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Reconnect to Personal Connections-Friendships For a Meaningful Life
- Dr. Winfried Sedhoff
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Welcome to Healing From Within. I am your host Sheryl Glick author of Life Is No Coincidence and The Living Spirit and my soon to be released third book in the trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which share stories of awakening spiritual communication healing energies miracles and ways to go within to your intuition for a clearer view of life in its multidimensional aspects and am delighted to welcome Dr. Winfried Sedhoff author of The Friendship Key as he offers insights into ways to honor lasting peace united communities stronger relationships equality and improving life for all.
As listeners of the show are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate insights and views on the dual nature of life ..our spiritual energetic components as well as our human condition evolution and awakening to how our thoughts and actions influence the world and universe. It is in becoming aware of higher consciousness and our responsibilities as citizens of a great energetic force of life that we can improve ourselves our communities and create a world of harmony and peace.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Dr. Winfried Sedhoff will share with us how the disconnection from our intuitive source or guidance system has harmed personal relationships fueled competition and a need to keep up with others rather than go within to discover our personal needs goals and strengths and has created many negative emotions as a result …greed hate envy in the political arena as well as in everyday life. Friendship is therefore crucial to bringing balance and love into every interaction professional or personally.
When Dr. Sedhoff is asked to think back to his childhood and remember a person place or event that may have shown him or others what they might find valuable in pursuing in their adult lives, that as a German moving to Australia he was perceived as being somewhat distant or even cold and had difficulties making friends as he was alienated by others due to unrealistic perceptions. As a result, the groundwork for understanding for understanding human connection and ways for people to appreciate each other and the ultimate need for friendship was engendered in him.
I can tell from the following question you framed how you feel about our present American president and the question you suggested is….Do you feel after many of these countries including the USA with electing a president who chooses to be a dictator that the USA has learned its harsh lesson and will elect a president who is smart, decent, and honest? Looking at how many people universally are judging leaders and indeed everybody else, this is a loaded assumption and judgment and is part of the problem with political challenges right now, as there seems to be no kindness or moderation or allowing people to think in ways that deviate from the main political ideology, and this is a problem that undermines individuality and freedom. How we view a leader or indeed anyone or anything else must be dependent on tolerance, open-mindedness, and knowing there is individual choice. We have forgotten no one is perfect, there is always a need for compromise and judgment needs to be set aside for acceptance of all things that need to prevail so we may overcome many of our negative thoughts, actions, beliefs or opinions.
In Sheryl Glick’s new book A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening due out March 11, 2020 she discusses many topics and the decline of our spiritual connection to natur, man and God and the political situation the world finds itself in. It is not the economic, political, religious or social stresses of these times that are creating such chaos but a separation from our spiritual connection to the Higher Laws of Energy and Universal Source. Once that is reignited the world will heal and move forward.
If you go to Sheryl’s website www.sherylglick and read the Epilogue that is posted for A New Life Awaits, you may understand why the 45th President of the US is Donald J. Trump. It was quite possibly a spiritual decision by a higher force to straighten out the last 40 years of corruption by elected and bureaucratic members in Washington D.C. and even Presidents who were unable or unwilling to work for the good of the people and caved to the lobbyists and social media forces. Until we address corruption and follow the Constitution as it was designed to be, a template for the world to find justice, freedom and work towards equality in fair treatment to all which is an ongoing and difficult process to achieve, it seems we will not reach our full divine potential.
Winfried you wrote the following and when I read it I thought about why some people see President Trump as a threat … You wrote, “And it is the enemy who is different to us that to painting a sign in big letters on our back, that reads: ‘I’M NOT ONE OF YOU!’ Can we really be expected to ensure the safety and nourishment of someone who is so different they also weaken the strength of our group’s integrity? It’s unlikely. Mind you, a little bit different is ok, it adds variety, new skills, and adaptability, but too different just sends a signal: we are a loner and can’t be trusted to be there for everyone else when they most need us.”
Dr. Sedhoff goes on to say: “Of course we are going to want to keep alive those who most care for, support, and protect us. When we are injured we need to know someone will care for us and help make us well, tend our wounds and feed us when we can’t feed ourselves. When we need to accomplish difficult tasks we need to know others will support us so we succeed and endure. And when we are attacked we need to know others will protect and defend us.”
Sheryl goes on to say “Anyone fulfilling such roles will probably have preference over someone who doesn’t, especially in times of threat or deprivation. By helping them we help ourselves. So that is what the Democrats are doing now that they lost the election in 2016..the public had enough of Obama’s socialist globalist elitist polices which were creating poverty for many citizens and dependence on government, which is antithetical to our capitalist way of life. Really how can you not be concerned when we are moving towards a totalitarian form of National Socialism which is what Nazi Germany was all about? It would be the end of freedom. So Trump is addressing decades of failed policy and democratic radicalism that has led to homelessness international problems in the Middle East, allowance of China to dominate the South Asian Sea and ultimately moving towards dominating the world economically and with their Communist policies. Only by both parties realizing and utilizing law enforcement and the military are there to protect the public and that our Constitution requires both parties to work together.”
Sheryl might suggest the main ingredient of greed that has taken over in the USA is due to poor leadership over many decades…excessive permissiveness, lack of respect for the virtues of our ancestors and founding fathers who set this nation up as an example for the world to live in prosperity and harmony even while there were injustices and inequality then and now…it was a spiritual blueprint for improving the world. Our corporations, politicians and educational systems, have failed to follow the laws and are intent on tearing down the Constitution, our history and past virtues…the attitude anything goes reigns freely and there are abuses all over the place. Lawlessness and freedom of speech has been attacked…Inclusiveness doesn’t mean for everyone but for those who believe what the group believes and personal identity and incentive is not encouraged. How do you feel we can begin to address these problems which are not really political, economic or religious….but a lack of connection to our Spiritual Universal Source or Soul Life.
Dr. Sedhoff says he is not a doctor and not a politician, so how does he feel we can find some answers to some of the questions that will help us change our political situation that has careened out of control?
Sheryl says: “I think Winfried has found a basic way to approach difficult people and situations damaging the fiber of personal and collective wellbeing which will be helpful in improving a person’s outlook and then his life.”
Dr. Sedhoff writes in the following story about a client: ”Like many of us, Toby didn’t know how to communicate in a way that worked. Having had a tough childhood, he suffered more than his fair share of verbal and physical abuse; there wasn’t anyone there to teach him how to get on with others in a way that let them feel calm and want to be around him. Instead, he was always on guard, and on the defense. It was like he was just waiting for the next person to attack him, and some did. After a while we started talking about friendship, needs and desires—what people want from us to feel comfortable and satisfied in our company. The next I’d see him was several months later. I almost didn’t recognize him. Gone was the shy guy hunched forward trying not to look you in the face, now he stood tall, seemed calm, and almost had a smile on his face. I couldn’t wait to ask what happened. He said it was simple. All he did was treat people like friends, and they just treated him different. This is an important key to friendship and improving the human condition. The Law of Attraction suggests that what we do either lovingly or not, brings back that same response to us. So goodness begets goodness and anger begets anger and so on.
He continues on to describe: “This disconnect is happening all over the world and yes, in the US too. Look past all our complex language, our detailed explanations for how the world and our brain are supposed to work. Look past our dreams, beliefs, expectations, culture, and all the technology we interact with every day, and we find a basic creature, a human being, driven, as is a brush turkey, by the drive nature wrote inside it. Only in our case we find the drives to be human, not to be a brush-turkey. Search into our feelings and we find basic desires—the fundamental drives and motivations—of every human being. Where is the evidence that the it in the basic understanding that we are biological beings with our own part to play— our place, different to other living things—in the natural world; we find it in the “commonality” of our humanity. Yes, we are all human and can recognize this in the common desires to eat, drink, and avoid temperature extremes, to share the love of our children, and desires to feel safe and secure. What are these basic desires instilled in all of us independent of race, beliefs, or culture? The brush turkey is born, goes on his own and has little need for contact with his own kind…being solitary and detached leads to lack of empathy and the ability to communicate and cooperate for human attachments love and interconnectedness. It is for most the basic human drive to be loved and needed : also to share, to feel, and to be of service to others.”
White men are perceived to be not vocal in support of women. Sheryl says it is not only white men but the Patriarchal religions that have over centuries separated men from women and assumed leadership over women, and control of all resources for the last 4,000 years. It is only when there is an equal balance and respect for the differences as well as the similarities of both genders that we will begin to heal on many levels. The feminine aspect of energy within both men and women that nurture and care for life and the planet is now being uplifted in all societies and is the key to the salvation of humanity. Our political systems reflect these religious inadequacies and need to be modernized and refined. Mind control over our children and the teaching of radical ideologies needs to end. We need balance, moderation and fairness to reside in our hearts and minds…This is a “Spiritual Revolution” as much as it is political or economic… rising anti-Semitism and anti-Christianity is causing great divide in the world. Dr. Sedhoff seeks to understand and find solutions to bring religions, nations and divided political groups together. In unity there is oneness and a way to live in peace and harmony. “It can be done. it will be done.” Sheryl Glick also has a chapter she recently contributed to a new book, just out, an anthology of spiritual leaders entitled “Gateway to an Enlightened World” by Dr. Ruth Anderson which shares a series of spiritually downloaded messages Sheryl received that offer how we must go forward in these changing challenging times to heal our world. If we listen to our inner heart wisdom and don’t let the distractions of the outside world overtake us we will be stronger in our human desire to thrive and live a healthier more fulfilling life story.
In Sheryl’s new book A New Life Awaits, Sheryl wrote, “Ms. Caroline Myss proceeded to inform the audience that we were headed for a global holistic theology and there would be a merging coalition of God’s world and all religions at a deeper level. None of the existing religions would dominate, and they would all merge into one cooperative religion. Humanity will heal their religious misconceptions and no longer be at odds. We will find the true purpose of all religions, which is Universal love and acceptance.
We discover in the USA what we can learn from Indigenous Cultures. We can learn from Indigenous Cultures the desires of Community Self Nature didn’t make us to be like brush-turkeys, to be solitary creatures; we lack the feathers for a start. Instead, it made us find safety and security among others of our kind. Like a wolf, a social animal that also hunts and survives better in groups, we thrive if we work together as a unified and coordinated group, or community. If the bear or tiger attacks then together we can quickly send it on its way, or kill it. We can even bring down more, and larger, game; we can hunt better in a group. A classic example would be the Cro-Magnon of early Europe, working together they could bring down large mammoth, something they could never hope to do alone. Nature determined we are to be social and so it gave us what we can recognize as Community Self desires, which drive us to come together and work as an integrated collective, a team that can act as one. We are made to find safety and security in numbers. We can recognize our Community Self desires as our desires, or needs, of friendship; we will be focusing on these throughout the book. We will list them in a moment.
Dr. Winfried Sedhoff would like readers of The Friendship Key to take away with them after reading his book the Ten Desires of Friendship.
- Valued
- Validated/Approved
- Noticed
- Respected
- Appreciated
- Cared for
- Heard
- Supported
- Sameness (similarity)
- Protected
To be compassionate is a combination of all of the Ten Desires of Friendship, especially that of wanting to care; it is next to impossible to be compassionate if we don’t care for others. And love—to feel loved by those around us—also encompasses caring, supporting, protecting, validating, respecting, appreciating, noticing, valuing—essentially being a close friend. We often feel most loved around close friends. This is important to remember. In a book about friendship it is easy to forget that friendship and being social is just part of who we are. It is easy to fail to recognize we aren’t just part of a community, we are also part of a family, we are individuals in our own right, and part of a bigger world. Changing the nature of our friendships changes our communities, ourselves, and the world. As the diagram reminds us, they are all interconnected.
We thank Dr. Winfried Sedhoff, author of The Friendship Key, for sharing the way history shows us how to prevent old and new mistakes from happening again, and how through allowing ourselves to open to new perceptions we can find value in what may have been seen at one time as unfavorable. Life is change and change is ultimately necessary.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have discussed the role of history, human nature and human development as we try to understand and engage with an honest and hopeful energy to make sense out of these changing political, social, economic, religious and often fast moving social media and technological advances. Dr. Winfried Sedhoff has offered ways to view human needs and suggest ways to improve self, community and the world and the effort boils down first to self-investigation and knowing how to honor our own needs while enhancing life for others. It also involves self-mastery of emotions which range from negative to positive and which we all must experience as we also learn to engage that which makes us feel healthy, happy and valued as opposed to embracing emotions which make us feel disempowered and unworthy. We must know these emotions well so we can find what makes life sing with joy and positivity rather than fear and darkness. Friendship is indeed a key to a successful mindful life journey.
Dr. Sedhoff wrote, “Having our friendship needs met doesn’t happen by trying to make others meet them for us. It doesn’t happen by us punishing them if they ignore us or don’t listen, by abusing them if they don’t seem to care, by threatening them if they don’t protect or support us. Yet, that is what we often do isn’t it, punish others for not noticing, caring for, or appreciating us, especially in relationships? Just you wait, I’ll give you the silent treatment, ignore you, shout at or slam you with abuse. I’ll teach you! Of course, this actually makes matters worse as it destroys what friendship we have left; one more nail in the coffin of our relationship. Put simply, our friendship needs get met best by us focusing on just meeting them in others.
Winfried and Sheryl would have you remember when we find the similarities that bind us together in our human hopes to experience love prosperity health and happiness, we make the Friendship Key more effective and find greater ways to share, cooperate and find the common good.
Your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers Healing and Infinite Love and her soon to be released book A New Life Awaits…on February 7. 2020 invites you to visit my website to read about and listen to authors metaphysicians scientists spiritualists, physicians and psychologists and those in the arts and music discuss insights into our energetic and physical life qualities so we may once again know who we are and where life comes from, and improve our personal and collective life stories. Shows may also be heard on and