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Miracles beyond War Torn Germany
- Walter Zajac
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Welcome to Healing From Within. I am your host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher, Medium and author of a trilogy the newest edition A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shows us our challenges are not economic political or societal but often a deep disconnect from our inner soul wisdom. I am delighted to welcome Walter Zajac author of They Came Beyond Déjà vu which is a true story of a youngster who endured as an abandoned, orphaned beaten and sexually abused child in post-war Germany and later in America who was able to develop amazing healing and intuitive powers.
We thank Walter for sharing the miracle of surviving horrendous conditions in war torn Germany which may have been part of his awakening to the incredible gifts as a psychic.
As listeners of Healing From Within well know Sheryl and her sensitive empathic evolved guests share stories and insights into the metaphysical world of dimensions of life after life, affecting us all with greater ways to evolve and know ourselves, and the universe as the expansive entity it is now and forever. Understanding life is more than this three dimensional physical life is the key to opening one’s potential to create or manifest the best life possible. So life is eternal and when one embraces that truth, fear and limitation which restrict true happiness and well being fall away.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Walter Zajac an acclaimed psychic medium on the West Coast also a NLP Coach and Reiki Master sharing enlightened readings and healing sessions continues to receive dreams and psychic visions that come true and shares the story of deeply realistic dreams about two young women also suffering their own traumas that six year old Walter dreamt when in an orphanage in Germany. Only later when he met them as a 44 year old adult, did he discover the dreams he had of them had actually happened. But he experienced them YEARS BEFORE they were born. Walter will share extraordinary insights into the world of Intuition Dreams and Higher Consciousness.
Walter when asked to think back to his childhood and remember a person place or event that might have signaled to them or others the life path or destiny they would pursue as adults clearly remembers that terrifying train ride to the orphanage in Germany just after the war and being told he would never return home. Immediately threatened by a bully he thought he would never survive and life was hard for this 6 year old boy. Walter later learns his mother was ill and died shortly after he was sent to the orphanage. His father was a menacing man and unable to care for him and their city was ravaged from the war and it was hard to survive.
Walter tells us his novel has a three part message. The first part of the message is to inspire people to overcome abuse and abandonment in their own lives, The second part of the message is to inspire them to really love themselves. The third part of the message is to show that most people experience at least some psychic events like déjà vu, dreams coming true, ESP or mediumship abilities. Knowing this is important to the reader because it means we are spiritual beings having a physical life and interconnected to everyone both here and in spirit
In one of the first scenes in the book Walter describes half his city still being empty ruins and piles of rubble from American and British bombers even 11 years after WW11 ended. Of course it was true and Walter writes describing the ruins long after the war had ended, “ After the bus lumbered the short distance from Hirschberg into Mannheim, they saw the familiar ruins of bombed-out buildings block after block. Most of this part of the city looked this way. Some of the buildings were completely demolished, flattened, where only a huge heap of rubble indicated a building once stood there. Often there were only two adjoining jagged grey walls still standing. Glimpses of blue sky beyond, or a brief view of the bombed -out structures next door, appeared through their glassless window frames. Occasionally the bus passed a deep black crater that had been created by exploding bombs. "That one was a school," Manfred muttered in a voice choked with pain and anger, pointing at the shell of what used to be a big building on the left. "The day after there were five piles of dead bodies about twenty bodies high, lining the street in front of the school. So many buildings in the city had piles of bodies outside. I still smell it! The decomposing bloody bodies gave off a horrifying sickening rotten smell." Wolfgang smelled it faintly too, right now. He gagged. The dirt had been so saturated with bodily fluids, burnt flesh, guts, blood, concrete dust, and charred wood, that the stench still lingered in the air, even eleven years after the war had ended! "Mannheim and every city in Germany was eighty or ninety percent leveled, destroyed, flattened by the fucking American and British bombers, including my family's apartment!!"
Manfred Walter’s cousin continued, with an intense angry sneer on his face. "Those assholes shot my dad in Italy, and their fucking bombs killed my mom in the raids here over Mannheim. I hate them!” "It's 1956, eleven fucking years later, and we still have vast areas to rebuild! 180,000 people, over two thirds of the population of Mannheim, died in American bombing raids. Every city in Germany lost half or more of the people living in it! Women and children!! My mom!!!" His body shivered in anger and he scowled, wiping a bit of spit from his chin. Manfred was five years old during the last year of the war, and it was clear that he remembered the horror and pain of it in vivid detail. When the air raid sirens had blared that night, Manfred's mother and he hurried down to the cellar of their building. Manfred's mother then went back to the top floor to help old Frau Brandt down the stairs. Just then a massive bomb exploded and leveled the whole building, killing both ladies instantly. The rescue workers found thirty survivors and Manfred under the rubble which covered the cellar. He was coated with dust from head to toe and screaming hysterically”
In that painful narrative by Walter’s cousin Manfred we hear the anger and pain of losing home mother friends family and their sense of stability and hope,
In the novel two imaginary friends become Walter’s constant companions in the orphanage and you frequently see details of the traumatic events in their lives and you become emotionally intimate with them. Walter tells us what happened when he actually met them when he was 44 years old, In the book Scott is the main character representing Walter’s actual remembrances from childhood. Walter writes, “But Scott was barely able to concentrate; he could not stop thinking about that receptionist!! What was her name? Oh, yes, Maria. Jesus, she felt good! Wow... I feel her right now... Wow!... His chest and abdomen tingled and he was breathing fast. Feeling her presence so vividly was overwhelming and he couldn't stand it any more! He dialed Volutski. "Yes. May I please speak to Maria?"
Maria went on. "I was eighteen, riding in my dad's semi truck on a delivery. It was winter, snowing, and the road was icy. My dad lost control on some ice, we slammed into the base of a highway overpass, and the load of steel we were carrying came crashing forward and crushed us." "Wow." Scott felt totally inadequate with his responses, but had no idea what was appropriate to say. "My dad's leg was broken in multiple places, one arm totally crushed, and the whole right side of his rib cage was caved in," she continued. "A huge spool of steel cable tore through the truck cabin. My left arm and shoulder got mangled, and the left side of my head was crushed. My eyeball was out of its socket, dangling against my bloody cheek." Scott took in a deep gasping breath, and in a very raspy voice he said, "Wait!! Wow! That sounds like a dream I used to have all the time when I was a kid!!" "What?!" she asked. "Yes! Holy shit!!!" blurted Scott. "I thought it was a movie I had seen, but then I kept dreaming it over and over. I watch this very sweet brunette girl with her family, and I really liked her. On her birthday she goes for a ride with her dad in his semi. The road is icy, the Dad loses control and they skid into the base of a bridge. Their load of steel cable spools smashes into the truck cabin and crushes them! I remember seeing her eyeball hanging out. I used to have that dream over and over!!" "What?! No!
Scott took in a deep gasping breath, and in a very raspy voice he said, "Wait!! Wow! That sounds like a dream I used to have all the time when I was a kid!!" "What?!" she asked. "Yes! Holy shit!!!" blurted Scott. "I thought it was a movie I had seen, but then I kept dreaming it over and over. I watch this very sweet brunette girl with her family, and I really liked her. On her birthday she goes for a ride with her dad in his semi. The road is icy, the Dad loses control and they skid into the base of a bridge. Their load of steel cable spools smashes into the truck cabin and crushes them! I remember seeing her eyeball hanging out. I used to have that dream over and over!!" "What?! No!!" she protested. "That's fuckin' nuts! It was my birthday! My eighteenth." "Really?!"
Gut-wrenching feelings were coming up for Scott, about memories of Maria in the accident, and memories of being abandoned by his family. His heart was hammering fiercely and his face was hot. "Are you brunette?" "Yes," she answered, her voice rising in pitch like it was a question. "Wow..." Scott took a long deep breath. "In my dream, at one point she's floating by the ceiling of the truck cabin, looking down on her own mutilated body," he continued. "Then, suddenly she's back inside her body and desperately screaming 'Mama!!!! Mama!!!' A few moments later she's up by the ceiling again looking down at herself." "How the hell could you know that?!!" Maria snapped
Scott goes on to say "The girl gets rescued by helicopter and taken to surgery. I see her die on the operating table, and watch the doctors trying to revive her with a defibrillator. Then she's floating next to me by the ceiling of the operating room, and she asks me, 'who's the girl?'. I tell her that it's her!" Scott paused again, leaving space for her to say something, anything. Her silence persevered. He gathered his courage and went on. "Then we both float, fly actually, to a long white tunnel that has a super bright light at the end. We enter the brilliant light and suddenly we're in a gloriously beautiful world that has the purest of pure white buildings and magnificently radiant lakes and meadows and trees and flowers. All the colors are rich and dazzling beyond belief. It feels to me like it's heaven, and indescribably euphoric love is emanating from everything in that world. Even the air encompasses us and fills our beings with spectacularly blissful love, and with happiness, and peaceful power. And then, suddenly there's an intense explosion like a bolt of lightning, and she's gone, back in her body, and I'm watching the doctors from the ceiling again."
So now in his adult life Scott has met the girl who had a terrible accident in his dream and he has seen it as it actually happened. These are precognitive dreams. Dreams before events actually happen.
Walter goes on to tell us when he returned from America to Germany when he was 23 years old to reunite with his family.
Walter writes, “Scott looked again at the tower across the river. Suddenly, a powerful memory flashed through his mind! His heart pounded! An intense heaviness took over his body. Whoa!! This is another repetitive dream coming true!! Wow, I forgot about this one, where I live near a tall tower with a spaceship disc on top! Damn!! I had no idea it was Frankfurt when I had the dreams. He tried his best to remember what happens in those dreams. Nothing came back to him, so he focused on what he feels during them. I feel good, he thought, it feels like I'm playing music for a living, which I am, and I like that a lot. But, I'm always lonely in those dreams. Yeah, well, shit, I am lonely today, most every day, aren't I? Life is life. The thought of his loneliness made him remember the excruciating feelings of rejection and abandonment from childhood and tears welled up in his eyes. He was getting really angry too! Dreams coming true feels like I'm a victim, like I don't have control over my life, like things are pre-destined and I don't have choices!! Makes me feel powerless, like somebody's fucking with me!!! I'm pretty sure that's the intense heaviness I get when I remember one. “
Walter says that experiencing contrast or duality through hardships and difficulties helps us to understand our true spiritual essence.
Walter as a boy in the orphanage after the war ended sees French soldiers and the girl watching over him and the other children takes him to a grave and explains how many people in Germany felt after the war. It was also why many of the children were orphaned and had such challenging young lives. Walter writes, Oh God, don't ever let that happen to me! he thought. "This is a grave? A dead person is here?!" Walter asked one of the younger girls, shivering just a bit. "Yes," said Fräulein Edel. "This was a German soldier who was killed here during the war." Everyone stared at the grave in silence for a few moments. "This, boys and girls, is the truth of war, the reality of war, the seriousness of war, the consequence of war!" said Fräulein Edel in a somber soft voice. "This was probably a lovely young man who was in love with a sweet young woman and wanted nothing more than just to live a happy life!" Her lips contorted just a bit as if she was about to cry. "Did the French soldiers kill him?" asked Robert. "No, there were no French soldiers here at that time. The American soldiers were here then," answered Fräulein Edel. Wolfgang's thoughts went once more to the piles of dead bloodied bodies, to all the people who were massacred by the American bombs at home in Mannheim! Americans are killers! he thought to himself.
Walter calls himself the Empowerment Psychic and Sheryl calls herself a soul healer. They are much the same. Mediums help people connect to their own soul energy and life plan and guide them to realize the power of their intuitive natures to deal with the physical world.
Walter describes how his meditation or dreams lifts him to higher states of being and writes,” The white clouds and gorgeous white buildings below him were a white that was purer and more beautiful than even seemed possible! The astonishing greens of the lush grass, trees and bushes, the sensational blues of the sublime sky and the stunning lakes, the many spectacular shades of red, yellow, orange, purple, pink, violet, lavender, were all phenomenal, beyond belief!! Wolfi's body, his entire being were enveloped and penetrated by what seemed like sublime heavenly protection and angelic nurturing! The air, the sky, the clouds, the grass, the lakes, the trees, even all the pure white buildings below; everything radiated this inconceivably gorgeous love!! It was a buzzing euphoric warmth, an ecstatic electrifying power, a sublime physical texture which caressed him, embraced him, and filled him with stunning divine love! There were no words for this!! Even the word love seemed entirely inadequate! Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love... "So incredibly amazing!!" Maria squeezed his hand and gazed into his eyes. "Incredible!!" she exclaimed again. Enchanting pure love beamed out from her too now, and filled Wolfi's heart with even more delight! "I love you!" Wolfi gushed. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. This feels like heaven.?
Walter might want readers to take away or remember after reading They Came Beyond Déjà vu that When Wolfgang called Scott in the book was adopted by an American family is grown up he meets a girl named Alexa who tells him about a dream she had and this dream happened to Scott when he was six years old and brought to an orphanage in Germany. So experiences are always present. No past present or future: everything is happening simultaneously and as empathic beings we are able to feel and know things about other people.
Walter wrote, "Last night I actually had a dream about you!" Alexa scooted closer, wrapped both her hands around Scott's bicep, and grinned excitedly looking into his eyes. "No! Really?!" Scott was intrigued and beamed back at her. She squeezed his arm lovingly and spoke in a serious tone. "You were a little boy, and I saw you on a bed in a big room where laundry was hanging. An older girl hugged you and kissed your cheek and tucked you in. But you were crying, and you kept crying after she left until you finally fell asleep. Later a brown-haired boy woke you up and scared you big time! The whole dream I felt amazingly sad for you, and this morning when I woke up I was crying! Can you believe that?! How crazy is that?!" "Whoa... shit... whoa... wait!!" Scott's face turned white and his heart sunk. He pulled away from her a bit. "Sheeee-it!!" "What?!" asked Alexa, confused by his response. She pulled him close again and leaned her head against his shoulder. "Shit..." "Tell me! What?!" Alexa was gentle but always fiercely passionate. "That's fucked up!" Scott was breathing hard. "That actually happened to me!" "No! Come on!!" Now Alexa pulled away. "Really?!" "Remember yesterday I mentioned that I got sent to an orphanage when I was six?" "Yes..." "What you just described is exactly what happened on my first day at the orphanage!" Scott's voice choked and his shoulders tensed up. It had been many years since he had allowed himself to feel the pain of that first day. Alexa noticed a tear run down one of his cheeks.
I've never felt such intense sadness like in that dream - it makes my soul hurt for you, Scott. Wow!! Poor baby!!" Alexa kissed his cheek and stroked the back of his head. Her empathy made him choke up even more, like a kid when mom finally pays attention to his scraped knee. His chest heaved a couple of times as he fought back tears. "Thank you...," he managed to say softly. A full-body chill raced through him. "You remind me of my friend in the orphanage, actually. Heidi was her name," Scott said pensively. "We were very much alike. It seemed like we read each other's thoughts, so we didn't talk too much, just held hands a lot. She heard the bluebell flowers chiming just like I did!
Sheryl says We are all interconnected to each other and Universal Source and if we allow ourselves to truly feel not think the body can reveal many connections that we often shut out.
We thank Walter Zajac author of They Came Beyond Déjà vu for sharing his amazing courageous journey from childhood trauma to developing his God given spiritual gifts to share with as many people as possible and helping readers know we are all part of the miracle of life, no good or bad just experience, and the chance to love ourselves and realize our true potential to shine as messengers of the universal dynamic of creative life forces and eternal opportunities to learn and love
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have discovered through a courageous and inspiring journey of love loss abandonment, childhood in war torn Germany to adoption, abuse, and the political tragedies of Kennedy and Martin Luther King’s assassination that there will always be people who rise above their suffering to follow their personal freedom and hopes for goodness to win.
Walter wrote, "I don't believe we can change the system." Scott was doing his best to sound wise and informed. "The system is corrupt, it favors war over peace, and it's all about sustaining the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about seven years ago. As far as I can tell, one man or woman is never going to be allowed to make changes because too many powerful people would lose way too much money!" Alexa was quiet as she processed his words. "But through the power of music and the arts we can influence people's hearts to a place of harmony and love, to a place of cooperation and sharing knowledge," 192 Walter Zajac Scott went on. "Out of that we could create a system that's based on the power of love instead of the love of power."
Walter and Sheryl would have you remember that as spiritual beings having a physical life we often have soul memories that help us understand and deal with the many challenges a physical life provides and that those who may have the most difficult challenges could be souls working at a high vibration and level to advance towards greater love and compassion. So in essence, embrace your life as it is, for the power it holds, to make you realize the magnificent eternal life force each of us possesses within. If we understand humanity and human nature we begin to realize that the same trageditites happen in every generation over and over again so those who can rise to a higher vibration of compassion can help themselves and be an example for the others.
I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within medium and author of a trilogy with the newest book A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening and I invite you to visit my website to read about and listen to authors visionaries spiritualists scientists metaphysicians medical professionals psychologists and those in the arts and music fields seek answers to age old questions about the source or energy of life and Universal concepts. Shows may also be heard on and