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Love and Guidance from Spiritual Guides
- Francine Vale
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In today’s episode of Healing From Within, your host, Sheryl Glick, author of The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love, welcomes Francine Vale author of Song of the Heart, who in her openness and sensitivity has captured the beauty and enormous force of eternal life that is represented when you tap into the Unity Consciousness and create closeness with Spiritual Guides, angelic forces and holy vibrational beings who love and support our physical life experience from a dimensional of eternal life directly in alignment to life on the Earth Plane.
Sheryl and Francine will share an engrossing narrative non-fictionalization of the author’s family history where a tragic tale is told by a special being whose calling is to help us see that we each have a soul, what the soul is and how all of our souls are connected. As in all well written and beautifully documented stories you will be moved deeply even to tears as Sheryl was upon reading Song of The Heart and you may garnish insights into your own relationships and also into recognizing the necessity of love and the power of love to shift and transform our energy at every turn of our lives.
The story begins with Matthew Friedman Vale-- The Angel of Death..his father who left him and his Grandfather, aunts and uncles who, though prominent and educated sent him to childhood foster care where he was abused and tortured. Later he lived with his wife Mary, her mother, Mikey the brother and Francine the younger sister in the Bronx. Other characters in the story include Francine’s husband Danny and mother in law son Neal and daughter Annie grandson Steven a friend Sue who has a breakdown when Robert her husband has an affair with secretary and calls her Crazy…etc.
Some of the main themes Francine addresses in this memoir or narrative non-fiction book are the loss of parents either by death or abandonment, childhood abuse, loss of trust and love and how it can deaden the Soul, the importance of love from parents, grandparents, siblings and friends, trust in a Higher Plan and Divine Love, holding on to your personal power and not being controlled or dominated at the expense of loss of Soul, afterlife and how it relates to the people in your present life and how we are given chances to make new choices to achieve different results than before.
Francine who had many illness and health issues writes in a message to her guide… “I don’t know why we must suffer so through the physical body and I pray to the Light, “no more trauma to my body.”
The Light responds, “Keep yourself surrounded with loving souls, people who love you. Keep away from souls who chose to learn through the negative path, people who try to bring you down. Negative people, by infusing your life with stress and anxiety, weaken the magnificence of who you are by turning your attention to survival. Negative forces concentrated over time invade the body’s cellular structure. Be wise, dearest and choose your companions wisely.”
Sheryl says, “This is apparently the answer to wellness and peace…not to engage with people who only seek their own rewards but to look to engage with others who wish for the highest good of all and remain true to their own heart impulses and use your intuition to lead you to places and people who sustain your joy in life…In my new book the Living Spirit, I wrote…. “Over the years many of my clients have expressed sadness about their inability to manifest and maintain loving intimate relationships. Every soul seeks to love and be loved, but there are skills and a certain level of awareness that must be developed in order to draw the right connections to you…..The first step to healing your relationships is to recognize this truth: the only person who can hurt you is you. We hurt ourselves when we allow others to impose their will upon us, whether physically verbally or sexually. We cannot control others but we can free ourselves of their toxic behavior by holding onto our own truths, finding our own path, and consistently making choices rooted in love rather than fear, hatred or the desire for revenge….that said some relationships are not meant for our entire lives. Indeed, they will only last as long as necessary for the soul to grow.””
Francine writes about her guide who shows her in the old building in the Bronx when she was a little girl while playing with her doll… “My angel had found attention was drawn to an extraordinary loving presence right beside me so I looked up….Francine…”she said without a sound, “why do you love your dolls so much….they are inanimate objects…it is your parents who need your love, Francine…your parents need the kind of love only you can give them….so love your parents Francine…it is your love that will heal them.”
Francine then writes about her Grandma and the important role she played in her life. Grandparents, it seems are the bridge between parents and children and space, time and Spirit. Francine wrote “Quietly Grandma entered our room; on the far side of her bed she undressed in the dark so as not to disturb me. I listened to the rustlings of Grandma unhooking her corset. I listened to Grandma’s soft sighing, and in this way I finally feel asleep.”
Sheryl often shares coincidences with her guests, as her first book Life Is No Coincidence -The Life and Afterlife Connection, shares stories that clearly show there are no coincidences only messages and guidance from Spirit to aid us in remembering who we are as soul beings having a physical life. Francine says in her book, that though she was the little girl, she seemed to be worried about her mother and looked after her like a parent does for a child. Francine wrote, “When I was very little and followed her around the house I worried every time that she might fall so keeping my eyes focused on her, concentrating on my mother’s safety, I prayed for her protection. Soon I imagined a shimmering light surrounded my mother: the light streamed like a golden cord across the room directly to me. And in this way I imagined I was keeping my mother safe…”
Sheryl then says, “Francine, when I was little and saw my petite and pretty mother in her elegant dresses I always thought she was like a child- a delicate dancer or mystical fairy- like character and like you I also wished to watch over her…When I was beginning to awaken to a realization of my energetic soul experience about 20 years ago a colleague walked over to me and quite simply said” Would you like to know about your past life in conjunction to this one”…I wasn’t sure about past lives at that point but I was starting to be interested in psychic phenomenon and wanted to know how mediums were receiving accurate information…this teacher went on to say in my last life in Portugal I died young and was run down by a horse and wagon and a drunk driver..I wasn’t able to raise my 3 year old son and in this life that son was now my Mother….it seemed to make sense in terms of how I related to my mother’s issues….Also at the end of my mother’s life I was there to support protect and love her.
Francine goes on to tell us something about her past lives and how she gathered information about it. Past life memories include a Hopi Medicine Woman in the 19th century, a Roman girl who followed Jesus and an Egyptian Priestess in the service of Isis and continues to inspire and influence her own consciousness in this life time and place encouraged by the highly spiritual beings who are her teachers.
When Francine was describing her early relationships, they sounded much like Sheryl’s ...rejection, disappointment, immaturity, in-law differences, spiritual differences, gender differences and not understanding what constitutes a sustainable relationship or love Francine mentions her first boyfriend Steve was beaten up by a gang in her neighborhood and was not allowed by his controlling mother to see her anymore. Her second boyfriend, David Golden, broke off their relationship when he had to go to school and was encouraged by his mother to do so. Though David said to Francine, “You’re a beautiful girl and the most wonderful girl I’ve ever known” he was extremely possessive and in her struggle to hold on to her independence, Francine began to fight back. Sheryl shares a coincidence and synchronistic event –Sheryl married her second boyfriend David who she met at age seventeen. They broke up when he went to law school and he felt he couldn’t study and sustain a relationship. When Sheryl was twenty one, through an unexpected coincidence, they were thrown together again. It also was important to Sheryl to hold on to her own path and not allow herself to be dominated or controlled by anyone- husband or any source of authority. Sheryl over time has come to understand the ancient patriarchal system that fosters the way women are still seen as perhaps objects or come under the family or husband’s authority. These practices are still very much an ongoing issue even in today’s modern society.
Francine goes on to say she married her third boyfriend, Danny Sachleben, who had trouble making up his mind about anything without the approval of his mother. This seems to be a constant challenge that I have observed in many marital situations. It may be that mothers of boys have a more male based competitive energy source train their sons to be competitive and this type of relationship and training doesn’t allow for the loss of control. We all have both male and female energy but where one is much more dominant it can make life more challenging.
Francine writes “On the fifth day of our honeymoon, gazing ever more deeply into my own heart, I understood a most significant truth; I’m Danny’s wife now…we’re going to begin our family together…I will be dependent on him….my whole life will be from this moment devoted to his well-being. I will bring to my marriage all the fullness of myself and express it with love and harmony, the sacred language of the universe! Someday Danny will grow to truly love me, he will know the fullness of my heart, all that I wished to share with him and Danny will grow to cherish me.”
Those are beautiful and truthful expressions of love and the soul. No wife should become subservient to an aggressive domineering mother-in law. Serving a husband who cares more about pleasing his mother than he does about pleasing a wife is not a prerequisite for a successful marriage.
Sheryl says it sounds similar to her realization of the family structure and how many mothers don’t allow their children to develop their own marital arrangement. One must allow their children to grow and evolve and the new family being conceived as actually the bible says is where the husband must put his loyalties-a difficult problem for many it seems. Francine wrote something that suggests a proper view and solution for this problem..”One day my son would become a man, he’d leave our home and go on to create his own life and home, but always would share a bond of trust and love that neither distance nor the stresses of life could sever.”
Sheryl agrees with that quote. That is how a mother and father should view the sharing of love…we do not own our children…they are their intelligent soul beings from the beginning and their life plan and destiny may be very different from any expectations parents may have for their children…this is where acceptance allowance and surrendering to the forces of the Divine really become important…
Sheryl wonders how one can make a relationship choice that is so ever-lasting at a young age when they are first remembering their own soul needs and awareness of the nature of life and what have Francine’s guides shared with her about these inevitable life stories that happen to us all.
Later in the book when Francine’s dad passed away and her mom was dying from cancer, her dad’s spirit appeared in her room and told her he is near her mom all the time and she does feel his presence. Then, he says “Please continue to be the good daughter that you are, Fran for all you do adds to the love in our Universe and there is no task more holy than manifesting love, especially under trying circumstances. I am here, I rejoice for it will not be long now when your mother and I are reunited and all this pain will be healed and she will find comfort and soothing atmosphere all around her. And then of course all shall be well.”
Sheryl says there is a reason we must all face challenges in order to remember the capacity we have within for love and for overcoming these challenges. As eternal spiritual beings, we are imbued with the eternal light and source of Creation so really there is no challenge to large. No pain that cannot be released and fear is the only limitation that holds us back from our truest magnificent state.
Francine and Sheryl have shared their childhood challenges as they began to understand the nature of their spiritual soul life and the challenges they had in the physical world that often does not protect and nurture the sensitive empathic nature of our soul essence. We as children tried to remember a place of greater love and gentleness that lingered in our inner thoughts, a time before being born into this physical earth plane. Still Francine and I walked the road of this physical life to met the people who enabled us to develop our intuitive healing gifts not always in an easy or quiet way but still we both have found the same truths which we share in our healing practices and writing.
In Sheryl’s book The Living Spirit-Answers for Healing and Infinite Love she shares certain Universal Laws -we are never alone and are supported by a spiritual dimension of life that interacts and guides us to develop our full human talents and potential…we can overcome any challenge or diversity through the courage and wisdom of our inner soul essence… consciousness survives physical death and therefore our evolving and maturing souls have many opportunities to continue to expand and know that happiness or suffering is a choice and it is not the outside world that makes you who you become it is your internal innate sense of being and the interconnection to all that can manifest the events joys and destiny that you wish to create. It is your intentions words actions and sense of gratitude for life as Life is a great gift and until you realize that truism… moving beyond fear blame doubt or judgment you cannot access the power of the heart and eternal love.
As Francine wrote… “After all each of us is taking part in the long march of human history. We often choose as intrinsic to our personal forgiveness to take up another life on Earth where we will be given opportunities to make restitution. In this way we raise the vibration of our soul and gain inner peace for our human self, enabling us to function more fully with optimum well-being. We return through birth into another life on Earth, refreshed and renewed and determined to get it right this time. We are provided clues to help us remember…..yes we are meant to live in the present. We come away understanding the imperative to forgive ourselves so that we may then go on to forgive everyone else. And to clearly see how we are all together in this thing called Life….with everlasting love we accept the retrieval of lost parts of ourselves and integrate all of it to create a more whole self, a more wholesome self.”
Francine and Sheryl would have you remember that whatever traumas hardships or sadness you have experienced that with patience and the help of loved ones here and beyond… who you may ask for assistance from at any time…. you will find the path to understanding yourself the world and Universe in a way that can open your minds and hearts to a greater reality and love for life.