healing modalities and the higher search for the means to enhance our total life process for a healthy and less stressful daily experience. Dr. Cotton has owned and operated six Awaken Higher Brain Living Centers and has provided academic support material being taught at Ken Wilber’s, (Deepak Chopra’s mentor) Integral Institute in Denver, Colorado. He also teaches wellness practitioners how to incorporate this tool into their existing energy practices.
Higher Brain Living (HBL) technique is a modern gentle touch process where a trained facilitator activates points in the body at a specific sequence creating a surge of energy from the lower brain into the pre-frontal cortex, or the Higher Brain where creativity, imagination and view of a more compassionate life, without negativity or lower based instincts, resides. The Higher Brain Living technique is consistent and repeatable with over 99% of the people who get sessions; a response called a 'Salutogenic Response", which is a wave-like motion in the body as it shakes off stress and reorganizes itself. This means this technique isn't wishful thinking, hyperbole or 'new-age' techniques; it is an innate possibility living in the human body, much like a reflex action, only this response correlates to a shift of energy in the brain, from our fear-based lower brain to more energy in the Higher Brain, leading to an entirely new way of being in the world, filled with more joy, possibility and purpose.
As a licensed Higher Brain Living Facilitator one can perform Higher Brain Living sessions within one’s existing practice, or can open an official AWAKEN Center that exclusively offers Higher Brain Living sessions.. The centers offer a plethora of tools and resources to help develop all the practitioners skills. The licensed Facilitators range from Therapists, Psychologists, Chiropractors, Naturopaths, Homeopaths, Acupuncturists, Tapping Practitioners, Yoga Instructors, Massage Therapists and healers of all kinds, all the way to business people looking for a career change - one that makes a profound positive impact on their fellow human beings.
Higher Brain Living is based on the most progressive knowledge of 21st century neuroscience with roots in ancient wisdom that dates back to yogi mystics 5,000 ago. During Higher Brain Livng Sessions, a Higher Brain Living Facilitator provides precise touch contacts in the right place, right time, at the right vector and in the right sequence. This produces a feedback mechanism in the body which creates a repeating surge of energy into the higher brain, creating a profoundly new life experience for our clients. Our power to change really is in our brain.
Dr. Charlotte Tomaino a neuropsychologist, former nun and author of Awakening the Brain was a guest on “Healing From Within” and offered Sheryl a quote which she wanted her to use for her Reiki sessions or hands on energy healing practice. Dr. Tomaino said “Get a Reiki session and you will be smarter”…Sheryl believe what she meant was you would resonate to your own energy or soul system and become more aware of how to create better situations to master your life challenges, emotions and interactions with others as a result of greater awareness of self and the possibilities for taking care of your own needs….in that way she is right. All energy healing work support greater self-awareness and necessary change, but only the individual can bring those changes into their lives. As the Higher Brain Living technique offers release of primitive or self defeating thoughts, so does a Reiki healing session. The key is to release and then replace outdated beliefs and self limiting patterns so more constructive ways to engage the events in your daily life in a more positive thought process are affected. Reiki therapy also dates back to the ancient mystics and eastern healing practices. Each person will be guided to the healing modality and practitioner that best matches their level of soul development and what matches the lessons their soul is here to encounter.
Dr. Cotton says; “Our lower brains fear change. It is a region of our brain that developed in a predator-rich environment, and it is extremely skilled at identifying possible danger in order to keep us alive. Today, tigers no longer roam the landscape and the lower brain encourages an unnecessary state of hyper-vigilance, stress, anxiety and fear. The one-of-a-kind Higher Brain Living Technique literally frees your fear-based lower brain. The Higher Brain Living System offers you the chance to create an extraordinary new life, to thrive, to let go of stress, anxiety and depression—and experience joy, confidence, purpose and passion while growing and evolving daily.”
Dr. Maurie Pressman a medical doctor, author of Living In the Super Mind and former guest of “Healing From Within” offers similar ideas and suggests that a more combined approach of a spiritual practice and development of our multiple intelligence factors of the brain offer a means to greater health and the creation of a peaceful productive life experience. It is known that to adapt evolve and create a healthier life we must conquer and eliminate fear negativity and any of our physical life practices that allow stress to reside and lower instincts or emotions such as greed jealousy hatred to contaminate our thinking and limit our possibilities..we may experience any negative emotion but becoming mindful and discerning about what we engage and act upon is ultimately a personal responsibility and one that along with energy healing methods lead to a more evolved well functioning person. All healing sessions, HBT, or anything else must accompany continuous efforts by the recipient to make improvements in all areas of one’s life. It is not a onetime effort or fix all.
The higher brain living system allows for an increase in higher consciousness, deeper spiritual enlightenment, and connection to your potential or life purpose. According to Dr. Cotton, “Each session is paired with an advanced mapping system which gives you a pathway into your fearlessly authentic life. You’ll begin to create the unique life you’ve dreamed of. You’ll discover your purpose. With the innate intelligence of the Higher Brain activated, clients report everything from easier decision-making to deeper connections with everyone around them. We call this vertical growth. You’ll call it a new life. But none of this really expresses how profound an experience this is; one you truly need to experience to believe. One session; and your life begins to change.”
For those interested in finding more about this energy healing system, Dr. Cotton will be in New York March 14th to March 20th to offer a free introductive into Higher Brain Living at the Hotel Pennsylvania, in NYC from 6:30-8:30 pm on March 24th. Provided attendees RSVP in advance. Michael will be a speaker at the New Life Expo March 21st- March 23th. For more information on this event, visit
In exploring Dr. Cotton’s system of Higher Brain Living, we find in addition to a host of practical and dynamic energy healing modalities such as; Reiki, Polarity Healing, Quantum Healing, Craniosacral Healing, The Reconnection, Arch Energy Healing, and Reflexology that all energy healing modalities in conjunction with traditional medical practices allow for profound physiological and emotional transformation that releases stress, and creates a healthier human being who may discover their highest abilities, life purpose and the means to achieve a more peaceful effective reality for themselves and those around them. The key to improving any situation and creating a better quality of life, resides in the brain, the mind, the heart, and the spirit of one who wishes to continue to grow, learn, reflect, experience and also in the attitudes and thoughts they develop that foster their spiritual talents and help them become the example of a well functioning person. As a more creative, evolved citizen manifesting whatever it is they focus their attention on becomes a natural way to living. Having a spiritual grounding in a variety of spiritual energy practices such as meditation, yoga, and the guidance of spiritual teachers and energy practitioners is a good first step into realizing your full potential as both energetic and physical beings. As with any new study you must begin then practice, and finally enjoy the fruits of your