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Life and Death Side by Side
- Cheverro Ananse Savage
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Welcome to “Healing From Within.” I am your host Sheryl Glick author of A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares a view of a soul’s journey in life and beyond as it comes to know that whether in a body or out of a body there is life love learning evolving expansion and realms and realms of reality to explore and master. Today I welcome Cheverro Ananse Savage author of Broken Mirror who explores the world of physical and spiritual life as most of us try to do after losing a loved one. Cheverro’s loss of his father when he was still in school was unusually challenging but what he discovered as a result can only be learned when the heart is wounded and the questions of life love and soul are open to the truth.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware my guests and I share intimate details of the gamut of emotions we experience as souls having a physical live dealing with our internal source of awareness and the physical challenges of this world. Indeed we learn that all experiences are opportunities for gaining greater love leading to peace within and acceptance of all realities.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we will share the love grief and reality of the loss of a beloved father and the courage and appreciation for having the time to be a family and discover the truth of gratitude acceptance and surrendering to the life plan of each of us.
When Cheverro is asked to think back to his childhood and remember a person place or event that may have made a meaningful impression on him and may have guided them to become the adult they are and live the lifestyle they have chosen as an adult he tells us of his father. Though his parents were divorced he spent time with his father in Las Vegas and his father always had him working on different projects and went over all his work showing him how important it was to attend to details and check all your work. His father loved learning reading and helping his son find happiness in putting forth his best efforts. This was what probably led him to write his book Broken Mirror.
Cheverro learned much about himself from writing his book. At times looking in a broken mirror reflected the brokenness of his own heart and soul and disappointment in losing his father.
Cheverrro’s family were very supportive of his writing a book and shared the journey of exploring the heart from within and sharing it with the world your book?
When asked to describe his style of writing Cheverro says it is a mixture of poetry and prose.
He gives an example below:
I remember your smile, I remember your
laughter, and it is hard to believe you are in
the here-after.
I remember the pain the
whole family went through, the day of your
death, we all cried for you.
I try so hard to
see you in my dreams but for some reason,
they always come up empty.
Nights would not go by without a tear in my eye, then the
sun would shine and it seemed that the day
would just rewind.
My mind was young, never knowing what really happened until I
grew up.
As adults we will never meet, just
thoughts of "What if" or "What could have
A lifetime of life without the ones
you hold dear could be a lifetime of regret if
you stop living the life that you have.
Remember the past but understand that your
presence is a gift, cherish the memories,
never forget.
Sheryl says that As a medium and empathic energy practitioner who receives messages for people that help them connect to their soul or higher self and remember who they are and why they are experiencing life on earth she always remark to people that the impressions she receives whether visually or in words or music or feelings are always expressed in a poetic or different tone and language than we mere mortals use. Many creative people, indeed all people are being inspired by the higher vibrational beings, souls, our relatives, angels, spiritual teachers, and of course the Divine.
Sheryl shares a story with Cheverro that happened to her twenty five years ago that was a sign that she would have a story to tell and books to write. After Sheryl had a spiritual visitation from her grandfather who had died many years and being told by him that she had to write something for her father Sheryl was bewildered. The very next day she received a phone call from her mother telling her that her father had passed. While she wrote his eulogy that visit put her on a spiritual quest to know where her grandfather was and how she could reach him again. She couldn’t forget the feeling of that interaction with her deceased grandfather and through coincidences and synchronicity Sheryl was able to leave beyond many of the illusions she had about life imprinted on her in childhood and develop the intuitive healing gifts and mediumship ability she had been born with Sheryl discovered that we are spiritual beings having a physical life, we can communicate with those in Spirit, and we can find happiness and joy and peace if we incorporate the best of this physical world with the spiritual world.
On one of the first readings received by another medium, Sheryl was told she would write three books and her response was,”I don’t think so” and now, twenty or so years later, the third book in the trilogy of awakening, transforming, and transitioning all the challenges of life was released on February 7, 2020. A New Life Awaits encourages readers to image a world of healthy successful joyful people where fear and negativity is eliminated and love reigns. We discover that our challenges are not economic political or societal just a spiritual disconnect from our true being or soul wisdom. We find solutions to healing, creating a united community of spiritually connected people, acting in balance with nature and man, who participate in the circle of life and transcend the limited western thoughts of death bringing Heaven to Earth and love back into our hearts. Miracles are often ours for the asking.
So It seems it was my life plan to write that trilogy and as a dutiful citizen of the Universe completing missions and once I learned we are eternal souls of magnificent potential and possible and are creating our life story and everyday life by our thoughts and fears I wanted to help people manifest better outcomes by learning more about their energetic soul presence, the Afterlife and how to make an ordinary life extraordinary Knowing “Consciousness survives death,” was the greatest bit of information Sheryl could have ever been given and knowing that has made the last twenty five years a journey of sharing this wondrous truth, so we all can let go of so many worldly fears and trust the greater plan of the Divine for our evolution and personal development..
Sheryl says she thinks his father as all of us have a time to go and if we learn more about energy life and death we find there really is no death an can be delighted as are other souls in spirit who are so happy to see us move out of any fear or restriction to live the life we planned long before we incarnated into this life. If conquering fears and living with love and the beauty of words songs and joyful people to know the truth of our eternal soul life than your book shows you have completed the mission of the soul which is to rediscover the magnificence of our soul potential to shine light into the world and inspire goodness.
Sheryl tells Cheverro that something he wrote made me remember what my father said to me when I was young and afraid of so many changes that were constantly happening and upsetting the balance and routines she so favored…Sheryl’s father said, “You are your own worst enemy and so many of us try to be perfect and not allow life to unfold as it will, but control it, which is impossible, and that makes us hurt ourselves
Cheverro wrote, “Best Kept Secret”
Secrets in the dark only heard by those who
care, whispers in the night only told to those
we cherish.
No one knows the truth behind
closed doors; everything is kept quiet and
Deep thoughts are always shared but
it is up to you to realize what was said.
A voice is never heard unless someone speaks;
it is good when we listen so we can be able
to find what we seek.
Answers never lie in
the questions we ask, there is always
someone that knows what you lack.
Persistence is the key to unlocking
resistance; we have to go after what we want
as if we need it.
There is nothing we should
fear except for ourselves because the best
kept secret is that we are our own living hell.
Sheryl says so instead of being afraid to speak what is our truth even if it may not be the truth of others we harm ourselves and stifle our greatest spiritual gift free -will and love.
Sheryl feels that while life may be too short or too long depending on circumstance, it can be sweet and meaningful if you know love and appreciate those who have always been there and tried to help you find your way forward in a world of possibilities and some challenges for all of us. Put aside negative emotions after feeling and knowing them and seek that which makes you feel grateful to be alive and find friendships and interesting activities for learning and sharing what you value from within your own soul essence. Pay attention to the meaningful moments and know life is neither good nor bad just a series of experiences that help us ultimately to see past the distractions of the physical world and know ourselves and others with more resilience compassion and love.
Cheverrro wrote,
“A glass of wine sits on a coffee table while
hot water is in a pan no longer boiling on the
The lights are on in the bathroom with
all the toiletries prepped ready for use.
Pacific is the atmosphere, very impassive in
Sounds of dripping water a distant
Worried faces begin to dial a
number, the phone just rings, leaving more
reason to check out the scene.
A woman arrives at the door only to notice a car in a
position that takes away any suspicions.
Tranquil is the abode, soon to be a locality
no longer referred to as, "Home."
The domicile appears to be clear due to the
scarcity of activity and the inadequacy to
answer the manager for an extra set of keys, he
opens the entrance and takes a step inside.
Only to find a man undressed lying on a
couch, motionless, breathless, and spiritless.
The woman cannot go in to experience her
brother’s descent.
This will bring forth feelings of nostalgia but we all are
comforted by the fact that finally he is in
harmony with the soil of his roots.”
We thank Cheverro Ananse Savage author of Broken Mirror for his sensitive artistic look at his own personal growth and love for life as a result of a painful unexpected loss of his father but out of that hardship a new understanding of himself and how lucky we all are when we can begin to allow and accept all events as necessary in our life plan and try to find the good that comes from this sense of connectedness to “All that is.”
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have shared how human and spiritual understanding, love and personal growth, often come after a painful shock or trauma and only resiliency and courage lead us to gain a greater sense of the bigger picture of life and the power from within that sustains us and heals pain and sorrow often leading us to remember that life is good and is a gift from Spirit and no matter how long or short a life is it serves the soul’s need to refine it’s energy and grow more illustrious in compassion and love for All that is. Beyond the challenges of the physical world there are universes and life forces of wonderment and beauty and we must experience it all without judgment and negativity but allow the positive and good within us to expand and travel through time and space ultimately at some point connecting to the best in ourselves world and afterlife.
In my book A New Life Awaits:Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening and in response to these ideas, I wrote, “Whether in a body or in pure energy, the soul is the essence and complete oneness of Spirit’s Intelligence and Universal Love and travels with us through time and space, lifetime after lifetime, as we gather experiences to refine our already magnificent soul. Death, in my opinion, is merely the next destination or adventure on our continuous circle of life. There really is no death, only the unfolding of the infinite layers of realities that exist within us, in this world, and beyond. These layers are filled with the excitement and wonderment of the beauty of nature, friendship, memories, and experiences gathered during many lifetimes.
We must know that energy cannot be destroyed, so the energy of our thoughts and heart impulses must return to the place most people think of as Heaven, but is really simply the evolving expansion of creative life energy that is eternal. Whether in life or whether in Heaven, we are continually growing in our ability to gather love and compassion and to conquer any fear or darkness that might reside in our energy.”
Cheverro and I would have you look to the lights above and the light within that is always calling to us in whispers of love to awaken, and know that there is no fear except the thoughts that limit you from expressing your full potential to expand and live with hope, love, and trust, knowing nothing is random, nothing is good or bad, just experience that expands our potential to grow in appreciation and gratitude for the Oneness of eternal life.