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Personality Types Based on The Four Elements
- Debra Silverman
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In today’s episode of Healing From Within, your host Sheryl Glick Intuitive Healing Medium and author of The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which shares stories of spiritual awakenings, spiritual communication, healing energies miracles and ways to rediscover your true essence and the meaning of your life, welcomes Debra Silverman author of The Missing Element. Debra has been the psychologist and astrologer that celebrities turn to when things aren’t going quite according to plan. As Sting wrote in his endorsement of her book, “Debra Silverman reminds you what fun it is to be YOU: the singular freakish awkward YOU, and she also reminds you of your unique potential, your gifts to the world and your place in it.”
Debra will help us look at our physical and emotional being as seen through personality types exemplified by the four elements: Water, Earth, Air and Fire for understanding that part of your essence can help your spirit heal, overcome addictions or personal limitations, and bring about welcomed changes in your life.
Debra shares a vision of the Elders in past and contemporary societies and the value of their wisdom. The Elders is a body of wisdom that is based on many ancient cultures..American Indians prayed to the Four Directions. Kabalistic Jews spoke of the Four Worlds. The Hawaiian Hula culture spoke of the Four Elements. Buddhists wrote of the Four Noble Truths. And the Egyptians passed on to us their version of the Four Elements which is steeped in astrology—the oldest science on earth. These cultures offered a long view of seeing the world with clarity and used a distant “Observer” position to avoid becoming mired in the myopic vantage point we call EGO. As an astrologer Debra suggests we are living in a time period that the prophets foresaw…The Mayans- the Eastern Indians who wrote about the Kali, Yuga the Hopis and the Incas…One of the largest problems is that as a modern species we’ve become accustomed to a much easier life. We are addicted to comfort and convenience. We do not like change nor want it, and yet we must.
Debra says we do not have enough oil, clean air, water and gas to support the number of people on our planet. We do not know how to distribute wealth or food to those in need. We do not know how to banish genocide child slavery drug cartels sex wars or evil. These are big problems overwhelming for sensitive souls to think about. The biggest job for each of us is to make peace with the wonderful person inside you and allow the negativity fear and shame that block our authentic expression to lift and disperse. Then we may become more powerful effective human beings on this planet. We have mountains of research that inform us how to be healthy and how to heal our planet…Organizations everywhere are inspiring a different future and just as many government agencies are dinosaurs resisting these ideas. The hard truth…The glaciers are shrinking. The planet is getting hotter…a scientific fact we must address or will we pass the possibility for reversing these effects…..Crisis such as earthquakes, heartbreaks, health issues and financial problems present opportunities for change.
Understanding the four elements and how they affect our interaction with the world are very telling.
The Four Elements are;
WATER: we begin surrounded by the awesome feminine power of a womb filled with fluid..Herein lies the wisdom of silence and trust
AIR: It’s everywhere the universal source of breath and language…no one can live without breathing or communicating. Herein lies the wisdom of wonder and consciousness.
EARTH: The patience of a mountain, the generosity of a tree. Earth the immovable rock tirelessly waiting for our respect. Here lies the wisdom of respect and balance
FIRE: The heat of your heart and the fire of the Sun drive your destiny each day…We cannot live without either..Herein lies the wisdom of accepting your mission with full conviction
You suggest that everything we may have been told is wrong with us those shameful hidden parts might be what is necessary to heal the world and live an authentic life. The parts that are eccentric or rebellious the parts that laugh too loud or cry too much if held in will have unpleasant side effects…we need to be who we are and this is the key to your freedom.
By discovering what personality type you are: the Watery emotional feeling kind of person who doesn’t always feel comfortable with her voice—her Air. Or maybe you’re an Earthy type who needs to clean and organize before you ever leave the house in order to feel sane, and who misses the fun in life—your Fire.
It doesn’t matter what personality type you have. The Key is to become the Observer—to activate the aspect of yourself that just witnesses, who doesn’t sit in self-judgment but who can notice who you are without trying to change you one bit…
Each element expresses how we will be seen by others as we interact. For example… The Fire Personality is a big outgoing bubbly person with a huge personality inherently shy and who struggles with her bigness. Can take over the room and suck all the energy in the room and others may run to escape her energy. This personality often shuts down in relationships and had so perfected the art of holding back in many situations as a protective and necessary way to avoid rejection.
Debra says “Over the years as a therapist—astrologer I noticed that many of her clients wanted to rid themselves of the parts of their personality that they disliked..It became clear to me that the extent of their grief and pain was equal to how much they stifled the most natural parts of themselves…We are who we are… you cannot change your stripes so embracing all your traits those conceived as good or bad are necessary for living life authentically to appreciate and love yourself.”
When you love yourself as you are in your most natural state this allows you to have compassion for others and see why they are so sensitive talkative or shy or outgoing…Becoming the Observer inspires compassion and acceptance of others and when we aren’t judging ourselves and others we become more loving.
Debra goes on to add another important part of the equation for Self-discovery and self improvement. We can identify two voices that make you human; your ego and its chatty self-serving endless quirkiness and what can be called the Observer that is patient non-judgmental and loving (Inner being or Soul). The Observer waits patiently in the wings waiting for an invitation to enter whispering softly only when it has something meaningful to say. The Observer the witness our soul, our higher self helps us to see things objectively as they really are. and is one of the Missing Elements the part of yourself that enables you to understand your quirky personality beyond judgment and the witness the wise quiet soulful voice that has the ability to teach tame and support your ruthless ego… Now the ego is well meaning just a little disoriented and totally fearful….
“Sad but true, we all grow out of the soil of pain…The crisis that arise in our lives are here to serve us, not to hurt us….Crisis is nothing more than your own soul trying to get your attention to show you your path. Life doesn’t care how hard your lessons are, or if you can handle them. Life just wants you to learn and to grow and to keep your heart wide open.”
Debra observes and writes, “From watching the younger generation I see them suffering…College graduates are expected to go out into the world and be successful, loyal reliable kind knowledgeable respectful on time beautiful and rich…We expect you to get married pay taxes buy a house go to church never have a sexual thought about anyone but your partner and to raise perfect children.What we ought to say to our children is: Be prepared You will fail at times, you will break down at some point and become overweight, addicted and aged.”
We all started out determined to love our mother father and siblings. We accepted our childhood upbringing as normal. It didn’t matter what the story line was…how crazy or straight…we all had to eat sleep go to school look for love and hope that someone cared. We were forced by circumstance to accept our parent’s reality—until we were able to leave home and begin our journeys as individuals. NO MATTER WHERE WE WENT WE CARRIED THE IMPRINT OF OUR CHILDHOOD.
One of the purposes of this book is to help you understand your earlier childhood story, the nature of your unique personality and if you have patterns that repeat over and over again that cause you to be broken hearted, short on cash, feeling unappreciated. It’s not about changing your nature or personality but becoming conscious of who you are and rewriting your story, embracing your shadow with compassion, and blessing this life in gratitude as a kind loving being. YOUR PAIN AND YOUR PURPOSE ARE ONE AND THE SAME.
Take a moment to reflect…Every time you have experienced real pain you have entered a phase of growth. Let us consider the example of the Dali Lama…If you look at his life you will see he was set up to learn and teach us about letting go…. At the age of three he was recognized as a Rinpoches and was taken away from his family and trained as a leader. His Holiness began his lifelong practice of “letting go” as a toddler…As an adult he and his monks had to leave Tibet when the Chinese took over…The Dali Lama wrote “ Most of our troubles are due to the passionate desire for attachment to things….” Motto of Story: Each of us has a life built on a series of lessons. Should we learn the lessons, we become healers and teachers. If not we remain victims and students. Destined to repeat our need to learn the same lesson over again
Debra writes “Heartbreak, illness financial despair death abandonment –you name it Your job in this life is to polish and refine your story or soul, to grind up the hard to swallow, chunky bits and turn them into digestible nutrients not just for our own evolution but also for our entire species. That is why we are here to grow into our humanness without judgment so we can live and contribute and love more fully.”
Sometimes there are no answers to why we are spared and friends die…it is then difficult for the ego that wants to make up stories so that things make sense and we don’t feel pain. So Debra tells the story of Charlie whose main element is Water and who had to face his own ability to make sense of what happened during 9/11 and learn surrender and to stay open to his feelings…he had to become a student of life and had to learn FORGIVENESS. Forgiveness is a big part of the challenge of Water… 9/11 changed Charlie. After the trauma he became a Yoga teacher.. Healthy water is learning to heal, release the pain, to ask for forgiveness and to create a new storyline….
Debra shares what inspired her to write this book, “One teacher who I studied with said that once you develop your “Observer” or inner presence, nothing can hurt you as the ego will be quieted and calm, however, it is necessary to live both a physical and spiritual life and to merge the best of both for our refinement and personal development. We must also accept the fact that everyone is a flawed humble human or in other words, No one is perfect…We all grow up wounded in some way: we weren’t seen, we felt ashamed because of the way we looked or the things we said. We were punished for upsetting our parents when all we wanted was to be loved. Then we think we are unlovable and the punishment goes on in our minds and a bit of our Spirit is lost or dampened and needs to be retrieved through new insights. Human nature is a reactive machine often impulsive and emotional. So I wrote this book to show that everything exists for the purpose of discovering our soul or Observer presence which enables us to deal more effectively with the challenges in our lives.”
Debra Silverman shows us a unique way to think of personality types as aligned to the 4 elements Water Earth Air and fire and showing us still another way to appreciate the journey of the soul as it is affected by the world karma and Universal source. The point of this book is to help you have all four necessary elements in equal proportions and properly expressed. In describing The Observer or witness which is our soul you are helped to integrate your human or ego based mind reality and to work with the part of yourself that enables you to understand yourself and human nature so you may accept life in all its quirkiness. You will love the stories and awesome photographic pictures in The Missing Element.
Debra wrote…. “Once we begin to wake up to the compassionate Observer in ourselves, the part of us who worships the privilege to be in a body alive and service to humanity, then we can move beyond our personal drama and tend to selfless acts of service in a world that needs help so badly. Our purpose on Earth is to accept our humanness with an open tender heart and evolve the species by remembering that you are a healing agent evolving for all of us. As you do your independent work of truly being yourself, we all benefit.”
Debra and Sheryl would have you realize that at this critical tipping point in our human history we can find our way to a positive future by beginning with the investment of time and energy into accepting ourselves, surrendering to life with love and compassion for others, and utilizing the energies of Water Air Earth and Fire to be a more balanced highly functioning and happy person.