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Miracle Minded Managers for Life and Business
- John J. Murphy
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Welcome to Healing From Within. I am your host Sheryl Glick author of my just released book in a trilogy that I was told I would write 20 years ago before that thought was a reality for me. A New Life Awaits Spiritual Guided Insights for Global Awakening shares new ways to perceive the challenges of 2020 and modern- day life and begin to self-investigate, manage our emotions, and live life as the spiritual beings we are in search of remembering hope and love. I am delighted to welcome John J. Murphy author of Miracle Minded Manager who will share with listeners that we can be hurt by nothing but our thoughts and fears until we surrender the ego to a higher power.
As listeners of Healing From Within have come to expect over the years, Sheryl and her esteemed guests share intimate experiences and insights into the true nature of human and spiritual life or metaphysical laws of creative or energetic life as we learn to recognize inner/ outer world influences can self-investigate and master emotions so we may better deal with stress and challenges. This inner work improves health, relationships, so we may explore the world with the least amount of fear and friction. This takes an understanding that we are more than our physical bodies and that energy of thought and action create much of what we are experiencing.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within John J. Murphy who is a global business consultant spiritual mystic author and founder and CEO of Venture Management Consultant a graduate of University of Notre Dame and University of Michigan’s Human Resource Executive Program and a former quarter back for Notre Dame so we can see that it is clearly possible to function in all aspects of life business spirituality sports and continue to shine light on all matters that really matter.
When John is asked to think back to his childhood and remember a person place event that may have signaled to them or others the goals interests work and lifestyle that they would pursue in adulthood John tells us that like any human being growing up he was frequently anxious and stressed about one thing or another. He remembers when he was giving a speech in high school he was so nervous he almost got sick. The same was true before stepping onto the football field as a quarterback both in high school and at Notre Dame. Growing up in a Catholic family John was taught about faith, but what he learned later is that one cannot have true faith and be afraid at the same time. It is one or the other. Period. True faith does not come and go. It is a complete thought system as is fear. In retrospect John thought he had faith but it was an illusion. He was under the world based influence of the fear-based, ego thought system. There is always something wrong. People are out to get you. What if you screw up? At that time John as many of us assumed the best we could do was learn to manage stress with things like exercise meditation and positive thinking.
As we fast forward we begin to think about the self -imposed states of mind or the ego based reality that often hurts us, limit us and we begin to see another way to work out of the box. Like many companies when thinking about teamwork most are anything but healthy. It is as if the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing and when you are trying to pull a team together, it certainly helps to have a leader who seems relaxed and confident and always seems to know something the rest of us are missing.
A quote from E. F Schumacher also suggests the problems in corporations, government, in families, ”Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex. It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. We need to simplify and he keeps making things bigger and bigger.” That makes sense to me.
John writes, “When thinking about apathy or grief most of us feel a sense of hopelessness or despair, as we have been conditioned to reject the idea of fear and insecurity and trained “to fake it till we make it.” But that doesn’t correct this incorrect thinking or stop you from developing high blood pressure or heart disease. The ego thought system is the problem. It is just fear based protective and dualistic in nature. It values separation and pride. It shows us there is a right and wrong, a good and bad an us and them, a win and a lose dichotomy all around us. No matter what you do or what you accomplish in life the ego wants.”
We are the solution to our own problems and can begin to think differently. “Let’s put it this way, the Ego believes in condemnation which fuels guilt and stress at the subconscious level. Remember this when we judge the world, we judge ourselves. When we criticize the world we criticize ourselves. What goes around comes around. Therefore, we can blame the outside world all we want but are imprisoning ourselves by accepting this thought process. We must free ourselves by transcending it, by letting go. The power of decision is within us and ours alone to make. We are the solution to our problems by changing our thinking and beginning to create thoughts that lead us to positivity and positive action. Intentions are important but acting on them brings about a new reality. For example if we think we get sick we will bring that energy to us but if we wake up each day and think We are in a fit and healthy body going out into the world and meeting people having experiences and enjoying a healthy life changes are that will be your reality”
We discuss where fear doubt and stress come from. Remember stress fear and anxiety and doubt are all self-created illusions just projections of an untrained mind. They’re not real but we think they are. A projection like for example you’re going to give a speech and you get nervous because you are assuming something will go wrong. You’re projecting a negative assumption…You could just as easily project a positive thought like I’m going to enjoy sharing my ideas with this great group of people and am delighted to have this opportunity. So we see most people are going through life basing a lot of decisions on assumption rather than facts. Or we confuse assumptions with facts and end up arguing over pure fiction. So we need positive assumptions rather than negative to create a life past fear stress and doubt and we must begin to observe each thought and why we get unsettled by certain events or people which are responses to events in childhood where when something did not go as we expected we made assumptions and now in adulthood when the same or similar events happen we respond in a negative way. As we begin to know why we respond as we do and what makes us uncomfortable, we can eliminate situations that produce that response. We retrain our mind and are not bothered by those triggers.
We uncover the root cause of problems using The Five Whys methodology. First of all we learn to slow down to move faster and do less to accomplish more. To accomplish this we must identify key strategic leverage points—the root causes—so that one change at this level can change everything.
First stop thinking in terms of stress management and start thinking in terms of stress elimination a complete paradigm shift.
Now imagine a specialist using The Five Whys
Level 1 Why are you getting migraines. In this case the answer is you are not getting enough oxygen to your brain. Okay why is this so?
Level 2 Why are you not getting enough oxygen to brain. Perhaps you have poor circulation in your neck.
Level 3 Why do you have poor
circulation in your neck? Perhaps inflammation in your neck
Level 4 Why do you have inflammation in your neck? Because you are favoring one side of your body to compensate.
Level 5 Why are you favoring one side? Because hips and spine are out of alignment. Trauma injury birth defect.. We may solve this problem by seeing a chiropractor or acupuncturist and not need a pharmacist. Solving this problem may solve your migraine headaches.
The truth is the root cause of all problems is the ego which exists to separate you from you true Source and from your neighbor. Through the eyes of the ego, everything and everyone is individual and separate. This leads to comparison, competition resentment analysis criticism cynicism and judgment. We know we are attached to the ego mind set whenever we feel uneasy or bad. It blocks our well- being our positive flow. This includes feelings of shame guilt apathy grief fear lust anger and even pride. All driven by the ego mind set.
Most people until there is a transformation or a moving past the illusions of this thought process consider it normal. However, your subconscious thoughts and programs reveal themselves through your tendancies or habitual habits, your autopilot and paying attention can reveal so much. If we tend to get nervous or angry it’s because of what we are thinking—either consciously or subconsciously. Your attitudes your feelings and ultimately your behavior all stem from programs and beliefs you run on most of which are subconscious.
What is a paradigm shift? A shift may begin by first realizing that certain responses thoughts and habits hold you in a less than productive energy and prohibit creating a more successful and happy state of being.
My family realized I had made some changes in my reactions when coming home from work my daughter Kathleen asked, “How was your day?” Jack’s normal response was to say demanding stressful and a bit chaotic, but he stopped himself realizing he tended to look at things negatively, and realized he was alive, working in a great company was having dinner with his wife and daughter and his son was doing well in college, so he had a lot to be thankful for. So instead of his usual response he answered “Well it was rather exciting,” and both his wife and daughter gave him a strange look. Kathleen responded in her usual way. “Well my day was stressful.” Jack realized she had always heard him and her mother talk about stress over and over. It was common language in their house. Kathleen went on to say she was worried about her school paper.. It was the subconscious programing of fear and anxiety she had learned from me. So Jack said, “So you want to do well on this paper, but you are worried you won’t get it right. Is that accurate? Instead of using Jack’s normal strong pushy command and control style with authoritarian statements, he was using a pulling technique using empathy and thoughtful questions to understand and align with my daughter. To work well as a team we start by being on the same page. We need to start with the facts.
A paradigm shift sets everything back to zero and changes the rules you are operating under entirely. I guess it means learning to open your mind and challenge your preconceived notions.
How do we reprogram the subconscious mind to successfully change habits and sustain the change? For John it began with A Course In Miracles a book and practice which may be a direct communication from Jesus. John feels a lot of what he has learned about Jesus through the church seems biased and skewed. The lessons in A Course in Miracles are quite short. You read them in the morning and then contemplate them throughout the day. It helps to use your time in a positive way and to help identify some subconscious habits and tendencies so change can happen. We learn perceptions are not necessarily reality. The earth appears flat when looking at the horizon but that is not the truth. The course teaches there is only one Truth with a capital T. It is universal. It is sacred. And it is not negotiable. There are no individual truths that contradict it or conflict with it. That’s what makes it Truth. And when we align with this Truth with this flow of positive divine energy and love, we experience miracles. There is a shift in perception a correction so to speak.
The truth is we are all created in Love by God. We are innocent and ignorant as the rest of us. The course teaches us that we are never upset for the reason we think but because we see something that is not actually there. We can come to realize that there is the meaningful which resides within me and the meaningless which resides outside me. Learning to differentiate the two and focusing my efforts on my inner work is a crucial leverage point. We learn that fear is an ego- based reality and is essentially an illusion. It is self- created when we attach to the ego thought system which sees a meaningless world of chaos sin and punishment. It is Truth then that sets us free by correcting our minds.
John discusses the Emotional Freedom Technique to help leaders eliminate stress not just manage it. Emotional Freedom Techniques include guided meditation and help release stress and not just manage it, transforming thoughts actions and lives. It helps begin a new way to lead from within with your soul essence.
ACIM like The Law of Attraction helps one understand that everything you see and experience is a form of energy, you become mindful of the frequencies you tune into and emit.
The Law of Attraction essentially means that whatever vibration we put out into the world we attract a similar vibration back. Each of these vibrations has an energetic frequency to it that is measurable and manageable. Like shame attracts more to be shameful of. Grief attracts more to grieve about. And it is measurable by applied kinesiology or muscle testing.
A mystic is someone who sees and thinks and lives beyond the ego thought system. Rather than get caught up in the dualistic way of the ego, the mystic is contemplative, accepting and forgiving. Perhaps the best example of this is Jesus the Buddha and prophets and saints.
John might like readers to take away with them after reading Miracle Minded Manager what perhaps his Holiness the Dali Llama wrote, “The purpose of our lives is to be happy.”
We thank John J. Murphy author of Miracle Minded Manager for sharing lessons to overcome fear and eliminate stress both at work and home and how to apply the spiritual ideas of A Course in Miracles and the Law of Attraction to everyday challenges. We learn more about improving our thoughts and actions to defeat negative energy and improve health productivity and happiness in life.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within John has shown through a very engaging story of characters how he was able to recognize his own ego based negativities and illusions transforming his thoughts and actions and ultimately finding peace and happiness improving his professional home and all aspects of his everyday life.
John wrote , “Now that I know what is really going on in the world energetically, I know I need to release these negative thoughts and hostilities. They do nothing but attract more negativity into my life and weigh me down. And they almost destroyed my relationship with my dad. At least he has the courage to stand up to me and tell me what he really wants…..Life has really changed since I started A Course in Miracles. Or maybe it hasn’t and it just seems to have changed because of my shift in perception. Before ACIM everything seemed separate and independent. Life was chaotic dramatic and stressful because of all the ups and downs and unfortunate things happening. Now life appears more like a symphony with perfect timing harmony and balance…we have day and night life and death continuous flow and emergence…Everything is happening for a reason. If things don’t work out as we plan and we learn something new in the process, how can we call it a failure. It’s simply an element of growth.”
John and I would have you know we are all here in this physical world to find the spirit and true nature of our magnificent soul inner being and the challenges we face as neither random or unnecessary as we each have everything we need to complete our life plan or destiny so begin to ask the questions that lead you to know yourself on an intimate level of acceptance and surrender rather than resist. The world and you are a wondrous miracle?