Internet Radio Show
Living a Conscious and Informed Reality
- Sedena Cappannelli & Barbara Marx Hubbard
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In today’s episode for Healing from Within, Sheryl Glick welcomes the founder of “AgeNation”, Sedena Cappannelli. AgeNation will be sponsoring “Navigating Your Future, a series of several weekends featuring the 16 Wisdom Keepers, luminaries and leaders in their field for social advancement. AgeNation is an organization designed for charting future destinies in today’s challenging changing world climate. One of the goals of AgeNation is to help participants discover the healthiest and most productive version of themselves regardless of their age. Also joining our discussion today is Barbara Marx Hubbard, one of the 16 Wisdom Keepers. Barbara Marx Hubbard is a visionary and social innovator, the author of many books on social and planetary evolution, including her newest books, Emergence and Fifty Two Codes. (
Sheryl is happy to remind Sedena, that it was her pleasure not long ago to interview her husband, George Cappannelli, also the founder of AgeNation and both authors of Do not Go Quietly. (
Today we will discuss events that are major ideas that we share so we may all begin to realize what is needed in today’s complicated world arena, which is a concerted effort of the entire ever increasing population to value personal development, the conservation of the earth’s resources and our connectedness to our communities. As we work more harmoniously and authentically to find answers to challenging and disturbing world events we will all personally excel and the world and planet will be in balance and harmony.
In describing how the AgeNation group was established and has evolved overtime, the main goal of the AgeNation group is to assist people in exploring some of the essential and relevant topics of life today and offer primary and empowering tools they can use on the road to living more conscious lives. One day they will inherit the role of wise elder and play an active part in recasting a more positive future. AgeNation is a global organization committed to providing the very best in information, inspiration and engagement to a rapidly growing audience of people who weren’t born yesterday. Serving older GenXers, Boomers and elders who wish to live vital, successful and conscious lives. AgeNation offers leadership, learning and life-enhancing opportunities in the way of a website packed with vital information on health, money, career continuance, relationships and transitions, ecourses ; lectures, webinars, awards, entertainment, Next Magazine, two radio shows, and the nationally acclaimed Navigating Your Future Conferences. AgeNation took the lead in creating The World Council of Wisdom keepers with such luminaries a Jean Houston, Ram Dass, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Michael Meade, and Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith.
The AgeNation Community is a place where people matter and are able to discover greater meaning and purpose: 1. Reconnect with old friends and meet new ones. 2. Get involved. 3. Celebrate life. 4. Take part in rewarding educational and entertainment events. 5. Share your experience and skill with others. 6. Learn from bestselling authors. 7. Travel to wonderful destinations. 8. Take advantage of special discounts. 9. Sign up for valuable online courses. 10. Experience the satisfaction of making a genuine difference in your world and much more.
In bringing together the major leaders and voices for higher consciousness into one group or organization, it seems that the requirements to be considered one of the Wisdom Keepers, seems to Sheryl like intervention from a higher level of consciousness at work to bring together the most conscious voices throughout the world at this time of great need as we search for new ways to improve our financial, religious, educational and family values. This is the greatest evolution of mankind since the beginning of time. We face the challenge to evolve and change rapidly if we are to survive. Barbara Marx Hubbard notes that we are in the process of becoming universal conscious beings able to access information universally, and as such, will eventually reach out into the universe to become aware of even greater possibilities for creation. This Spiritual Revolution therefore, will offer many people the opportunity for self investigation and self actualization of their highest spiritual goals, moving towards becoming highly conscious beings.
Barbara Marx Hubbard has been called “the voice for conscious evolution…” by Deepak Chopra. She is the subject of Neale Donald Walsch’s book The Mother of Invention. And many would agree she is the global ambassador for conscious change. At her heart, Barbara Marx Hubbard is a visionary, a social innovator. She is an evolutionary thinker who believes that global change happens when we work collectively and selflessly for the greater good. She realizes that the lessons of evolution teach us that problems are evolutionary drivers, and crises precede transformation, giving a new way of seeing and responding to our global situation.
As a prolific author and educator, Barbara has written seven books on social and planetary evolution. She has produced, hosted, and contributed to countless documentaries seen by millions of people around the world. Her books include: The Hunger of Eve: One Woman’s Odyssey toward the Future; The Evolutionary Journey: Your Guide to a Positive Future; Revelation: Our Crisis is a Birth –An Evolutionary Interpretation of the New Testament; Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of our Social Potential; Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence; 52 Codes for Conscious Self Evolution and Birth 2012 and Beyond: Humanity’s Great Shift to the Age of Conscious Evolution.
An interesting story that Barbara shares on the show, Barbara has met many political and educational leaders during his professional career, even president Dwight D. Eisenhower. In 1945 the United States dropped atomic bombs on Japan, and the world caught its breath. This pivotal event deeply impacted the young Barbara Marx Hubbard, who found herself asking President Eisenhower, “What is the meaning of our power that is good”? Barbara’s 40+ year inquiry into that specific question, and the answers she has found, offers invaluable assistance to us all at this time in our history. Despite the state of the world, we must know that good is still possible and we are truly on the threshold of great possibility for our own conscious evolution.
Listeners of the show may be familiar with each of these renowned leaders. Ram Dass has pursued a panoramic array of spiritual methods and practices from potent ancient wisdom traditions, including bhakti or devotional yoga focused on the Hindu deity Hanuman; Buddhist meditation in the Theravadin, Mahayana Tibetan and Zen Buddhist schools, and Sufi and Jewish mystical studies. Rabbi Zaman Shachter- Shalomi was Professor of Religion and Head of the Department of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies then Professor of Religion in Jewish Mysticism and Psychology of Religion at Temple University in Philadelphia. Eve Ilsen is a therapist, teacher, storyteller and singer. Her work integrates spirituality with psychology, myth, body and artistic expression. Barbara De Angelis Ph.D. is one of the most influential teachers of our time in the field of relationships and personal growth.
Sheryl remarks to Barbara that Dr. Jean Houston, author of her newest book, The Wizard of Us was recently a guest on this show and is one of the Wisdom Keepers. Dr. Houston describes us all as the heroes of our own journey and much like AgeNation, seek the ways to move past our fears, restrictions, and limitations to be authentic, dynamic, conscious citizens of the Cosmos.
Many of us are aware that challenging times bring a lot of change –personal and professional. They also bring remarkable opportunities. AgeNation and the events being hosted, “Navigating Your Future”, will ensure that people attending these weekends will walk away with the tools to improve their;
Lifestyle: Make change your ally; experience greater purpose and meaning; make of the very best of this precious gift called your life.
Wellness: Health, nutrition, exercise, a spiritual focus, preventative care and more. Skills and knowledge you can use for a life of a greater harmony, and balance.
Finance: Manage your financial assets and build new ones, better understand the real estate market, establish a family trust.
Sedena will also share with us how to learn simple, practical, and profound tools to increase your energy and balance and enhance your sense of well being as you create a strong and healthy body, mind, and spirit. She presents a series of uncomplicated and yet powerful techniques designed to augment your body’s own ability to heal itself and to slow the aging process. Involving ourselves in the creative community by developing our own interests in art, music, travel, literature, alternative healing such as meditation, yoga, healing sessions to know the self and energy level better relying on our own decisions making without much regard for the outside world opinions and judgments. Sedena Cappannelli, creator of The Portable Self Enhancement Program, presents a whole system approach to wellness for men and women using interactive processes and simple, yet profoundly effective personalized exercises that will support you to break through the stress and overload that may be preventing you from feeling balanced and effective in their personal and professional lives.
We all hear the terms millennials, GenXers, Boomers and Elders not having done such a good job in their treatment of themselves and the world. So, the challenge now, across the board, for people of all ages, are to fix economical and social structures so changes necessary for working cooperatively will help us reestablish new institutions, new economic practices, new health and medical advances, and to work as a world community for equality, the preservation of our natural resources, the education of our world population, and a greater understanding of the cycles of our life so we may deal effectively with the challenges facing us all.
Sheryl observes that the speakers at “Navigating Your Future”, hosted by AgeNation, will help everyone who attends, learn to honor the best in each of us, help maintain or restore if necessary our health, help us think at a more conscious level, which means to accept everyone and everything, but still remember that our first responsibility and challenge is to learn more about ourselves, improve ourselves and make our world a better place. That is the goal each day- to have a new experience and in the process to respect and love life. There will be many opportunities for your own personal development and for new visions of how you may move forward towards becoming a more conscious member of the Universal Life Experience. To be involved in life, relationships, organizations and events that make our world a better place, should be the goal for all of us. For more information on AgeNation and their events, go to
Today's Guest