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OOLA: A Phenomenon for Finding Your Purpose, Less Stress and Personal Power
- Dr. David Braun & Dr. Troy Amdahl
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In this episode of “Healing From Within” your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love is joined by Dr. David Braun co-author with Dr. Troy Amdahl of OOLA For Woman offering their 7 key areas of Life to have less stress, more purpose, and to reveal the greatness within you.
As listeners of this show are well aware Sheryl and her guests seek to share intimate experiences and insights into the challenges and opportunities that life offers us and help us to begin to pay attention to both our physical and inner spiritual needs for improving health, prosperity, and a return to our natural state of well being and happiness moving past the fears and restrictions of our own thinking processes.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Dr. Dave Braun a chiropractor shares important life skills necessary to meet and set goals and find balance and growth in the key areas of life which as we know are always changing, as are we, physically emotionally and spiritually. Our thinking and ways to approach personal growth health and happiness must also awaken and adjust in small or large changes to our daily life experiences. We will discover the 7 F’s of this OOLA plan for finding balance in an unbalanced world.
Dave shares his early recollection of his relationships with his parents and grandparents and how their love for life and him were a motivating force for him to develop solid work habits, respect education progress and also instill a desire to be a participant in creating an honorable and improved state of life for all people.
Dave got to get together with a former colleague to write Oola For Women Find Balance in An Unbalanced World after having some upsets in his life and knowing he needed to get back to the 7’F’s of the OOLA Plan for evaluating what needed to be done and to create plans for manifesting his dearest needs and desires.
Dave found material success at a young age under the mentorship of Troy who taught him how to live the OOLA principles of balance, but eventually drifted from the path and found himself bankrupt, divorced, disconnected and living in a motel. At rock bottom he sought out Troy The Oola/Guru knowing he needed help to get his Oola back. Dave the Ooal/ seeker vowed that if this worked, he would share Oola with the world. It did and today he and Troy travel the country in a 1970 VW surf bus, speaking to groups listening to dreams and helping people find balance purpose and growth through the 7 F”s of Oola. Many of the amazing stories that were shared on that trip are included in this journal of practical ways to reset and improve life and to develop spiritual awareness and a passion to engage life with positive intentions and actions.
We may describe Oola as a way of thinking while stripping away the clutter and worry of everyday life and to truly live the authentic desires of your heart as if nothing else matters. One woman’s story on our bus tour talking to people about the book stands out for for Dave. He wrote, “We saw her immediately—a classy effervescent beautiful thirty five year old who was there with her husband and kids taking photos in the surf at sunset. They were memories in the making. Photos meant to record a life. And meant to last a lifetime. The woman we learned has Stage IV cancer. She knew what the future held but that day at the beach she was upbeat, smiling and self-assured as she wrote her own Oola sticker: Be strong enough through my cancer to see my girls become women.”
Dr. Dave Braun is a man well aware of the needs and desires of women as he has three sisters and four daughters . An awareness and practice of the Oola method is advisable for men also as Sheryl suggests but specifically understands that Oola helps women who have lost the connection to their goals and dreams as they were busy tending to the day to day of life and have been lost in the process.
Dave suggests we want our daughters to grow up in a world where they’re empowered, understood and fulfilled….This means changing many of the antiquated thinking of a patriarchal and male dominated power structure as we balance and equalize the talents of men and women, allow accept and surrender to progress in a changing world.
For many women Oola is a state of awesomeness. It’s when life is balanced and growing in the seven key areas of life: fitness finance, family, field (career) faith, friends, fun. It’s living an inspired life—one that you define. In fact you will discover that when it comes to defining a perfectly balanced and exceptional life, your opinion is the only one that matters. What the world says you should want, pursue, have, own, makes no difference. The process will change you into someone who is more authentic and more honoring of your own needs—versus suppressing who you are because it doesn’t fit the world’s definition of who you should be.
To live an Oola life it’s paramount to identify those toxic traits people or misconceptions that hold us back from finding balance and growth in the seven F’s of Oola Dave tells us a bit of each of the seven categories.
- Fitness What kind of fuel do you put in your body…what about your thoughts. Are you feeding your mind healthy thoughts that breed confidence and worth, or are you planting seeds of doubt worry and regret. Fitness is about becoming the best physical and mental version of you and striving to do better. vWhen you’re battling health challenges or simply need to improve your stamina, get more sleep, eat right, conquer depression or overcome anxiety, you have the power within to master Oola-fitness
- Finance Heavy debt and financial stress is one of the leading causes of marital stress Debt and financial burdens smothery your options bury your dreams and take away your ability to make plans for the future. Do you have a will proper insurance how about an emergency fund. Are you planning for a debt-free future that’s comfortable in retirement. Crush debt: credit card debt student loans second mortgages leasing a car because you can deduct the interest and taking on bigger mortgage payments to get a better tax write off—none of that makes sense financially Pay down your debts…don’t take on more debt. Increase your income the goal is financial freedom
- Family Family relationships are complicated: parents, siblings, spouses, children, extended relatives, or co-this or step-that…are all bound up by blood, marriage or adoption. Your INNER Circle deserve your highest commitment and are top priority. Ideally, life with the inner circle is full of good times great advice and nonstop applause of your growing accomplishment. However, we find that the inner circle is a common place to toxicity. Sometimes passive aggressive, negative, or down- right abusive ways can hold you back: they may love you on their terms. IN-LAWS AND OUTLIERS are in-laws, cousins, aunts and uncles—as well as parents from whom you are estranged..we often don’t keep them in our everyday communications. Your job is to keep the drama and personalities from doing any real damage to your marriage and self esteem. The furthest circle out are distant relatives who you rarely see or speak to. Hopefully they are loving and supportive but if toxic should never be allowed to affect your inner circle. Everyday you’ll be faced with decisions and challenges that will affect your family. Deciding to love your family well, is one decision you can make today and every day. Choose now to love those in your inner circle in a way that empowers—not enables.
- Field (career) What do we mean by field? It’s your career, your calling it’s what you dedicate your life to. Women wear many hats—wife mother career professional student business owner and defining what it is that is most important to you whether it’s a change of job within your current field or transitioning into another line of work altogether. Whatever it is the next most important step is figuring out a way to get paid for doing the work you love. Never underestimate the power within you or the power of listening to your heart and following your dreams. Dave encourages readers to know they are more capable than they can ever imaging. But nothing happens without serious hustle and persistence He suggests you must “Love it or Leave It” as studies show that 70 percent of people hate their jobs, and between 40 and 50 percent of marriages in the US end in divorce. If you can’t love your work have a plan to leave it. Furthermore it is important to “Stay Relevant.” If your career skills are outdated or if your business could benefit from being at the fore front of your industry in some way…upgrade perhaps. Most importantly in order to receive gratitude and an understanding of Unconditional love, “Always Seek to Serve”
What’s the lesson here for us to learn You can (1) make a living: (2) do your best work (3) be of service to a goal that’s bigger than yourself. - Faith Getting plugged into God or the Universal force of life is very Oola. Again your beliefs are your beliefs whether in the context of religion or spirituality, but the point is to believe in something bigger than yourself and to do so boldly.
Story of family adopting a child and following a divine plan….Oola believes together we can change the world with a word. By making ourselves better, we make our families, communities cities and the world better. Listening to God’s voice and his purpose for my life our families life has changed. It has been unexpected, unplanned and far better than we ever could have imagined. Listen to that voice—the voice that says life can be better. The voice that says go for it. The voice that says fear is stupid and your dreams are worth it. The voice that says you are stronger than you can ever imagine. Listen to it and go get it. - Friends You have to get this friends thing right. Toxic friendships, gossipy friends, needy friends getting used by others—these situations keep you from living in bliss pull you away from your purpose and actually add more stress to your life. To make sure your friendships are supportive fun and strong think of relationships as a series of circles just like the family.
- Your Inner Circle Three to five closest friends. Choose wisely toxic or supportive.
- Your Crew The next circle is wider…made up of people you know at work, neighbors or other school moms you see each day. They also have the power to cause drama in your life. Invite healthy friendships in the crew while fiercely keeping the toxicity and drama out.
- Your Acquaintances Lastly there is the outer circle: your social media connections workplace buddies, your old high school friends, your husband’s tribe. While they may not be major influences for you, they give life dimension and often provide random opportunities to expand what you are doing.
Oola suggests that a girls’ weekend with old friends isn’t just a vacation. It’s a reality check with people who know us best and it’s what sustains us. We get caught up in our daily lives at home where playground politics and neighborhood drama somehow seem really important. When you’re submerged in a world of suburban self-imposed busy-ness and keeping up with the Joneses it’s hard to see anything else and there’s nothing like an old friend to put it all in perspective. - Fun As there are seven areas of our life that must be observed and mastered or balanced you suggest there are seven reasons people should read this book…not just women and you suggest that one reason is to uncover what blocks you from the life of your dreams and how to get to it. We know that fear exists and it only by recognizing it and moving past it that progress is made. You tell the story that in 1932 the height of the Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt knew he needed to calm a worried nation. After three years of economic hardship many Americans had lost their jobs. Many more had lost their homes And most people had lost hope that life could ever get any better. Fear gripped the nation. This is exactly why Roosevelt delivered his now famous reality check: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
There are only two innate fears that all human beings are born with: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noise. Every other fear is learned. And what can be learned can be unlearned. Examples If you don’t like communicating bad news to your boss ….if you’re afraid to be in a romantic relationship…if you’ve got a fear of public speaking or flying or heights or enclosed places….realize these feelings have grown over time or stem from a specific incident. You can take steps to remove those fears especially if they are keeping you from accomplishing something you want to do. Unjustified fear paralyzes people WE see it all the time. Someone is presented with a true opportunity. They analyze it to death thinking of every reason why it won’t work. This fear keeps them from acting and keeps them from growing.
Dave says that no matter what you have done or have failed to do you deserve a better life and goes on to explain that. You deserve an extraordinary life regardless of what you have done or have failed to do—you have an incredible future “within.” As you plan and grow in your seven F’s and Oola goals, as stress begins to ease, you will become more balanced. The one thing that can prevent this is Negative self-talk –hidden in your subconscious mind— which will begin to say. “You don’t deserve this,” “You’re not good enough.” “You’re not smart enough.” This form of self-sabotage can actually cause you to take actions that will undo all the progress you have made. If you’ve worked hard to lose thirty pounds for example, or been presented with a lifetime opportunity for your career but failed to move forward with it, that was your subconscious mind controlling your actions. Why does it do that? Over your lifetime, your subconscious mind—which runs your body’s systems takes in information and helps you make decisions—becomes programmed to act in your best interests. It protects you from harm. So every time you try to achieve but fail miserably your subconscious mind reacts to that painful disappointment by saying, “Okay so we’re never doing that again.” But often your self-talk is lying to you, and regardless of what your subconscious mind says, you are smart, talented, successful, beautiful, and capable. So where ever those self doubting thoughts came from…maybe a father who barely acknowledged you, or a mom who told you how irresponsible you were, that doesn’t matter, for you are Worthy and deserve to live the fulfilling life of your dreams. You can handle whatever the world throws at you and you are worthy of being loved for who you are. So change your negative self-talk to words of praise encouragement and acknowledgement,
Sheryl says, “I couldn’t agree more with those ideas about what the mind believes it creates, as our thoughts turn into action and either fulfill our dreams or thwart them. In my book The Living Spirit I wrote, “Many choose to believe it is life circumstances that are at the root of the destruction of so many fine plans, intentions and opportunities. I believe, it is the perception of limitation and self-doubt, not our circumstances, which destroys dreams and thwarts wonderful ideas. What I call “The Law of Attraction” is a universal energetic truth of creating our own reality by bringing to us the people and circumstances that our mind and actions generate. What we focus our thoughts time and energy on—whether knowingly or unknowingly, whether positively or negatively, whether lovingly or hatefully—sets up a ripple of interaction with other people places and events that ultimately brings these possibilities into reality. The thought begins on an energetic mental level and sometimes proceeds after days, months, or years into a manifestation of a concrete reality.”
Dave gives us several ways to begin to get the life of your dreams faster and ignite your journey with positive behaviors and habits. They are as follows:
- Put a positive spin on Life’s crazy moments and practice gratitude every day
- Give and receive love Committing to love others as they are not as you wish the to be and yourself also.
- Discipline and persistence
- Passion Rediscover your true passion, not someone else’s plan for you and turn your passion into new goals.
- Humility Attach yourself to a cause greater than you and practice selflessness. Assemble your “truth crew.”
- Wisdom Gain wisdom from life experiences and seek wisdom from people who have achieved what you want. Spend time in proportion to the decision you are making.
Sheryl says…”It is a painful story that our nation is facing so much addiction and wasted young lives. Inspiring practical books like Oola for Women shows us what hope, hard work and love can do to heal a person a family a nation and move us past fear and limitation to joy and a healthy life.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have seen that when you recognize that there is a larger plan for us all and that our inner essence seeks to define it’s personal power with love and compassion, curiosity and to find ways to solve the challenges offered to us by the outside world, we often learn to accept ourselves change and flow in the spirit of life, and then hopefully, find what is our natural birthright-joy and happiness. The authors of Oola for Women Find Balance in an Unbalanced World offer ways to view the seven main areas of our life…Fitness, Finance Family Field Faith Friends and Fun and to with perhaps a new perspective, create in small increments, a way past any trauma challenge or limitation, and to change yourself and your thinking, thereby creating new possibilities for joy and success.
Dave and I would have you begin to look at your life and to develop a new sense of self-awareness through a self-investigative process, always, loving yourself for all the quirks and inconsistencies of yourself, others and life, and begin to move past the duality in thinking of things being right or wrong, good or bad. Just accept that all is as it is, nothing is random, and when you begin to see each area of life with hope and lightness of thought and openness of heart, you will find you are able to create whatever you put your thoughts and energy on, and “Be” the person you were born to discover.