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Life is As It Should Be Joyful and Always Changing
- Feroze Dada
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Welcome to Healing From Within with host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher medium and author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Messages to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from spirit that show us our challenges are not economic political or societal but often a deep disconnect from our inner true soul being or wisdom. Today I am delighted to welcome a former guest of the show Feroze Dada author of his new book A Disciple: The Spiritual Path to Infinite Happiness which shows us another way to live and asks important questions about faith, spirituality to connect us with the power of meditation.
Thank you Feroze for sharing the energy of your kind and loving soul with our listeners. For those who wish to listen to the last show Feroze and I shared go to my website on the Radio page July 202O where we discussed A Spiritual Journey to Burma Buddhism and Freedom
As listeners of Healing From Within are well aware Sheryl and her sensitive and intuitive authors seek answers to age -old questions such as “Who are we?” “What is life all about?” And “Does anything survive physical death?” We seek to understand our dual nature as both physical and energetic beings and try to improve the quality of life as we help humanity evolve and create heaven on earth or pursue goodness kindness love compassion and healing.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Feroze Dada who believes passionately that it is meditation that provides the foundation for a caring and compassionate future shares his story of spiritual awakening evolving and becoming a teacher in his book with tales from mythology, quotations from Rumi, and references to Sufi texts all adding color to the Wisdom Teachings he is receiving for not only awakening our latent potential to live our best lives but also to transform this world.
When Feroze is asked to think back to his childhood and remember a person place or event that may have shown him or others around them the lifestyle he might embrace as an adult he tells us about Rumi a Sufi mystic from the 13th century who tells of meeting his teacher in the market place and as he brushed by him felt a lighting bolt or storm ignited within him. Feroze was in search of his spiritual teacher when a similar event happened to him. As a successful financier a client came into his office and the energy between them was so invigorating that Feroze asked him how he maintained that state of being. The man told him he was a spiritual master teacher and when he was ready he would teach him but the time was not yet. Feroze began his meditation practice and eventually became an initiate of this man.
Feroze tells us how helping a Buddhist Monastery in Myanmar which supported over 1200 orphaned refugees affected what came next in his journey to self-discovery and fulfilling his spiritual needs. For the author Feroze Dada discovers the practical experience of helping a Buddhist monastery in Myanmar supporting over 1200 orphaned refugees from the war, commits him to an unfolding path towards self-discovery and understanding and one that will increasingly fulfil his spiritual needs. Through his work at the Healing Sanctuary we discover that as his awareness of the world of spirit grows, so too does his recognition of the power of Healing. He experiences a life-changing prophesy of severe illness by a spirit medium at the Healing Sanctuary.
Feroze writes, “Sitting in meditation at home on the morning of May 2, 2019 he was totally unprepared for an image given to him directly from Spirit. It was a clear 3 D image of a malignant tumor in his body. Purple and red with black malignant spots seeping through the top insidiously spreading through my flesh. Fear gripped his heart. It needed to be removed from his body and fast. He heard a whisper in his ear: “This is the truth. Act Follow this up now.” The intensity in the words struck hard against his heart…..He knew disease could show itself in patterns of light that people saw in Dhikr healing meditations……Later that day he met with an oncologist who reviewed the reports and recent blood tests and again confirmed that nothing needed to be done. Feroze pleaded for him to reconsider. On May 30th she called with results. Having reviewed these new tests and reports you need immediate surgery…….Despite the grime realization I felt a wave of relief for the validation of my intuition.”
There is increasing awareness in the media about the importance of the spiritual path especially as the world seems to be descending quickly and further into a dismal state of immorality and suffering. Some ways individuals may enhance their own spiritual progress….Through pilgrimage: retreats: connecting with nature, chanting: sacred states.
A Disciple describes a singular journey with a universal appeal, on the path of Perennial Wisdom. There are lessons for us all as we recognize the call from our inner spirit, our yearning for ‘something other’ in a materialistic world that so often leaves us dissatisfied. In particular in these unsettling and changing times there is a rapidly increasing hunger for wisdom about the unity of all things and how to live the best life possible. In being open to the world of Spirit and the true joy of discovering that much is possible if you allow it to be. Learning to understand the Universal Laws of Energy and using them bring about a transformation for that person that also affects all events around that person. In these times we need to be nourished by the possibilities of growing in inner and outer health and having the tools for living a balanced life. There are lessons for us all as we recognize the call within from our inner spirit, our yearning for something other in a materialistic world that so often leaves us dissatisfied. There is another way to live and to ask questions about faith and spirituality that can connect us with the power of meditation.
Feroze. suggests the best way to learn is through finding a Teacher and connecting with a story-teller This is teaching by example. Feroze tells us some of the teachers and stories in his book A Disciple. There are many teachers both in Spirit and here on Earth who work with disciples or students as they grow in awareness and greater compassion for life and love.
In his book A Disciple Feroze describes a rich and evocative journey taking the reader for example from Mother Mary’s house in Ephesus, with St. Francis of Assisi to the Pyramids at Giza and on to a monastery in Myanmar.
Feroze writes, “Sitting in front of the Catholic shrine in the house of the Virgin Mary on Mount Koressos near Ephesus, in Turkey in March 2018 I felt my sense of self fall away. Invisible hands pulled me into a warm embrace and a pervading serenity \flooded my body. “Mother Mary” I whispered in awe. My body and mind were on fire and I knew I’d never felt more alive or connected to everyone and everything around me. I didn’t doubt I was in the presence of the mother of Jesus. In this simple stone house where she lived and died 2000 years ago, Mother Mary was here by my side helping me to listen to, and begin to understand the voice of my soul. Softly my awakened awareness touched on the true nature of things and I knew then and there the purpose that had brought me to the shrine.
Birth from a hand’s loving touch. Birth from a song, from a dance, breathing life into the worlds. The body is like Mary’s and each of us, each of us has a Christ within. Rumi
Sheryl tells of a time about 20 years ago when at her office there was an employee who was causing much distress by her troublesome behavior and one day there was a horrible fight between her and several other workers. The air in the office was heavy and toxic and hard for Sheryl to breathe. Sheryl went into her office crying, closed the door, turned on soothing music and began to meditate…soon she felt the presence at my right side of Mother Mary with her blue scarf over her head and what Mother Mary expressed in thought form was, “ I am so sorry for your suffering and it will be taken out of your hands.” Sheryl had tried to talk to the people involved but to no avail. It took awhile longer but finally that person left the building and peace for all was restored.
Feroze tells us of his Master Teacher Ustad whose smiling face was a serene canvas of love and compassion. He was the man who had brought Feroze to this temple and had started him on his soul-seeking journey of discovery eight years earlier in 2010. He was a client of mine at my London tax accounting practice. At that time Feroze defined himself through business and material success. His children had graduated university and were doing well. On the surface there was nothing lacking in his life, but for a while, Feroze had become aware that something intrinsic to happiness was missing. Much later, he came to realize that this existential yearning was evidence of a nature present in all sentient beings that calls us to freedom if only we can recognize it. Feroze remembered the first time he met Ustad when he walked into his office. He was tall fit and strong in his mid-sixties and exuded a vibrant energy. He was quick thinking with a good sense of humor. There was a calmness an inner peace about him as if he was lit up from the inside out. Every time they met, he left Feroze energized positive peaceful and focused—feelings that would last for days. In his company Feroze became aware of the potential of who he was nudging him to remember- a forgotten part of himself.
Feroze wasn’t surprised when one day he revealed he was a spiritual teacher trained in the Sufi tradition. Feroze wasn’t a religious man though born into an Islamic family only visited the mosque at his father’s request once or twice a year. The trappings and dogma of religion didn’t make much sense to Feroze. But inside he’d always harbored a belief in something bigger, that each man and woman had a purpose in the greater scheme of things even though he had not yet discovered his own.
Feroze asked Ustad to take him on as a student but he declined saying “Answers lie inside ourselves, not outside,” then he introduced me to the practice of meditation. To listen to his thoughts and discover who he was.
Feroze realized that before one embarks on the spiritual path, we need to work on ourselves. Remove any moral imperfections such as meanness, jealousy, anger, greed, hatred fear and pride as they are obstacles to moving forward. No one is perfect but we need to make efforts to improve as a human being. Consciously working towards improving our moral code, being aware of our faults—tirelessly working to reduce these.
Finally Ustad was ready to take Feroze on as a student. Little did Feroze know that his life was going to be turned upside down forever. All he hoped for was that Ustad would help him discover the essence of his being, and awaken him to the divinity of his soul.
Ustad told him “You cannot know the truth by reading, studying, lecturing, and thinking. Close those doors. Only in stillness, the doors of your heart will begin to open.”
Ustad offers to guide and help Feroze but insists he look inside to discover your path through your own experience. He also warned there would be trials and tribulations ahead, hurdles to endure and overcome.
Buddhism, Sufism Christianity and Spiritual Healing are all woven into this intimate story of transformation—how the beauty of oneness exists at the heart of all faiths and beliefs and is available to us all. Tell us more of this wonderful observation.
The stories of the wisdom teaching and tales from mythology quotations from Rumi and references to all Sufi texts is that” The wise ones spoke in parables and metaphor because that is the form that penetrates and transcends our defenses, We go to some deeper part of ourselves: non-linear and non -cerebral which is what meditation is.”
In all these spiritual practices of Buddhism Sufism Christianity and Spiritual healing the goal is awareness and higher consciousness through allowing accepting and surrendering to all changes to what is, without judgement fear or regret. Ustad described surrendering as spiritual pragmatism”, “To accept whatever comes our way is best. With acceptance comes action and with action comes outcome. First, embrace the difficulty and then surrender to the outcome. If you need to die, accept this. If you need to be imprisoned, accept this. Human beings cause most of their problems because they can’t surrender to the outcome of a difficult situation. The secret is to embrace and surrender to the difficulty or challenge. This is where all the spiritual growth is waiting for you.
Feroze remembers the words of Rumi in his poem “The Guest House”
This being human is a guest house
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness
Some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor
Welcome and entertain them all
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows
who violently sweep your house
empty of it’s furniture.
Still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
Meet them at the door laughing and invite them in
Because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.
Tales from mythology, quotations from Rumi and Sufi texts all add color to the Wisdom Teachings experience and passed on to us. Feroze tells us more of these Wisdom Teachings.
The Ageless Wisdom teachings are an ancient body of spiritual knowledge emphasizing a wholistic approach to living life and to bring us into presence and full alignment to Universal Source or Self and know our true being or eternal nature of life. The Wisdom Way of Knowing draws from many sources including luminaries, visionaries, prophets, and teachers past and present. Wisdom is more than what the eye can see and understand. Wisdom means to be open-minded, to be objective, to see all points of view. Wisdom requires us to exercise courage, patience, flexibility and intelligence.
He goes on to tell the story of a fight between 2 villagers. And one of them beat the weaker one until he was bloodied and injured and needed expensive medical treatment. The police got involved because a monetary solution had to be found by the courts if not resolved by the parties involved.
A head Monk was asked to mediate. After reflecting on the matter, the monk realized that each party wanted a different outcome. He suggested the perpetrator pay the person’s medical costs and genuinely ask for forgiveness. Accepting the solution, he wholeheartedly apologized.
The insight wisdom here was to understand that one-person valued money—the perpetrator and the injured party who had been humiliated valued his respect and honor in the community. And in this ruling, both got what they desired, because justice had been done with dignity, and they went on to become best friends.
Like Feroze when Sheryl began the spiritual journey to self-awareness and higher consciousness over 25 years ago. Sheryl wasn’t sure of an afterlife or past lives but knew there was something bigger and more eternal than anything she could find in this life and wanted proof. As a medium Sheryl retrieved messages from Spirit: soul energy teachers, guides, angels, Source the proof is abundant now. Ustad tells Feroze something of a past life connection to him which simply felt right to him.
“Ustad says he has a gift for Feroze as they left Mother Mary’s house for the last time before flying home. Something I wanted to give you for a while now. He took Feroze’s hand and looked into his eyes and Feroze felt the same feeling or reassuring recognition he had the first time he met him. Ustad went on to say, “It’s a nugget of knowledge to help you find your way home. He took a slight intake of breath before saying, “You’re my brother. My older brother from another lifetime continuing to say, “We lived at the same time as Prophet Muhammad the founder of Islam in the seventh century in Arabia. It’s no coincidence we found each other in this life. It was destined. I’m here to help you on your path. Feroze felt more alive and more awake and thought to himself Brothers in another lifetime…He knew nothing about reincarnation but had a strange feeling of recognition when they first me. It was illogical and irrational….and yet made perfect sense. Feroze didn’t need scientific proof to feel the truth of Ustad’s words in his heart. That we were soul brothers, connected through time and space. Now open to new experiences Feroze was able to have new ways of thinking and accepting what in the past would have been dismissed with a laugh.
So much can be learned from our loved ones in Spirit and since Sheryl is a medium she can do a reading with a soul in or out of a body. Recently she did a reading with her sister who had passed 7 years ago as she sensed her sister one night standing next to her in her bedroom and thought she wanted to talk to me in order to help her daughters understand their mother and father in a new light and to know they were always loved by their mother.
Sheryl says that in a recent reading with her sister her sister began the reading with this message “Like paper cut children from all nations in a circle going around and around like the Merry-go- Round of our childhood—It is a small world after all. We are all connected and united and the Color of Love and Life is Marvelous both here in Spirit and on Earth.
My sister was not sure something of herself would survive physical death, but Sheryl before she passed said to her “It is not over you are in for an exciting journey ahead”
Seems her messages in the reading supports that awareness of higher consciousness
The last message in the reading which always in Sheryl’s readings relates to the first message said, “ In life I took some hits to my self-esteem but now I have accepted that as a necessary part of my growth and have no more regrets. So you could say, “Healing is the gift of eternal life.”
Feroze tells us something of your trip to Mayanmar and in connection with the monk he met there. Feroze tells us that his life changed drastically from his initiation with his master and brother Ustad on the eve of his first trip to Myanmar. He had flown to Myanmar to get to know his wife MuMu’s extended family in a predominately Buddhist country. Feroze was Muslim married to a Burmese and wished to know more of life in her homeland. The landed in Taunggyi the capital of Shan State in the northeast of the country. It wasn’t far to the breathtaking Inle Lake. The second largest natural lake in Myanmar 12 miles long by six miles wide and cradled between two towering mountain ranges. He was told the lake would change his life by a cousin who was a clairvoyant. Then he met Phongyi (Burmese for monk) who radiated a powerful aura and magnetic . Welcome to Phaya Taung monastery he smiled as he pressed the palms of his hands together in front of his ches in the customary and modest Buddhist way calle Anjali Mudra. Little did Feroze know that this man would be central to his onward journey.
All Feroze knew was it was thanks to Phongyi’s loving action twenty hears earlier adopted as an orphan and educated with a Buddhist upbringing that led to the birth of this inspiring monastery that now educated 1200 abandoned children victims of the wars between rival ethnic groups. Despite the evident poverty and hardship of daily life, the monastery was lit with smiling children and alive to the joyful laughter of the monks and children. This inspired Feroze who vowed to help the monastery became self-sustaining and over the next five years returned 12 times accompanied by his wife MuMu and established a computer training school and a mineral water factory to provide clean drinking water for the children and also to provide income to buy food.
Feroze tells us his definition of meditation and the benefits to personal growth. Feroze wrote, “Meditation is a technique to master the breath to calm the mind and free itself of thoughts. Anapana, Phongvi explained. Ana means respiration, and pana, purification of the mind. He took a deep breath in and out through his nose to demonstrate. The technique is to focus on the in and out sensation. It takes us to the place of emptiness and refuge, calmness of the mind. The real benefit arises when we are consistent.
In Vipassana meditation you can notice the sensation of breath throughout your body as you breathe in and out. You can scan every part of your body as you breathe from head to toe one part at a time. You can notice the different sensations: pleasant neutral unpleasant or pain. You can observe them in an objective way without favor with equanimity almost like a bystander. You can scan you body up and down, in rhythm with your breath, in and out not stopping and keeping the breath moving. Mediations with your mentors and teachers are often beyond belief powerful and rewarding.
Feroze tells us of another place he visited in search of spiritual connection and what he found there. The day before Feroze was to meet the bishop he went to the Franciscan Sanctuary in La Verna Tuscan Apennines in Arezzo as he had many times over the past fifteen years. It was a place where he felt a connection with St. Frances of Assisi while he meditated. Perched at a height of 1300 meters, the sanctuary sits in a verdant forest with breath-taking views of the surrounding Tuscan countryside. Over the years Feroze had meditated in the caves and chapels often wondering what it would have been like over 800 years ago when St. Francis lived there. Feroze and his wife had bought an apartment in San Giustino Valdarno and my meeting with the bishop was at the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore which dated back to the 11th century. It was at one time Assis’s cathedral. The impressive Gothic Romanesque bell tower was added in the 14th century. This is where St Frances had stood 800 years ago. The bishop said, Saints and prophets who have passed on have ways of being in our lives. The route to spiritual connection is openness and meditation but it is only through the grace of God that we make such a link. It was in this special place eight centuries ago that a young Francis dramatically stripped himself of everything to show he was totally for God and his fellow man. We remember this gesture as Francis’s renunciation. Feroze was grateful and humbled to be standing in a room where 800 years ago a profound commitment to a life of service had taken place.
Sheryl says she is moved to tears to read that for in her book The Living Spirit she writes, I had been doing a reading for one of the members of my unfoldment group meeting when suddenly sensed Jesus next to me. He was crying and I found myself choking back tears as well. “I have cried for many ills done by unknowing souls,’ Jesus said, “just as you and your group members also cry for the injustice and insensitivity of many.”….His words to me brought a feeling to my heart that to this day is hard to describe. It was incredible to think that he would visit a simple Reiki teacher and her group, reminding everyone present of the loving messages he had delivered during his earthly life so very long ago. It was as if Jesus wanted us to know that he and other emissaries of the unseen world work by our side for the continued advancement of humanity. They impress upon all of us that self-love and love for others will always be the goal for a soul experiencing a physical and energetic life. To strive for personal excellence without hypocrisy in thought, word, and action was the message from Jesus two thousand years ago and it is still the message of Spirit. “
Feroze might like readers of The Disciple to take away with them after reading his most insight story of transformation and grace to remember “By repeating God’s name with our breath into the spiritual heart of the soul, we awaken the Divine spark that is within all of us. The in-breath takes us to our soul and the outbreath to the world of form. In this way we align the energy of life with our Creator and can express it in the outside worldly life,” elaborated Ustad. For humans, the most exalted state of love is ectasy, the union with the Beloved. It is a means of discovering the truth in oneself. A mystical intuitive knowledge is reached through these ecstatic experiences. Visions lights dreams are all these gifts from the Divine.
Recall Rumi’s words. To go beyond: not dwell in this drunkenness. Love is not just the intoxication with our Creator. True love is the pain of yearning for the Beloved!
We thank Feroze Dada author of The Disciple for a most illuminating story of one man’s mysterious journey throughout ancient sites across the world in search of truth and a closer connection to important spiritual leaders and teachers like Jesus Mother Mary St Frances monks and people who radiate the divine spark of eternal light and love into each day’s joyful acceptance of their soul being. To read more about opening your heart and mind to higher dimensions of awareness go to
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have journeyed through the many places of beauty of peace or remarkable connection to the Divine and the Creator and to people Feroze Dada has been priviledged and delighted to encounter for his search is “Our Search” and the soul once awakened knows that we are Children of the heart and have the power within to create purposeful lives of joy fulfilment and prosperity as we connect to each other and to forces beyond the physical that include a love of life so we may move past the distractions of the physical world and remember the magnificence of a spiritual being having a physical life in order to refine our soul energy and grow closer to the perfection of higher life.
Feroze’s and Sheryl’s journey of faith and trust in the unseen, the unknown has led to wisdom and truth as it does for all who seek answers to age old questions. Whether it is in the language and scriptures of Sufism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity or Islam there is One path that encompasses all religions cultures traditions and customs. A truth that says our Creator is perfect and human beings are imperfectly perfect. And we are all here to master the art of spiritual love. And we can be grateful that Spirit brings us together with so many wonderful teachers along the way from birth to life eternal.
I am Sheryl Glick RMT host of Healing From Within author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening and invite you to visit my website to read about and listen to leaders in metaphysical scientific spiritual medical legal religious and arts and music fields as we explore ways to advance the human condition and find peace for all. Shows may also be heard on and