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Millennials Turning to Angel Cards/Readings
- Chrissie Astell
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In today’s episode of “Healing From Within.” your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit which shares stories of awakening spiritual communication healing energies miracles and a guide to inner intuition for higher consciousness is delighted to welcome Chrissie Astell author of Seven Steps Into Angel Light and her new Guardian Angel Oracle Cards and one of the most highly qualified and experienced angel teachers and writers in the U.K. She holds a BA in Comparative Religion and post-graduate certificates in Spiritual Development and will share with us new awareness of angels and their place in time space life and death and a new perspective of their many qualities and services to humanity.
When Chrissie is asked to remember her childhood and a person place event or goal that may have shown her or others the interests and work she might do when an adult she tells us of sensing the light of colors in her bedroom at night and asking what she knew to be angels that they help her to be “kind.” She also remembers her small loving grandmother who believed in fairies and magical beings and was the kindest person to everyone.
Sheryl shares with Chrissie her own evolving thoughts on angels and says, “In the last twenty years after awakening to a new reality about life death and the nature of Universal energy which supports this physical world I moved past the belief system of my earlier training taught to me by my family who believed life ends with our physical death and that angels are only mythical representations of early ways to deal with nature man the fear of death and Spirit. In other words I didn’t believe in Angels. Now I know Angels and guides are real and are always around us while we are in this physical realm and then with us beyond this world as they support and guide our necessary life experiences.
Sheryl shares with Chrissie her meeting with one of the first very important angels who was Timothy. Sheryl’s mom had a major heart attack during a car accident and was taken to a hospital in Brooklyn New York…actually the same hospital where Sheryl and her sisters had been born. In intensive care and not doing well a young male nurse came into the room and told Sheryl he was going to take care of her mom. Sheryl asked his name and he responded…Timothy. Days later when her mother was taken to another section of the hospital with a feeding tube inserted in her nose and still showing little improvement Timothy walked in and Sheryl ran to him and said, ”She’s not doing well.” Timothy walked over to the bed and quietly said to her, “You don’t need that feeding tube. You can eat on your own.” The next morning when Sheryl visited her mother she saw the feeding tube was out and her mother was, with a little help, eating jello. Sheryl went through the hallways to find Timothy and to thank him but no one knew of a Timothy that worked there. After Sheryl’s mom passed and since that time she has met other Timothy’s always at challenging times when renewed hope was needed. Along Sheryl’s spiritual path as she developed her energy healing gift and an ability to receive messages from Spiritual energy she has met many guides in human form and recorded many stories where people felt divine assistance at challenging times.
While Sheryl and Chrissie believe Angels are a special life force and one of God’s messengers who do not have a physical life, there seem to be humans who embody or reflect angelic energy when necessary, or perhaps angels who just take human form in order to help us at times.
We can describe and define angels in many ways. The word angel comes from the Greek “Angelos”, which in turn is a translation of the Hebrew word “Malakh”, meaning “messenger”. And indeed throughout history it has been the role of angels to act as messengers and conduits between the Divine and humans. The Bible mentions angels 300 times and like other Jewish and Christian writings it shows them not only as messengers, but as guides protectors and bringers of wisdom. Angels also feature in Islam: for example, Gabriel is said to have transmitted the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad. And Muslims believe that each of us is assigned two angels: one to record our good deeds throughout life, the other our bad.
The traditional angel portrayed in Western art is a radiant human like being with large, white wings. If you expect angels to appear in this form, they may well do so for you—but most people’s experience of them is very different. Just as we each have our unique view of the world, we also have our own perception of angels. When angels make contact with humans the most common signs that people experience are “goose bumps” a tingling of the scalp or a feeling that their hair or face is being gently touched. Some people sense or see a bright column of light. Others hear harmonious music, words spoken or whispered to them, or the voices of a heavenly choir. I have also known people who sense a presence, such as warm air, or smell a beautiful fragrance such as rose or jasmine. However, you don’t always have to perceive an angel consciously to know that you have been helped: you simply have to feel it in your inner being.
Whether you seek guidance with a specific problem or inspiration for a new day, open your heart and mind to the angels and they will answer you. Let them show you how to shine your light into the world. We can connect with angels through sensory feelings in dreams visions in hearing thoughts that inspire or guide us in prayer and in seeing beauty in new ways in the world.
Sheryl believes that we are born with a life plan a destiny like an itinerary for life experiences that lead us to know ourselves, the world and the Divine in a more loving and compassionate way. When we veer off course and are in jeopardy of not completing our mission and learning what we must in this incarnation it is the responsibility of the Angels to help us return to our plan. Angels help us to heighten our intuition or sense of reconnecting with our soul energy and alignment to spirit so we may discern truth from illusion. Angels send us messages in many ways…often it is a feeling or intuition within or it could be a thought that catches our attention. It could also be a dream or vision that guides us to a result that is necessary in our development at the right time. Intuition is a sense of knowing without really having to think about it in a mind based way.
Chrissie tells us that angel cards and readings have become really mainstream, especially amongst millennials. We believe that at this time in human evolution many of the souls being born are of a high spiritual awareness and are here to help others remember and realign to the Divine so perhaps heaven can be realized on earth as it was always supposed to –In a beautiful world of nature where love between souls beyond separation created by illusion and fear, we may truly come to know peace, end war and illness, and simply be the divine eternal souls that we have always been.
Sheryl says, “ At this time in our human development we have reached a tipping point…the call of our material physical world is battling the inner world of Spirit love compassion fairness and equality and it is almost an issue between good and bad, right and wrong. While there really is no dichotomy or duality only pure energy and our spiritual being in this three dimensional reality of the physical world, fear and our inability to feel safe and to be able to meet our physical needs often make people respond in less than divine and loving ways in order to protect what they think they need to survive. If all people could know they are spiritual beings having a physical life and the experiences they have are necessary for their growth and evolution : that they are never alone, but guided by angels guides higher vibrational beings and Universal Source, we would be able to achieve heaven on earth which the millennials so desire. If more people turn to Spirit and the angels life will most assuredly improve.
Chrissie tells us how to use this deck The Guardian Angel Cards which are most beautiful and informative.
While religious traditions recognize many thousands of angels, 52 of which are featured in the Guardian Angel Oracle deck of cards. Those included have been chosen for their positive energies, which will help you grow in strength, compassion and wisdom. In answering your calls for help these angels will lovingly guide your soul on its journey through life. The cards are grouped into four suits, headed by the Archangels Michael, Gabriel Raphael and Uriel. These divine beings are perhaps the best-known and best loved angels in Jewish Christian and Muslim belief. Each embodies a particular quality: Archangel Michael symbolizes protection; Gabriel, inspiration: Raphael, healing: and Uriel, enlightenment. The archangels can bring messages but you can also ask them to help you by over-lighting-enveloping you in their energy field to provide extra protection and clarity.
The other 12 cards in each of the four angel suits represent particular spiritual aspects relating to the Archangels main quality. For example, “Passion” is one facet of the gifts bestowed by Archangel Michael. Similarly, “Beauty” is one of the marvels by which Archangel Uriel can open your awareness to the treasures of the world around you and guide you to a higher understanding of the universe and you place in it.
At the beginning of the show Sheryl selected a card with an angel on it and the word “Service.” This card came from The Suite of Uriel and when you read of Uriel in the small book that accompanies the cards you discover the caption says…”I exalt the divine within as I accept the gift of true spiritual peace.” We also discover that the name Uriel in Hebrew means “Fire of God” and in Christian tradition he was known as the Messenger of the Most High, the Spirit of Ministration, Peace and Grace and he was a leader in the angelic armies together withMichael. He was also the keeper of hidden knowledge who was said to have revealed the mysteries of the Kabbalah to mankind and the secrets of alchemy to the Magi. Today Uriel is known as the Archangel of salvation and some believe the guardian of our planet.
Sheryl and Chrissie were delighted that the angels guided us to this card before the show as indeed the work we do and the messages we share that come through us are for the purpose of healing our people our planet and we are grateful always to the angels and other beings of light that guide and support us.
When we go to the card, Service we read “I offer the best of my talents for the greatest good of all.” Those we select this card will read the following, : We might not all be able to save lives or do other heroic deeds but everyone can play a part in society by willingly sharing their talents. The Angel of Service encourages you to give your capabilities knowledge and time to help and inspire others and thus make a difference in the world. It is what Chrissie and I are so blessed to be able to do.
Chrissie also tells us about her new book Seven Steps Into Angel Light and what she hopes readers take away with them after reading this book. Angels are used by God as he directs humanity to know the beauty and goodness of the Kingdom of God. Angels help all human being to appreciate the intentions of those in Spirit to act honorably and to avoid contamination by unloving unjust and negative actions. Angels guide and protect those who are faithful to God and perhaps encourage even those who don’t understand how to live a faithful trusting life. Angels have individual names and distinct personalities and can communicate with one another. They have thinking ability and are able to compose expressions of praise to God. They have the freedom to choose between right and wrong much like humans. The angels have different ranks and responsibilities. Seraphs are high ranking angels who are stationed near Jehovah’s throne. Cherubs form another high-ranking order of angels having special duties. Then there are the Archangels around us as we improve humanity and our planet and raise to a higher vibration of compassion and love.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within I hope our talk on the beauty and grace of the angels who have always and now in these changing times are working harder to support and guide us to our own higher sense of being and to remember our soul essence as we expand and refine our souls through our human journey of life and gather through all challenges and experiences greater compassion and love for ourselves and others knowing we are always surrounded and enhanced by Universal Energy.
Chrissie in her guide to the use of the angel cards gives us beautiful descriptions of the purpose and help that the angels are guided by the Divine to share with us.
She writes, “In today’s busy and often stressful world many of us feel the need for some kind of spiritual light, love and guidance. Luckily no matter what our belief system, angels and their energy are a presence that any one of us can call upon to act as channels between ourselves and God, the Divine or Spirit—whatever we understand this universal power to be. It is of course, possible to connect with angels simply through prayer or meditation. However, using the angel cards in this kit can help you to tap into their energy in a more focused way—especially if you need insight into a particular issue.”
Chrissie and I hope our listeners look beyond the thoughts of mind and the experiences of our physical world that often allow us to shut down our inner sense of wisdom and intuition and just remember to simply feel with the heart, ask for help from above and be grateful to the Beings of Light who surround and support us with love and guidance if we simply ASK!