Internet Radio Show
One God One World One People
- Rabbi Wayne Dosick
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Energy Teacher and author of her newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us our challenges are no economic political or societal but a disconnect from our true being and soul wisdom, or simply a loss of alignment to Universal Source. Sheryl is delighted to welcome Rabbi Wayne Dosick a former guest of the show to share his new book Radical Loving which sends out a prophetic call to us to rediscover our spiritual roots and have the courage to become voices for radical transformation based on the concept of One God One World One People the subtitle of this book.
For those listeners’ who would like to listen to the former show Rabbi Dosick and I shared about his book The Real Name of God go to the radio page of my website September 2013
As listeners of Healing From Within are well aware, Sheryl and her intuitive sensitive guests share stories and insights into the human and divine nature of each individual, exploring a greater awareness of the duality physical and energetic soul life and the connection to Spirit and therefore, all living things. As we self-investigate and learn more about life and the Universal Laws we can become better equipped to deal with challenges and manifest our best lives as well as finding life is a true miracle and gift.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Rabbi Dosick will share his views on faith ethical values, life transformations and evolving human consciousness. He shows us how to Re-Member and come together overcoming the fear separation and demonization represented by fundamentalists who stay limited to old ideas and limiting values. We will find we are all children of the universe, children of God messengers of peace and warriors for good. Many of us know there is more that unites us than separates us and if we look beyond negativity we can hear our inner voice create acts of love, righteousness goodness compassion.
When Sheryl asks Rabbi Dosick to think back to their childhood and remember a person place or event that signaled to im or others what lifestyle interests and pursuits would be most important in their adult lives he immediately tells us when he was about fifteen years old his teacher told his mother that he would not amount to anything as he refused to memorize the Periodic table in science class. Rabbi Dosick says he was already aware his interests were in the social sciences literature and improving the human condition. Thank goodness he didn’t let that premonition destroy him.
Wayne tells us the main ideas of his newest book Radical Loving One God One World One People and why he wrote this book now.
In the First Word Rabbi Dosick writes, What a privledge it is to be in a body on Earth at this moment! He tells us many souls wanted to come to life on earth in this time as the world and Spirit are going through a massive transformation moving from a Three Dimensonal reality and way of life to the Fifth Dimension of spiritual awareness higher consciousness greater health prosperity and love for all life…beyond the pain of these societal religious and political issues we will benefit and improve ourselves and human life.
We live in the magnificence of Earth’s stunning beauty.
We are the crown of creations.
We are partners in the ongoing unfolding of the universe.
We stand at yet another pinnacle of scientific, medical and technological exploration. We hold the design for goodness, righteousness equality, justice decency, dignity, grace kindness, compassion and love.
We constantly evolve human consciousness and reveal more and more of the mysteries of the universe.
We embody unleashed growth and unlimited potential.
We are God’s precious children, living on God’s glorious Earth, bathed in the Light of God’s splendor.
How fortunate we are.
How sweet and good our lives can be.
And yet we don’t value this precious life as we should.
We need to learn to live together least we perish together.
Beyond the many great storms our world is now enduring….the heaviness of hatred and division, violence, terror war and greed and political folly which threaten the soul of all humanity
There is but one pathway. It is the pathway that requires great and resolute courage.
It comes to us from the eternal wisdom and the universal truths that are within us.
Who are we?
How shall we live?
How shall we be?
The answer is right before us.
We must Re-Member
We are One people under God and love and caring for each other is the way.
These are the main ideas of this book.
Since God appears so often in this book is it a religious book and since you are Jewish—and a rabbi—why should anyone of a different religion be interested in what God says through you? Rabbi Dosick shows us that each of the religions evolved from messengers of God who brought an added piece of the puzzle of life not negating what we already knew but added to that knowledge to refine and refresh our deepest feelings of connection to All that Is. Rabbi Dosick wrote,
“Because age-old wisdom teaches us You do not know something until you know its’ name.
When we name sickness, we can begin to fight it and defeat it.
We see the evil: discordant division because of race, religion, ethnicity, gender or class—the demonizing of “The Other.”
We see the evil: the rise of xenophobia, radical Islamic fundamentalism, racism racial profiling, white nationalism, white supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis neo-fascists, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, sexism, misogyny, ethnic discrimination apartheid bigotry, senseless hatred, brutal violence, terrorism and the despoiling of our planet.
The Good News is that men and women of peace and good will can rise up against evil for we understand the words of the modern- day genius-visionary Albert Einstein who famously remarked, “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”
Sheryl says that for those who follow the love of God within their heart know this and at this time, like Rabbi Dosick myself and the over 700 guests I have interviewed we are are sending their thoughts their words of hope and love and their awareness of the many challenges faced by the world now with solutions for healing ourselves our communities and our world.
Rabbi Dosick writes, A solution can only begin to emerge when, first, all parties and particularly the extremists on all sides stop advocating the destruction of lands and the annihilation of peoples, and when all parties agree to recognize each other and each other’s right to exist in secure, defensible borders. This can only happen when there is honorable self-determination and abiding rights for human rights for all—including religious ethic civic minorities, women and the most vulnerable members of these societies. This is true not only for Israel and the middle east warring for generations but for all nations in the world. Yet if neither a political or practical resolution can be achieved then the only hop that peace will come to Israel her neighbors and other parts of the world is a Divine intervention—a miracle from God.
Sheryl shares with us that in her new book A New Life Awaits she was told about miracles to come and wrote, “ I recently was asked to be a guest at the Enlightened Women Enlightened You Summit hosted by Dr. Ruth Anderson, who told me that Archangel Michael was part of 500,000 light beings on the planet at the present time to aid us in our movement through all the tragedies and heartaches we are experiencing now to a more loving, peaceful time for humanity. I immediately tried to connect to the energy of these teachers and angels being so moved by their desire to help with the healing of our many problems. It is through miracles that they will work with humanity at this troubling time for many people to open their hearts.
The reading that follows is what was expressed to me. April 30, 2019
A march across the valley through mountains
Side by side, row after row, endless power and discipline to walk the world as the Jewish people walked through the Red Sea and desert to find God
We will help you triumph in light and be free
We begin with the children and lift them up to hold their own sense of goodness and help the elders be more aligned to their own innocence
We will fan and cool the rage and anger with miracles, Like the boy who lives after being thrown off from the highest point of an escalator in a mall in Minnesota
And the Rabbi who with love blesses the woman who gave her life to save him during a shooting in the temple so he could speak the truth to his congregation and nation thanking the President of the United States who gave his time effort and blessings to help the Jewish people and to end hatred and return us to peace.
The women and angels like lifting a tree from a sprout to a giant timber will encourage nurturing Women’s Rights and their nature to provide the best of their life force so the planet can stand married to life love and new beginnings
The pain of relationship will be given up for more interactive processes and we will insist on equality for Men and Women, Black Brown and White, Jewish Christian or Islam
We will insist on allowing groups to meet and find common ground It is not a request, but a Divine Decree!
Wayne writes that, “As children of God, children of the universe, there is more that unites us than divides us” and with all the diversity and enmity in the world right now, we finally have an opportunity to learn that truth.
Sheryl says that spiritually minded people follow their personal connection to universal source and in meditation, prayer, healing energy work, connect to the love and peace of Universal Creative Energy and know that any limitation to that connection by religion, politics, family, and societal belief systems are the reason we have fear. Division, lack of fulfilling our human potential and spiritual goals. False belief systems, group think, Identity Politics, which place people in different groups dividing and dehumanizing people are part of the main problem the world is facing now. As resources have been misused for personal gain only, nations corporations, governments, seek to control, and have more power to hold onto the resources they have, rather than eliminating suffering and poverty by sharing, rebuilding, rethinking, ways to preserve and have enough food water shelter to support the world population. They act in unwholesome ways to protect themselves. This is not Godly nor practical.
Rabbi Dosick writes—in the words of God—that, “the absolute truth is that no group’s book, no group’s interpretation of Me is superior to any other.” What does that mean and doesn’t that contradict what so many religious groups and faith communities have been teaching all these years?
Rabbi Dosick writes, “While I respect and honor every religion and faith community’s pathway, since my own background is Judaism many of the sources references and allusions will be from the Jewish tradition but I hope you can easily transfer my attributions in your own idiom so you can embrace the spirit and meaning of this transmission.
Sheryl says that she believes throughout time man’s religious search for understanding how we as humans came to have a life and how we are to live this life is the most prolific of all searches. Those questions Who are we? Where do we come from? and What is the meaning of life? have caused people to search for what already lies within their soul and heart. All the answers and connection to the creative force of all life the Divine God or Universal Source are to be remembered hopefully over the course of a lifetime, perhaps many lifetimes. Truly wise people know, “There are many paths to God and all are welcomed by that divine representation no matter what path you choose.” Therefore, Acceptance Allowing and Surrendering are the way to move past negativity and to find calm peaceful loving resolutions to all our challenges and problems.
He goes on to write, “In days of old and surely these days, your theme song seems to be, “My God’s better than your God,”
But that is absolutely impossible! There is only One God. Me. I am the Creator and Parent of each and every one of you. I am God. There is nothing else. I form light and create darkness. I make peace and create evil. I, the Source and Substance of All do this (Isa. 45: 6-7)
“I am the Everything of the Everything, the wholeness, the totality, the Oneness of the universe—male and female, father and mother, light and dark, and shadow, us and other, justice and compassion, pain and comfort, sense and nonsense, good and evil, anger and tranquility, indifference and passion, joy and sorrow, tragedy and triumph, right and wrong, yes and no, conflict and harmony, war and peace, vengeance and incredible love, life and death, and life eternal.”
“ There is nothing that is not me. “ And I know you intimately and intensely.” So I tell you: Your two different genders are just a practicality fo that you can reproduce and populate the Earth. Otherwise, men and women are equally human, equally my children. Your sexuality is your choice. I am All and All is me. Every one is created in My image. I do not care how you express your Beingness….
When I created you, I made each one of you a perfect human being. I do not make mistakes.
I gave you the whole Earth as your collective home.
It is you who have imposed any perceived differences on each other.
I love you all –fully and equally. In each era, I gave you a collection of myths, legends fables stories, codes, ways of living and most of all—ways to love.
To the Hebrews, I gave the Bible
To the Christians, I gave the New Testament.
To the Muslims, I gave the Koran.
To the people of the East, I gave sacred ideas.
To all the indigenous people of all places, I gave tribal tales.
All of these holy texts came through sages who were my messengers.
Wisdom is wisdom. It does not belong to any one faith or religious community. It belongs to the Universe—to all times and all places and all peoples.
Yet …,says God, you all misunderstood. You all perverted my intent. Historically and for many today, My religious guidebooks are not seen as cumulative but as superseding the previous…..
This has led to your theological, ideological cultural and political warfare—to crusades, nationalism fundamentalism, radicalism inquisitions, holy wars, pogroms, gas chambers, genocide, and world -wide terror—with the current threat of nuclear annihilation hovering.
It has led to the disruption of the sacred relationship of human beings and Me as co-creative partners on Earth. Our Earth cannot be healed, built up, and perfected while some are trying to tear it down through their own egoism and selfishness.
The absolute, universal truth is: No groups book no groups interpretation of Me is superior to any other………..What you call religion came into being to be a vessel, a vehicle for people to join together to relate to Me—a power greater than you understood—and to attempt to find your place and purpose in the universe.
He goes on to say, I am the One God.
There is this One World in which we exist.
You are One—the children of Me—the One God. You –We—are One. All is One. One is All.
Oneness—human unity—does not mean sameness.
Our world’s richness comes from the dazzling tapestry of the ways that you live and become.
There is so much to celebrate in your unique world-views and experiences.
You can cherish your magnificent uniqueness and you can respect and honor the wondrous significance of all humankind.
Radical Loving, the title of your book means as Rabbi Dosick writes that “We talk to God. God listens. And then, God comes to us in words, and visions and day and night dreams. And we really have to listen and see—to be open, clear channels: to be empty enough for God to come through us……..These incredible challenging times call us to nothing less than a radical shift in human consciousness, a sweeping revolution, an unbounded evolution and transformation of humankind and the planet we inhabit. We envision a complete, unconditional unreserved embrace of the World of Spirit and a World of Oneness.
Can we heal our broken world? Ca
n we wipe away the darkness and bring the light? Can we see the face of love in every human being? Can we jubilantly embrace the pathway that will lead us forward to Eden on Earth?
Please. Let’s try.”
We can come to know that wherever we look, there is God. All we have to do is be aware, be conscious. God is Everything—Everywhere. Seeing your face is like seeing the face of God (Gen.33:10)
When we see the Face of God how can we react in any way except wrapped in love?
If we openly and freely gave each person intense passionate radical love, then we would know that every person is just like us a child of God.
We talk about what Awesome Holiness is. To be holy means to be different, to separate from any similar entity in the universe. God is holy because God is unique from any other being. We can be holy when we rise above mundane; when we stand out from the ordinary, when we bring a sense of direction and purpose to our maddening world: when we care share and love. We can be holy when we reflect God’s ability to have relationships of unconditional love. We can be holy when we heal our own brokenness join with God in the task of transforming and perfecting the world. We can be holy when we feel the Divine Presence flowing within us when every thought word and deed make us God’s partners here on Earth.
Some of the places in our lives and some of the ways we can begin to implement these ideas with practical everyday examples are:
We must make our lives into what it really can be and we can perceive what God would want for his beloved human children. God desires that the heart be pure and we fully give God our hearts by opening our minds and souls to the teachings that God has given us throughout the ages and to talks with him in dreams prayer and meditation. God simply wants each human being to become the best he/she can be and to live free from need and fear with all-encompassing human rights and dignity.
Rabbi Dosick goes on to say, ”Let’s tell it like it is. Any group or person who tries to impose belief, or behavior on others must be stopped from discrimination and intimidation. Everyone has a right to personal or communal belief and passion. No one has the right to force that belief or passion on anyone else. Fundamentalism is poisoning our world. So mainstream moderate Jews must stand up to the rigid ultra- Orthodox: main stream moderate Protestants must stand up to evangelicals: mainstream, moderate Catholics must stand up to arch conservative mainstream moderate Muslims must stand up to radicals. And mainstream moderates of every place on the gender, racial political spectrums must stand up to misogynists, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, neo fascists, and anti-Semites. We can no longer let the big bad bullies of this world terrorize us or control our lives. We can no longer be afraid. There is only one antidote to the fear that prevents us from taking action and standing for truth and ultimately what God wants for us. That is love.
Perhaps when we remember or realize once again that there really is a force and creation, universal, divine, eternal, and therefore unending, and that God is at the very center of who we are, where we are, all that we are, and what we do, and all that we will become, we can once again know as the Jesuit priest and spiritualist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. God placed us on this Earth with a Divine Design for our purpose and mission. We are co-creative partners in building up our world and we are to follow God’s code of moral behavior and ethical values that elevates the human spirit. With God, we are to fashion a world of goodness, righteousness peace and love.
Sheryl says as we realize there is no separation, no duality, and God is the Fullness of All Being, we will not feel alone or separated from love and uncomfortable in challenges imposed on us by the physical world. Then, we will remember that God is within us, around us, and that each breath we take in life is shared with the divine breath that made us human and gave us this physical life in order to refine our soul energy and understand how intimate our connection to God is, now and forever. When we finally know this truth we understand that we must live according to the laws of the Universe and not be broken down by other people’s belief systems, then, we are able to help others and the highest good for all is realized, as we know that our will is God’s will and goodness love and honor is at the core of our unique, but united spiritual essence. As a soul we have a unique history and destiny but all souls are interconnected to each other and all of life, which is God.
Even though Radical Loving was written before the onset of the worldwide Covid pandemic, the pandemic affected what is written here.
Rabbi Dosick writes and Sheryl understands this to be meaningful and true. “We do not know God’s design for our world. We do not know how our temporal suffering fits into the Divine plan and how our personal pain may be contributing to the ultimate perfection of the world and if we look to the ancient biblical story of Joseph who was given in slavery to the Egyptians but through his love of God and spiritual gift of mediumship or prophesy was able to help the Pharaoh and was given power and great position. When his brothers met him again, they were afraid of retribution for having acted badly but Joseph said, “You meant it for evil against me. But God meant for good.” (Gen. 50:20)
And it was good indeed, for because of his position, Joseph was able to save the entire country from starvation and his whole family from certain death.
Sheryl shares with us that when she as an intuitive healer and medium was sick with Covid April 2020 she was in constant talks with Spirit wanting to know the purpose of her having this dreadful disease. Sheryl’s breathing was affected and she practiced constantly expanding her lungs and exercising them drinking lots of tea and water, resting, and watched as many families grew closer together via facetime and other social media, and frivolous values were replaced with a great love for each other and life and God as well.
When Sheryl returned to doing her radio shows she spoke with another healer who had also been ill and said Before having Covid she was unable to do distant healing with a person sick with the disease as the discomfort she felt in the lungs was too hard for her to move past. After being ill, she was able to move past the symptoms of her clients, and help them recover. So she had built up an immunity for herself and Sheryl also found she was able to send healing to many who needed it. That was the Divine Plan, so while Sheryl didn’t like having the illness, she accepted and surrendered to it and ultimately it worked in many ways to support her and others.
We thank Rabbi Wayne Dosick for sharing a lifetime search for truth and the remembrance of our eternal connection to God and all living things, finding that an important reason for a physical life experience is to know we are within God’s energy and love, and to share God’s message that all his children on earth and beyond are loved equally, unconditionally and are holy in that realization.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing from Within it has been Sheryl’s privilege to discuss the issues that are most dear to her heart and soul journey and to share the many loving messages that Spirit, the Divine God Universal Source or whatever you call that Infinite Eternal Wisdom of Creation who surrounds us, lives within us, and we within that force of love and compassion, use our time on earth to ask questions, ask for help when needed, and trust the larger plan for your life and humanity as a whole. For within us and in this personal connection to God are the answers and compass to guide us to truth love, and living our best reality.
With age old-wisdom wrapped in modern day garb, the Rabbi’s thoughtful sweet and inspiring stories deep insights and gentle guidance are the calls to a renewal of our emerging new world of Oneness Unity beyond separation from life or fear of change and a way to bring Heaven to Earth As it once was, it can be again.
Rabbi Dosick writes, Paraphrasing the Talmud: “There are singular moments in our lives when we can discern the entire reason for our existence…(BT AZ. 10B)
Our time has come.
Our moment is now.
We have to be ready to fulfill our destiny.
We have to be joyfully willing to love, love, love.
The pandemic and the civil unrest have finally cracked open our hearts. The light is slowly flowing in. We sense, we feel, we see, the new world – home waiting for us to grasp it and step inside.
Home is the heart of love.
And God is eagerly waiting to welcome us home.
Rabbi Wayne Dosick and Sheryl would have you know that life is a miracle, each of us is a miracle, and as we open to the goodness, kindness, and love of All that we are blessed to receive, we will grow more aware of our uniqueness and ways to harness the love God holds for each of us and for humanity as well, so we may grow ever closer to the Divine Eternal within us that transcends the challenges of life, here and beyond.
Sheryl Glick RMT, host of Healing From Within author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits; Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening invites you to visit her website to read about and listen to leaders and authors in the metaphysical, scientific, spiritual, medical, psychological, legal, and arts and music fields discuss awakening, transformation, transition of a soul’s divine and physical life experiences. Shows may also be heard on and
Rabbi Wayne Dosick link to
Radical Loving link to
Sheryl Glick link to
A New Life Awaits link to