Internet Radio Show
Living/Thriving in the Age of Surprise
- Deirdre Hade
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In this episode of “Healing From Within” host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit which shares stories of spiritual awakening spiritual communication healing energies miracles and keys to your own soul transformation is delighted to welcome Deirdre Hade author of The (not so) Little Book of Surprises known as the Mystic of Montecito who will share much needed awareness and tools for weathering the storms of this Age of Surprise.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” have come to know Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories and insights into the multidimensional aspects of Being as a way to live well in a three dimensional physical world as spiritual beings and also to develop a clearer understanding of duality as it affects our changing perceptions of Self and the Universe. In essence we come to know there is no duality: no right or wrong, good or bad, just experience and the constant realignment to Universal Energy or Creation which is constant loving and gracious when we allow it to be.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Deirdre Hade shares her feeling that we are now at the greatest Doorway that Humanity has ever entered and where the unexpected has now become expected more often than not. Where does that leave each of us, our communities and world? We explore the storms physically and emotionally that have come to Texas Florida Puerto Rico and so on and the fires in California which burned literally right up to the hedges of Deirdre’s home in the hills of Montecito. Why is America and the world experiencing such rapid and traumatic physical political and societal upheavals? Can we not only survive but benefit from the changes and reach a higher state of consciousness and love for living? Let us explore tools to navigate these events and coming challenges with resilience and trust in a bigger plan to all that is happening.
Deirdre answers Sheryl’s question about influences from childhood that might have led her to the work and lifestyle she was leading now and Deirdre shared that she was always aware of Spiritual beings around her and interested in helping people see the beauty and magic of life as a medium or mystic between worlds. As Deirdre fast forwards she describes how a chance meeting when she was seventeen years old with Joseph Campbell an American mythologist visionary and author of “Hero with a Thousand Faces” answered the question she posed to him at that time. She asked him whether she should be a dancer or archeologist? After Deirdre had suggested to Mr. Campbell that he was wrong in one of his points discussed during the lecture as an intuitive and bearer of messages from Spirit really knows no other way to be than honest and forthright, Mr. Campbell told her to be a dancer as archeologists search for the origin of our being and she already knew who we are. Sheryl is amused by this story as an intuitive and healer she is much the same way and seeks to share her love of life and Spirit honestly and sometimes firmly with those who are hurting themselves or others. Intuitive or sensitive people cannot back down to injustice when they feel and know something is off.
Deirdre tells us about the non-profit organization the Foundation for Radiance which has worked closely with the Prison Association of New York and Nuevo Amanacer for women rescued from abuse and sexual slavery in East Los Angeles. She tells us that sometimes she needs to be quiet and not share all in an environment where people may not be ready to make the changes that are necessary. Sheryl shares that as a hospice volunteer for eight years she was expected to listen in silence, but as is her nature, in conversation her awareness of life existing beyond this physical life always managed to surface and help those near to dying and transitioning to feel at peace.
Deirdre describes herself as a mystical visionary and suggests that those people who are guided to read her book may find ways to open the doors to other realms of consciousness and see life in an expanded changing evolving way recreating itself over and over again. A mystic is a person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into The Deity or Universal Creative Energetic force of life or the Absolute or who believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect.
Sheryl says with Deirdre that in earlier experiences as a student she searched for truth and studied philosophy history religion science then came spirituality and dream awareness as a possible way to know oneself beyond belief systems and societal training and that led her to question the beliefs and training of childhood so she could reclaim her spiritual gifts of feeling and knowing Spirit experientially and use her intuitive ability there with her from early childhood, to communicate with Spirit and loved ones. As a result she helps herself and others to find a clearer view of who we are, what life is and how it is intended to share with our soul so we rediscover “home” within ourselves and are never alone separate from the Infinite source of eternal life and creation.
In her book The Living Spirit Sheryl wrote, “In continuing our quest for personal truth along with our goal to hear the whispers, experience beautiful thoughts, and sense the feelings of peace that may reside in our soul and body, a pleasant feeling of cooperation between body, mind, and soul can be achieved to bring about a future reality of substance.
As you are able to quiet your mind and let go of needless chatter and self-doubt, you will eventually begin to sense your Higher Self that part of you that is unconcerned with the minutia of everyday life. You will begin to know yourself experientially rather than intellectually. Eventually the quieting of the mind will allow you to receive information from other dimensions.”
Deidre has a poem in the book that reads “We are here as mystics. If you are here you are a mystic…You were born a mystic and you will die a mystic. And there’s no way you’re going to get out of it.” Sheryl laughed at the truth of this statement for we are all embued with a sense of intuition and knowing, beloved by the Universal Source and capable of manifesting our truest dreams and goals. All we need do is spend time meditating being in nature and in the silence of being free from our ego directed fearful mind that slows the process of remembering that we are souls having a physical life not the other way around.
Sheryl shares with Deirdre a mystical experience she has every time she does a reading for a person and merges her higher energy with higher guidance and love from spiritual teachers, angels, loved ones and higher vibrational beings. But when she took her second Reiki training class during the attunement process that is part of Reiki energy healing training she was in a deep state of relaxation and felt and saw herself being held in Jesus’ hands and lifted up. Another time at a spiritual event in California during a group meditation Sheryl felt herself out of her body her soul energy swimming rapidly towards an island with immense glass and gold topped buildings and light. Sheryl couldn’t understand how she was swimming underwater without any type of breathing apparatus. When she talked to the person sitting next to her and relayed the experience he told her that in Mexico at an ancient site he had the same out of body experience and knew the place we saw was the ancient city of Atlantis.
At another workshop years ago in deep meditation Sheryl found herself as a single speck or atom in an empty dark place or universe. It was still me and I had my awareness of all I was in thought but not body…It reminded Sheryl of the page Deirdre has in her book The not so Little Book of Surprises where there is a purple square and four circles of color in the Universe that says that every point of light, every star is an aperture into the throne of God, the pure realms of heaven. Each opening each aperture, is a “Shining One” holding the gates of reality open so you remember where you came from and what you are here to do and these apertures of light you call stars. ( See the stars not as round spheres but as open doorways…Beyond is the world of pure light it seems.)
The real nature of our physical life is changing in the Age of Surprise. Deirdre writes, “Surprises run the gamut from life threatening earthquakes to ecstatic gifts. From the phone call informing of a tragic car wreck to your favorite comedian’s rip –roaring punch line. Although varied in the extreme, all these have something or things in common. The “you” before it is different from the “you” afterwards and that difference is profound. Your body literally changes. The chemical makeup of your emotional hormones or peptides has completely shifted. An eighty year old grandmother can suddenly pick up the car that has fallen on her favorite grandchild. Your psychological state changes. The depression you’ve been living in for twenty years evaporates in an instant when those lottery numbers match up. Even your perception of physical reality changes. Suddenly everything is brighter after that very first kiss from your heartthrob.”
We are living at a choice point. One of the rare times in the incarnation of the human where you choose what the next million years are going to look like and your generation and the generation of the next twenty years. You are the generation that has been given the duty to choose. It seems many of the children being born and the Millennials have a sense of their spiritual needs and values and are here to help move humanity to a higher state of awareness and consciousness We are in a new age of Intuition moving past information that is perhaps no longer relevant and feelings that are more cooperative compassionate and universal beyond race religion gender political agendas and beyond purely ego based judgmental practices. It is a time a revolution, an evolution for the soul. Transformation is the name of the game in spiritual practice. Meditation mindfulness prayer vision quests seeing The Master—all the techniques of the path are about changing who you are.
Sheryl would say: “It is about becoming more aware of all that you are and the essence of your inner soul knowingness that is often limited by the requirements of living in a physical reality. It might not be about changing who you are but becoming more aware of what you already are: a magnificent eternal soul energy.”
Of Course not all surprises take the surprises to a more aware-enlightened state. While finding a frog in your knapsack may produce a chuckle, finding a cobra would not.. Although both would change you, it’s best to have the person monk eying with your destiny lines to be someone who is wise.
Deirdre and her husband William Arntz co-authors of the book The not so Little Book of Surprises are the founders of the Radiance Journey. Your pure Radiance Pure Energy Program for energetic clearing and healing has been sold in over 132 countries. Recently married you and your husband William Arntz have created the Mystic and the Physicist: An Exploration into the Vanishing Point Where Science and Spirituality Meet. Deidre’s inner spiritual gifts and search for self discovery brought her under the mentorship of elders and teachers in the mystical Chrisitian tradition, the “I Am Presence” teachings, the Hindu Vedic tradition and Mussar and Lurianic Kabballah which she studied for over twenty years under the tutelage of two esteemed Rabbis in Los Angeles. In 2004 Deirdre founded Radiance Healing and Meditation now simply called The Radiance Journey. Her system of energy healing and mystical wisdom now including ancient knowledge of the Kabbalah: Tree of Life.
Deidre shares a page from their book:
The outer world is a holographic picture of your mind.
You are separate from every other mind,
while you are a unique ray of light.
This is the paradox—while you are separate from every other mind,
you are at the same time one with every mind, every other thing in the Universe.
Your ray is so important and so needed on the planet right now.
It is not possible to have a ray that is not needed.
Sheryl remembers as she hears that statement that only the other day she was remembering a healer Carol, a polarity healer she met in Maine summers ago. and then read your poem…..
at the same time that
you are separate and
you are different and
you are unique,
you are one and the
same with all creation
Carol said to me at that time. Do you know who your guide is? and Sheryl responded that she had an idea but never wanted to seem pompous or be seen as contentious so she kept silent. Then Carol said “He wants you to put it in your book The Living Spirit.” Then Carol said….I am so glad you are in the world right now. I think that we are living in wondrous times a time of surprise and change for a Universe that is expanding with greater hope and love.
Deirdre’s husband William Arntz, the creator and producer of the film What the Bleep do We Know? and award winning photographer Endre Balogh have created a book of mystery with many openings to the doorways of soul life and the Universe and when held or simply opened to any page may give readers answers to their most intimate questions. The (not so) Little Book of Surprises is a gift from very talented and loving souls who express the truth of our Being in clear beautiful engaging ways. Deidre Hade has shared an insightful look at how to view this challenging changing world through the eyes of Surprise Acceptance and Love for life and being just as it is and needs to be so more people can find ways to know ourselves and create the world Anew in loving compassionate energy feelings thoughts and actions.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have explored the mystic within us all that longs for the beauty of a connection to Universal energy and guidance from Higher Source and to find faith peace love and unity within our heart that may also beat within the continuous energetic oneness of life and creation.
As written in Deidre and William’s book we read and at the same time see the pictures of Universal Light Beings ….The old paradigms are falling apart and people are grappling to try to find a way to pull them together. Somebody has to be the glue to hold the space for the love of the beings of Light : the Pistis Sophia, The Archangels of Light, the Ascended Master—to come and help us redeem our world.
Because we cannot do this alone. We cannot.
Our Creator, the Archangels and Ascended Masters are praying that you begin to see beyond the veils of this world, because when you can truly see, you will receive the access code, your key to enter into the alternative reality of Oneness.
When looking through the book to find a passage to end this show I picked the picture and the message shared above purposefully. I often have coincidences or synchronicity through divine intervention with my very gifted authors and leaders in these transformational and expansive times we live in. Only a few weeks ago Sheryl attended a family wedding and her cousin who had recently lost her husband asked her if she thought he and other family members were around us in some way. Of course Sheryl expressed her confidence that they were all there to share this happy event with us. Sheryl closed her eyes and asked for a sign or message. Then the cousins and Sheryl took a cell phone picture and immediately saw in the upper right hand corner, in a window the exact angelic light form that is in the drawing in Deirdre and William’s book. That picture may be seen on Sheryl’s website on the Event link.
Spirit and the universal presence of life are there when we ask or simply believe with faith that is beyond thought and mind, and just allow accept and surrender to the truth and wonder of our Being.
Deidre and I want to thank all our listeners for being open to accessing the wisdom love and truth of our eternal essence and as we do we will see more and more participation by those in Spirit who join us on our journey of Life here in the physical world of nature, and beyond in the world of Light.
Deidre Hade link to
The (not so) Little Book of Surprises link to