Internet Radio Show
Our Souls Evolution Before and After Physical Death
- Sherrie Dillard
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” I am your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Energy Teacher medium and author of the newest book in a trilogy, A New Life Awaits Spiritual Insights To Support Global Awakening which shares many stories and messages from Spirit showing us that our challenges are not economic political or societal just a spiritual disconnect from our true being or soul wisdom. I am delighted to welcome Sherrie Dillard author of I’m Still With You who like many of my spiritually developed authors in one way or another has found that “Consciousness survives physical death and we as souls are eternal vessels of pure energy and love.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” over the years have come to expect the world of energy or Universal source is a vast territory of new perceptions and realities and often we become interested in this world beyond physical life by recognizing the duality of life and that we are spiritual beings having a physical life in order to refine and expand our already magnificent soul potential. Life becomes miraculously better when we merge our spiritual awareness to reach higher consciousness and live purposely in the here and now.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Sherrie Dillard who is a professional psychic medium and therapist for over thirty years and has given over 50,000 readings worldwide will share thoughts the afterlife what happens to our loved ones there, intuition, spiritual development, and healing and its importance in the modern day challenges the world is facing right now.
Sherrie shares her experience of dealing with many souls who have crossed over and believes as soon as our loved ones cross over pass out of their physical body and quite often even before they pass they become aware that loved ones are around them waiting and death is not the end even if they have not been of that mindset before. Once on the other side they are able to see and feel the shock and grief that their relatives and friends on the earth plane are experiencing. They desperately want us to know they are still alive and some even when they are passing over stop and you might feel a breeze or touch on your shoulder or feel a shadow pass by you. Sheryl’s cousin told her many years ago even before she had begun her healing and mediumship work and was not aware of an afterlife that at the very time of our Grandmother Sarah’s passing she had felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see who was there and no one was there. Soon after her mother called telling her that Grandma had just passed.
Sheryl goes on to say that in her new book A New Life Awaits she addresses this question of who waits for departed souls and wrote, “When I interviewed Annie who discussed her communication with her brother who had passed, I had no idea that before long, my sister Rodelle would pass. As a medium, I received thoughtful, creative, validating messages for my clients. I assumed that was the way Spirit intended for me to use the gift of spiritual communication. However, I was told years ago that I could ask to speak to any soul energy, anywhere, alive or in spirit. I never tried to contact my own family members, as I felt that should they need to reach me, they would.
Eight months after Rodelle’s passing, I decided to meditate and try to check in to see how she was relating to her new world. Unlike Billy, who reached out to his sister, I reached out to mine in spirit. Usually when I do a reading, I simply write down whatever is presented to me. It seems the information is usually perfectly tailored to what my client needs at the moment. With Rodelle, however, I decided to ask her questions. I asked her who was there to meet her. Immediately I began to feel a pressure, a tightening on my head, as perhaps the drugs she was given before passing confused her. She was frightened. Our dad was calling to her to move forward. Rodelle soon saw the head of the Statue of Liberty immense in size; the face was very close to her face. The beams of light from the crown on the statue’s head enlarged, and many people moved forward to meet her: relatives, friends, and guides. Rodelle seemed to feel free, as the immigrants who had come to our shores looking for a new life must have felt, filled with the hope that they would be welcomed. Tears started to fill my eyes as I realized how joyful she was to find this new world and see so many souls she loved there to greet her.
Sherrie tells us about the Life Review that every soul experiences. Soon after passing over our loved ones experience the soul review. For some this process seems to occur spontaneously and quickly. Others experience the soul review as a series of insights awareness and heart-opening expansion. However, this activity can’t be measured in earth time as the other side is always operating in the “now” outside of time. During the soul review our loved ones become aware of the soul contracts they shared with others in their life and have the opportunity to better understand why things happened the way they did. The soul review is not a judgment, a fault finding, or a way to incur shame and blame for misguided mistakes while in the physical world. Instead it is an opportunity to become and be who they truly are. As our loved ones go through the soul review and awaken to their true self, they are able to positively influence and guide us right here on earth.
Sheryl says they are still very active in our lives and learning with us as we continue to gather experiences and new understandings.
Sherrie tells us much of the soul review. Often, we sense and feel the presence of a higher being. There may actually be many present, but, not wanting us to be overwhelmed, they remain quiet not to distract the soul from this important process. These beings assist and help to balance the influx of emotions we experience by sending us waves of love and forgiveness. During the soul review it is the beauty of our soul, along with wise and loving beings that guide us. Here on earth we tend to be more aware of our ego’s needs than the desires of our spirit. On the other side, we ascend into the wisdom of our soul and perceive our earth life through this enlightened lens. We have new insights and understand the deeper meaning and purpose of what we’ve experienced.
Sherrie shares that the soul review begins with what many have described as the appearance and sensation of orbs of energy that bubble up from within. In these orbs of energy, we view and experience significant events from our earth life. As memories surface they are accompanied by insights and new awareness into how our choices and decisions impacted our soul path. All that we do think feel and experience in the physical life comes from the gift of free will and creative freedom. Most of the emotions and difficulties we experience in a physical world are not relevant in spirit life. There is no loneliness selfishness anger frustration and anxiety on the other side. We are able to embrace our divine individuality and experiences the joy that has always been within.
We feel how our choices words and actions affected others even those who may not have been directly impacted at the time. Not only do we feel how our actions affected others, we become the other and experience their reactions emotions and feelings as if they are our own. We feel the longing for love and forgiveness and the misunderstandings and contempt that we may have harbored about others and ourselves. During the soul review we learn that when we accepted our physical life circumstances and did our best to respond to whatever was asked of us in the most conscious and loving way we could, we succeeded. We recognize that when we listened to and acted on the dictates of our soul goodness, the universe responded by bringing us more positive opportunities.
Sherrie goes on to tell us what she believes it is like on the other side and what our loved ones may be experiencing. Sherrie writes, “Although, we may hesitate to accept that those in the spirit realm can reach out and be with us, our loved ones on the other side are experiencing something quite different. For those in the spirit realm, communicating with loved ones still in the physical world is more straightforward and uncomplicated. Even if they had no interest in intuition while here in the physical world, this is the natural way they communicate now.
Sheryl says that years ago when she was first exploring how psychic and spiritual communication worked a medium told her that her grandfather who had come to her in a dream in 1993 telling her to write something for her father and learning that her father passed the next day opened up her search for the truth of spirit communication and later on another medium told Sheryl that her grandfather had not been interested in these thoughts when alive but, now was with Sheryl at all the events she went to as she was discovering so much about eternal life and learning to use her own intuitive healing and mediumship talents and he was learning along side of her.
Sherrie also says that those on the other side continue to support and love those they left behind. They have ascended into a higher state of love and wisdom and perceive us through this enlightened awareness. Sheryl’s own dad in spirit told her many of the thoughts she had while walking on the boardwalk were from him and he supported her writing her books to share the truth of eternal life.
As our loved ones leave the physical body, they become aware that death is not the end. Sheryl remembers telling her sister Rodelle when she was close to the end of this life that she was in for a very special new experience and would find a life beyond this physical place. She wasn’t quite sure of that possibility but Sheryl was right and they had decided if she found herself to be alive she would get a message to her On Sheryl’s last visit with Rodelle at her home, Sheryl asked her to tell her the message she would send if indeed either she or Sheryl found ourselves beyond life to be still alive. We decided that every time I saw a fluffy, sweet-faced, white Bichon dog like her dog, Oliver, she would be saying hello to me. Soon after her passing, I was watching television and a commercial came on. There was a small white dog like Oliver, with his leg wrapped in a blue bandage, unable to move quickly, stopped to see the other dogs move so freely and fast. Sadly, the small dog walked up to his owner, a dark haired, sensitive-looking, otherworldly young man, and looked into his eyes, and immediately the man seemed inspired. He opened his cell phone to order a dog carrier from Amazon so his dog could be carried close to his heart and loved till he healed. The words sung at the end of the commercial were, “I was born among the stars.” That was, I think, a great message from my very clever sister letting me know she and all our loved one’s dance in eternal life.
Sherrie writes, “At physical death we wake to our true source and become aware of the divine beauty we are all inherently a part of. Although we don’t necessarily hear trumpets and see the pearly gates of heaven, an all- encompassing love and peace surrounds us. After passing over most are greeted by their loved ones already on the other side and by angelic beings. Our loved ones often describe waking up in a sublime and peaceful garden where they can rest and adjust to this new celestial reality.”
A life review may affect loved ones here on earth. Sherri tells us that as your loved one on the other side evolves and transforms, so can you. There is a lot we can learn from the soul review about how to live a more joy filled peaceful life here in the physical world. It is through the soul review process that occurs soon after passing that emotional burdens and misunderstandings are acknowledged and released. As earthly perceptions are let go, insight and purpose and gifts that the phyiscal life provided comes to light. We live in the pureness of our soul and enter into the full experience of divine freedom and love.
Sherrie tells us that in cases of severe trauma or sudden death of a loved one we are often haunted by images of our loved one’s last moments on earth and imagine they may have suffered pain or fear and this makes the grief process and healing much harder. However, many souls share the way they left their body even during a bad car accident. Sherrie tell us of Philip whose wife died in a terrible car crash and who lets you know she didn’t suffer and as she lifted out of her body felt the sensation of warmth and light. Your wife wants you to know that she wasn’t alone. It looks like an angel, a light being, was there and also a small woman with white hair possibly a grandmother. She says they protected her. Months after this session with Sherrie, Philip has a spiritual visit in a dream from his wife who told him she was always close by to him, but he had to get on with his life here.
Once the spirit leaves the body some describe watching the events unfold from a distance. In the company of loved ones and angels who have previously passed over they feel no fear only love. Several spirits have told Sherrie they were not aware of the cause or manner of how they passed over. This occurs more often in unexpected and sudden deaths. Children go directly into a loving environment with the angels and loved ones on the other side and are shielded from the circumstances of how they passed over. Talking with others about life after death can open a door for new understanding and acceptance. You may share your beliefs gently but it is wise to never overwhelm another with your beliefs and views. Sometimes it is necessary to simply listen and pray for their peaceful transition and love them.
There is a gift of spirituality within grief. When Sherri asked her spirit guides how suffering grief or illness might be an opportunity to examine one’s life that could help make evolutionary soul progress while still in the body and help resolve behavior which hurt others, we hear the story of a mother who was angry and self-centered and physically and emotionally abusive to her children. A few weeks before she passed she called crying to apologize and ask for forgiveness. Sherries spirit guides told her that illness can be a way to release negativity. Our suffering can be an active type of karma that allows us to discharge the negative energy we have accumulated and transform it before we pass over. In this way we move quickly into a spiritually higher vibration of love and joy after passing. For some, the depth of awareness and transformation can be so profound it leads to physical healing and recovery. We don’t become sick because we are bad or are paying for our negativity or something we have done. Transforming our emotional pain and developing compassion and forgiveness, allows positive energy and love to flow through us which may result in spontaneous physical emotional and spiritual healing.
Sherrie begins the book by describing that she was teaching a class when she felt her attention pulled away and felt pulled into the spiritual realm. It wasn’t a simple nudge but a” pay attention” to me kind of spiritual intrusion. On the way home the spirit presence that Sherrie felt during the class came closer and felt stronger. During the long drive home, Sherrie talked with the spirit and asked what happened and how was his passing? As this presence drew closer, Sherrie felt a tugging in my heart and found herself spontaneously expressing her love for him. Strange as it sounds, Sherrie knew that she was talking to her ex-husband. Even thought she knew his spirit was with her, she wasn’t ready to acknowledge that he had passed over. As far as she knew he was healthy and alive in the physical world.
Sheryl says that over twenty years ago when she was at a spiritual workshop like the one you were teaching the day your ex-husband visited, a medium standing on the podium told Sheryl there was a handsome tall man pulling on cowboy boots and looking directly at me. She asked if It meant anything to me and not wanting to give the medium any information Sheryl just said It might mean something, She went on to say the man had spent time traveling from his home to the East Coast and now had a mustache but he didn’t when Sheryl knew him. He had passed from a lung related disorder and since Ira was a heavy smoker I was sad to hear that. He said Life had been good but a little too short and then he said. He should have married me. Sheryl knew it was her first boyfriend Ira who had moved out west to have a ranch. She was sorry to hear he had passed, but still felt him close to him, maybe closer than he had been all these years she had not seen him. He also said to Sheryl she didn’t need a medium to talk to him. The other day Sheryl was thinking about Ira and at her beauty salon checking out there was a man standing next to her wearing a Minnesota t shirt and Sheryl asked if him if he lived there. He said he was moving there and Sheryl told him she thought her first boyfriend who was a cowboy had moved there. He walked away and in a minute returned handing Sheryl a CD. There he was on the cover- the lead singer in a band called “the Wandering Cowboy” and when Sheryl listened to the music later in her office she was moved by the beauty and love in the music. This happened the day before her birthday September 16th. Perhaps a present from Ira in Spirit.
Sherrie might like readers to remember that our relatives as soon as they pass out of their physical body become aware that death is not the end and often want to let us know that they are still alive and eager to communicate with us in various ways. They want us to know that the transition or passing over is painless and not at all as scary as what it may seem to be. The most frightening part of death it seems is our human perception or that the process of death involves fear pain anguish and suffering. However, appearances can be deceiving. At physical death we wake up to our true essence and become aware of the divine beauty that we are all inherently a part of. After passing over, most are greeted by their loved ones already on the other side and also often by angelic beings.
We thank you Sherrie Dillard author of I’m Still With You for your sensitive and truthful approach to communicating and helping clients and readers heal and evolve with their loved ones on the other side.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Sherrie Dillard has tried to share with listeners a clearer view of what the process of transitioning and moving into the afterlife is like and how our loved ones try to communicate and share their continued presence in our lives only from a different dimension of life and energy. Perhaps we can realize the wonderment of the other side and the true meaning of eternal life in both physical and energetic form. Perhaps, we can also begin to understand how to merge our soul and ego minded capacity to live a more balanced harmonious physical life experience while dealing with the challenges of our daily life.
Perceptions of the true nature of life when accurate and removed from fear eliminate most suffering, and allow for love and compassion to flourish. Sherrie writes that after many years of communicating with souls who have passed over, she still is surprised and somewhat mystified by what those on the other side tell her about the afterlife. Just as we have free will in the physical world, we have the opportunity to create our experiences and steer our evolution and growth to the spirit realm as well. After the soul review many stay close to family members on the other side. They may recreate much of how they lived in the phyiscal world…In addition to socializing and having fun, they mend unhealed past issues and discover new aspects of one another’s individuality that they may not have been aware of in the physical life. Even relationships in the physical world that may have been short-lived and seemed less significant like those we have with a neighbor or co-worker are often revisited…..There is no ego on the other side so our desire to be with others is based on authenticity and shared consciousness.”
Sherrie and I would hope you start this very moment to pay attention to the quiet intuitive thoughts and whispers of loved ones both here in your physical life and in spirit who are not there randomly but purposefully to awaken in you the memory of your powerful and divine soul who yearns to breathe love and life into their words and actions and make themselves and the world healthier and more loving.
I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and invite you to visit my website to read about and listen to leaders in the fields of science spirituality metaphysics medicine energy healing psychology and the arts and science as we search our minds and hearts for a true realization of our soul and physical life realities. Shows may also heard on and www.webtalkradio,net