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Mysteries of the Ancient Essenes Study of Light and Healing
- Lars Muhl
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In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which shares stories of spiritual awakening spiritual communication with Universal Source healing energies, miracles, and ways to engage your intuitive higher Self is delighted to welcome Lars Muhl a seer and mystic who has worked with extrasensory perception since childhood to discuss his newest book The Gate of Light.
Sheryl shares with Lars that Sheryl and her guests share intimate experiences that have lead them to know, “We are more than our bodies.” In understanding our energetic or spiritual soul essence we can refine and rethink our emotions behaviors habits and patterns and find our true potential allowing us to thrive in both the spiritual and physical realms. We must ask the relevant questions, Who Are We? Where do I come from? What is the purpose of my life?
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Lars Muhl a best- selling author and musician who has studied the world’s religions and esoteric ideas discovered in 1966 he had an unexplained illness which neither doctors nor alternative therapists could diagnose We will learn who helped him and how life developed for him after that experience. We will talk about a complete spiritual practice of practical tools meditations and visualizations to help us become the universal light beings we are meant to be.
Lars tells us something of the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1946 and how we found out about an ancient group known as the Essenes. The Essenes of the Sons of Light: a brotherhood of holy men and women living within a community over 2,000 years ago . The Essenes considered themselves to be a separate people not because of external signs, but because of the illumination of their inner life, and their knowledge of the hidden mysteries of nature unknown to others. In this book we explore the beliefs and practices that make us question how we judge ourselves and how we live in the world. We discover a complete practice to help us recognize and answer these questions and find our true potential.
The Essenes dressed in white linen, lived as vegetarians, practiced an economy whereby everything was held in common, opposed the custom of animal sacrifice took ritual baths, tilled the land, studied and copied holy writings, interpreted dreams, were familiar with astrology and prophesy, knew about herbs and crystals, and were outstanding healers. They believed in reincarnation. The Essenes were revered by ordinary people who always sought their help. They had settlements on Mount Carmel in Damascus, in Syria, in Egypt near Alexandria, and by the western shore of the Dead Sea in Israel. Approximately 100 years before Yeshua’s (Jesus) birth the Essenes had expected their true teacher of Righteousness, a Messiah-like or Melchizedek-like figure to be reincarnated in Israel. They were the scribes of the Dead Sea Scrolls found in 1947. When they saw the Melchizedek constellation in the heavens over Bethlehem the three oldest of the brotherhood were sent out from Qumran(these were the three Wise Men from the East) Both Joseph and Mary the parents of Yeshua belonged to the Essenes. They were behind Yeshua’s education and supported his mission to the end. After his mission ended this important organization dissolved into the different Gnostic groups focused on Yeshua. These were later responsible for the Gnostic scriptures found in Nag Hammadi in Egypt in 1945.
Often it seems that sensitives or those with the gift of spiritual sight vision or prophesy are challenged by a real life situation or health issue or some difficulty. Lars tells us about his three year long undiagnosed illness and how he was finally helped and had one of the most meaningful relationships with Lars teacher and friend Calle de Montsegur who passed in 2007. Through his help Lars was able to overcome an illness that crippled him for three years.. This sickness he discovered was the result of hesitation, of not taking the necessary steps towards his destiny. Calle gave Lars a glimpse into spiritual science and healing. Lars came to understand the psychological and spiritual experiences that played such a significant role in my childhood.
Another important spiritual researcher who was meaningful for Lars in finding his true life purpose was an Austrian man Rudolph Steiner who once said that for every step you take on the path of spiritual science, you must take three on the path of ethics….We must remember we will be judged by the fruits of our actions. It is our thoughts and actions that define our reality. At a time when money and fame have become objects of worship every seeker is faced with a huge challenge. It is this challenge that sets us on the path to greater wisdom and determines what are our motives. How do we proceed to find the right balance?
Sheryl expresses that much of the pain and suffering and wounds to our soul happen as a result of well meaning parents or authority figures in our young life who are also damaged due to their misguided beliefs by their parents and societal training which establish unhealthy patterns either due to emotional and mental trauma they have experienced and then pass on to others. Before we can overcome change and return to a state of unity peace love and well being, we must first recognize the pattern.
In Sheryl’s book The Living Spirit in reference to this she wrote, “We must realize that each person perceives the world according to his or her life experiences both present and past; therefore, we will never fully understand another’s behavior or their reasons for doing things differently than we do. This realization is the key to allowing and accepting everything and everyone without judgment, anxiety, fear pain anger or hate. It is, you will find, the only way for us to experience true contentment while we are on this three-dimensional plane. Each of us is unique and we are on different karmic and energetic pursuits. As we learn to apply energetic laws and use them more consistently we will help create a more harmonious world.”
Lars tells us that his life is filled with synchronicity and meeting beautiful people and shares how this is possible and happens and represents joy and reinforcement to the truth of Being. As mentioned previously Lars spiritual teacher Calle de Montsegur helped him when he was gravely ill and then a few years later Lars was fortunate to meet another guiding force for growth: his guardian angel. Lars says we all have a guardian angel who follows us closely throughout our life. We might at times even experience situations when we feel one with this force or when at least it reveals itself to us.
Lars goes on to tell of a car crash outside of Dijon in eastern France where he had an out of body or near death experience and returned to his body via the crown chakra after experiencing traveling down a white tunnel. There was a wonderful peaceful silence and Lars saw a young girl with a radiant smile and a crucifix around her neck and she said, “ If you can survive this you can survive anything” and the last remark Lars heard from the girl as he was taken away in an ambulance was, “ You mustn’t worry, everything is taken care of.”
Sheryl says that event Lars experienced reminds her of when she was under siege by some people working around her who were acting very cruel. This constant bad behavior upset her and one day it was so bad that the energy and toxicity made her shake and actually cry. She went into her room closed the door and meditated to calm herself and then sensed Mother Mary at her side who said, “ I am so sorry for your suffering. It will be taken out of your hands.” Sometimes we call our Spiritual helpers to us and sometimes they come when they know we really need them. In time the energy and circumstances of that event changed.
Another encounter that convinced Lars to write The Gate of Light was when he was asked to introduce the Tibetan Lama Lakha Lama who lives in Denmark who was speaking to an audience of 4,000 people at a two day event in Copenhagen in January 2015. Lars saw he was a man of great perception and the personification of natural devotion that he placed at the disposal of all creatures. This remarkable spiritual being also suggested how important it is to devote and deepen oneself both through literary study and praxis. He also declared that anyone who is Christian should deepen themselves in the esoteric or mystical side of Christianity instead of looking for answers in foreign traditions.
Perhaps Lars captured what motivates us in a quote from his book The Magdalene, volume 2 of The O Manuscript….”I have visited thousands of places. I have wandered to endless deserts. I can now see how often I forsook my heart in favor of other places, things ideas trinkets or the company of others. All in the hopes of finding some meaning, a little peace and confirmation that I was after all, loved. All the while forgetting that everything I sought was to be found in the very heart I had forsaken.In this connection it was wise for Lars to take a look at actions undertaken in childhood that may have set the path we end up travelling later in life. In fact for Lars in 1963 at 13 years old when listening to a live music transmission from Carnegie Hall in New York with Pete Seeger who was singing We Shall Overcome the song really opened his heart and five months later when his mother came into the living room in an agitated state and informed us that President John F. Kennedy had just been shot Lars wrote the following words on a snippet of paper, “I Lars Muhl will use my life to fight for freedom enlightenment and justice.”
Sheryl says that it was around that same time that she went to see a Broadway show “Man of La Mancha” about an old man who tried to help a poor young barmaid and was chastised for his efforts, laughed at and ridiculed and during the show Sheryl heard the song, The Impossible Dream which talked of truth and justice and going even where angels feared to go to right the unrightable wrong, and she felt that song would guide her throughout the many injustices she would see our nation and people go through and try to help others to the best of her ability. She has tried to conquer her fears and help others conquer their own, and to stand up for what she believed was righteous ever since childhood.
Lars shares with us how we create a balance between thoughts words and actions. We must start with certain axioms of truth in order to bring balance between thoughts words and actions.
Lars wrote, “There is no such thing as coincidence, nothing is meaningless: everything is One. Suffering exists only when there is separation. In the light and sound of Unity everything is healed. The ancient mystery schools always fully aware of humankind’s connection with the cosmos knew that every single thought or action can either interfere with this connection or re-establish it, linking the part with the whole. But when we observe someone who is unaware of this relationship it is like watching a deaf and blind person progressing through life where every choice they take, every thought they have, the words they express and the actions they embark on create limitations, the blame for which is later laid at the door of God or other people. However there is a way out of the problem through a process of detachment to discovery of a higher awareness which is the ultimate goal of any spiritual practice.”
Lars also writes “Thoughts feelings and actions emanating from an open heart cause us to be truly present and being present brings healing. Being present and healing are the essence of the Law of Light. From this moment you take full responsibility for your own activities and your own affairs. You put your life in the hands of the Holy Spirit and yet stand ready at all times to take responsibility for the consequences of your choices. Being truly present means leaving behind any kind of neurotic addiction or any attachment to material things, stimulants, convictions or even other people. If you have given almost everything away but are unable to give up a particularly special piece of jewelry….you are not free. When you put your heart into everything you do you lay your heart in God’s hands.”
Lars tells us something of the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is a metaphor for the state of true presence you achieve by following the Law of Light. Following this path does not mean you avoid obstacles or oppression, but that you see these as necessary elements in your search to expand your consciousness.
We can align ourselves in relation to our higher self and become the universal light being we are meant to be. Through the threads of the practitioner’s thoughts emotions and life experiences the connecting with the Source might sound like shedding of individuality, and so in many respects this is an accurate description.(it is certainly the shedding of ego fear and blame) It is often through the experiences of loss and suffering that deeply encouraging messages are received amidst spiritual turmoil from the healing forces that surround and are within us all.
In Lars book The O Manuscript from The Seer volume I, he wrote, “Man must also find out how to be present in a new way…….this insistence on your own space and all your illusions and artificial jewels is static and limiting. Thus man is reducing himself to a mere survivor, one who is clinging to life like a dead weight. Then he doesn’t dance. Man must be willing to step out into the unknown and risk himself where he cannot hide behind his own prejudices and projections but, totally clean, is able to make himself available to the universal principle. Man is a transformer, a channel for the universal, where energies are transmuted. This is his destiny.”
We also find through an exploration of the words “The Kingdom of Heaven” Malkoota d’Shmeya, how we can be co-creators with the Creator expanding every time we start practicing. It is in this “SHM reality that mankind is incarnated and that creation is continually unfolding. Here Yeshua (Jesus) is talking about light in the sense of divine consciousness. SHM is the life-giving principle in ourselves and in the universe and is created by the Eternal One and therefore will at some point return again to the eternal One or the starting point.
Therefore the Kingdom of Heaven is not a specific place but a state as well as a power within mankind and everywhere around us.
Yeshua said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.” (Yeshua in Luke 17:21)
“The Kingdom is within you and is all around you.” (Yeshua in Gospel of Thomas 3)
Lars gives suggestions to those who wish to delve into this work with Universal Energy and tells us about The Chariot of Fire sequence, The Heavenly Prayer and the Long Healing Prayer. The Essenes along with their unique Chariot of Life praxis were able to read between the lines in the Book of Life—the global collective memory that records everything to which we humans give energy including thoughts words and actions (in the Vedic tradition this is called the Akashic Records.)
The Chariot of Fire is a state of awareness that makes it possible for the person doing the practice to not only “travel” in time and space, but to reach the Plane of Unity where time and space have no meaning and where it is possible to “read” the Book of Life. It is important to understand that a soul consists of everything it has experienced through its different incarnations and is part of that essence that in the end dictates its destiny and options. All that a person thinks says and does affects in one way or another the reality he or she is part of.
Even the Chariot of Fire praxis is a technique but is not enough in and of itself. Prayer and invocation are one of the most powerful tools for connecting ourselves to the Plane of Unity, God. However, this demands whole hearted dedication. It calls upon more precision elegance courage sacrifice presence and humor than most of us are able to muster
Sheryl says: It calls on faith and a dedication to serve God and love others past your prejudices and fears and to trust you will always receive the help to complete the mission you and God have created for your soul’s journey.
Present day theories of quantum physics merely mirror what the Essenes saw as facts based on what they experienced through their profound spiritual exercise. The Essenes understood that everything is interactively connected and everything is energy. For them God was the name for the highest form of awareness, a universal attunement. If a human being wishes God can be the sounding board and become an energy which he or she can communicate with and develop their full potential. From the One (God) everything has its source. All living things are therefore the result of the projection of that One.
To begin our journey toward higher awareness we must take our first steps in self-understanding and purification. Shadow work is necessary preliminary. It involves recalling all our projections—It isn’t my fault, it’s the governments, my wife’s, my neighbors’ and so on- and starting to take responsibility for ourselves. Through such a process and spiritual work with prayer, contemplation and meditation a pure instrument is eventually achieved which encompasses the whole being-body, mind and spirit so that we can interact with complete clarity with the SHM light net using the SHM flame within us.
Sheryl says that she has always wondered what Yeshua the Essenes long awaited Messiah and Teacher of Righteousness meant when he said: My Father’s kingdom has many mansions.” Lars explains, “There are other worlds, other realities, other places of awareness on which to incarnate. Yeshua also said, “Knock and it shall be opened, ask and it shall be given unto you.”
The brotherhood knew that the Book of Life is a continuation of that creative awareness called God. They also knew that at some point everything must return to the place of origin. That which exits there also exits here. For them a journey into space would yield nothing that was not already here on Earth.. They knew the incarnated person were the launching pads for the spaceship of awareness, Merkavah or the Chariot of Fire. This is a method that can put us in direct contact with the Plane of Unity.(God)
When we feel separated from the great cosmic coherence we experience suffering. When we forget who we are, where we come from, what our task is and where we are going we cut ourselves off from our destiny as well as from all the help that surrounds us. Akasha which is identical to the SHM light net is a universal creative power which holds the universe together—an energy form that is the prerequisite of life as we know it. It is the cosmic memory which register and remembers everything that mankind has thought felt said and done since the beginning of time.
This thought helps us understand the Higher Self. Mankind’s highest awareness also called the Higher Self is the core of the individual soul and is completely independent of human biology. It is only while the soul is incarnated that it needs to use the mind and senses. The Essenes knew of the existence of a higher plane than the mental and intellectual, a holographic awareness field which is in direct contact with the Plane or Unity called God. Therefore science is nothing without spiritual science and physics is nothing without metaphysics.
Mankind is surrounded by a never ending amount of information thought forms ideas feelings and emotions both negative and positive. The great cosmic memory does not distinguish between good and evil. SHM register everything. Its only law is that of attraction and repulsion. You are what you think. You get what you give.
The challenge for each of us is the same, to understand the need to transform one’s life into a divine art form, an undertaking requiring close association with God with the overall purpose of spreading light on Earth. Nothing can replace the practical experience gained when God is the sounding board.
Lars says that for thousands of years mankind has been visited by alien civilizations from outer space and also suggest why they come and how life in an advanced technological state has changed them. Some of these beings have journeyed light years in their physical spaceships while others have travelled by very different methods. Many people ask what these civilizations might want from us. Those who have experienced direct contact with them recount that some of these visitors seem to be devoid of feelings and empathy and are in a way frightening. The fact is they may be in search of something they have lost but mankind still possesses; the ability to express feelings. They sacrificed this quality in their struggle to develop advanced technologies. They cannot express either happiness or sorrow and this is exactly what is about to happen to mankind. Technology is revered and people who are upset or low in spirit are pumped full of medicine. Sorrow and unhappiness becomes a sickness one should avoid at all costs but in this way a person’s range of expression becomes limited.
In the ancient mystery schools the importance of feelings was fully understood. It was also understood that only through deep and concentrated praxis would a balanced human being emerge able to express feelings such as love compassion happiness and sorrow but with enough self-control to avoid being carried away by hate jealousy or unbridled anger.
Lars goes on to describe what is most precious in this human incarnation and how we may find greater faith in ourselves. What is most precious is finding the human soul and how it makes use in this incarnation of an “I”. There are two sides to this “I”; the little self and the Higher Self. Which one of these comes to rule a person’s life is decided by the individual through the choices they make. This is how mankind’s infantile obsession with itself and with the satisfaction of its desires has created the world we now live in. As a result each of us must turn in the only direction in which help is to be found: inwards. We carry within the so-called Divine or Heavenly Essence through which we have access to eternal life. There is only one life and that is never-ending. In between our incarnations, either here or on other planets, we return to the Plane of Unity to reflect on our past life and prepare for another to come. While Albert Einstein was considered to be an agnostic he believed that “The most beautiful emotion is the mystical.” and was in awe in the face of cosmic wonders. He held high regard for Peter Deunov who was a Christian mystic who practiced prayer and meditation.
Lars discusses healing the sins of the past and taking responsibility for these errors and to seek forgiveness and about how we then find the three keys on the outer plan essential for a successful outcome on the inner plane. The three keys on the outer plane which are essential for a successful outcome on the inner plane are the practices of Thankfulness Patience and Being Present. Being Present means we are able to identify oneself and feel compassion for other people’s situation and suffering.
Pain is therefore the messenger and the message is wake up!
Lars in my next book New Life Awaits Creating Your Best Afterlife By Living Consciously Now I share a reading I had with my sister who had passed several years ago to discover how she was adjusting to her spiritual new life. Usually, when I do a reading, I simply write down whatever is presented to me. It seems the information is usually perfectly tailored to what my client needs at the moment. With Rodelle however, I decided to ask her questions. When she was ill I tried so hard to show her that she was in for an amazing journey into forever and beyond, which was something Rodelle was not able to believe in. I already knew that there is no death for our true life essence or soul survives physical death. Sadly, she did not. I soon felt her energy around me and sensed she was surrounded in a blanket of green glory and quietness, but her heart still hurt. She had not wanted to depart as her love of life was quite palpable and her fight to stay alive was most courageous. In Lars Muhl’s book on page 45 he writes, “This is what happened to Yeshua on the Mount of Transformation when clothed in His Robe of Glory, a fully enlightened person, He showed mankind the bliss that awaits the patient practitioner. Sheryl can only think her sister with that message was telling her that she now understood the process of eternal life as Sheryl had tried so hard to share with her.
The state of Being that Yeshua and the Essenes practiced and Jesus was perhaps the most adept, as he demonstrated this on the Mount of Transfiguration when he showed himself to three of his chosen disciples clothed in His Robe of Glory that conscious light body which never ceases to exist but is spun from eternity itself.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Lars Muhl has shared his miraculous journey to finding the essence of life, in all forms beyond space and time, as we reach to return to the Plane of Unity from whence we each originated. In our travels we learn about transfiguration resurrection archetypes, actually everything truly put into a perfect science and life style for the seeker who wishes to consistently strengthen his understanding of life both energetically and physically. The truth of our natural state of magnificent and connection not separation from the Plane of Unity is within the topics we have explored with an open heart and mind today and for so long Sheryl has expressed to others that she truly hopes to pay attention to all the information that comes from Spirit in messages coincidences synchronicities as she truly “Doesn’t Want to Miss the Mark.”
Lars expressed it this way and wrote, ”We humans should only and allowing these to be expressed through the Pineal, the Third Eye. Time and again we need to remember the concept of sin. In Aramaic sin does not have the same meaning as in the western world.. Khteetha directly translated means to miss the mark and the reason we miss the mark is that we are not collected focused and dedicated to what we are doing. It is imperative that we are 100 percent present: that we submit ourselves by giving everything up to God” In other words, that we surrender ourselves unconditionally and securely into God’s hands remembering that it is only when we forget our constant connection with the Plane of Unity and with the resonance that this all –pervading plane offers, that we lose our ability to lift ourselves above the mundane, the intellectual and the physical.
Lars and I would have you remember that when you truly know the divine essence within and free it from the fears and noise of the outer world and the “little self” we can unite with the Divine Force of Eternal Life and our eternal journey continues in worlds of light and wisdom too beautiful to express with words. That is the gift of life lived with hope courage faith trust and Love of Spirit.