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Precognitive Dreams with Early Warnings of Disease
- Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos
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In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit that shares stories of spiritual awakening, communication with higher souls and vibrational beings, energy healing, and miracles is delighted to welcome Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos co-author with Larry Burke M.D. of Dreams that Can Save Your Life.
Kathleen shares how her profound dreams encouraged her to draw on her inner truth and wisdom when the medical community were not able to diagnose the cancer that Spirit had shown her in repeated dreams encouraging her to be her own advocate throughout her healing process. Medical validation and on- going research on the diagnostic power of precognitive dreams is well documented in this new book.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” well know Sheryl and her guests share intimate experiences and insights into the world of energy seeking a clearer view of life as Spiritual Beings having a physical life, so we may tap into our soul essence and gain awareness of how to deal with challenging life experiences provided for us in a physical realm. Through our challenges we are offered the potential to create our best version of ourselves using a process of self-investigation and self-mastery of our emotions for refining our thoughts actions and behaviors.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos who has spent years studying and teaching about dreams will show how as a three-time breast cancer survivor whose cancer was first shown to her in a dream helped her survival along with conventional treatment. While all of her cancers were missed by the medical community and the tests on which they relied help from Spirit guided her treatment and recovery. We will discuss precognitive dreams and tools to remember dreams along with dream journaling.
Dreams That Can Save Your Life draw on the experiences of many medical doctors and psychologists who have found the value of incorporating patient’s dreams and intuitive feelings and awareness into their treatment plans. How have you used dreams to save your own life?
Dr Bernie Siegal author A Book of Miracles in the foreword of the book tells us that Dr. Larry Burk, a radiologist at Duke University, just completed a groundbreaking study involving 18 women who had warning dreams preceding the diagnosis of breast cancer. Dreams that Can Save Your Life is the result of this growing body of patients who have worked in alignment with their doctors in conquering serious diseases and contains their stories and the stories of other dreamers with dreams of different types of cancer and other illnesses that came true. These dreams involved spirit guides, angels, voices, tactile intervention in the dream, synchronicities, symbolism, and visitations from deceased loved ones. The dreams or conditions exposed in the dreams were all validated by a medical report.
Dr. Siegal truly believes that the reason we sleep is not related to our need for rest, but to our need to be in contact with the infinite wisdom available to our consciousness associated with past, present, and future life events. After attending an Elisabeth Kubler-Ross workshop, author of On Death and Dying in which she asked Dr. Siegal to draw a picture for her, Dr Siegal became a believer. His drawing was an outdoor scene previously created in my mind to use in meditations. He handed it to her. She immediately asked two questions: “Why is the number 11 important to you? and, what are you covering up?” Dr. Siegal told her he had been working with cancer support groups for 11 months and was burying painful feelings as a doctor about all the people he believed he couldn’t cure or help. He asked what made her ask those questions. She said there were 11 trees in the scene and he had used a white crayon to make snow on a mountaintop when the page was already white. So, he had added another layer of color symbolic of covering something up. It was incredible how much of my life was symbolically portrayed in a scene I thought had no meaning and was merely a matter of my imagination, but that experience made me go back to the hospital with a box of crayons and I started to ask my patients to draw pictures for me, as well as share their dreams and intuitive wisdom
Another example of a doctor who became very immersed in Spiritual information gathered through dreams and discussions with his patients was Dr. Carl Jung who interpreted a dream and correctly diagnosed a brain tumor many years ago, yet had never met a medical student who was told about that possibility while in medical school.
This book is Dreams That Can Save Your Life is important because it shows us the unity of mind and body, something the medical profession has a hard time dealing with.
Health care practitioners and the general public need to access this wonderful source of wisdom, which can help in all phases of your life and is a gift from our Creator. Even the Bible shares the fact that God speaks in dreams and visions. “So quiet your mind and create the still pond that lets you see your true reflection, just as it lets the ugly duckling realize he was a swan.” Dr. Siegal also says based on people’s dreams and drawings, he frequently made decisions as to whether a patient needed surgery or not and the best treatment for their disease. One woman with cancer said she had a dream in which a cat named Miracle appeared and told her which chemotherapy she needed to best treat her cancer. Dr Siegal her doctor agreed to do it, and she is alive and well.
Another woman whose story is in Dr. Siegal’s book A Book of Miracles had a dark-skinned woman with an accent appear in her dream and tell her she had a lump in her right breast that needed to be looked into. She awoke from the dream and felt the mass in her breast. At the hospital, they diagnosed it as cancer and told her that the doctor who would be in charge of her treatment would be coming in a few minutes. When the door opened, in walked a woman doctor from India, the same person as in her dream.
Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos’s profound story of her life saving dreams and discovering her cancer, which was three times missed by the medical community and tests on which they relied for early detection, was discovered by her spirit-guides in dreams. She shared these events on the Dr. Oz Show titled The Sixth Sense: Shocking Premonitions and wrote about her dreams in detail in her book Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing, in which pathology reports confirmed the diagnostic dreams.
The research in this book focuses on precognitive dreams, which are capable of diagnosing an illness that is later medically validated. This book is filled with step-by-step advice and a collection of validated dreams that were true and amazing research. Dreams can heal us. What used to be considered wishful thinking can now be validated by medical tests and pathology reports as seen by the numerous stories in this book. The research and personal experiences collected by Dr. Larry Burk and Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos prove dreams can come true, diagnose disease, and save lives. The idea of dreams that diagnose disease and then come true is not new to the ancient world of healing, where dreams were shared with physicians and spiritual leaders as a window into truth.
Sheryl as a Reiki Master Teacher works with downloaded messages from Spirit and hands on healing to help balance the energetic chakra system of the body and has many times in this show Healing From Within revealed the necessity of us as spiritual beings having a physical life to value and trust the Universal Laws of Energy as when understood honored and practiced help us to maintain a higher level of well-being. She tells Kathleen that years ago a regular client was having a healing session when Sheryl felt extreme pain in her left foot which the client did not feel. As a Reiki practitioner she could not give a diagnosis but could suggest her client make an appointment with a podiatrist for further investigation. The Chiropodist or foot doctor discovered a mass on the nerve and removed it before it had the chance to cause further damage or pain. The same way a dream gives guidance a medium or healer working with spiritual energy can offer preventive information.
There are so many true stories about those who discovered illnesses through their dreams. Centuries ago, Sigmund Freud founded the field of psychoanalysis based on his dream work in psychotherapy, which included analysis of his own personal dreams. His most famous dream report, about a patient named Irma in 1895, who has been interpreted as being a foreshadowing of his own death from mouth cancer diagnosed in 1923 many years before the actual occurrence of the disease.
Dr. Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, stated, “I take dreams as diagnostically valuable facts, including their use in diagnosing medical conditions.” While these two pioneering psychiatrists were bringing dreams back into the realm of modern medicine, Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet of Virginia Beach, gave over 14,000 psychic readings in the first half of the 20TH century, some of which included dream interpretation which often shared medical challenges for his clients and he was able to suggest many alternative healing techniques and treatments.
Jerry Lazarus, an authority on Cayce’s approach to dreams, notes one reading specified that “Any condition becoming reality is first dreamed.” Another reading stated: “And too often, ye disregard them; or too seldom do ye pay any attention to them! They are parts of thy experience. How often have you envisioned in symbol or in dream those very things that happened to thee later.
Russian psychiatrist Vasily Kasatkin published the first research correlating dreams with physical illness in his book The Theory of Dreams in 1967.
An English report about this work was provided by Van de Castle. Kasatkin based his observations on 10,240 dreams from 1,200 dreamers, most of whom had neuropsychiatric disease, including 44 cases of brain tumors and six cases of spinal cord tumors, as detailed in a translation by Susanne van Doorn. He noted the following common dream features related to the presence of physical illness: 1) an increase in dream recall; 2) distressful, violent, and frightening images; 3) occurrence preceding the first symptoms; 4) long duration and persistence; 5) content revealing the location and seriousness of the illness.
There can be some common themes that show up in precognitive dreams and can aid the dreamer not only in diagnosing illness but in guiding them to appreciate the work and life experiences that are indicative of their being on their true soul path. Sheryl says, “I have had some interesting precognitive dreams that have encouraged me to pay greater attention to certain areas of my work. Years ago I had a dream and a man appeared quite vividly in that dream. He had a shiny bald head tan face and bright smile and was busy writing on a chalkboard. He looked a little like my brother in law but wasn’t A few days later I was scheduled to go to a work shop and it was the same day I brought a copy of my new book Life Is No Coincidence –The Life and Afterlife Connection to my agent. At the workshop for SQuire Rushnell author of When God Winks Mr. Rushnell came over to everyone in the group to shake hands. He had a cap on and a pleasant smile. He looked familiar, but I had never met him. When he walked up to the chalkboard took his hat off and began to write, I noticed he was the man in my dream. What was this all about I thought? At the end of the workshop, I went over to him and told him about the dream and my new book Life Is No Coincidence. It was like Spirit was validating our work and discoveries which were much in alignment with each other. A few years later when I began my radio show “Healing From Within” he was one of the first of the many distinguished authors who have been gracious enough to help me share Spirits wonderful messages of hope faith and love.
There are tools that can be used to remember dreams. You can use the tool of intention and re enter any dream no matter how afraid you might be, to change the ending and heal whatever needs to be healed. This is the story of a woman who had a terrible relationship with her father and he kept appearing in each dream saying, “ I love you.” It was making her ill until her doctor told her to change the ending and finally resolve the pain of her childhood. She discovered relief from following this advice.
The person goes on to report “Well, first of all, you just verbally shifted your nightmare into a healing dream for you and your father. You reentered your dream to change the ending, and it has already changed your life. No one in the world can challenge us like our parents, either dead or alive. If the problems don’t kill us, they make us stronger. When our family dies, they are given opportunities to see how they affected the lives of their loved ones. That is their learning experience on the other side. “The Rule of Permission is powerful and highly respected on the other side. Your dad could not return to atone for his mistreatment of you without the authorization from his Higher Power. He knocked on the door (asking permission). Your husband, whom I have heard you refer to as your “better half,” answered the door for you. But facing your father’ (play on words) was something you had to do. “When you opened your door to your home, you rekindled a heart connection with your father. Sometimes, actions speak louder than words and love is all you need, because love is something you can take with you. Love transcends time, space, and death. The therapeutic intention of reentering and changing your ending allowed you to solve the problem.”
Kathleen gives us help with dream journaling. In the introduction to his book, Barasch outlines a multidimensional model for dream interpretation, which I have incorporated into my own approach. My guide to working with a dream diary by writing down a question before going to bed is summarized below and described in more detail with an illustrative dream example in the appendix of my book Let Magic Happen: Adventures in Healing with a Holistic Radiologist.
- Circle any words that seem to be unusual or out of place, and look them up in a dictionary to check for wordplay or unexpected puns related to your question.
- Consider the dream from the personal, shadow, warning, sexual, social, archetypal, synchronistic, and precognitive perspectives.
- Check for any recurrent theme from past dreams, and pay attention to any animals that visited you in the dream world.
- Finally, ask yourself, What does the dream want? Give serious consideration to the possibility that the spirit world may have a question it wants you to answer in return.
- Sharing the dream with someone who can provide candid feedback may provide a fresh perspective and additional insight.
Dream journaling and also paying attention to those dream patterns that persist can be so important in our waking world. Finding cancer in dreams missed three times by the medical field and the tests on which they rely is as lucky as winning the lottery three times in a row. Luck had little to do with it; it was divine intervention. Mistakes happen. Science only goes so far, then comes your Higher Power, often in dreams.
However, the dream with my Physician-within, Dr. Jules, and the three crabs did not come to full fruition for five years. By journaling my dreams, I was able to go back and research my dreams for additional validation and outcome. As an R.A. Boch Cancer Hotline phone counselor, Kathleen has found that her story is unusual but not unique. Many women told me that they had had dreams about their cancer but did not take them seriously. What makes my story special is that I believed and followed my dreams. There is almost always a point in the process of illness where logic, reason, and medical expertise fail. It is at this point that a patient can slip through the cracks, often never to recover. We hold all of the answers to our well-being within; dreams are the keys to the solution.
Dreams have been around since cave dwellers drew on the walls. The Talmud (AD 56) says that a dream not remembered is like a letter unread. Think of your dreams as love letters from Inner Guidance. We may not realize how much we love ourselves until a dream saves our life.
Do you ever wake up exhausted after a long night’s sleep and wonder why you feel like you just ran a marathon? You may be doing dream work that contains guidance and answers to daily concerns or desires. Our dreams are a “safe zone,” where we can work out solutions to daily challenges and not be judged or arrested for uncivilized behavior. We can misbehave in a dream to blow off steam from a stressful workplace, and it is okay. We won’t get fired or arrested and thrown in jail, or if we do in the dream, we get out when we wake up.
When you awaken ask yourself, What did I learn? Remembering your dream is paramount to learning, implementing, and benefiting from the dream information
One of the biggest challenges many of us face concerning dream work is retaining our dream information. It does not matter how many dream dictionaries we have or how many dream journals we keep if our dreams are too elusive to remember. We must learn to remember not to forget. Holding onto dreams after turning off the alarm clock is a learned skill.
Kathleen uses the seven-letter acronym “SO DREAM” to remind her of the seven steps needed to retrieve my dreams and information.
These are as follows:
S=SET YOUR INTENTION, which is a dream part of the Law of Attraction. An intention is the first step in attracting and manifesting information. A simple request is all it takes. I wish to meet my Physician-within or get a solution to (fill in the blank) in my dream tonight. Or, it can be something as simple as, I want to remember my dream. Write your intention on a piece of paper and place it under your pillow to “sleep on it,” a play on words that holds profound meaning. By doing this, you are also showing your inner self, through your eyes (considered the windows to the soul), what you intend to do: take a dream from the abstract fifth dimension and bring it into the concrete third dimension of life by turning it into written words that contain messages.
O=ORGANIZE yourself before sleep to record your dream upon awakening. Put your dream journal, pen, or recording device (and a flashlight, if necessary) by your bed. If your dream awakens you, it may be telling you to write down or record relevant information before you forget it. This often happens with multiple dreams. If you get up to hunt for a pencil or paper, you may lose your dream.
D= DREAM, in order to begin the process of fulfilling your intention. Studies have shown that all living things dream, including you, because you began to dream in the womb at seven months. Dreaming is the first step in training your brain to remember dreams. R=REMAIN in your same sleep position when you first awaken to Remember and Record whatever you can of your dream. Moving around may cause your dream to dissolve like the morning shadows. Use this step to reenter your dream state at a later time to retrieve additional information. More information on this topic is provided in the next chapter.
E=EMOTION refers to those parts of the dream, or snippets, that Elicit Emotion—that stick in your mind and create a physical response, such as rapid breathing, cold sweats, tears, or a pounding heart.
A=ADD to your dream memory by asking, What colors, sounds, words, people, animals, plants, signs, and symbols did I see? What names and phrases did I hear? They may be an important part of the meaning in your message that fulfills your intention. If more of the dream returns during the day, jot it down on a piece of paper or record it on your phone to add to your journal later. This can help you with dream tracking: keeping track of dreams, messages, and images to see if they come true.
M=MEANING. What do the small dream parts known as snippets mean to you? Dreams are as individual as the dreamer. What is important to you in a dream may be unimportant to someone else because it does not elicit the same emotion. Pictures, forms, creatures, colors, lack of colors, people, and phrases are all part of your individual dream language. It is one of many ways we communicate with ourselves. Put the information from the acronym SO DREAM together, start dream tracking, and begin developing your dream language. If the dream is still confusing, ask for a clarifying dream the following night, as some of the dreamers in the book did.
Finally, give your dream a title, even if it’s The Dream Without a Name, so if part of it returns during the day, you will know where to add it in your journal.
Our dreams often use a play on words to speak to us. “Washing your hands” of a situation, “kicking something around” in the dream are examples that come to mind of working out a solution or ridding yourself of a problem as a means of solving a challenge.
Sheryl tells Kathleen of one of the stories whose dream saved their life. This was the story told by Deborah.
You wrote, “ Finally, I awaken, shaken up from this dream. The dream confirms something is terribly wrong with me and can kill me if action isn’t taken now. My doctor listened intently as I told him about the recent dreams and what my intuition was telling me. The irony of the dates lining up disturbed me, too. My sons had already lost their dad Jean-Francois to a brain tumor. No one deserves this experience once, let alone twice! I could not bear seeing that fear in their eyes or hearing it in their voices. We all needed peace of mind. Fortunately, my doctor agreed there might be something to my dreams and referred me to a neurologist for an MRI to rule out anything serious. Still, at this point, I was functioning correctly, and my only symptoms were three migraines and frightening prophetic dreams. The neurologist was not overly concerned and handed me a chart to note down all the details about my headaches. This was a useless exercise. If we were leaving no stone unturned, let’s look under the biggest boulders first.
“Doctor, if we were talking about your wife or daughter, and regardless of the cost, would you do an MRI?” “Yes, I would,” he replied. On the morning of October 30, Halloween, without telling anyone, I calmly went for the MRI. As I prepared to leave, the technician stops me. “Deborah, we’ve found something we’re concerned about. I need to take you to the Emergency Room.” “We Found Something” Since no one is letting me out of their sights, I assume I too have a brain tumor. In the ER, expecting the worst, I had my brief pity party; cursing the world, the gods and, whoever could hear me! At that moment, I make my decision. Whatever the diagnosis, prognosis, and statistics, I have only one thing to say to the world. “Watch me beat you!”
On November 2, 2013, Jean-François’ 60th birthday, the apricot-sized tumor was completely removed. I was released from the hospital two days later, on my 60th birthday. Clearly, this wasn’t the birthday gift, celebration, or trendy asymmetrical haircut I had planned! It turns out that I’m now admitted into the PhD program at the Academy of Brain Tumors with a glioblastoma multiforme, the most common, deadliest, and highest-grade brain tumor! I’m a smart cookie. Oh, the irony of it all! I would have been content with a low to average grade. I am stunned by the confirmation that my dreams were right and that the visit from Jean-François my husband, saved my life with early detection. How do our departed loved ones know these things when we don’t?
Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos would like readers to take away with them after reading Dreams That Can Save Your Life the story told by a nurse who was told to have immediate surgery but opted for alternative healing treatments which honored and respected her dreams and help from Spirit who ultimately know our full life story and are instrumental in helping us make choices that further our soul and physical life personal growth and development. We must learn to rely on our inner sense of intuition and make choices often having little to do with the outer world and other people’s expectations. The story that follows relayed by a nurse exemplifies that viewpoint.
You wrote,” In July 1974, I awoke from a dream telling me to go for a chest X-ray. I have learned to listen to my dreams because they have often guided me on health matters, in problem solving, and with finding things. I thus tell friends that when God speaks, I listen. When I contacted my physician and asked for a referral for an X-ray, he asked if I had symptoms. I told him no but insisted on a referral, and he sent me for X-rays. As a conservative, traditional physician, he would not have understood about the guidance offered in dreams, and I did not mention it. But I was persistent in my request for an X-ray.
After receiving the X-ray report, my physician called and asked me to come to his office. There, he told me that they had found a spot on my lungs that had not been there six months earlier and requested I go into the hospital for a biopsy. Following the lung biopsy, and while I was still in the hospital, my physician reported that it was a malignant tumor and that I needed immediate surgery. He had also arranged for a surgeon to speak with me. I told both doctors I was not willing to rush into any decision about surgery but wanted all of the information available, so I could go home, pray, think about it, and make a rational decision. He told me I would be dead in six months without immediate surgery and repeated this several times. I reminded him that the decision about surgery and the responsibility for my life was mine, and his responsibility was to give me the information available to help me make a decision. Despite my background, or maybe because of it, I found the diagnosis of six months to live and the prospects of being disabled for that period as a result of using conventional treatment frightening.
Thus, my selection was alternative holistic treatments to deal with my lung cancer. For the 39 years since then, to date I have remained cancer-free, which is relatively unusual with traditional care. If it had not been for the dream, I would not have insisted on doing the biopsy and left the appointment thinking all was okay. I immediately began working with several alternative practitioners, including acupuncture, herbals, diet, supplements, and energy practices such as Reiki and Tai chi.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing from Within” we have examined a very powerful way to help ourselves when dealing with life threatening illness or other challenges that could destroy our well being or peace of mind. Through intuition and dreams we access our Higher Self, that part of us that is eternal soul and that travels through time and space to constantly evolve and bring innovation to life and alignment to all forms of intelligence, creative forces, and ways to bring light and wisdom into our world from Spirit. We learn that, “We dream for many reasons. Here are three important ones. 1. Entertainment and relaxation 2. Problem solving 3. Receiving answers to a question set by an intention.
The goal of an online symposium which Kathleen has been working with was to explore and share cutting-edge research and information on dreams, spirit guides, and Dreaming with the Other. The information was then shared with medical practitioners, students, mystics, metaphysicians, and the world community of dreamers. We helped dream group members integrate their healing dream imagery. One of the ways this is most effective for anyone overcoming cancer treatment is through integrative practices that include dream therapy or dream groups offered in cancer centers. Guided imagery, mindfulness meditation, yoga, tai chi, expressive art, and music are all grounded in a meditative state of consciousness. Using the meditative practice of dream re-entry through self-guided imagery can be beneficial to a dreamer seeking guidance.”
Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos Dr. Larry Burke and Sheryl Glick would have you begin to know the ways that Spirit aids us in living life with all its many physical challenges built into each life plan and destiny for the purpose of growing a greater awareness of inner soul life so we may deal with all issues not by denying or avoiding the difficulties, but by courageously engaging all means of our personal spiritual power to grow beyond fear to live with trust in the guidance and wisdom of Spirit as they help us remember and enjoy our true potential as spiritual beings having a physical life. Enjoy your dreams and trust the knowledge for improving your health and well-being that are sent to you from above.