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Life or Death That is the Question?
- Joseph L. Burgess
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Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and author of The Living Spirit which shares stories of spiritual awakening communication from Higher Source, healing energy, miracles and soul awareness is delighted to welcome Joseph L. Burgess to discuss dimensions of consciousness. Joseph is the founder of UBU a non -profit organization which teaches awareness through possibilities.
Listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware that my guests and I search our experiences heart and emotional landscape to begin to know ourselves on a multidimensional basis as energetic beings having a physical experience and discovering what life is really all about and how we may improve our individual circumstance and indeed the human condition.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Joseph Burgess a Life Strategist and Creator of the Myth of Perception or thoughts on how to realign the perception from fear to Love shares a 9 Step transformation course i based on the Hindi sri yanta and the 9 Steps of creation through realigning the physiology of the way a brain processes information. We will discover we are all limitless potential wrapped in separation.
Joseph is the survivor of a Traumatic brain injury. At 19 years old he was in a horrendous car accident and had a near death experience where he watched himself and heard the medical people and his family talking about him. Then he was in a coma for 6 weeks and on the threshold between life and death. Joseph tells us what a hard time he had when he awakened and had to learn everything from walking and talking to processing the outside world. Joseph goes on to tell us “That now he knew what applies to all life forces and not just humans People often say that they almost died, well I have died, been brain dead and been the survivor of 10,000 where 9,990 are dead and the nine survivors after their ordeals lacked my cognizant abilities. I had to learn how nature heals itself and with that I found my truth. Shortly after that I had actually found a connection to each of the 7.6 billion people on the planet. It comes with my understanding of psychology physics quantum physics accompanied by a lot of other information learned to fill in the gaps. I have connected the dots of life and discovered the only separation of life to exist is with the lack of quantifiable connection causing the fear that an individual realizes as real-ity. “
Joseph alludes to his brand as the Myth of Perception. In a book by Brad Wheelis, he describes the Myth of Perception by saying:
“There are millions of self-help books that all promise the secret to obtaining a happy life—a successful career, lots of money, loving relationships, a defined and firm sense of morality; whatever could possibly define “happiness” for one person. But nothing is possibly more subjective than happiness. Brad like Joseph had a challenge to his physical body. He was born with a deformity known as Pectus Excavatum (sunken chest) Happiness eluded Brad Wheelis as he struggled with low self-esteem, perceives flaws, and societal pressure to be perfect. Eventually, he realized that he had been chasing the wrong ideal. Today, Wheelis believes that a truly happy life is impossible. No one can be happy all of the time. But you can strive to achieve a fulfilled life that contains a myriad of emotions by making a series of changes: how your preconceived notions of fulfillment differ from realistic goals, what you want to accomplish for yourself, and how you can make those ideas come true. Making a conscious decision to transform your perceptions of both trivial and significant aspects of your life, one at a time, will lead you to your own kind of happiness and inner greatness.” The Perception Myth combines personal memoir with a step-by-step approach to happiness for anyone who is afraid or does not know how to take risks. Fulfillment is around the corner; you just need to figure out how to reach it.
Joseph has spent the 24 years since his accident in self development and self investigative processes studying science metaphysical ideas quantum physics and trying to understand physical and energetic life consciousness and levels of multidimensional awareness.
Sheryl says, “As a medium who enters the realm of afterlife to gather messages for my clients, I have discovered the messages are full of connection and eternal love that we each are interconnected to a life force and know internally an awareness that cannot be know by the brain or ego. The messages I receive are poetic, artistic and musical in their expression of love. Spiritual communication is a language of love and that is the afterlife or conscious awareness of life that Joseph encountered in his near death experience and that I engage with in meditation and prayer that leads me to know that there is no death. Our soul is connected to all other energy beings and to this universal source or God, part of a creative energy continually experiencing life in many different realms, lifetimes and gathering experiences in order to gain greater compassion and love: this is the reason for a physical life and for many of the hardships we face. Sheryl shares with Joseph that she has interviewed many scientists and medical doctors including Dr. Raymond Moody who wrote “Life after Life” and who studied near death experiences for over forty years and also interviewed Dr. Eben Alexander who wrote “Proof of Heaven” as a result of his being brain dead after contracting meningitis. Dr. Alexander like Joseph was was not expected to pull out of his coma, yet miraculously he did. Dr. Alexander relayed what he experienced in the world of spirit in a most beautiful and poetic way. Dr. Elizabeth Kubler Ross, who worked with Dr. Vernon Sylvest, participated in the Monroe Institute in Charlottesville, Virginia and she established the concept and beginning forms of hospice care as she was aware that life was an eternal force and consciousness survived physical death and hoped to prove it by documenting the many mystical experiences of her hospice patients.. We are discussing the story of energy and the sheer potential of the living force whether in physical or spiritual life.
Sheryl is now completing her third book “New Life Awaits” Creating Your Best Afterlife by Living Consciously Now which relays messages of siblings to their relatives and shares the channeling of historical figures like George Washington in order to explain the social conditions and challenges that modern day society faces and what Spirit hopes for us to bring into our physical world in order to have the best of heaven and earth.
In her book “The Living Spirit” and through years as a volunteer for hospice patients Sheryl began to understand the dying process and the journey of the soul beyond physical life. She wrote “Many of my most treasured experiences have occurred while working in hospice care, perhaps mainly because I have witnessed people so terribly ill in this life being greeted and escorted to the next dimension by their loved ones in spirit. One day I sat by the side of an elderly women who was blind. As I closed my eyes in my inner vision I saw two young girls playing in the meadow, laughing and flying above the ground in a gust of fresh air and sunshine. I held the women’s hand and asked her if she had a sister that she used to play with outside and a light came over her thoughtful face as she told me her sister had died many years before and she still missed her. With gentleness, I expressed to her that she would be reunited with her sister in a place of continuing love. It wasn’t long before the women fell asleep and I was so grateful that I had brought a moment of remembrance of her childhood which had been a time when life was brimming of promise.”
As a result of Joseph’s traumatic injury and his return to living life once again, he would like people to know that there is a greater plan for all things and for all that happens to us and no challenge is too hard if the heart and soul wish to create something positive and to renew life processes, like walking, talking, reading and being a participant in life. If one is surrounded by caring people, family, those in spirits, guides, teachers, loved ones who allow us the opportunity to live in the world of our perception not fears, which drain the energy of creating happiness and health and knowing the truth of our physical and divine substance. Joseph and Sheryl discuss how in all engagement and experience in life we are constantly moving from fear or pain to feeling happy secure or safe. This is the natural state of being as we remember eventually that we are spiritual beings having a physical life and are as such magnificent beings of potential and creation. Our thoughts create our reality and our fears damage our hopes for positive results.
Joseph goes on to tell us about the 9 Steps of the Realign From Fear to Love Course he shares with those who have suffered brain injuries similar to his.
The intention of this course is to realign the physiology of the way a brain processes information. This learning and creating process allows for a new lifestyle through thoughts of fluidity. By doing this all of your dreams can become realized in your life. You will develop confidence and success in everything you do rather than allowing fear to stop you in your tracks.
- Connect Discovering your true self/figuring out why you have not yet achieved your goals/fission
- Fulfill: Discovering your deepest desires/planning your goals/why it matters.
- Activate: The actions necessary to achieve those desires/ planning out what you are going to need to do to reach them/ownership of feelings/fusion
- Access: Doing it/start setting up your steps
- Implement Start living the life/begin believing that this is your reality/say what you mean, mean what you say/hold yourself accountable.
- Protect: Psychological self-defense/ what to do when the external is influencing
- Cleanse: Working through your fears/understanding other realities
- Accomplish: Appreciation and gratitiude
- Create” Start creating
We have seen that the key to living beyond any major illness or near death experience is to remember that we are all more than we appear to be and life exists on so many levels of energy and in a continuous way or eternal way beyond physical life. We are the journey of the creative forces need to evolve and emerge changed and renewed time after time. The journey is surprisingly simple conquer fear, know yourself and your energetic capacity, and find we are all beings born into love.
Joseph and I would have you remember while it is not easy often to accept life challenges, we are never truly alone and have the resources of the Universe to guide us and love us through lifetimes of remembrances of love.