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Intuition Leads to Heart Felt Intentions/Higher Wisdom
- Jo Chun Yan
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Welcome to Healing From Within. I am your host Sheryl Glick author of Life Is No Coincidence, The Living Spirit and my soon to be released third book in the trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which share stories of intuition Higher Self and our dual nature as spiritual beings having a physical life. I am delighted to welcome Jo Chun Yan author of The Intuition Journal who will share her consciously designed guide to increase clarity, deepen your spiritual journey, and encourage a theme of transformation.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” have come to expect over the years my guests and I share intimate stories of awakening, Higher Consciousness Intuition and spiritual gifts that allow us to learn more about the true purpose of our physical lives and how to use inner guidance for self-investigation to master our emotions and to create a purposeful joyful life experience.
In today’s episode Jo Chun Yan will share ways to recognize intuitive messages knowing when it’s fear or instinct that is speaking to you and share key questions you might use to help you with life changing decisions, so that you make better choices and perhaps six tell tale ego signs as well as show us how to expand our comfort zone to allow more space for inner growth. We might also learn how to release habits that are no longer serving us and more beyond childhood programing.
When Jo Chun is asked to think back to their childhood or earlier days and remember a person place or event that might have shown them the lifestyle work or interests they might pursue as an adult Jo Chun tells us she always knew there was a greater force around her and her parents were very creative and encouraged her to use imagination and creativity to share her joy in living well.
Jo tells us something about the book herself and the inspiration behind The Intuition Journal.
An Author/designer Jo Chun Yan is a trained intuition coach, dedicated to helping people explore the art of listening to their inner wisdom setting powerfully aligned goals and taking transformation action. Following her own intuition has changed everything for her—it ignited her spirit. Since then she has carved out invaluable space to embrace intuition in her everyday life. She consciously weaves it into every aspect of her work so that it connects to people on an energetic level. Jo has cultivated a loyal, engaged social media following. She is based in Melbourne, Australia
Jo tells us in an artful and charming way what’s different about her book and why journaling is so vital to the process of awakening and discovering your intuition and how to incorporate it into your everyday life for greater success.
Moving through the four phases
Phase One Preparing Sacred Ground Creating a stable and nourishing foundation for your intuitive intentions and insights.
Phase Two Nurturing the Seedling Moving through moments with curiosity and joy, and removing obstacles that inhibit you from connecting to your intuition.
Phase Three Navigating Deep Growth Working through the ego and fear that holds you back from connecting to your higher self.
Phase Four Living in Full Flourish Committing to strengthening your energy to hold space for even deeper inner work.
This journal is presented in four sections, or phases. Each phase runs for 13 weeks, covering a different stage of emotional and spiritual growth as you develop your intuition over a year.
These four phases echo the natural growth cycle of a seed evolving into a plant or tree. A tiny seed is planted in fertile ground. As it is nourished by nutrients in the soil, its roots anchor down to create a strong foundation, and it sprouts through the earth. The seedling makes its way upwards, leaves opening to catch the sunlight and buds forming. It extends its branches and eventually evolves into a fully grown plant or tree – abundant in fruit and flourishing flowers.
By using this journal each day, you will nurture your intuition in the same way – so that your inner growth and transformation can bring your dreams, intentions and visions to life.
Jo and Sheryl share information about the way intuition works through the different types of messages received in a sensory way from clairvoyance to clairaudience and how someone would know which one they are? Is this gift of intuition available to everyone.
Sheryl says as an intuitive energy practitioner and medium she simply assumed she was always sensing feeling and knowing things but just chalked it up to intelligence and a good education. It wasn’t until 26 years ago that she had a dream while very ill with the flu and her grandfather presented himself in energy form. In her thoughts he told her she had to write something for her father. The next day Sheryl received a phone call from her mom telling her that her father had passed. Sheryl wrote his eulogy, but the feeling of that energy created a series of coincidences synchronicity that led her to explore the nature of physical and spiritual life discovering through science and spirituality our intimate connection to everyone everything and Universal Source. While Sheryl was always sensitive to people places and events and now knowing she was always an empath feeling deeply and wanting to help others she did not understand the importance of working with intuition and inner guidance connected to Spirit. tapping into your intuition and trusting your deeper feelings beyond your logical mind.
We are all born with intuition and we all have the ability to refine this skill, just like any other innate talent, throughout our lives.
Most people receive intuition through a primary sense that can be called a “clair” sense. You may only have heard this term in the context of psychics and clairvoyants, but if you have ever noticed the feeling change in a room after an argument or sensed the emotion in the text of a letter, you are using your clair senses. To identify your strongest clair sense(s), tick the boxes that best apply to you below. Keep the results of this assessment in mind as you move through the journal, looking for intuitive insights.
Clairvoyance (sight)
- I see symbols, visions or vivid dreams in my mind’s eye
- I express myself naturally by sketching or drawing
- I feel drawn to the visual arts, design or photography
- I see auras, energy, ghosts or non-physical entities
Claircognizance (knowing)
- I experience persistent thoughts or nudges to act
- I believe strongly in what I know as the truth
- I feel drawn to philosophy, ethics or scientific research
- I receive premonitions or unexplainable knowing
Clairaudience (sound)
- I feel inspired and moved by music and languages
- I express myself naturally through music or speech
- I feel drawn to performing, singing, writing or speaking
- I find myself hearing sounds with no physical source
We are all born with intuition and we all have the ability to refine this skill, just like any other innate talent, throughout our lives.
Clairalience (smell)
- I find that scents evoke memories and experiences
- I have a heightened sensitivity to smell and fragrance
- I feel drawn to floristry, wine tasting or perfumery
- I find myself conjuring or sensing an odor with no physical source
Clairgustance (taste)
- I find that eating conjures up feelings and memories
- I have a love of cooking and good food
- I feel drawn to baking, working with food or food writing
- I find myself conjuring or sensing a taste with no physical source
Clairtangency (touch)
- I find that objects evoke strong sensations ⎔ I love working with my hands (woodwork, pottery)
- I feel drawn to healing with reiki, kinesiology or massage
- I receive intuitive insight through physical touch
Clairempathy (emotional sensing)
- I have an acute sense of emotional perception
- I attune to the emotion of others’ feelings and thoughts
- I feel drawn to acting, therapy or teaching
- I sense the truth by feeling the energy of it around me
Clairsentience (visceral emotional feeling)
- I experience strong visceral and physical reactions
- I feel the emotions of others in my body
- I feel drawn to healing, nursing or therapy
- I sense the truth by feeling the energy of it in my body
Jo clearly explains how intuition can help us understand anxious and fearful thoughts.
Intuition is your innate inner knowing. As a trained intuition coach, I like to think of it as the wise, guiding voice within that tells us to chase after our wildest dreams – whether to move halfway around the world, start that creative business you’ve been drawn toward for so long, or just live each day with more simplicity.
You have probably felt that inner nudge or spark that accompanies a stroke of intuition. It may be experienced as a feeling, an energy or a moment of inspired insight. But at its core, tuning into your intuition is simply the act of listening to your body and the whispers of your heart, which is what this journal is designed to help you do. How do you know when your intuition is speaking to you? People sense and experience their intuition in different ways. For some, it might come through as a gentle guiding voice; for others, an inspiring vision. Use the exercise on the following page to get to know how best to recognize intuitive insights in your own life. Learning to listen to a healthy balance of both your heart (intuition) and your head (rationality and logic) will serve you well.
The purpose of this journal offered in The Intuition Guideurnal has been created as a dedicated place for you to tune into, develop and act on your intuition by cultivating space and stillness between your thoughts. Writing in it daily means making a commitment to knowing yourself better and to allowing your innate wisdom to emerge with more clarity. I hope you enjoy the journey of perspective shifts and inner growth that it takes you on – so that you can love and appreciate your life even more than you do already
Some key grounding practices in the book are presented below:
Practice by design, readers are called upon to explore a Daily Intuition Ritual, set their intention and commit to an Intuitive Action for the week. The opposing interdependence forces of Yin and Yang energy are woven throughout to create a sense of balance and flow and are used as grounding principles for the seasons and exercises. Structure and discipline (Yang) has been created to hold space for intuition (Yin) to flow
In Nature Gardening and tending to vegetables Forest bathing or simply sitting at the foot of a tree Walking barefoot or wearing footwear made from natural materials Visualizing your heartbeat connecting to the pulse of the earth
Body-based Practices Taking an earthing bath with a generous cup of Epsom salts Spending time at a hot spring Massaging your back, legs and feet Doing yoga poses such as Child’s Pose, Triangle Pose and Mountain Pose At Home Bringing earth elements into your home, such as terracotta and stone Cooking with root vegetables, such as beet, pumpkin, potato and carrot Using grounding spices and herbs, such as rosemary, ginger and clove Sleeping on a futon and sitting on the floor instead of a chair.
Other Grounding Practices Playing with clay or making pottery Bringing crystals such as jasper, garnet or bloodstone into your home Using essential oils such as vetiver, copaiba, sandalwood and cedarwood Attending a sacred cacao ceremo
The best way of connecting to your inner child is to develop a safe and productive place with the right mixture of people work and leisure activities. The metaphor for this state you can create is…..A new beginning comes from the planting of a single seed in fertile ground. Within this seed lies all the potential for new life and growth.
In order for a seed to sprout into a seedling and then develop into a plant, it must be nourished by good soil. If the ground is not rich in nutrients, the seed will struggle to sprout. If the ground is not firm, it will not provide a strong foundation for the roots to anchor into as the plant grows. This is also true when it comes to developing your intuition.
Over the next 13 weeks we will prepare the ground for you – making it feel stable, nourishing and sacred. In this safe, anchored sanctuary you will be able to connect with your inner knowing and use this to nurture your heart- led intentions and wildest dreams.
Developing our intuition is so integral to a more fulfilling life?
Daily intuition practice is considered to be an integral skill for creativity relationships, communication, problem solving and leadership.
Benefits include:
- Self-trust and authentic decision-making
- Self-acceptance and the shedding of old habits and limiting beliefs
- Deepened intuitive skills and heightened creativity
- Learning to balance strength and work with your energy
Stress reduction and connecting back to the body
It is important to step out of one’s comfort zone to reach your full human and spiritual potential. Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey and Nicolas Tesla are among the many high profile people who have recognized intuition as a key factor in the success of their life
According to ancient Indian tradition, the energy center between the brows – known as the third-eye chakra (or ajna chakra in Sanskrit) – is associated with inner vision and wisdom. Bringing this into energetic balance will cultivate a stronger sense of intuition and connection to self.
Ways To bring into balance Nourish yourself with purple foods (the colour associated with the third-eye chakra), such as figs, aubergine (eggplant), plums, blueberries, blackberries, purple grapes, plus cacao for mental clarity.
Connect with nature by spending time in the sun, moonlight bathing or star gazing. ∆ Practice self-awareness by observing your thoughts, tracking any visualizations and keeping a dream journal.
Practice meditation and yoga poses such as Child’s Pose and Standing Half-forward Bend.
Three things you need to develop your intuition
Firm Foundation The discipline of regular practice creates a grounded, structured, sacred container for your intuition to grow in. When you feel safe, centered and anchored, you have the freedom to rise above distracting mind chatter and gut-instinct survival reactions.
Lack of Obstacles Recognizing and releasing old beliefs and habits that are not in alignment with your higher purpose helps to remove the emotional obstacles preventing you from being able to tune into your intuition, like a plant being blocked from catching the sunlight that it needs to grow.
Strong Connection to the Self Doing regular self-enquiry work to cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and the energy around you helps you to create a strong channel for receiving your intuition more clearly.
We thank you Jo Chun Yan author of The Intuition Journal for offering a practical approach to begin to become aware of your spiritual gift of intuition which we all have and when discovered enhanced and used regularly can improve all aspects of your physical and spiritual development.
In summarizing today’s episode of” Healing From Within” we have explored the world of intuition or inner guidance dealing with a connection to Universal energy and the awareness that we are indeed more than our body and can gather so much information about ourselves and others through this inner sense of guidance or wisdom. When we act from a place that feels deeply aligned with our core values life plan or destiny we move through life with greater ease purpose and contentment developing our interests and talents serving others and making a positive impact on the world and those around us. What is intrinsically best for this lifetime will keep nudging us, calling us to our destiny, and in paying attention to these nudges will ultimately prove to be rewarding and help us know success on so many levels.
Jo Chun and I would have you begin to pay attention to your dreams and thoughts and what seems to be reappearing in your daily experiences either by coincidence or synchronicity, as it is simply the Universal Source, the Divine or God which ever your cultural or familial training offers you but it is guidance and love offered to help you navigate and succeed in your fondest dreams and to live life joyfully and purposefully. There is a divine plan for each of us, and for the world, and intuition is the key to discovering who you truly are.