Internet Radio Show
Poetry As a Healing Art
- Sam Yau
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Teacher soul energy healer, medium, and author of her new book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guide Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us our challenges on Earth are not merely economic political societal but a disconnect from our true being or soul wisdom. I am delighted to welcome Sam Yau author of Soul’s Journey a beautiful collection of poetry that share the essence of spiritual and physical life as a way to evolve heal and find happiness by knowing the” truth of life” as this knowledge offers possibilities for completeness and love. The book us beautifully illustrated by Olena Zarakevich with color and intensity that restores working through the chakra energy system for healing and well being as well as Sam’s words which remind us of the true nature of eternal life.
As listeners of Healing From Within are well aware Sheryl and her insightful and amazing guests share intimate stories that awaken the quiet voice of soul within to remember more fully the true nature of spiritual beings having a physical life and how all in dimensions of life, both on earth and beyond we seek to refine energy and grow in higher vibrations of love and compassion as through the challenges of a three dimensional life, we learn to create our lives with purpose and dedication to the changes necessary for all life to thrive.
In today’s episode of Healing from Within we will discover the thoughts and encouragement provided in Sam Yau’s poetry that help foster personal and collective growth. Poetry is a special type of writing that deals with the deepest part of our emotions and spiritual awareness and can bring a great opening of the heart and soul.
Usually events in our lives guide us to our spiritual path and encourage us to use our gifts of art writing music to share the messages from Spirit into the world. What may have been an event or challenge that made Sam’s spiritual writing more important to him?
Sam wrote “In 2016, my son Ryan killed himself with a bullet through his brain. The moment I heard the news I knew my life was changed forever. To grieve, I retreated into seclusion. All my interests at that time dropped away. For more than 20 years, I had been on a journey of personal and spiritual growth. I always knew that I am a spirit. With Ryan’s death, and my desire to be close to him, simply knowing that I am a soul was no longer enough. One day, a question was stuck in my mind that would not go away. What if I live as a soul in the human clothes, rather than as a human who has a soul. That pondering set in motion a startling inversion of priority. Asking my soul that question with persistence and commitment catapulted me into a surprising journey that I could not have imagined just a few years ago. I received clear messages from Ryan and uncanny sources to write poems. I had never written a serious poem in my life. But my soul’s whisper was unceasing. With a series of synchronicities and chance encounters, new friends became the angels in my poetry journey. The calling was unmistakable. I surrendered.”
One of Sheryl’s favorite poems in the book reads as follows:
The day you were born, you were given four gifts: self-awareness, free will, an ego, and forgetfulness.
Who animates your heartbeat, activates your breath, comforts you when you are sad,
celebrates with you when you are joyful, shines light through your darkest days, surprises you with joy in your deepest sorrow?
Who awes you with the sun’s first beam that pierces the hilltop, the sunset cloud that sprays golden rays, the wind that waves the green wheat field, the glint that bounces on a blanket of white snow?
Who nudges you to seek meaning and purpose, expand your circle of love, arrive at the unity in diversity, find your way back to Source?
You surge from the ocean of awareness as a desire of the Divine to experience Itself as the unique you: one strand of the infinite glory and variety of Its creations.
You are a wave rising up to the beautiful dance of life, remerging into eternity
Sheryl was asked to write an endorsement to Sam Yau’s book which came at a moment in her life where she needed to validate her own beliefs of eternal life and Sheryl shares what she wrote so perhaps our listeners will see what Sam and I believe to be true: life is not random and miracles are being given to us in so many ways to help us move through the most challenging moments of life we all experience.
Sheryl wrote “Sam Yau in his infinite beautiful creative and truthful vision of soul eternal life in his new book Soul’s Journey has moved my saddened heart and validates with his poetry and Olena Zavakevych’s artwork what lives within me: an uncompromising spirit of unconditional love for nature man and spirit. This week I sadly buried my younger sister and God in his infinite wisdom sent me this powerful book of love in poetic form to brighten my day and remember my sister lives beyond this physical world. She was a poet and artist also. Sam wrote, “May I cross the bridge between realms. I am a soul. I was never born. I will never die. Love will never end. May I live with awareness of veiled truths while shrouded in human form.” This book shares a message of awareness of the depth of our being that all readers may benefit from.
Sheryl Glick Host of Internet Radio Show “Healing from Within” Energy Soul Healer/Medium
Sheryl says….The other day I said to a client that we all come from star dust in the universe and your poem Unity in Diversity clearly shares what I was trying to express as over the many years of receiving messages from souls in Spirit which I can only describe as a language of poetry beauty and being in a place of complete peacefulness and calm when I receive these downloads of loving intention to shed light on the true nature of life here on earth and beyond which is expressed in what you wrote,
Fourteen billion years ago, you and I were born of stardust from the explosive expansion of the singularity.
We shared 99.9% of our genes, co-evolved with all of life in this rich biosphere of amazing beauty and diversity.
Formless divinity preceded the creation of form, imbued it with — and enveloped it in— infinite love, buried a spark in each of us, a light to guide us to our source, which is how the human mind discovers the elegant simplicity of mathematics that hold the secrets of the universe, which is how the human heart knows we are deeply connected— to all humanity, to our divine origin, to our collective imagination and manifestation of our future— in a glorious web.
Let’s rejoice in uniqueness, the intimacy in sameness, the admiration of difference.
Each of us, a star shining in the tapestry of galaxies in the celestial dome
When asked to tell us of any authors or mentors who have awakened a greater understanding of himself or what it is he finds most wonderful in life
Sam tells us , “My verses, together with the love from my friends and family, have healed me. My poetic musings clarified, distilled, deepened and ingrained the essence of past spiritual experiences onto my being. As I sculpted my poems, my poems were sculpturing me at the same time. Writing poetry has become a most joyous and uplifting spiritual practice for me. The soul’s journey is one that discovers the true nature of the Divine and each soul is love itself. Peeling off all layers of reality, only awareness and love remain. My poems have healed and transformed me, by sharing them I hope they will heal and inspire others.”
Sheryl says It seems we are all being called to remember who we are and what the purpose of a physical life is all about and ultimately in one way or another, the soul responds to its heart’s needs and surrenders life in its most painful ways as it seeks to know the beauty of eternal life. Some need to leave life early and rejoin the others in Spirit at a time and in a way that they planned long before they incarnated into this life time and place. For their loved ones left here in life to complete their own soul’s mission, they actually may have helped them to find their life purpose and redefine their courage, by allowing accepting and surrendering to sometimes the most horrific events and pain. But out of suffering comes greater love and awareness, and a higher consciousness of the real beauty of each person’s soul, never perfect but with the capacity to create greater compassion through the challenges of a physical life. We are all fragile and can only heal through our experiences if all experiences are seen as neither good or bad: just experience. Then we can begin to accept anything and grow from it in reflection and by allowing us to learn.
Sam Yau might like readers to take away with them after reading Soul’s Journey what is in his poem Inner Garden it is a thought Sheryl shared with her granddaughter Samantha from the time she was so little and when Grandmama asked Sam as everyone but Sheryl calls her, W do you wish for? Samantha answered, wistfully ” I don’t know.” A week later while flying high into the air on a swing she answered me, “I just want to be happy.” and I told her something very similar to what’s written so beautifully in your poem Inner Garden.
There was a time you worried people would not be kind, life would deal you a bad hand.
There is a garden inside of you. You are its sole caretaker.
You can plant flowers of love. You can sow seeds of wisdom.
When your garden is safe, your world is safe.
When it is beautiful, your world is beautiful.
When it is peaceful, you become a peacemaker.
Your happiness comes from within, no one can take it away from you.
When you are full inside, you see the half-full in the world and fill it.
You see the best in others, so they show their best to you.
People will be drawn to you, events will coalesce into what you envision.
Your outer journey takes you to the four corners of the earth.
Your inner one traverses across the universe.
There is no outside world. Every time you look outward, it is a projection.
Tend your garden well.
Live inside-out.
The world you experience is within you.
We thank you Sam Yau for sharing from deep within your soul’s remembrance the quiet truth and drive to find peace and happiness and share with the world your spiritual gift of awakening so that others may move past childhood family or world traumas and live in the warmth and pleasantness of better thoughts actions and reactions and build heaven on earth through sheer perseverance for kindness and goodness which is at the heart of all soul’s awaren
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Sam and Sheryl have tried to convey the feelings emotions traumas suffering of life as well as the beauty joy love of a child a sunset a remembrance of our soul’s eternal nature…feelings bringing us to our physical world of constant change and upheaval, of loss and sadness, but then the reemergence and remembrance that one day we will join our beloved sons and daughters, teachers, angels, and higher vibrational beings, as life and love eternal when we truly experience in both the physical and divine realms that which helps us begin to know that all experience is neither good or bad, but needed as a way to share constant creative awareness and higher consciousness.
Unblemished by Sam Yau Listen as Sam shares the truthful messages of Spirit through his heart and mind that reflect a lifetime of discovering Who We All Are?
Do not cry when I return to spirit.
My heart was broken, but I am not shattered.
My mind was fractured, but I am whole.
My body was wrecked, but my soul is unblemished.
Trauma never tarnished the light emanating from me.
I was perfect in my imperfections.
The toils of living— sagging skin, wrinkled face, sloth-like movement— left no trace on my etheric body.
Forever young and ravishing, I will traverse realms in a flash.
I will see in all directions, be anywhere in an instant with mere intention.
I will soar into the light, a garden exploding with roses and harps, surrounded by peaceful mountains, embraced by all my loved ones on the other side.
I see divinity in all of creation: love is its essence.
Sam and Sheryl will have you join us in opening up to the beauty and miracle of life no matter how long or short, how easy or hard, but the plan of our soul to through the challenges of the physical world come to know we are spiritual beings having a physical life for a journey only the bravest and boldest souls embrace and in their exploration of a physical life of challenges, rise above it all to find and bring the magic of life to all souls throughout the Universe, whether in a body or in Spirit and knowing this makes the magic of life all the more wonderful.
Sheryl Glick is the host of Healing From Within and author of her newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening and invites you to her website to read about and listen to authors visionaries scientists spiritualists energy healers and medical professionals psychologists as well as artists musicians and poets share their discoveries of infinite life and potential in all it’s magical and purely fantastic ways. Shows may also be heard on and