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Personal Power for Transformation
- Lawren Leo
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In today’s episode of Healing From Within, your host, Sheryl Glick, author of her newest book, The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love, welcomes special guest Lawren Leo, author of Dragonflame: Tap Into Your Reservoir of Power Using Talismans, Manifestation, and Visualization. Lawren is an accomplished writer, editor and public speaker who will share his original thinking and direct us to use his system to develop and use three magical keys that will help unlock your personal power leading to helping achieve life goals and desires. Lawren has travelled extensively through Great Britain, Western Europe, North Africa and the Middle East studying esoteric philosophy, magical arts, alternative religion and giving readings. He has been practicing Wicca and studying Kabbalah for nearly three decades and owns a metaphysical shop called New Moon Books.
Lawren tell us the central message of Dragonflame is that by a well orchestrated group of meditations and an eclectic mix of spirituality self-investigation philosophy alchemy and magic you can discover and hone your personal powers to follow your life plan and destiny creating health prosperity adventure joy and love to live your most delightful human and spiritual life journey.
Lawren aligns his will to his purpose and describes that when he gets out of his own way there is a natural method to create awareness to his train of thought making it easier to observe. A positive side effect of these efforts is to this is astral travel and or lucid dreams.
The astral realm is a state of being that exists beyond the third dimension. The physical body has adapted to the Earth’s three-dimensional realm where it vibrates a denser state creating flesh, bones, and material items navigated by the 5 senses. The 6th sense however is not bound to the third Dimension. It exists to help us navigate and communicate with the astral realm via thoughts, feelings intuition and the astral or energy body thus giving us more control over the physical realm. Just as the physical body vibrates at a slow dense state to match the Earth’s vibrational frequency, the astral body vibrates at a higher subtler one in tune with the astral realm’s frequency.
The astral realm seems to be a limitless place of exploration—a multi-dimensional realm, unfolding worlds within worlds, individually created for each person’s destiny, likes and dislikes. The astral realm has been called the collective unconsciousness or the ethers and can also be considered layers of our psychic nature..entering this realm has also been called lucid dreaming.
A lucid dream is one in which you become aware that you are dreaming. Suddenly becoming conscious that you are flying, is a common example of a lucid dream. It is another form of astral travel and as you become more comfortable with this process, the memory of its experience to your brain can be remembered upon returning to your physical body. You will recall more detail and even create a spontaneous astral experience possibly waking up on the Astral Plane. The phrases as above so below and all change begins within can be translated to mean all change begins with thought on the astral plane or lucid dream before it begins to manifest on the Earth’s third dimension.
Lawren shares some way for learning to awaken potent magical forces within lying dormant by using the energies of the Lion Horse and Unicorn totems. The mixture of these three totems is the crux of Dragonflame. It’s sacred fire turns metaphorical lead into gold: ignorance into wisdom and is the embodiment of an ancient magical philosophy made new in these times of great technological advancements. Magic is fire and we must learn to dance around it, enjoy it and respect it without getting burned.
Lawren also describes another icon which is the unicorn horn. One way to think of the unicorn horn is as Universal this way it corresponds with the heart chakra one of the main psychic centers in which we find purpose. The astrological sign of Virgo governs the unicorn’s horn and Virgo meaning virgin in Latin reminds us of purity of intent and symbolizes birth of new beginnings. The Egyptian goddess Isis is a symbol of fertility, rich vegetation and bountiful harvests. The astrological sign Virgo is also associated with Isis.
Sheryl says, “As an energy practitioner and Reiki Master Teacher born under the sign of Virgo I find it interesting to relate to you and our audience that when I was first was becoming aware of coincidence as guidance from a Universal Source and that Consciousness must survive physical death…after being attuned to the Universal Energy by my second Reiki teacher channels within were expanded… and I started to download impressions for my clients: messages and imprints from higher eternal life forces and around that time I read a book by Marianne Williamson which told the story of Isis, Osiris and their son Horus. Shortly after that at a meeting I was drawn to a poster and someone said it was Osiris. Days before I had a dream relating to Isis’ and Osiris challenging love experience and their quest for love which was thwarted by their jealous brother Seth. It was like I remembered the story and then gained further insight into their relationship from the story about them in Marianne Williamson’s beautiful book. Seeing the poster was a reminder of what is often known within but can at times be validated by events and experiences in our everyday life. It seemed so connected to my growing intuitiveness and finding my way to develop my spiritual gifts which may have been in the past influenced by the healing practices of ancient wisdom keepers so I could serve others now.”
Lawren mentions Wicca and Kabbalah as two systems of study that have been helpful to him. He tells us that Kabbalah is a Hebraic tradition outlining the creation of the Universe on both a microcosmic and macrocosmic level –visible and invisible and a means to receive sacred knowledge by each generation through word of mouth. Kabbalah is the underlying structure for many mystery schools and the Western Esoteric traditions . The Kabbalah teaches that creation took place in 10 steps and each step is a sacred emanation of light issuing forth from a Creator called a Sephirah that has its own level of consciousness and the layers are placed in a sacred glyph known as the” Tree of Life.”
A main theme throughout the Dragonflame philosophy is the use of sacrifice: letting go of something lesser in order to obtain something greater using Willpower lists. All magicians must follow a karmic or moral code blessing and releasing the spirits who assist.
Many people are curious about magic and the world of the Unseen and some are deeply afraid of what they have not been exposed to previously. Sheryl asks Lawren what she can say about the power of developing spiritual gifts and awareness and if magic can work in a karmically-correct fashion.
Lawren responds that in magic, a key lesson is if your purpose is pure than your karma will be too . Often the poison fed to us by man-made belief systems make us unable to clearly state our goal. The Unicorn’s horn for example is one of the three keys for successfully achieving goals and teaches us to neutralize the poison of negative thoughts and emotions by analyzing our purpose and keeping it pure like a maiden (Virgo). Ex.: if your goal is continued success with the purpose of having peace of mind then you have made a conscious effort perhaps to use your money to create peaceful conditions. The proper purpose creates a positive and solid vision that will be accepted by the conscious mind as well as the subconscious mind.
The next key is the horse which represents the four concepts of magic to will….to dare…to know…to be silent. Collectively these disciplines create a potent energy called sacrifice…To clarify the sacrifice talked about in Lawren’s book is “self-sacrifice” and has nothing to do shedding blood or harming yourself or anyone else. The astrological symbol with the horse is Scorpios power which is one of the most intense in the zodiac and most daring Two key sources of this sign are determination and courage and to have a fixed intention and to move without fear which is the energy needed to initiate yourself into learning about yourself and begin an inward journey..The more you use Dragonflame’s sense of courage and determination the more fears you will conquer and the more control you will gain over yourself- not others and the more powerful you will become. You must use this energy with RESPECT TO CONQUER THE NEGATIVE ASPECTS OF SCORPIOS DARK SIDE.
The tarot card associated with this horse key is death, which teaches us that for change to occur there must be a death of some sort..perhaps an old useless belief or pattern so a new and evolved one may spring up…also we know at one point our physical being will die and our energy will change form.
For a thought to manifest on the earth realm a sacrifice must occur…a goal originates from a vision or thought and you must take steps to solidify that though and to do so you must make the decision to let go of something lesser in order to obtain something greater..the very definition of sacrifice. An example is; your vision is to be self employed and have financial security..In order to do that you have to work more hours and spend more time on business and less time at home..You have sacrificed home comfort, hobbies and other pleasant things and one of the most precious commodities known to man…TIME.
The third key in the Dragonflame system is the Lions Tail which represents your desires or goals. Having a goal creates a target to aim your will towards the astral realm. Creating a goal is a lot like sailing in a ship We chose the destination and map out the best course possible The ship is our conscious mind allowing us to tap into the energy of our thoughts and make safe passage to our subconscious mind. As the Captain we are training our thoughts through the Dragonflame philosophy that will help a goal or destination to be realized.
The fiery sign of Leo supplies three key ingredients to successful goal making. 1. Strength, 2. Confidence and 3. Creativity. The goal purpose is to sacrifice the Magical GPS system which makes up Dragonflame.
Lawren mentions the metaphorical “Philosophers Stone”. The Philosophers Stone is a magical substance capable of turning lead into gold. The great work of the alchemists-magicians par excellence like shamans understood that lead and gold were symbols for states of being such as lack of knowledge (lead) and enlightenment (gold) This allowed their ultimate motivation to be self-transformation, not greed.
Sheryl asks Lawren if the Dragonflame philosophy is a religion or supplement to any religion. Lawren says the Unicorn’s horn is associated with alchemy. Mercury is in the simplest terms the act of speeding up evolution expansion and Wisdom from Universal Love and the Laws of Energy. As such it is not a religious system of beliefs, but is a system of understanding energy as a creative force for all of life. It is a metaphysical approach to understanding human and divine aspects of creation and life. The Unicorn’s horn is also associated with the Hebrew letters YOD which translated into English as hand or open hand and is believed to be the spark of life and the birthplace of nature. The Unicorn’s horn is the home for this divine spark which is also known as Purpose. Purpose creates a belief in a higher power directing your goal on the best path possible. The purpose in the unicorn’s horn brings to light negative emotions and thoughts, thus enabling us to confront them. Once we confront a fear, we gain control over it and consequently grow more powerful…
Lawren says it is important in this system to have a Dragonflame talisman to perform the activities in this book and that from the moment it is created it becomes a living entity on the astral realm consecrating the Dragonflame talisman whatever version you choose will serve two purposes. It will protect your karma through its alignment with the highest purpose possible, the Great Work and two it will allow you to use it in whatever goals you pursue. The talisman becomes like a spiritual companion.
Today's Guest