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Mind Body Fears: Recognizing A Fear Free Mind Set for Success
- Dr. Emma Mardin
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Welcome to Healing From Within with host Sheryl Glick author Life Is No Coincidence: The Life and Afterlife Connection and The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which share stories of awakening, spiritual communication, healing energies miracles and ways to use intuition or connections to Universal Source for personal and collective healing and today we welcome Dr. Emma Mardlin author of her new book Out of Your Comfort Zone. Dr. Mardin is a former guest of “Healing From Within” whose first episode can be heard on my website on the Radio Page for July 2018 where we discussed Mind Body Diabetes.
As listeners of the show are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate experiences and insights into what appears to be a duality in life or how the physical and energetic parts of life may come together for an opportunity to discover our true nature as spiritual beings having a physical life and working with fears and limitations in order to conquer with courage resiliency and Universal Intelligence our challenges. Ultimately we may shift to the best version of ourselves and create greater positivity happiness and health.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Dr. Emma Mardlin will share her own discoveries and ways to live with diabetes or any health challenge as we open our hearts and minds to new ways to think of what health happiness and living our best life is really all about.
When Emma is asked to remember her childhood and a person or experience a fear or dream that may have been an indicator of the lifestyle or interests in her adult life she instantly remembers how often she was anxious sensitive and intuitive and realized she wanted to help people be healthy and happy.
In the beginning of Out of Your Comfort Zone Emma mentions her sister and certain experiences that she feels were part of the person you became. Emma tells of her fear of heights and missing out on going up the Eiffel Tower…Sheryl also avoided that elevator ride to the top when in Paris. Emma goes on to tell how finally being booked as a speaker and finding out that it was at the top of a hi-rise…Emma did it because there was no one else to do it and she pushed past her fear finding out she was Ok just like the others and while she still might not like heights, she can adapt and handle it if necessary.
Sheryl says that she also didn’t like flying or riding over bridges but has conquered that fear by simply doing it over and over again, and realizing that whatever and wherever we are, there is a plan and we have no control over our destiny or the challenges or events we may face, but worrying about it will certainly increase the odds of that fear or thought to materialize. The Law of Attraction it seems.
Emma’s sister had an extreme fear of hospitals known as nosocomephobia and it is more common than many people are aware of. It is the fear that entering a hospital is a very scary proposition. Nixon was said to have this fear and declared if he ever went into a hospital he would probably never come out of it.
To live a life beyond limits we must condition ourselves to examine fears and see that the fear is sometimes worse than the actual event. If we uncover why we may have that fear in the first place and realize it is a memory from the past that can only be real again and problematic when we bring it into the present moment and make it live again and give it energy and life to disturb us again. Our thoughts when in alignment with success and positive action conquer age old fears.
Plenty of behavioral psychologists will tell you there are no magic words that can change the way about feeling anxious uneasy fearful. These feelings can only be overcome by changing the way we behave. We have two choices:
- Bottle it up and stay in your comfort zone
- Dare to be different, create change, break boundaries.
Three ways to do this:
- Screw it..Just Do it.
- Build Resilience
- Extract the core root of anxiety or fear to reach zero zone.
The main idea behind this book is “Daring to be Different” thinking of approaching things in a different way for different results, backed up practically by the approval of “Doing something daily that challenges you to build up a tenacious resilience. The idea is to challenge yourself and positively embrace fear in order to ultimately confront and conquer the biggest demons that hold you back from creating and living your most fulfilling life.
Sheryl says she remembers watching a movie once about Ninja Warriors in Ancient Japan and the warrior said, “Conquer fear and you conquer death.”Of course I know now as a medium that there is really only eternal energy, no death only a transcendence of our essence from physical life to afterlife, but, at the time that thought captivated me as I wasn’t fully aware of this metaphysical reality.
Emma gives a quote that Sheryl liked alot by Nelson Mandela “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear but the triumph over it.”
Using a quiz Emma gives a series of questions to help readers find what zone they presently fall into and to guide them to reach “zero zone” for the best way to rid themselves of limiting fears and for engaging life in a more adventuresome positive way. The questions have no right or wrong answers, just individual preferences that indicate to what extend you display the common psychological attributes associate with pushing boundaries. When you reach “zero zone” you will no longer have boundaries or irrational fears that limit you from conquering or squashing your challenges and moving ahead to satisfying solutions and events. Dr. Mardlin also talks about foods you can eat to ease anxiety. Improving our physical condition and relationships help to limit stress and anxiety.Dr. Mardin says that we may be surprised to learn that what you eat can make an enormous difference in terms of increasing or decreasing anxiety level and to conquer fears as you certainly want to do to avoid exacerbating anxiety and panic.
The term “comfort food” may be misleading and usually refers to calorific high in sugar, fat and carbs or fast food which lead to feelings of guilt and to physically feeling tired sluggish with brain fog. These foods can increase lactic acid which creates anxiety.
Conversely, some foods increase serotonin, a positive feel good and calming chemical. Other foods reduce levels of adrenalin and cortisol (stress hormones).
Foods to avoid include: Caffeine Simple Sugars Alcohol.
Also a correct level of B Vitamins is better for psychological health. Interestingly a deficiency in B vitamins is often present in clients struggling with agoraphobia or fear of enclosed public locations or crowded areas.
Foods Rich in B Vitamins: Leafy greens, whole grains, foods high in calcium and magnesium, milk and dairy products sesame
Magnesium helps to regulate levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) So Eat: Spinach Broccoli, Salmon, Halibut Flaxseeds, Pumpkin seeds
Helpful Hints for better sleep include some wholegrain toast before bedtime which boosts serotonin and helps you sleep better. Drinking warm milk also reduces muscle spasms and soothes tension.
Grapefruit oranges lemons are high in Vitamin C and help fight toxins released by stress. Other helpers include nuts, avocados certain teas.
It’s interesting how to talk about there being so many different fears and how fear can even be a good thing. It is important to examine certain fears and the notion of fear itself. There are only two fears we are born with: The fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. Everything else we fear is a story we have created and hold onto in our mind. Fear resides in all of us human or animal: we all instinctively respond to danger with natural defense mechanisms when we instinctively know we need to protect ourselves from harm. In these scenarios the reptilian part of brain located in the brainstem and referred to as the instinctive alarm center of the brain provides us with an instant reflex action to protect us from harm before we have time to think and process what’s happening.
Other fears most people are aware of have been in one way or another imprinted on us by another person or trauma we experienced in our childhood.
There is the fear of flying: aerophobia –you are more likely to become a professional athlete or be in a car accident than a plane crash Fear of thunder and lightning: astraphobia. Thunder not really dangerous and it is rare to be struck by lightning as 90 percent of lightning travels from cloud to cloud rather than reaching the ground
Fear of spiders arachnophobia. Only 12 out of 40,000 species of spiders can cause serious harm to adult humans
Fear of dentist dentophobia. Modern dental techniques such as air abrasion have replaced many traumatic treatments of past.
Physical effects associated with fear are many and serious in this New Age Fast Paced Fear Generated Society. They include elevated blood sugars, developing diabetes or insulin resistance, lower immune system functioning, and inability to fight infections, headaches, lack of concentration, trouble sleeping, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, lack of energy, skin problems, fertility issues, muscle aches and pain, increased cholesterol, heart disease, bowel Issues, allergies, heartburn, stomach sensitivities etc.
There are many helpful ways to deal with fear and retrain our minds. Essentially taking control of your mind helps you take control of your life and will help you determine your internal reality which will change your external reality. Indeed, taking “Responsibility for ourselves” as opposed to letting the outside world determine how you feel on the inside, avoids creating a self-deprecating and self-limiting vicious circle of defeat suffering and unhappiness.
All too often it takes something drastic for people to realize they need or want change but you can make change instantly simply by starting to see things differently. Our attitudes and perceptions create most things that appear in our everyday life. The Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like” So fearful thoughts and actions or chaotic thoughts and dysfunction will draw those energies, people and events to you. Confidence hopefulness and loving awareness of self and the world will draw pleasant opportunities for improving life. The choice is always ours. Act out of fear and that fear will present itself.
Dr. Emma Mardlin is keen on addressing the “Core Roots” and sharing how confidence and resilience help put one into the space or comfort zone She offers some fun suggestions to do this as well as The Staple Seven to Successful Results
- Awareness that our Internal Reality is what creates our external results. If we have a negative fearful mind set in our head we will externally experience results in line with this thinking So choose to create a positive internal reality and positive stories in your head and remind yourself how you feel grateful for life. Choose to take control rather than merely respond to the external world and let that determine your internal state.
- A Positive Focus and Limited Refracting Period The refractory period refers to the manifestation of negative emotions and let them fester within we will be prevented from creating and living within positive thinking and conditioning ourselves to focus on that and be in that state of energy while still having a peripheral awareness of everything else.
- Always Knowing and Feeling your outcome at the deepest core level (Intuitive Gut Level) What is your aim- What do you want to achieve, focus on, spend time on.
- Great Behavioral and Mental Flexibility There’s always more than one way to get over obstacles and achieve your goals.
- Self-awareness Physically and Psychologically How we think, our mindset and beliefs physical bearing and manner verbal communication are all interlinked. Maintain a psychology of Excellence.
- Take Action and Test Things Out
- Creating “Change windows”- Dare to be different- We can essentially change our entire neurology sending different bio-chemical messages from brain to body by thinking, feeling, and behaving differently.
Fun Activities to stimulate personal development
- Say Hello, how are you? And smile at 5 random people you don’t know.
- Play a game with friends or challenge one to integrate funny or random phrases into normal conversation like “Cowabunga,” It’s unbelievable or “jeepers creepers” or “I don’t know Jeff” etc. People may laugh.
- Strike up and amicable conversation with a stranger- either in person or by e-mail.
- Be assertive and honest and speak out. Speak what’s on your mind-Go a day with no subjugation. Push your boundaries
- Wear something different from usual
- Make that phone call you’ve been putting off.
- Have a complete mobile phone and social medial switch off for 24 hours. Liberating and certainly pushes boundaries.
- Travel alone
- Buy a copy of the Big Issue on the street sold possibly by homeless people and have a conversation with them.
- Meditate
- Look at yourself in the mirror. Say aloud I love you and I enjoy what I do.
- Use a different mode of transportation
- Surprise someone with something nice.
- Start a new hobby or interest.
You can also make a list of things that personally scare you and write down the opposite. Example
My Comfort Zone
My Fear/Anxiety
My Mission
- Subjugating myself to Decision making and fear of Create my own project Others or follow being wrong and upsetting people interests me Crowd.
- Remaining behind Public Speaking Get involved with large group scenes Networking Lead small group “Do the thing you fear the most and the death of fear is certain “ Mark Twain
Dr. Mardlin would want readers of Out of Your Comfort Zone to take away with them after reading her book that it all starts with what and how we think. Many of our fears were part of our early childhood training and societal patterning and most of it is now illusion and unrealistic for us in our adult life: yet, we still have the fear in our thoughts and must overcome the falseness of the thought. This is because our thoughts affect our emotions and therefore our behaviors physical health and the results we get in life. The fear isn’t always the problem.
We thank Dr. Emma Mardlin author of Out of Your Comfort Zone for her infectious enthusiasm and search for treatment ideas and methodology to understand and conquer many of the fears and limitations so many of us carry from childhood and an awareness and techniques she offers to successfully adapt with resilience and courage to all challenges with hopes for living life bravely and boldly, not merely surviving but thriving.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have discussed ways to understand our body mind and spirit and how our psychological fears, whether real or imaginary influence the way we approach all aspects of our life. We can learn to either move out of our restrictive comfort zones or personalized prisons which do not allow us to explore new options, possibilities, and talents which can mean we are really living our lives, rather than remaining stuck in presumed ideas thoughts attitudes and meaningless anxiety or stress.
We have discussed the ways to overcome our fears and how to use diet exercise and relationships work and fun for creating balance and well being in our daily activities and thinking with positive approaches to handling all stressors or challenges.
As Dr. Emma Mardlin wrote, “Deep down, most of us have an idea what we want in life-these are our deep seated expectations, but they are on a conscious, subconscious or totally unconscious (out of our awareness level). The challenge is however, when we aren’t matching this in our current life, or for whatever reason lose sight of it. One of the most common things that block people striving to get what they want is the fear of change, the fear of stepping outside their existing comfort zone, and entering the unknown.”
Emma and I would have you begin to look within and see that many of your fears are simply the memory of childhood thoughts that in your present day reality no longer really serve or affect you. In leaving fear that does not serve behind, you enter the world of the Unknown and become Aware of All that you are and will continue to be, as you say “Yes” to opportunities and try new ways to explore life with enthusiasm.