Internet Radio Show
Intentional Creation By the Soul
- Les Jensen
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Welcome to Healing From Within with host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher and author of my newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us our many challenges now are not economical political or societal but a disconnect from our true Being or soul wisdom Today I am delighted to welcome Les Jensen to discuss his new book Citizen King The New Age of Power which shares a story to help us embrace the bold ideas of heart and soul and trust that there is a way for them to manifest. Les Jensen is a former guest of Healing From Within and author of Forgiven Sinner: God’s Last Savior. To listen to that former show go to the radio page of my website October 2019.
As listeners of Healing From Within have come to expect over the years, my visionary guests and I share intimate stories and insights into ways to open awareness and reach higher consciousness so we may come to know more about our energetic source of life, navigate turbulent times and live our most authentic lives as spiritual beings having a physical life with the personal power within, to create, manifest, and realize our divine potential and soul right to live in harmony balance love and compassion. In learning more about our dual nature, we discover infinite possibilities to thrive and live the life of our soul dreams.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Les Jensen who has worked in the broadcast television market for 30 years and is an author inspirational speaker radio host and energy master teacher who will share ideas on how to find meaning fulfillment joy and purpose in life offering a view on how to act as your own “Citizen King” to live an exceptional life in your own authentic kingdom created by your heart and soul intention and creation.
In this book Citizen King Les Jensen use the term “Persona. He tells us what that means to him. First Les write, “We must know that we are all made from the same fabric, a vibrant and endless point of human consciousness. We all are the thing itself. We all have a body and our unique personality. And we all have that inner place where our own crafted inspiration flows when nurtured.”
In the model of an old -school movie projector, the light of the projector casts light on the movie film capturing the image and projecting it onto the screen, the place where the movie was actually happening. In this model of a projector the bright light is our soul. It is the source of the movie allowing it to happen at all.
Many people have had their lives turned upside down and cracked open and for millions that was 2020, an unexpected year of tragedies, but you say Citizen King was written just after that kind of incident that changed your life forever…a wake- up call for the soul. Les Jensen’s technical skills led to a successful career in engineering in the broadcast industry, and it was here that he experienced a spiritual awakening. He hadn’t had a spiritual notion of himself before that, but decades of studying the nature of frequency, energy and very high levels of power in television had prepared him for working with the energy of human consciousness. And then his life-path changed. Everything Les had learned about energy would show up in many ways, including his writings. His language was that of karma, emotions, mental stigmas, energy bodies, and levels of consciousness (and the power behind them.) Meanwhile years before becoming an author Les experience
Many people find common ways to shut down our own power without even knowing it. If focused on the outside world and the many distractions illuminating fear with we begun to shut down our own power when we do not know that everything man has ever created has started as an idea in the mind of human consciousness, Each of us is human consciousness personified and held within that infinite field of potential is the vision of your life that your soul has from the time of your birth. So to open up our power we must accept that we are the captains of our own ship and our thoughts and actions either negative or positive draw the same action or reaction to us.
The Law of Attraction is always in play so as we begin to know ourselves and our deepest desires, we can find ways past our fears and begin to manifest a healthy prosperous and purposeful life of love and compassion Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is believed that regardless of age, nationality, or religious belief, we are all Spirit. In the New Thought philosophy, the Law of Attraction is a pseudoscience based on the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's...
Les Jensen goes on to tell us we tend to shut down our soul’s potential to create whatever we wish when we have unresolved karma within our own persona so it becomes likely the story that plays out will be more of the past patterns repeating themselves over and over again. It is not until our karma or thought processes are refined that we can truly live the vision of our soul unimpeded.
The story of our collective past has been one of deceit and betrayal and we have been corralled for containment in order to minimize the possibilities we might just fulfill with less influence from the opinions of others. We often are not focused on our dreams but rather of the “collective storyline that the media and society propagate” which prevents us from exploring our inner soul world and magnificent personal power to achieve miracles. In other words we have been manipulated, controlled, and brain washed, in order to prevent us from disasters that might befall us, but this also prevents us from discovering our own personal kingdom within ourselves.
As a king writing your own creative story each day for each day, you are indeed “a new person” learning to understand how powerful it is to free yourself from the bondage of posturing, the bondage of judgment, the bondage of stagnant beliefs, of emotional posturing. You may have learned that energy is the native language of the universe which needs no human language or dialect to define itself. It is engaged in fluent conversation and interactions from the beginning of time. The energy essence of the idea or thought is the language the universe responds to. We shape it with our words, thoughts and feelings. We boost it with our excitement and joy.
Many of us are also very sensitive people and we can start off intending to create flow, taking new actions on a new idea—a vision of our heart and soul. Perhaps you start to write a book or express your unique opinions about how things should be, and then perhaps receive critical feedback from someone and immediately feel the impulse to shut down the creative process. You may avoid taking steps toward the completion of your inspiration because you got triggered by a person reply or a judgment
Forgiveness and compassion may be directly related to our ability or inability to express ourselves in a powerful way.
Sheryl says that forgiveness releases any guilt or anguish about how you or another person acted or reacted in some event that was less the way you wanted it to go. As nothing is random, if it happened there was something for you or the other person to learn, review, accept change or understand and by forgiving yourself or asking for forgiveness from someone else, you allow yourself to move past the restriction and blockage caused by the feeling of that event that happened. If not, you remain stuck in that energy and repeat it over and over again until you are able to release it. It is extremely powerful to reach this level of soul maturity and be able to forgive, so now you can begin to create a better story in your mind heart and life. We can express something magnificent beautiful loving and more in alignment with our soul’s desires, for growth and for understanding the Universal Laws of Energy such as the Law of Attraction. What we give out in the world is returned to us…what we sow we shall reap….what we give we shall receive.
Les Jensen wrote, “When you can forgive and move into compassion for every single life story that is playing out, you are entering the arena of unconditional love and acceptance for the many faces of humanities…..When your heart is pure and you can look at any face of humanity---the hero and the villain, the saint and the sinner, the cop and the criminal—and when you can look at any personification of the human experience and say, But, of course, the universe has no bias against our freedom in making any choice we want. We are making these choices motivated by our own Karma without the ability to err, for it has taken lifetimes to accumulate such deep layers of darkness…yet all is an opportunity to learn the most powerful lessons possible for mastering our human nature. If you can discover your light when the world around you is playing out such darkness then that is the most advanced lesson you can have in the karmic nature of our human demeanor.
Jes tells us of the energy in the form of a life changing moment, when he “broke himself wide open” He felt so much energy pouring out of his personal persona (SOUL) that he went inside his inner self and from that time on started cleaning up whatever he found that didn’t serve his well- being.
Les tells us the role dreams play in our ability to fulfill our life purpose. Les writes, A dream expands as you fulfill it. As one dream is fulfilled another presents itself. You know that the idea, the dream, the inspiration that you have today will come about if you show up for it. Know that the vision your soul shows you is not only possible, but probable, if you simply trust the process itself and honor it with your thoughts and actions. It starts by learning how to trust the power of an idea. That idea comes into creation by moving yourself into alignment into harmony, with the nature, vibration and essence of what the idea represents. What the dream inspires and What the hope fulfills is the life plan established by your soul before you began this physical life..
Something as simple as writing down your dreams brings them into physical form as an idea. To empower your dreams as a sense of genuine possibilities in your life is to take time to fulfill them with your actions. And it involves taking the time to actually sit down and write out the vision of what your future holds for you now. In the book Les talks about sovereignty and dominion and how that relates to our life purpose.
Les Jensen writes, ‘As a “king” you’ll learn to understand how powerful it is to free yourself from the bondages of emotional posturing, judgment, and stagnant beliefs. Like the canvas to a painter, to start fresh, something clean is priceless. How can you bring about a new creation if there is already a tarnish on the canvas? How can you bring a new possibility—a miracle perhaps—into creation if the canvas itself is tainted? If your own personal energy Persona is diluted and polluted by the past how can you create something pure? The purity of your own personal energy decides what kind of a range you have in the creative process. If you’re holding on to large aspects of your past, then the majority of your own personal energy will perpetuate your experience of the past.
To want to be king of your own personal kingdom is the journey itself. It is the process of awakening itself. Consciousness is the creative substances of the universe and you are that consciousness now. There is no end to the creative presence for the process is always on. It continually repeats itself. You cannot deplete the infinite field of possibilities by fulfilling your own inspiration. The creative process of the universe never ends, and you can draw from it all you want, for it is always ready to create again.”
Les talks about the relationship between the ego and the heart and soul, and the importance of healing that relationship and why that is so important.
Les writes, “It’s time for rest. It is time to sleep. You totally let go of what your day looks like and you go to bed feeling fulfilled. If you are feeling fulfilled on three levels: a heart level a soul level and an ego level you feel satisfaction. It’s a trilogy of peaceful living. When you have flow equally in those arenas then every single day at the end of the day you go to bed feeling fulfilled.”
Sheryl says maybe that is why Spirit asked her to write a trilogy showing her spiritual awakening In the first book Life is No Coincidence The Life and Afterlife Connection as she discovered that the dream of her deceased grandfather telling her to write something for her father and on the next day my father passed encouraging me to write his eulogy, was not a dream at all but a spiritual visitation, awakening within me a remembrance of childhood when I at bedtime saw beautiful faces in the night and felt energy touching my skin. Now I knew clearly that souls that had passed survived physical death and were eternal. In the second book The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love I explain my transformation and use of energy as a Reiki Master Teacher and medium receiving downloads from higher consciousness encouraging readers to learn more about the energetic aspects of their life. The third book A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening shows or proves our soul life potential for creation and how we are transcending these challenging times in order to live in a higher state of awareness love and compassion so we may fulfill our human and divine dreams and improve the collective consciousness through Spiritual energetic Universal Laws of the Universe.
When you receive inspiration that you know is from your heart or soul, know there is indeed a way for it to be made manifest. Know that the idea is sound then your soul can see a vision for your life that extends decades down the road. So, stay connected with what works next. Trust in the ideas themselves. Don’t let your ego edit any thought or sentence that your heart and soul have given to you. Write them down verbatim on the post -it note or on the pad of paper. And those refined ideas have now become action items for your ego to manifest.
The mind or ego compares choices with the past. The ego is motivated to make choices that are safe, because the outcome is known. But there’s no flow in making choices based on the past. Flow comes from following new information, this new information is the inspiration itself. Without inspiration there is no new information upon which to base your life. Flow by its very nature brings with it more information. When you get your ego to enjoy life and when your heart and soul are feeling fulfilled because your are completing the inspiration captured on the post-it notes, then you are genuinely taking on the role of being a king in your own kingdom.
We talk about the storyline of the collective consciousness as changing and why it is changing and where we are going as a collective with this change.
We are at the place of human consciousness now where we can recognize the potential of each individual that empowers them. We can recognize what could bring more choices to the masses. When we engage with the passion of our heart and soul, we will empower the immense potential of ourselves. At this present time there is so much potential present that it truly is an exciting time to be alive
In Les Jensen’s book he takes us through our own family dynamics. And how the family we are raised in has to do with our ability or inability to be powerful.
Sheryl might say that in a family that shares the idea that life is more than just the physical world and there is an energetic soul spiritual component to life, children are able to recognize they have choices beyond the rules and mores of society…they can call on help and guidance from a higher Self or connection to Universal energy and need not feel so alone or inadequate while trying to be perfect which is an impossibility.
In Sheryl’s book A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening she wrote, “ Remember your childhood as I remember mine! The best hopes for happiness come from the best memories and happiness experienced in childhood and a trust in a timeless, universal plan.
When I was a child, each night I repeated this small prayer. No one taught it to me, but still I knew it.
It went like this: Lord keep us safe this night Secure from all our fears.
May angels guard us while we sleep
Till morning light appears Amen.
By John Leland
In a recent interview, Garnet Schulhauser, author of Dancing Forever with Spirit, expressed his feeling that every child begins at an early age, to know that all humans have a soul. He wrote, in regard to dealing with any bullying situation, “The best way to stop bullying begins at home. Parents should strive to avoid negative responses to events and demonstrate to their children that it is important to show love, compassion, and forgiveness to all other people. Children should be taught at an early age that all humans have souls and that all souls are connected to the Source and to one another. They should be encouraged to listen for messages from their guides and helpers in Spirit and not allow negative emotions or fear to rule the day.”
Les Jensen might like readers of Citizen King to take away with them that when you recognize you are a soul being and your essence is love, your personal power to thrive in acceptance and surrendering to the challenges of a physical life are possible and empowering. Les wrote, “You are a timeless soul experiencing what it means to be the species of human being on a planet called earth. You can look at other species and see a demeanor that is inherent within that species. For instance, you can understand the innocent of a bunny rabbit, the aggressiveness of a lion, and the gentle nature of a butterfly and also understand the nature of these human tendencies as well. To understand the nature of these human tendencies and how you are personally playing them out on your own, is to give yourself permission to be a genuine and authentic human being.
We thank Les Jensen author of Citizen King for sharing with listeners an approach to discovering ones innermost powerful Self or soul that is the creative force for all that is in our physical realm as well as how to use this power to create your own kingdom of magnificent miracles and dreams, ultimately not merely surviving a physical life, but triumphantly thriving in a glorious world of endless possibilities for using human potential to create “Heaven on Earth.”
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have come to remember our true being as souls having a physical life with the ability to remember the vision of life our eternal souls created long before we entered this physical life journey. By honoring that vision, and becoming a Citizen King of our own manifestations through our thoughts and actions, we can choose the best version of ourselves, and help life to evolve in a way where all people are valued and allowed to pursue their own specific life journey. Then it becomes possible to be able to give up judgment, to learn acceptance and greater compassion for even the most challenged and lost souls who are unable to embrace the path to living an exceptional life by using our personal inner soul power and to fulfill at the same time our human potential. When others have said to you that life is what you make it, there was great truth in that statement. For our thoughts and actions, draw similar energy and responses to what we put out to the world. In understanding our inner perceptions and refining our soul version of life, personally and collectively we thrive, enjoy, and produce feeling of joy happiness and gratitude. There is no greater realization than discovering you love yourself and others, as they are, and continue on your path of eternal discoveries of life in all its versions.
Les and I would have you begin to hear the music of the universe which sounds a triumphant burst of love for you and all living things helping us to dream and live a life of wonderment, while allowing the flow, and encouraging the dream to grow even bigger. Show up in each moment and follow your heart.
I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and invite you to visit my website to read about and listen to leaders in the metaphysical scientific spiritual medical psychological business law and the arts and music fields as they help us search for an awareness of age old questions about the nature of life both in terms of our physical and also our energetic possibilities Shows may also be heard on and