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Reboot Your Mindset Skillset Asset for Success and Happiness
- Sallie Wagner
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Welcome to Healing from Within. I am your host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher and author of a trilogy with the newest edition A New Life Awaits: Spiritual Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from spirit that show us our challenges are not merely economic political or societal, but often a deep disconnect from our inner spiritual guidance system, or heart- based awareness of life. Today we welcome Sallie Wagner a speaker lawyer real estate broker and life coach and author of Discover Your Success with MSG which incorporates out-come based techniques such as EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques and NLP Neurolinguistic Programming as well as trauma aware modalities to help you ditch those unwanted behaviors and habits fears and phobias limiting beliefs and decisions that keep you from living your best life.
As listeners of Healing from Within have come to expect over the years, Sheryl and her guests share intimate open- minded stories that help us understand the dual nature of human and spiritual life while showing us how to become aware that we are spiritual beings having a physical life in order to refine our thoughts actions relationships and all experiences to refine our soul energy so we can share greater love and compassion.
In today’s episode of Healing from Within Sallie Wagner will share her MSG secret. MSG stands for Mindset, Skillset, Get Off Your Asset to discover the keys to self- love and how to reclaim power over your life with MSG awareness. Also how going From Regret to Resilience with MSG in four areas of life -physical, emotional, mental, social is most beneficial.
When Sallie discusses MSG she tells us she guides people – just like you – to identify and get rid of beliefs that hold them back from the results they want in life. Once you get rid of limiting beliefs, you’ll be ready to discover, create, and Live the Life that Makes YOU Come Alive! .
It all starts with 3 simple steps – MSG. Mindset! Skillset! Get Off Your Asset!
As you explore Sallie’s book, you’ll learn about each of these 3 steps and you’ll see how important it is to make sure they all work together:
Mindset – your Mindset will either move you forward or hold you back.
Skillset – you need the right Skillset to get the right Mindset.
Get Off Your Asset – you absolutely must take action to Live the Life that Makes YOU Come Alive!
MSG encapsulates key concepts that are crucial to success in business and in life when you ask yourself the question, “Are you Living the Life that Makes YOU Come Alive?”
Be honest . . . If you’re not sure, that’s your answer! And if you think you’re sure . . . Ask yourself . . . Have you had changes in your life?
Dramatic changes like:
- births
- deaths
- marriage
- divorce
- job change
If you’ve had those changes – and we all have, right? If you’ve had those changes, have you fully embraced them and faced the challenges that they brought to your life?
Or maybe you’ve had less dramatic, yet no less significant changes, like life creep:
you wake up one day and wonder what happened with your life
you don’t feel at home in your own skin, as if the life you’re living belongs to somebody else
you feel as if your life is beyond your conscious control – it’s controlled by outside forces
you’re going through the motions, not really engaged, not really living your own life
it looks good on paper, but it doesn’t feel so good on the inside
Or maybe you’re dragged down by stress from:
not enough time or money
relationship troubles
health and fitness concerns
no clear meaning and purpose for your life
burn out – all the stress and frustration have caught up with you
Or you feel stuck and unfocused because you don’t have definite goals for your life. Do you ever ask yourself . . . What if . . . Do you ever daydream about . . . If only . . . How many of these sounds and feel familiar to you?
Maybe other things are holding you back from the results you want . . . Then it’s time to REBOOT Your Thinking with MSG! When you REBOOT Your Thinking, you’ll:
discover the right Mindset to get the results you want in your life
learn the right Skillset to develop the right Mindset
Get Off Your Asset by taking the right action to Live the Life that Makes YOU Come Alive! So, get ready for some fun and fabulous results as you start your journey to LIVE THE LIFE THAT MAKES YOU COME ALIVE
We start with Mindset. Because, ultimately, it’s all about Mindset. It may sound strange at first, but your results don’t come from doing certain things – your results come from doing things in a certain way.
That’s what Mindset is all about. Having the right attitude about what you’re doing. And why you’re doing it. But Mindset isn’t just thinking happy thoughts, like Peter Pan. There’s much more to it than that.
We’ll start with your 6 mental faculties:
- Perception
- Will
- Imagination
- Memory
- Intuition
Reason Don’t worry!
We’re only focusing her on 3 of them – Perception, Will, and Reason. All your mental faculties contribute to your Mindset. But we’ll talk about some simple steps you can take to strengthen these 3 – Perception, Will, and Reason – so that you can see some quick progress toward Living the Life that Makes YOU Come Alive.
First is Perception, Remember the story of the blind men and the elephant? Each of them felt and experienced a different part of the elephant – trunk, tail, tusks, and so on -- and so each of them defined it in a different way. They were all right, and they were also all wrong, because their perceptions were incomplete. Just like those men in the story, your Perception is also incomplete. Your Perception may be right as far as it goes . . . However, it’s limited, especially when you rely on your physical senses. Because your physical senses can perceive only 0.00001% of what’s out there in your world – did you know that? That’s 1 one-hundred-thousandth of 1%! 99.99999% of what’s happening in the universe is beyond your ability to perceive it. There’s a party going on all around you, and you don’t even know it!
So your Perception is always limited, always incomplete. Yet, the big mistake that most of us make is thinking that what we perceive, what we think we “know” is all there is to know. Not even close. Because, as much as you may think you know and perceive, it’s still incomplete. However, as incomplete, and as limited as your Perception may be, it’s still critically important because it’s in charge of the stories you tell yourself about life – like the stories the blind men had about the elephant. Those stories matter, because they – which are your Perception – will either move you forward or hold you back, depending upon the messages they contain. Especially the stories you tell yourself about yourself.
One way you can expand your Perception is to consider different perspectives. Tell yourself different stories about life, and about yourself.
What’s your Perception of yourself? What stories are you telling yourself about yourself? And all the possibilities for your life? If you perceive yourself as having limitations, those limitations will carry over to how you perceive and participate with everyone and everything in your life. If you perceive yourself as capable and able to get the results you want in life, those stories will also carry over to how you perceive and participate in life.
How can you expand your Perception to tell yourself different stories about yourself?
One simple way to start is this . . . Think of a time in your life where things maybe didn’t work out quite the way you had hoped. Retell the story to show yourself from a different, better perspective. For example – imagine that I spilled a glass of water at a restaurant. I felt embarrassed and stupid. However, I can change my perspective by retelling the story. I remind myself that it was only water. It didn’t really cause any damage, just a slight inconvenience. And the staff in the restaurant were so nice about it, they reassured me that it wasn’t a big deal. So, I don’t need to feel bad about myself. Ask yourself . . . When you retell your stories like this, how do those new messages change how you think about yourself and your capabilities?
Next is your Will. This isn’t will power. If it’s a matter of will power, you’ve already lost the battle. Your Will is your ability to focus. You’ve heard it said, where there’s a will, there’s a way? The truth is, when you focus your Will, you’ll see the way to get the results you want in your life. As you focus on your goals and the results you want to see in your life, you increase your power to make those results happen – clarity is power, right? So exercise your Will. Focus, for yourself, for your goals, for your future.
How can you strengthen your Will, your ability to focus
Last, we have Reason. This is your ability to think. You need to learn to think in the right way that will support you in getting the results you want to see in your life. Most people think about the wrong thing – they think about the results they currently see in their lives. They define themselves by those results.
So, they’re controlled by those results that they see in their current, external circumstances.
People who are Living the Life that Makes Them Come Alive focus on the results they want to see in their lives, rather than the results they currently see. They define themselves in terms of those results they want, not the results they currently see. That shift in focus puts them in control of their external circumstances, so they can respond, rather than react.
How can you strengthen your Reason For example, imagine that I drink to many soft drinks, and I know I should drink more water. So rather than tell myself to stop drinking soft drinks, I focus on drinking more water. I don’t dwell on the unwanted action of drinking too many soft drinks, I focus on the new action I want to have of drinking more water.
So to bring it all together . . . Perception, Will, Reason, all these, and more – this is Mindset. It all starts with Mindset. How do you know whether you have the right Mindset? Simple . . . look at your results. Your results are a direct reflection of your Mindset.
Acting is crucial to making lasting change and improvement in one’s life.
When you have the right mindset and skillset, Action becomes inevitable. You have many skills, right? But you may not have the right Skillset to support the right Mindset you need to “Live the Life that Makes YOU Come Alive.”
Skillset can be actual new skills, like how to install tile or, learning to play the piano. All part of Skillset. Skillset can also be new knowledge.
Knowledge – SKILLSET – of how to change your thinking to have the right Mindset.
So, let’s talk about the Skillset that will help you harness the power of the right Mindset.
Let’s start with how most people think. You know from the chapter on Mindset that most people think about their results. They look at their current results. They think certain thoughts about them. They have certain feelings about them based on those thoughts. Which leads them to take certain actions based on those thoughts.
Think about the results you want to see in your life, rather than the results you currently see in your life. Remember your thinking determines your feelings. Your feelings determine your actions. Your actions determine your results. And your results reinforce your thinking, which means that until something changes at one of those points, you’ll continue to get more of the same. The easiest way to interrupt the cycle is to start with your thinking and feelings. Those actions lead to certain results in their lives. Those results reinforce their thinking .
Sallie shares with us that the reason so many people live in regret, successfully discontent, not living the life that makes them come alive?
Perhaps they have not asked themselves the right questions or formulated goals that would make their life come alive
Here’s a simple step you can take to build big goals . . . Think of 1 big goal you’d like to see in your life. Focus on it for 1 minute, 3 times a day, for 21 days. How does that change how you think about that goal? How does that change the actions you take to achieve that goal?
The second principle to help you build your goals is . . . Ask the right questions! The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you’re willing to ask. So, ask the hard questions.
This is a skill, that most of us lack. Start by asking yourself what makes you come alive! Pretend you’re a child again. For you, there’s no difference between fantasy and reality. If you can imagine it, it’s REAL! When you put that superman cape on, you can FLY! When you catch somebody with your wonder woman lasso of truth, it WORKS! Everything is possible. Now . . . be honest with yourself . . . what makes YOU come alive?
That’s the question you MUST ask yourself. Because your goals should represent what YOU really want. Not what somebody else wants for you. Not what somebody else thinks you should do. Not what you think you should do
We take advantage of Post-traumatic Growth and Post -Ecstatic Growth to launch us out of regret into an authentic life of joy and peace? Once you design and build your goals, you’re ready to take action to make them happen. However, be prepared . . . what comes next is what stops most people before they even get started. As they start to develop the right Mindset . . . As they start to learn the right Skillset to design and build their goals . . . They get stopped by fear. Fear is subtle, it doesn’t show up with drums banging and trumpets blaring, announcing that it’s here to keep you trapped in a miserable life. It says things like . . . How am I going to do that? I've never done that before . . . Now’s not a good time . . . I can’t do that . . .
All those sound like the voices of reason, don’t they? Ask yourself, what voices of reason do you hear when you think about the goals you want to build for your life? Those voices probably don’t sound like fear . . . but that’s exactly what they are!
There are benefits of building resilience and all areas of life can benefit. The benefits of building resilience is you can survive all life’s challenges. Life is not for the faint of heart. When you have resilience, you have coping skills survival skills and persistence to achieve your most desired goal. We need resilience in all areas of life as that is what allows life to be filled with hope joy love and achievement or prosperity. We are what we think ourselves to be capable and resilience is necessary to add to the mix of creating and manifesting all that our soul is capable of.
By learning to trust yourself love yourself respect life and other people’s life journey you build resilience and overcome your fear lack of faith or past beliefs which no longer serve you. Trust is the key to making life like the dream you wish it to be Making a dream a reality is based on trust on universal truths faith and pe
You’ve started the process to REBOOT Your Thinking with MSG! How does it feel? You’ve taken a big step . . . Now the big question is . . . Are you ready to Live the Life that Makes YOU Come Alive?
The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you’re willing to ask.
So, ask yourself:
Does your Mindset keep you from asking the right questions? – when you experience the full REBOOT Program, you’ll strengthen your Mindset even more and get rid of beliefs that hold you back so you can ask those questions.
Do you have the Skillset you need to ask the right questions? – REBOOT will teach you these skills and many more so you can design the Life that Makes YOU Come Alive!
Once you ask the right questions and get the right answers, how can you use your assets to take action on those answers so you can Live the Life that Makes YOU Come Alive? – REBOOT will show you techniques to overcome that inertia so you can take the actions that will help you Live the Life that Makes YOU Come Alive!
When you have the right Mindset . . . When you have the Skillset to ask the right questions . . . You see answers and opportunities that other people miss. When you see those answers and opportunities, and act on them, you’re on the path to Live the Life that Makes YOU Come Alive!
The most important thing you can do to maintain the right Mindset, to develop the right Skillset, and to USE your Assets by taking the right action, is to put the right support structures in place.
Every great athlete, every great achiever, has a coach, a mentor.
We thank you Sallie Wagner author of Discover Your Success with MSG a system for evaluating a person’s life experiences to discover what may be subconsciously holding them back from letting go of past beliefs and traumas that have become embedded into their thoughts and behaviors or actions limiting them from living their best life journey and to learn more about Mindset Skillset and Action for change.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing from Within Sallie Wagner author of Discover Your Success with MSG has shown us how we may let go of past restrictions fears old beliefs and build a new Mindset Skillset and Assets for achieving our deepest desires and goals. Our thoughts skills and actions are the tools to creating new realities and eliminating harmful remembrances of trauma or past disturbances to our soul’s love of self/
When we develop the right Mindset and focus awareness on our ability to make conscious choice and when we enhance our Skillset to overcome unconscious programming that controls 95 to 99% of our daily activities and then take action through accountability to increase our success rate we are in charge of our own destiny and the outside world or other people do not have control over us.
Sallie and Sheryl would have listeners remember to think of their dreams, as well as the challenging circumstances present in life, and call on the help of those in Spirit to guide you to ask the right questions. Pay attention to receiving intuitive guidance to allow the right Mindset Skillset and Actions to be welcomed into your expanding view of how life can become more of what you need and desire. Remember there is no progress or change without effort and resilience.
I am Sheryl Glick author of A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening and invite you to visit my website to read about and listen to authors metaphysicians visionaries spiritualists scientists energy workers medical practitioners psychologists and those in the arts and music fields share their search for understanding the human and divine condition. Shows may also be heard on and