Internet Radio Show
Limiting Stress for Healthy Living
- Dr. Amy Serin
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” I am your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spriit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which shares stories of spiritual communication awakening to your full potential and intuitive wisdom as well as miracles and ways to increase health prosperity and happiness. I am delighted to welcome Dr. Amy Serin author of The Stress Switch who show us that when we discover stress is not a chronic permanent condition to be coped with but instead is a specific type of neurological programing that can be cured we understand ourselves and healing in a more complete way.
When Sheryl asks Dr. Serin to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that may have lead her to embrace the life attitudes and work she shares now as an adult with the world and Amy responds that she was a sensitive child who was hard on herself and created from within a sense of stress as she wanted to do what was right and always wanted to do more. Sheryl suggests to Amy that she as an intuitive empathic child was much the same way. It’s like being born with an inner soul wisdom that wants to do so much to help others and the human condition but there are so many problems that it takes time to develop a clear view of what is possible and how to achieve your goals. Healers it seems may not be made but born with the inner knowledge to achieve much and as such are guided by a force of excellence and wanting to share much good with the world.
Stress as we know doesn’t only cause symptoms like insomnia headaches or the occasional worry. Living with excess stress can ruin every area of our lives. New neuroscience shows the mechanisms behind the stress switch and how it can be deactivated in ways not known before and there are many benefits to recognizing what causes personal stress and developing techniques to help lower the levels of stress affecting us on a daily basis. We can not completely eliminate the source of stress but we cans learn to lessen the attacks to our physical emotional and spiritual senses.
Benefits of Reducing stress can improve your
Overall health
- Sleep
- Relationships
- Mental Clarity
- Work Performance
- Happiness
We must begin to understand how to help ourselves beyond following some of the standards or general practices of the medical community Dr. Serin wrote, “We believe the inaccuracies of the medical community that tells us our problems are lifelong and can only be handled with marginal success. And of course we hurt others and ourselves if we don’t take care of ourselves.” In an effort to prevent or heal the global PTSD epidemic I discovered a trusted technology---one which has been used in therapeutic modalities for over thirty years using wearable devices to deliver a technology called TouchPoints and has been shown to reduce stress by sixty-two percent in thirty seconds, stabilize cortisol levels faster after stress than a control group, produce profound changes on electroencephalograms of children and adults help people fall asleep faster and even reduce physical pain.
The number one thing I can do to stress less is to get enough sleep and try to wake up the same time each day.
In today’s world Dr Serin says our nervous system’s natural adrenaline-fueled, evolutionary fight-or flight responses are overused and overactive. Fight or flight normally happens when your nervous system senses a threat to your life, overrides your thinking brain, and decides whether your greatest chances of survival will come from putting up your dukes or running away. Stress touches everyone we encounter and pollutes their chance of being calm and happy because they pick up on our stress and our behaviors activate their own stress systems. The first thing we can do is become more aware of who we are any traumas of our past and begin to pay attention to triggers that set off this fight or flight reaction.
Sheryl says we are indeed all connected to each other and to a Universal Source of Energy that is our life force beyond our physical body and affects our mind body and spirit in all dimensions of life.
In her book The Living Spirit Sheryl wrote…According to Dr. Charlotte Tomaino a neuropsychologist and author of Awaking the Brain, each person’s brain is unique with different capacities for navigating the physical and spiritual dimensions of energy. “ Therefore we know there are many multiple types of intelligence. Each person has a different life plan and we all learn acceptance, patience and empathy in our own way and in our own time. Just as there is visual intelligence and mathematical, linguistic, and athletic skills there is spiritual awareness. We must respect the fact that each individual is free to develop whatever areas of interest and talents they are born with. By respecting this we definitely limit stress for our children spouses and all people we interact with. We learn acceptance and that limits some of what triggers us to lose patience.”
Stress affects our family and indeed everyone we interact with. As energy beings every thought and actions sends out our state of mind fear anger anxiety can be seen in our physical movements heard in our words and felt by many people who are sensitive and aware of their own emotions as well as that of others.
Amy tells us, “But what if I told you that excess stress was not a chronic permanent condition to be managed but it has a switch that can be turned off. Understanding that I can help my patients rewrite their stress stories and the stress stories the children have inherited from them and it doesn’t have to be a hopeless battle makes my work very satisfying.
Helping families know there are socially approved stress relief techniques: get more sleep, get up early to meditate, go to yoga, to the gym, outdoors into the sunshine, schedule an energy healing session, schedule a spa day, massage, acupuncture, reiki, and if you are a parent, you can help your children begin to appreciate exercise, playing with their peers, sports, music or art lessons, have a healthy diet and see a counselor if they are not getting along with others. If you have a child experiencing difficulty, helping her to take steps to calm her nervous system through breathing properly, positive thoughts and relaxation and allowing them to tell you what activities they find helpful and what people and places they find unsettling or stressful.
Early childhood trauma and neglect leave imprints upon the cellular structure of the body and since all cells are connected whether we are consciously aware of it or not the body responds to those problems created in childhood. It is only by recognizing the reason one feels so traumatized and finding adult solutions as you have more possibilities to create new ways to deal with old problems and perceptions Let’s say as a child you went for a walk and stumbled over a beehive and a swarm of bees descended on you leaving you with dozens of painful bits all over your body. Now because of that attachment to that memory, your fear system is locked into that experience. Your fear and memory systems will work together sending you unconscious signals to keep you out of that situation in the future. This system may go really far even signaling the need to avoid all outdoor situations or create a phobia of the outdoors.
Let’s remember you are not flawed for not being able to control stress as you’ve been trying to do. You are human. Example… According to child psychiatrist Bruce Perry, Children aren’t resilient, they are malleable.” Your brain and body absolutely log early trauma and make them a part of your permanent record. If your system was hard-wired to be over-reactive and stressed it will affect your adult life and even being successful in making good choices and surrounding yourself with good people are often not strong enough to undo that early-age wiring. Stress was literally embedded in the nervous system brain structure and brain function. Fear anxiety and stress systems are automatic and when a child doesn’t have their needs met due to like not being soothed when she needed soothing lacking shelter and safety being exposed to violence or even violence on television and the news not having regular sleep and possibly being physically abused or neglected the child’s brain will develop abnormally and in way that will make it overreactive as an adult. It will take many skills energy healing TouchPoint recognition of the exposure to the issues and desensitizing the body to the stresses or triggers.
As a neuropsychologist Dr. Serin sees a lot of people in therapy. The most common stress issue she comes up with over and over again may be self-doubt that is a result of a fast moving technological and competitive society that has separated themselves from their natural alignment to universal energy or source and nature and allowed the body to be filled with potential fear based experiences leaving imprints at the cellular structure that make us subject to reliving the stories of traumatic events over and over again.
No matter how you try to apply conscious logic to a nervous system, certain situations will cause that stress switch to be set off. Most of your behavior reactions and body sensations are controlled by pre-conscious brain networks operating without awareness There are some therapies that incorporate graduated exposure to lower the anxiety response but these are time intensive and require a commitment to face the fear which many people won’t do because the stress switch is in control. Once the fear system is locked onto a trigger for example the sight of an escalator bridge or elevator unless we desensitize the stress switch the fear will prevail.
Dr. Amy Serin might like readers of The Stress Switch to take away with them after reading this very practical and concise book on dealing with probably the greatest challenge facing all of us: stress in these changing and challenging times!
“Just like a live electric wire a constantly and overly nervous system can sort-circuit the object it’s attached to as well as cause damage to everything else in its path. When water hits wires in a house the whole house is affected. Just like that when one person has unchecked excess stress everyone around that person is affected and when these people move into groups whole communities and entire societies can develop overactive stress switches. This can trigger a state of PTSD people moving erratically in and out of flight-or-fight mode exhibiting all affects such as avoidance, selfishness, insomnia cognitive issues and more and can be life threatening. PTSD doesn’t just damage the person’s life, relationships and career it can ruin them totally.
Sheryl says That is what we are seeing happen across the world right now. It is not really an economic political religious or social problem it is a spiritual disconnect from our true nature as spiritual beings who need to be aligned to Universal energy and the laws like The Law of Attraction which is always at work…old expressions like what you sow you reap and what goes around comes around express how karma and universal factors either work in our favor or against us. We must find ways to turn this stress switch off for health and prosperity as well as for saving our planet.
We thank you Dr. Amy Serin author of The Stress Switch for providing a clear workable pathway to understanding he mind and how stress affects the body mind and spirit and can compromise the quality of life undermining our health relationships and joy and for giving us ways to reprogram and refine our brain so we may approach the triggers that create anxiety from the many factors in our environment.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing from Within Dr. Amy Serin has shown us a clear path to surviving the stress within us and also from environmental sources as well as relationship issues which tend to diminish our health and encourage perhaps us to make poor choices. We have discovered that simply asking someone to think themselves beyond the fear and anxiety of the may not be the best way to develop skills to deal with sensitivities and hormonal or chemical responses to the stresses that confront us.
As Dr. Serin wrote, “Within the interconnected mind/body network, the stress experience in our bodies is triggered by a change in stimulus from inside of us (thoughts or pain) or outside (sounds, smells touch etc). These stimuli are sensed and integrated by the salience network, which decides to the turn the stress switch off. …In the mind/body stress and its triggers are subjective to the individual. There are things that will set off anyone’s stress switch like seeing a snake about to strike, and there are also triggers that are unique to each person’s stress system. Yet many people make an assumption that if certain things happen in their lives they should be stressed out; and conversely, they have a mental list of things that they believe shouldn’t be stressful.
Amy and I would have you remember that while stress can create many issues for us to overcome, it is part of a physical reality and in conquering the fears traumas and anxieties of our lives to the best of our ability, we also strengthen our inner soul life and find balance health peace and well- being. So in the awareness and conquering of stress we allow for greater conscious awareness of our true nature and our divine right to real happiness.