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Main Steps to Fulfilling Your Passions and Purpose
- Vincent Genna
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Hello and welcome to Healing From Within I am your host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher Medium and author the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit to show us our challenges are not merely economic political or societal but often a disconnect from our inner soul wisdom and connection to Universal Source or life itself. Today I welcome Vincent Genna author of The Secret That’s Holding you Back which allows you to see if you’re not pursuing a rewarding career, not in loving relationships, not financially secure, healthy or vital don’t even know your purpose or passion, then you are stopping yourself without even knowing it. Sheryl’s dad used to say often, “You are your own worse enemy. Indeed all of us have fears and let’s find out how to improve that form of limitation from our childhood fears.
Vincent joins us on Healing From Within to share his experiences as a gifted psychic medium with the knowledge and experience of a psychotherapist, the personality of a showman and his approach to provide healing for body mind and spirit.
As listeners of Healing From Within well know Sheryl and her extraordinary guests share intimate enlightening stories that allow us to open our minds and hearts to the mysteries of life here and beyond, in order to begin to understand duality is necessary in a physical world to remind us that we are spiritual beings having a physical life and that we possess a magnificent soul energy that is expansive. This soul essence when used properly can lead us to manifest a life of truth beauty prosperity and health and happiness.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Vincent Genna a gifted psychic medium psychotherapist with a genuine loving approach to provide healing for body mind and spirit shares 39 years of training research and experience in the Metaphysical Psychological and Spiritual fields to help you dive into your psyche, to release unconscious blockages, resistances, and self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors, so you can live the life your soul intended to in this incarnation.
When Vincent is asked to think back to his childhood and remember a person place event that may have signaled to them or others around them the lifestyle interests and work they might pursue as adults, he immediately tells us he was often bullied as a child. He was sensitive and loved to sing dance and act so he was different than many of the other kids. He also says many mentors or helpers came into his life to guide him eventually to his real life work. Vincent tells about his first meeting with Doris a psychic when he was a young married man. Doris told him he was touched by the energy of Jesus and was going to become a spiritual teacher of great renown. At that point in time Vincent was an actor and singer had been on television and was pursuing a career in that field. She went on to say he and his wife were very special souls and had been together in lifetimes before. Vincent was a bit saddened to know his life’s work would not lie in the performing arts but happy to hear Jesus was by his side to help him. After the reading profound spiritual events happened which changed my understanding beliefs attitudes and my course in career and purpose in life. I found I had psychic and medium abilities along with other spiritual gifts which had led me to pursue acting.
Sheryl says after being guided by Spirit to go to a spiritual retreat with psychic medium John Edward of New York and Robert Brown from England she continued going to spiritual development events reading taking yoga to become familiar with energy and her own inner soul talents ultimately remembering her soul life path and knowing definitely that we are Spiritual Beings having a phyiscal life. Life is eternal and there is no end by physical death to our soul life force. Wanting to share this new found wisdom with everyone she made a promise to the Divine Universal Source or God to carry this great blessing this great truth and absolver of many fears forward. At a private reading with Robert Brown when he said “Oh, You have a very powerful guide and I don’t want to make any mistakes in your reading.” Sheryl could see he was moved by what he saw. Down the road in Maine a woman working at the place we were staying walked over to Sheryl and said, “Jesus is your guide and he wants you to put that in the book you are writing. As a child Sheryl had a little plastic doll that she named Jerry and would sit and talk him sometimes in the closet to find out why the world and many people seemed so lost. Shery; didn’t know it at the time, but, she was always seeking the Divine and the energy of life beyond here. Sheryl made a promise when she discovered the truth of “Being” to carry the ball to the goal post and share this miraculous truth with as many people as she could. That was over twenty five years ago and while she has not become famous she does host a radio show, Healing From Within, that Spirit encouraged her to participate in, has written three books as Spirit said she would and continues to find joy in the energy of Spirit when she meditates and does readings for people who come seeking divine help.
Vincent Genna has spoken at notable organizations such as the Edgar Cayce Association for Research Enlightenment and the Institute of Noetic Sciences and mentions that after meeting Edgar Cayce’s grandson at the Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia he had wanted to be a guest speaker there and after thirty three years it happened. Sheryl often has coincidences and synchronicity with her amazing guests and tells Vincent she also met Edgar Cayce’s grandson at a workshop and had her First Reiki Attunement at ARE his institute in New York City as destiny would have it, and began her mediumship work and Reiki energy practice shortly after. She was told she would teach Reiki and help her students awaken to their soul guided talents. Often Sheryl thinks she is influenced by Edgar Cayce as she does her readings and writes down all that is channeled through her much as Cayce did. He however had an assistant who wrote down all he said while he slept. He was called the Sleeping Prophet.
Learning about healing demands we know the important functions of the human brain. After all the years Vincent studied and researched the body mind and spirit as a metaphysician and psychotherapist, he concluded the mind is divided into more areas of consciousness than the psychiatrists and psychologists labeled as conscious, subconscious, and unconscious. Sigmund Freud had much to do with the discoveries of the unconscious mind. He along with others concluded that all human innate knowledge comes from the unconscious mind. Carl Jung one of Freud’s students went on to further describe the unconscious mind and to include the Superconscious mind which is connected to a collective unconsciousness where all knowledge is housed, He refers to this as the Mind of God. This is actually the part of the mind where the souls mind is connected
We take a look at the part of our mind that limits us most. Vincent tells us when we receive our first negative messages from parents’ siblings other family members teachers or our environment what happens is protective mechanisms in your brain fracture the negative stories of our three dimensional sectioned minds and creates a fourth section known as Environment Made Mind.
The brain forms the Environment Made Mind for two reasons.
One is to house the soul’s mind and only knows God-given positive beliefs and feelings about the world.
The second reason is the brain forms another section is for built in protection mechanisms for survival. This part of the brain holds onto all experiences good and bad just in case it needs to refer to them someday.
The Environment Made Mind is what limits us the most. The brain also develops another section of the brain known as the Adult Made Mind (AMM) which is located just above the Environmental Made Mind and below the Subconscious mind. It is this mind where we develop and harbor a new set of beliefs about who we are and about life based on what makes us feel better and shields us against the Environmental Made Mind. It is here where Sean one of Vincent’s clients developed the belief that he couldn’t get a job after Covid in the field he had been working because he was fifty and there were no jobs after the Covid pandemic. The Adult Made Mind will construct any defense rather than looking at the real problem. The Adult Made Mind constructs many excuses and falsehoods, prejudices, and blame to prevent us from resolving the issues of fear in our childhood.
Since the AMM is now closest to your subconscious and conscious minds, it has the greatest influence over you. All along the beliefs in your Environmental Made Mind still try to find their way up to the subconscious and conscious mind and occasionally make it there.
Some people’s Adult Made Mind are so weak they hear nothing but the beliefs from the Environmental Made Mind and go through life thinking and saying demeaning self- deflating thoughts to themselves. Meanwhile below both these minds your soul’s mind is desperately trying to speak the truth to you of your unlimited potential to manifest the life you want. One positive benefit of having the Adult Mind is it blocks anything new from entering the Environmental Made Mind where childhood issues are stored.
The bottom line is this: due to your mind fracturing and creating the Adult Made Mind you often don’t believe what you think you believe. You therefore create the Adult Made Mind defenses described here. Freud discovered and lists ten different defense mechanisms we develop in adolescence to help us deal with young adult and adult years. They are rationalization, intellectualization repression suppression displacement sublimation and of course denial.
Self-beliefs we form as children are so important. Children translate the attention they receive or don’t receive as whether they’re lovable or not. Our lovability factor is primary to our existence as souls. We were created from love, so love is all we have within our soul mind, And we use love to measure everything about our environment and growth as beings. Positive attention equals we are loveable and negative or lack of attention means we are not. We know those who cannot love themselves cannot love others. And love and belief that life is good are the prime ingredients to living our best life. Where there is doubt, seek knowledge and the truth of you eternal expansiveness.
There are unconscious processes that block our attempts to grow and evolve. Negative unconscious information from the environment and from parents, teachers, friends, failure in certain life activities such as jobs, school, or relationships, set up patterns of resistance, denial, and fear, so we don’t attempt to move beyond these barriers.
How do we start to recognize our own unconscious beliefs/limiting patterns? Vincent says that we finally begin to see dreams come through and understand our goals and potential when we realize that we have to forget what I think I know and live ignorant of all those beliefs If I am not attaining all I want obviously, what I think I know is not enough or is holding me back Albert Einstein said, “You can’t solve a problem with the same set of beliefs that created it.
Vincent tells us that the main steps to begin fulfilling our passions and purpose is to fully become aware of our dual nature as both a physical and spiritual beings
Sheryl says that without knowing this truth, people flounder and fail to achieve a high level of happiness. It is only from within and an awareness of our true divine/human nature that we can full our soul’s mission with great vitality. If you think the physical world can bring you completion you are on a journey of falsehoods. Healing comes from within the soul and connection to All that is!
Therefore going to a medium helps you reconnect to your inner soul wisdom and to know that making a connection to a higher Universal source or Spirit Communication is possible by learning to raise your energy level or vibration. Vincent tells his clients at the end of most reading that they can call for a follow up reading in about three months, as it takes time for the client’s energy to change enough to get new messages, and also so the client doesn’t get dependent on him for guidance. He says the purpose of his readings is to connect clients to their souls and empower them to trust themselves and to connect to Source Spirit God to get their own insights and awareness of their life plan. Sheryl agrees with those suggestions and asks her clients to put their reading in a book and not constantly focus or look at it and be stopped from creating their own new awarenesses of their potential to create new experiences.
Sheryl often has found that the questions and direction the person needs to follow is presented in the first reading and sometimes does not see that person again as they have validated their own soul sense through the messages and is in alignment now to their destiny.
Recently sitting in a nail salon, a young woman looked over and said to Sheryl…”I always remember you!” She walked over and told Sheryl her name was Stephanie and Sheryl immediately remembered she had seen the young woman almost 20 years before. Stephanie told me because of our few sessions, her whole life had changed and she often thought of me. Now she wanted her mother to come see me now. She booked a session for her mother and after her mother came her mother booked a session for her daughter.
Often we don’t know as mediums what course our clients life takes, but Sheryl feels that each person is divinely directed to the appropriate psychic medium to connect to spirit and their inner self and are in many ways reconnected to their life plan and are helped immeasurably.
We can develop our consciousness to elevate our ability to live an authentically expressed life. To do this First you have to know the two functions of the human brain which are to keep you alive and to protect you. From the moment we are born our bodies create antigens and antibodies to protect us from infections and diseases. The same is true of our mind. As our bodies develop so do our mental protection mechanisms. As negative influence from our environment infiltrates our thoughts consciously or unconsciously and created unpleasant uncomfortable and painful emotions and feelings our brains begin to respond by kicking into protective mode.
We must become aware that in adolescence our defense mechanisms begin to form to deal with emotional issues. Freud discovered and lists ten different defense mechanisms we develop in adolescence to help us deal with young adult and adult years. They are rationalization, intellectualization repression suppression displacement sublimation and of course denial. By using these mechanisms we create a new set of beliefs to protect from our original maladaptive beliefs.
Some exercises or activities that people can do to address unconscious beliefs are as follows. One is a coloring exercise, where you are reverting back to your childhood ways of dealing with unpleasant actions or reactions from others, which helps your memory to perhaps click-into a past negative or painful experience. Another exercise is called personification meditation. Close your eyes and you will be in a waking meditation state so you can write down what comes to you, and pretend you are talking to “little you” and see what comes to you.
There are some steps to manifest what you desire and put the Law of Attraction to work. We have already established that the “Law of Attraction” force is everywhere. Supposedly we control it from our thoughts by means of manifesting process. It is all about harnessing the power of your thoughts and intentions, What we focus our thoughts on we bring into our lives. Negativity breeds more negativity. Thinking loving thoughts and being loving brings more love into one’s life. Cooperating rather than competition makes expanding our relationships and creating successful interactions and conclusions more likely. Give to receive and love fully to end doubt and fear and create a life of happiness and health. It is not with your thoughts that you manifest It is with your beliefs that you manifest. And you don’t create with your conscious mind you manifest with your subconscious and unconscious beliefs.
Vincent would like readers to take away with them after reading his book The Secret That’s Holding You Back that while we are talking about creating and manifesting. we need to talk about the spiritual aspect of who we are. After all, we are composed of body mind and spirit which means we are more than physical beings. If you truly want to become unstoppable and create the most bold and joyful life you need to expand your beliefs and develop spiritual ones—what is your relationship with yourself, others, the world, and some deity or greater force. Religion was man’s way of interpreting those beliefs and putting them into practice. No matter what religious belief system you practice, God Yahweh Jehovah Allah Buddha Brahma or whatever you call the Divine or whoever you call the Creator of life to know that force created all that is and all that is around and within each of us, you cannot proceed to live life as the magnificent soul you are until awareness of this truth is found. This knowledge is necessary to fulfil your destiny and life story.
We thank Vincent Genna author of The Secret That’s Holding You Back for a clearer view of the insights and awareness that spiritual teachers, mediums and energy healers bring to their clients in a way that connects them to Universal Source and the wisdom of All That Is.
In summarizing this episode of healing From Within we have explored life as described by Vincent Genna, spiritual teacher psychotherapist medium and provider of information downloaded from Universal Source to help people discover their soul energy and life path, as he helps them remember they are spiritual beings exploring at the present moment a physical life and learning to merge the energies of the universe with a physical life agenda as well.
Vincent writes, “You know there is no such thing as a victim in this life even when it comes down to your own health. I had to explain this very important understanding, This is an orderly world. Even the cells in our bodies act in an orderly manner. Victimization suggest something that happens spontaneously. Spontaneously and randomness mean the same. And you can’t have randomness in an orderly universe. They are like oil and vinegar which don’t mix.
Sheryl says she tells her clients that no one is a victim unless they allow others to take away their personal inner soul power. She also always tells them nothing is random and each experience we have seemingly according to the physical reality are good or bad as perceived by the ego but in essence are neither good nor bad just experiences that the soul arranges for personal growth and refining energy relationships perceptions and divine awareness. Often the soul creates a scenario: an illness, loss of job, relationship, home, in order to facilitate a new form of higher consciousness.”
Sheryl also tells her clients who have health issues that often resolving the fears or limitations imposed on them in childhood or in a past life helps them to self- heal whatever condition they are facing. This takes inner work and challenges the thought processes that have been put in place by societal and family mores. Knowing who you are and allowing. Accepting. and surrendering to all that is is the key to success on a spiritual and physical level.”
Vincent and Sheryl would have you dive deep into your psyche to release unconscious blockages, resistances, and self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors, so you can fulfil the life of dreams that your soul created before incarnating into a physical life. Remember your magnificent soul energy has the potential to manifest all that you need for a successful happy life journey.
I am Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher Medium host of Healing From Within and author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening and invite you to visit my website to listen to and read about leaders visionaries scientists spirutalists energy healers medical practitioners lawyers educators and those in the arts and music share their journey into metaphysical studies learning more about the divine/physical reality and how to live our best lives. Shows may also be heard on and