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Joyfulness Meditation Transformation to Defeat Cancer
- Judy Erel
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Welcome to “Healing from Within” I am your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit a tale of spiritual awakening spiritual communication healing energies miracles and ways to transform through understanding the duality of physical and spiritual life and am delighted to welcome Judy Erel author of Dancing with Cancer who offers friendly hopeful guidance for every cancer challenge from diagnosis through radiation chemotherapy surgery or in her case a bone marrow transplant leading to remission.
Sheryl shares that she often has coincidences with her talented guests, which really are simply messages or Universal guidance, as there are no coincidences, but Sheryl says that as she sat down to read Judy’s book and prepare for our talk she heard on the news that very day and she knows it was no coincidence that President Trump signed a bill “Right to Try” which hopefully will save tremendous numbers of lives as those with deadly diseases who are terminally ill will be able to have experimental treatments not yet approved by FDA. Sponsored by Senator Ron Johnson R Wisconsin it passed the Senate last August and cleared the house in a party line vote of 250 to 169 in a win for both Johnson and the Trump administration and for the patients who may have a better chance of living longer. The president said the issue was very personal for him and said, “ As I proudly sign this bill thousands of terminally Americans will have the help, the hope and the fighting chance—and I think it’s going to be better than chance—that they will be cured that they will be helped, that they will be able to be with their families for a long time, or maybe just a longer time. But we’re able to give them the absolute best we have at this moment, at this current second. We’re going to help a lot of people It’s an honor to be signing this.”
This issue is very personal for me also as my sister passed away four years ago from pancreatic cancer and was given chemotherapy as the experimental treatment could only be available after chemo was no longer accepted by her body. She had so wished to be part of an experimental test and she did get the first round of injections from a new experimental medicine but immediately declined and passed within two weeks. As a Reiki energy practitioner and proponent of natural or alternative healing methods as much as possible I would have preferred other avenues to be followed by my sister but like most cancer patients they are frightened and often totally listen to the medical protocol and prescribed preferred treatments. I would have preferred the “Wait and See” method which Laurie Beck, author of Living to Tell, a cancer survivor, and a guest on “Healing from Within,” supports along with the idea that it is necessary to get more than one opinion before embarking on a treatment plan. Laurie was diagnosed with two forms of cancer: non-Hodgkin’s B Lymphoma and Leukemia. The first doctor she consulted wished to begin an immediate regime of what is known as “the chop”, a very intensive form of chemotherapy. The second doctor she consulted also wanted her to immediately begin chemotherapy. However, Laurie’s mother who is a motivational speaker on the subject of stress who believed that stress, lifestyle, and emotional patterns from childhood often create illness and dysfunction in the body and insisted that her daughter go to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts. Laurie went and met Dr. David Fisher who shook Laurie’s hand and very causally asked, “So, how do you feel?” Laurie responded, “Well, I used to feel good, until I was told I had some rare, chronic, no-cure disease that seems to be getting worse each time I go to a different doctor.”After seeing three doctors, it was confirmed Laurie did have two types of cancer. Laurie asked Dr. Fisher, “What would you do if you were in my shoes?” Dr. Fisher responded, “Well, we need to save your magic bullets.” “The magic bullet is chemo, and it is anything but magic. Stop gap is more like it. Chemo might get rid of it for a while, but there is a good chance it will return.” Laurie writes in Living to Tell, “Chemo basically destroys all the good cells in the body while trying to terminate the bad cells. It weakens your immune system leaving you extremely vulnerable. The chemo cocktail protocol was considered the most strongest and potent available… Ah, no wonder Dr. Fisher called them the magic bullets. You load the gun, take a shot, and it’s hit or miss.” Dr. Fisher asked three very important questions: “Do you have night sweats, have you lost a lot of weight lately and do you feel extremely tired?” When Laurie responded “No, not really” Dr. Fisher told Laurie she could go home and do what is called “watchful waiting”. “In other words, we aren’t going to do anything for the moment: we’re going to just wait to see what happens.” Dr. Fisher asked Laurie to come back in three months to have blood work and a CT scan. In the interim, Laurie embarked on a holistic program including Reiki, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, herbal therapy, Tai Chi, meditation, prayer, and being in nature more. Laurie continued on a regime of helping her body and mind to relax and let go of former issues, stresses and patterns that were not helpful to her wellbeing and recovery. She changed her thinking and attitudes, finding gratitude and greater love. When she returned to Dr. Fisher to have her blood test and CT scan she heard Dr. Fisher say, “We’ll see you in three months, no chemo again.” She knew she had more time to simply be. Eventually following her natural holistic regimen and without using chemotherapy, Dr. Fisher was able to report that both cancers were in remission and Laurie was healthy.
A recent article in Time Magazine about Breast Cancer also suggests doctors are working with a “Wait and See” therapy before going to the final end stage of long term chemo with all its side effects.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Judy Erel will share her account of living with the diagnosis of incurable bone marrow cancer and offer her detailed instructions for Thought Work and exercises to create a positive proactive mindset that maximizes recovery potential and supports conventional cancer treatments. Judy is a painter poet art teacher meditation guide and healing coach.
Sheryl says to Judy that she often has coincidences with her guests and mentions a coincidence at the beginning of Judy’s book when she is taking her children from Israel to Florida after learning her mother has bladder cancer and at the time was reading Dr. Bernie Siegel’s book Love Medicine and Miracles… and of course since the miracles messages and help from Spirit are described in that book and also in Louise Hay’s book You can Heal Your Life both books of which Sheryl is fond of and in complete agreement with. Louise Hay and Sheryl as a Reiki practitioner associate various parts of the body and diseases with mental attitudes and beliefs or emotional components. Identifying these issues help to make better choices for treatment and recovery…Cancer according to Louise Hayes comes from deep heart longstanding resentments or a deep secret or grief eating away at the self Disease accidents most challenging situations in life are not random and sometimes the soul actually creates certain situations for further growth and awareness.
Judy writes about the situation with her mother, ”This didn’t seem like Judy’s mother, but when she read this reason these holistic healers felt connected to created cancer, her mother started to cry and revealed childhood sexual abuse that had been eating away at her for seven decades. There was much to be healed beyond the bladder cancer….Judy mentions she called a childhood friend musician Steve Halpern and Sheryl says she uses his music at times in her Reiki energy healing practice…Listening to this music helped her mother to visualize and change cancer cells into healthy one. Her mother’s doctor suggested 2 sets of chemo treatments and possible bladder removal but with proper mindset and relaxation practice after one set of 6 treatments her bladder was 100 percent cancer-free.
Whatever ways we may transform the illness we must first get beyond the fear to an understanding of what we need to change in our lifestyle and thinking that give us the best chance for curing or managing the illness. People can live a long time with many illnesses depending on their attitude and their ability to forgive forget or accept and allow things to simply BE.
Judy tells us that when first diagnosed with an incurable but treatable cancer she cried her eyes out and then determined to become aware of choices and not be steered by any automatic reaction like her Mom had been. She used self-inquiry to find the calm in the storm by first releasing pent up emotions troublesome thoughts and nagging worries. She tried laughing yoga which is fun and healthy and even available in some hospitals. Physically she walked along the beach and encourages bicycling swimming and other movement for release of stress. And of course breathing deeply mindfully meditating can clear stress Many scientific studies show attitudes and proactive behaviors and activities can significantly empower healing potential. The key is to link thoughts and actions and if my Mom could do it at seventy years old and live to ninety- one years, Judy was sure up for a try.
Judy shares with us how transformational art and journaling and when ideas pop up meditation can all be effective in helping to deal with cancer. Creative expression exercises can develop a healing mindset You can use a journal and coloring or drawing a Mandala or sacred circle as known from Sanskrit which puts the doer in the quiet zone. You can use pens pencils crayons or watercolors. In regard to that excruciating pain in my back I decided to draw it and let out the pain onto the paper. I discovered by chance that drawing my pain was a way to focus on it, observe it. listen to it, and let it talk to me Working intuitively Judy entered another zone one where she was not aware of time or pain.
Judy tells us about her bone marrow transplant how she prepared for it and how she sees it as a gift. Before undergoing a serious life threatening procedure it’s a good idea to be totally present and aware of your desires. Judy prepared for her bone marrow transplant by beginning to observe her thoughts and feelings and she felt a level of active responsibility and left behind her usual optimistic rose-colored defense mechanisms and denial as she became conscious of my thoughts feelings actions and the energy they were sending out into the world. Since Judy believes our external reality reflects our inner reality, Judy strove to articulate clear specific formulated thoughts that would be an emotional or energetic match to what she wanted to attract in the healing process. Like attracts like—that is the Law of Attraction. The first step is to become aware of what thoughts are not giving you good feelings. Begin to recognize and encourage thoughts that are conducive to experiencing tranquility love or joy.
By taking active responsibility and declaring what you want is also an act of commitment and you can begin to focus in a positive way—no negatives. Judy intended to maximize her healing potential. Each cell in my body is opening to its greatest wellbeing, balance and harmony. This is a great mantra to repeat and believe. Nonverbal activity included creative journaling drawing music meditation physical and practical ways to spend my days and fill my thoughts and to see yourself blessed with the gift of life while knowing life has its ups and downs. Judy choose life.
Judy tells us that getting off opiates is a tough rough journey and during that process it is important to allow emotions to be released. Judy was taking oxycontin and oxycodone to manage the pain and was physically challenged and unable to take care of yourself. She needed full time nursing care.
Judy wrote, A short message dear one before your eyes close into rest…
This is one of the best experiences of your life—joining reality and intention.
Creating a suspension of judgment and an opening of wingspan
You are a new health situation—a challenge to your life and to all around you
Bless you for the courage and optimism that creates an out- of -the -box experience.”
Judy incorporated the Law of Attraction into her everyday life experiences and tried to find the positive so she could live from that mindset. Judy talks about the Professor or head of the orthopaedic surgery department who came to see and help her with the pain issue in her back. He told her it wasn’t mundane osetoporosis but still, it wasn’t catastrophic. The doctor told her that radiation would ease the pain and the best treatment for her vertebra issue was “to do nothing.” He said he was hopeful that the lesions would recede and her back would be able to stabilize naturally. He recommended a corset brace for three to four months and told her to refrain from bending or twisting her torso and not to lift anything. Judy was grateful and slightly taken aback by the simplicity of his treatment plan especially since the other doctors had wanted to operate immediately . The doctor said since the pain was lessening and there was no neurological injury, an operation at this stage was at best uncalled for. There was always time for that.
Sheryl tells Judy that her older daughter steered her to a great doctor who seemed to be working with the “Wait and Watch” procedure before doing more catastrophic procedure which is a sensible and humane way to proceed.
Judy discusses her work in the hospital when taking chemo treatments and how she used meditation for herself and others receiving chemo, and shared mandala drawing while getting rid of the anger story at the same time. Sheryl is sure Judy helped many people during those sessions.
You say that before you begin your meditation it’s good to remember that chemotherapy or “che mother apy” can be thought of as life therapies (bio==life) and biological treatments can be thought of as life therapies. It is good to do this guided meditation before during and after your treatment always, consciously focusing on releasing and replacing cancer cells and always ending with a big smile.
Judy wrote another poem I wasn’t aware of time but was in the zone beyond time…the Now.
Dear one…floating through time
Dear one…floating through space
Your presence, flowing in all directions
Is part of the central sun.
The process you are has intentions
Rippling through all dimensions
As you and others at this time
Embody a different possibility of being.
Sheryl says that she especially likes this thought, as in these changing and challenging times we are all involved in a spiritual growth process moving past third dimensional thinking part of an ending cycle in human development from this Informational Age to the New Age of Intuition: knowing accepting and surrendering to life so we may move past fears and restrictions to live more lovingly and with greater gratitude and compassion for life. All the challenges personally and collectively that we are experiencing now can lead us to that evolved state of being.
Mental and emotional empowerment can work to help conventional cancer therapies such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy be effective. Sheryl shares with Judy that by reading her book she more clearly understood the journey her sister had taken as Sheryl’s sister was as in love with life as Judy and creative also but didn’t have the resources and spiritual knowingness that grew so wondrously strong in Judy and her mother’s struggles dealing with the difficulties of the treatment and setbacks. I think the mental and emotional and spiritual empowerment aided Judy greatly allowing for success with the conventional therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation. It all works to free and enlarge the soul perspective and life journey and Sheryl believes we have a time to come and to leave this physical life but life continues beyond this physical world and conquering the fear of leaving is part of the healing process. Living with love and creative focus is probably the greatest gift to assist the healing process.
Some basic advice to people facing overwhelming adversity or challenge might be to as Sheryl says remember that as we are spiritual beings having a physical life, we have the potential to maintain our balance move past fear and denial, and to allow accept and surrender to life’s challenges knowing that nothing is random: there is no bad or good only experience, and learning to derive the best within our thoughts and actions and to see the best in others, we must discover there is no perfection, no control, and a natural flow to life.
Ultimately whether we are here or beyond in the afterlife, we are simply energy souls gathering memories and experiences for the purpose of the expansion love and compassion. We simply have to trust the bigger plan know we are not alone, but guided by Universal source and will survive beyond any challenge of this physical world. Conquer fear and you conquer death.
Judy Erel author of Dancing With Cancer has shared so poignantly and beautifully the poems drawings guided meditations and mandala drawing activities with the haemato-oncology departments of major Israeli hospitals supported by the Roche Pharmaceutical “Lend a Hand Project”, and for has advanced a modern merging of alternative and conventional ways to heal from a cancer diagnosis.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Judy Erel has shared her story of healing mind body and spirit in a way that help one to grow beyond beliefs, fears and restrictions, to find the creative voice and talents of the soul and in doing so make a difficult journey from illness to well-being, along with hope and joy in the triumph of the human soul, to recognize it’s great reserve of personal power and love for life no matter what the challenge may be.
Judy shares some practices for Returning to Life and writes:
Here are some understandings that helped me return to life. They may be meaningful for you too.
Practice patience in the realization that there is no choice but to accept the rhythm of what is.
Success means reaching the next challenge and being healthy means having to give up “being sick” which isn’t always easy. The transition from sick to healthy may need a weaning period just like getting beyond drug dependence.
Some kind of organizing framework can be very important ad create more intention focus and commitment to life.
When you need help, it’s OK to ask. One way feel that needing help is a sign of failure. Though we may want to be strong the idea of accepting our own weakness can also be seen as a sign of strength.
Smile laugh enjoy. Enjoy being in your body and be grateful for any little pleasure. It reduces been… helped me enjoy where I was now.
Judy and I would have you remember there is no one on this planet who as a living human being will not face obstacles challenges setbacks and fear, but it is in knowing that we are never alone and life is precious we can choose to accept allow and surrender to our life situations moving past fear with hope love and gratitude and ask for help where needed and begin to see every experience as a chance to remember who we are and always will be.