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Relatives Show Us The Afterlife
- Annie Mattingley
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In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” your host Sheryl Glick author of Life Is No Coincidence: The Life and Afterlife Connection which shares her journey from skeptic to a believer in life and its unending eternal possibilities known and understood by coincidences synchronicity and miracles from messages from our loved ones in Spirit who live and love beyond the physical life they only visited for a short moment in earth time. As an intuitive healer/medium Sheryl is delighted to share Annie Mattingley’s book The After Death Chronicles as she shares her communication with her daughter Randi and many other stories by contributors to the book who have been blessed to experience what is hard to put into words, a visit from a departed relative. Yet for those who have been touched by the spirit of a loved one the feeling and closeness and truth will never be lost as life is never lost only transmuted into another essence of life.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” well know it has been the mission statement of this show to show that life is both a physical and energetic spiritual duality. Sheryl and her guests share intimate experiences as they search the mysteries of life and what some believe to be death, in the hopes of truly knowing that we are more than the physical body and have an internal eternal unseen force of life which some call the Soul. It is in becoming aware of this part of ourselves that makes it easier to live with the challenges a physical life often presents and to ultimately begin to know our true “higher self” that is sharing this physical life with us.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Annie Mattingley begins the book with a chapter entitled Randi Is that You? And with the quote for that chapter shares a beautiful look at what may be seen throughout the many stories shared in additional chapters by those who experience an After Death Connection which adds a new layer or awareness a dimension of reality that previously may have been unexpected or unexplored, but cannot be denied any longer.
The quote reads..
They just knew something that is from time to time forgotten except by the wind.
How close the dead are. One song away from the living.
(Louise Erdrich The Master Butcher’s singing Club)
Annie, shares an early recollection when she was twelve years old and visiting a friend’s house. She saw a picture on the wall of what appeared to be an interpretation of God and hell with fire and brimstone as described by ancient writers such as Dante who depicted God as a fearsome force of perhaps anger and vengeance. Annie knew in that moment that was not the God she knew and loved. Her God was kind gentle and forgiving of any indiscretion or human frailty—Just a God of Love.
Annie’s subject is about spontaneous communication with our dead beloveds and she shares how she got interested in this subject and why she write a whole book about it.
Annie wrote, “The cusps of things, the ineffability of consciousness of conception and birth and of death and the process of dying, the mystical realms, have long been the heart center of my life. I attend to my dreams. I have sat with the dying. I am captivated by the enigma of death. I have studied and meditated on and prayed and done shamanic journeying over, avidly read about and discussed the great mysteries of my life. How is it that I never before attended to the possibility of direct contact with our dead beloveds now seems a mystery in itself…Soon the idea that the dead can speak became my daily reality. In the early morning hours of almost every day for many months, my formerly troubled, depressed, and pain-wracked daughter came to talk with me.”
Sheryl shares with Annie that like her in her earlier life there were confusing feelings or understanding of God and a possible afterlife. Sheryl was somewhat skeptic and followed her family’s ideas but sensed that she loved God even though she wasn’t sure where those feelings were coming from. Her entire family were terrified of dying because they thought that was the end of them and all their memories and connections of love. But even as a girl Sheryl felt there was a bigger reality and wished to know who we were and where did life come from originally. Her studies into philosophy education literature business and daily life didn’t answer her questions. But about twenty years ago after a spiritual visitation from her grandfather in a dream the night before her father passed requesting her to write something for her father which she did in the form of his eulogy, she had to rethink her earlier training and fears to discover much about Universal Energy, the afterlife and the ability we all have to receive messages from our loved ones. Sheryl has spent the last twenty years as an intuitive energy practitioner medium and hospice volunteer helping others know the truth of their dual nature as physical and spiritual beings, their own powerful soul essence and the reality of life here and beyond.
Annie tells us about contact with her daughter Randi after her passing. The first morning was to be the only time I have ever heard her voice aloud outside my own head. She controlled the parameters of our exchanges. I could not invoke her presence, and I have never been able to see . There were subjects she would not touch, like the last sixteen months of her life or death or where on earth she had put her original will
Sheryl says that as a sensitive or empath she must tell Annie that when she read her description of Randi’s physical pain and how she relayed to Annie her preparation and need to take her own life It was hard for Sheryl to understand why as divine souls loved by Spirit we would in our earthly journey have to experience so much suffering. But still knowing nothing is random, and that we all have a time to be born and also to leave this life, she allows accepts and surrenders to life’s needs, but still it hurts to see people suffer, especially when it is your own child.
Annie tells how in one interaction Randi in Spirit laid her hand tenderly on your thigh and whispered, “Mom do you think you could let go of that stuff now?” Had anyone else husband friend therapist asked that of me I would have resisted, but Her wisdom and guidance not of this plane carry a different weight than what comes from those of us in the physical. The strength of our months of nearly daily communication was so healing and so empowering. I longed to do something to let the world know how close our beloved dead can be. With that idea came the thought to write this book. Sheryl suggests to Annie that perhaps her soul purpose and that of her daughters from both realms of life was to engage on putting their story into a book and to share their growing awareness with others. Heaven perhaps is not far as many think and our loved ones are always around.
Sheryl tells a story and says, “That reminds me of being asked to go to the hospital where a co-workers father was in a coma after a stroke and I was asked to tap into his energy and find out what was happening. The first time I was visiting his room and in meditation with him he suggested he was ready to leave and showed me the green beauty of a place he loved and would soon see again. His daughter told me he was talking about Ireland. Then he showed me that he was ready and wanted to take a rocket ride to above. The next day when I visited again he amended his impression of the journey and said that he only needed a helicopter as he would not be far away and would visit his daughter and granddaughter by the broken fence. Later his daughter told me that was the fence behind her house where the swing set was. Heaven it seems is the energy of love that surrounds those here in a physical body and those out of a physical body and allows us to participate in life with those we love even if we have moved beyond our body.
Annie shared in the book other experiences of after death communications with interviewees that were different from her verbal form of interacting with the soul of her daughter. Her communications with her daughter were primarily verbal (clairaudient) and (clairsentient) felt in the body but visitations come in as many guises as there are people to die and return to visit us. One common way for the dead to make contact is through some aspect of the natural world especially with birds and butterflies. Annie gives an example and tells the story of her Spanish teacher Flor whose mother comes in the form of a white butterfly ever since her death. When Flor shares that with her granddaughter the granddaughter strongly denies that possibility until the girl yells to the butterfly, “If you are my grandmother come over here to me” and the butterfly zooms to her chest and the girl feels her grandmother’s essence. The skeptic in her is wiped away hopefully forever.
Communications can be initiated by smells (olfactory visitation) Annie’s hairdresser told her of smelling liverwurst and A & D Ointment and thought of her father, and then had a lengthy conversation as though he was physically present.
Annie believes few of us are born seers or psychic but the ability to experience and to recognize a visitation appears to be a skill we can develop. The first surprising event may awaken our inner vision and lead us to the second. Susan tells the story of being awakened by beautiful music which she and her departed husband Jesse shared and allowed her to half see, half sense his presence which has continued to delight and amaze her for years. His presence is so definitive to one of their young granddaughters that she holds doors open an extra moment so her granddad can come through too.
Another way the dead reveal themselves is through physical objects. They are particularly adept with lights electrical equipment and electronics and they really can make things go bump in the night. All these ways seem natural for an After Death Contact.
The most frequent way our loved ones make connections with us is through dreaming which is an altered state of consciousness and spiritual visits are most readily accepted by the most number of people. ADC dreams are not simply about the dead or with the dead. They are particularly vivid, easy to recall and they come bearing gifts. They can contain important guidance. Lenore describes how her mother gave approval for her relationship with a new friend who she eventually married. When Lenore told her mother how she missed her, her Mom, in a very no nonsense manner the dead can have, told her too much longing or missing or very intense grief can block contact
There are ways beyond believing an experience with spirit is a hallucination or something made up to relive our grief and proof that these experiences are real.
Annie has been asked how she know people interviewed aren’t making these stories up. Annie naturally attends carefully to people’s characters. She looks for a sense of integrity for how directly someone looks one in the eye for emotions. In addition for Annie a confirming rush of energy which her friend Tracy calls God-bumps ripples up her spine as she listens and is aligned to spirit and the truth of the conversation. She has felt this sensation for decades whenever she hears something valid which her mind might otherwise doubt or question. She says this comes from Spirit. Others call it intuition or your Higher Self or soul or Buddha Allah or Christ or the Holy Spirit or help from Guardian angels. Sheryl says she as an intuitive healer/medium just knows in her heart what is truth what is her truth and her mission in life and to stay focused on that. Sheryl has also come to work hard at being open to all people and their stories even those that may be out of her realm of awareness or understanding for the moment as there are so many dimensions of life and reality beyond this three dimensional physical world. Sheryl believes whatever the mind envisions or creates is possible so she does not deny or judge the fantastic stories she hears or the messages she receives in readings for clients even though she may not have experienced that vision or version of life YET.
After death communication (ADC )is so powerful and pervasive so why are people so unwilling to talk about it? Sheryl feels it is because of fear and not wishing to be thought of as odd or unintelligent. Sheryl tells Annie a story about being at a wedding recently and her cousin who had lost her husband asking if she thought he was at the party and if our deceased parents and family were there. I closed my eyes and tried to get a message for her but there was too much noise so I just asked for a sign that would be helpful. We took several family pictures with my cell phone and when I looked at it in the upper right hand corner was a light form with defined wings and above that an orb of orange and fushia light and below a purple light: all beings of light showing themselves to us. I made copies of the picture and sent them to all my cousins present to help them think of new ways to perceive life in its many realities. Everyone who saw the picture was open to hope that their loved ones were alright.
It’s funny but this same cousin who can’t quite believe once told me that at the time our grandmother passed she felt air flying all around her and a hand on her shoulder and later found out about grandma’s death. I told her that I always had great talks with her Mother Lilly who told me she had a dream that her father died two weeks before the actual event and didn’t tell anyone about it. My aunt Lilly was intuitive like we all are and believed in my belief in eternal life or the afterlife, which I was trying to share with her daughter who still did not believe even after her own experiences.
Annie you tell the story of a boy who fell of his bicycle and in that moment knew his failing grandfather had passed. Now as a man and lawyer considers himself an atheist even though he still has this memory. Why do so many resist the truth of all these experience? Fear I guess, of being thought unbalanced or different.
These contacts are not among a particular faith group but are happening to many people. All religions in one way or another express a belief in an eternal place of life. Some call it heaven or the afterlife, the void and also speak of angels guides teachers loved ones who guide and help us through the challenges of a physical incarnation in order for the soul energy to evolve expand and remember it’s true force and interconnectedness to all that is. People of all ages genders races religions nationalities and animals might even experience the visit or presence of a soul not in a body. We are the energy of the Universal Life Force of Creation and Evolution and are alive always.
It is possible while we are living, especially if we’re near death to make an arrangement for how contact could happen. Annie tells of her friend who before dying arranged how she would make contact with her after passing. She told the story of a bird who had flown into the fireplace and was limp and ash covered, and after she cleaned it off saw it was a stunning swallow with gorgeous colors. She brought it to the doorway and it flew off into the sky. After her death such a beautiful bird appeared in her garden and Annie knew it was a sign from her that all was well.
Sheryl Says that before her mom died she asked her to tell what would be her message. Even though Sheryl wasn’t sure if her mom believed in an afterlife she finally told me her message to me would be “three white doves.” I began to receive that message many times after her death but a very prominent one for me was after the destruction of Twin Towers on 9/11. I was so sad and crying at home and opened the New York Times which my mother voraciously read when alive. There was a picture of a family who had lost two relatives: a father and son and right in front of them were three white doves captured in the photo…I framed that photo and often look at it. Before my sister passed she told me it was over and I said to her a new life was just beginning and she was to get a message to me. She couldn’t think of one so I said how about a little white dog like Oliver that you love so much. The night after her death for the first time I saw a commercial with a little white dog who had a damaged leg and couldn’t keep up with the other dogs so the owner a very other worldly type young man called Amazon and ordered a dog carrier so his dog could be carried close to his heart. I saw that commercial many many times after that and knew my sister now knew what I had tried so hard to share with her.
The purpose of After-Death Communication seems to have many positive effects. I think the purpose of an ADC may remind the living of the full potential of their spiritual eternal energy to remember love, be compassionate, and make the physical world more like heaven a place of peace respect and to honor our divine nature.
The shock of a death itself can override all the pleasant memories of life with the beloved person. After death communication can take on the task of dispelling or replacing disturbing end of life health challenges or unpleasant circumstances relating to the death.
Being told of a death through a dream either before it would be possible to learn of it or as in a dream or through external means is not unusual. Annie wrote, “ I love how the dead make these little tips of the hat on the way out of their bodies letting us know that separation, distance and lifestyle choices have little significance in the larger scheme of our connected existence. Sheryl remembers her Dad always tipped his hat as he walked by a person in a kind and gracious fashion.
Often in dreams or meditation, a soul may show us especially after a difficult passing that they spend most of their time “in Healing.” There would be little need for more than a bed, beautiful surroundings and reminders perhaps of their beloved animals or spiritual angels. The living can be encouraged to know their loved ones have made the transition and are safe. Sheryl’s sister Rodelle who passed a few years ago expressed to Sheryl that she was in a green glory of healing and becoming acclimated to the peace and love of those around her in Spirit.
Sometimes the dead can help change a longtime pattern of suffering. Terry who lost his twenty year old sister clung to mourning for her and keeping the connection through deep suffering. In a dream he heard her shout at him, “You are holding me back. Stop It.” This new understanding turned him away from self-pity and he released his memory of suffering. The age of the dead in an ADC dream often fluctuates. Almost invariably they look younger and healthier than last seen, but how much younger seems to be determined by what is needed to facilitate recognition. In Darleen’s dream her daughter who had died at fourteen was now old enough to drive, this maturing a pleasing detail to her mother.
Contacts may be initiated from the other side or from those in living form. Sheryl says to Annie, “As a medium when I do a reading for a client I ask Spirit to share messages that will help the person know themselves and their destiny or life plan more fully, and Spirit always seems to give them what they need at the moment, even if they are not unaware of what they need. Now I was told many years ago by one of my teachers that I could ask to receive guidance from any person, out of body, any historical figure not matter how long ago they had lived. In my next book “New Life Awaits: Creating Your Best Afterlife by Living Consciously as President George Washington came up many times in stories in the book and since our nation was going through such painful challenging political and social times, I engaged in a meditation and simply asked George Washington to help us. The reading is available on my website on the book link and it was for me a very moving loving exchange to share. Please go to the book link to access the Epilogue of New Life Awaits which I am in the process of finishing now.
There are conditions that may make it easier to bring about a contact. Annie’s daughter Randi told her she is with her a lot and that it takes a degree of energy, but not that much because often the other person is raising their energy toward the loved one. What’s hard is getting others to notice that she is around them. Randi says, “ The dead are among the living a lot. Some people just happen to be aware of it more.”
Sheryl says the best way to bring about a contact for her is to meditate as she listens to quiet music in a darkened room away from the hustle and bustle of life and to breathe deeply in with a slow steady exhalation while asking Spirit to join her in this silent moment. With no expectations or pressure she begins to feel the flow of energy around her like a spiral of love and then she asks to receive impressions that would be helpful for the client who is coming. Sheryl always gives their name and residence as she wants to tap into the story of the correct person. Sometimes she asks questions, sometimes she just asks to receive what will he transformative and helpful to the client. Then Sheryl waits for visions sounds songs smells feelings in the body color or whatever being presents to her and then she writes it all down.
Among the many contact stories Annie reports in her book there are general facts and features that are common and shared. Yet the events are unique to the people and their life stories and at the same time there are some common shared factors. We learn that because of our modern mostly medical take on death we are encouraged to perceive it as a one step process. One moment alive and breathing..the next moment these functions have stopped. However, death can be a gradual process. Often people shut down slowly to the physical environment. They may lose interest in talk, touch, food, weather. They often see or hear predeceased loved ones. As dying is this way also, perhaps, arriving in the afterlife has levels of adjustment. As dreams allow us to step out of our limited vantage point we begin to think beyond the divisive approach my body, your body, my psyche, your dreams, and see aspects of a single and interconnected whole. This would be the same for all souls.
At times our dead beloved come into our dreams with messages for someone else that can have enormous positive impact. Annie tells of Lisa who saw her grandmother in a dream following her death and heard her say, “Tell Freddy I’m not mad at him.” When she told Freddy, who was her father, he burst into tears. He was suffering within a deep well of grief because his mother had told him never to put her in a nursing home, but following her stroke he needed to do just that. Lisa described the man who she did not recognize in the dream and Freddy told her “That was your grandfather.” That was a very healing experience for both Lisa and her father.
Annie’s contact with her daughter Randi helped change her view of life. Viewing life and death as journeys helps to clarify why travel and trains and boats and planes appear so often in dreams with the dead. They show that life goes on and the thinking beyond our physical ego materialistic fearful life is but an illusion of what we and life really are: eternal creative and loving. The dead prioritize life differently and they hope that contact with them will help us to release and let go of grief sadness and self-doubt about any part we played in their passing or didn’t do to keep them alive.
Sheryl shares a sensitive story of what happened before her mother passed. Sheryl was asked to sign a Do Not Resuscitate form. When her mother passed Sheryl felt badly about that choice. At a spiritual retreat six months later, a medium gave her undeniable proof of her mother’s presence and told Sheryl that her mom said she had made the right decision signing the Do Not Resuscitate and it was also her decision also. After that message I never again had a moment of doubt and sadness about doing what was necessary at the time.
Annie would like readers of The After Death Chronicles to remember that there is credible evidence that our consciousness does indeed continue after death and there are many ways souls seek to communicate with each other while in or out of a body. Dreams, verbatim conversations synchronicity or coincidences are all forms of messages from spirit. There are also physical manifestations from departed love ones as they can manipulate matter as they are pure energy.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Annie Mattingley came to find her way to the greatest truth of life in both its energetic and physical components after the loss of her daughter Randi. As a somewhat skeptic of these views of afterlife Sheryl came to find her way to develop and study energy healing and mediumship after a visit from her grandfather William in a dream alerting her to the passing of her father and the need for her to write his eulogy after the event. The energy and presence in that moment lead Sheryl to change many preconceived notions of who we are and what life is all about. The last twenty years of study and readings for people seeking to know their loved ones exist and are safe beyond physical life has been an honor and pleasure. For once you feel that connection of love and life eternal how can you not find peace and happiness in all the beauty and joy of life here. Beyond the fear of the physical world is the freedom of the soul to explore the ancestral patterns of our soul group.
Sheryl believes Annie expressed the value and purpose of After Death Contacts in this way and wrote, “The experiences that follow are as varied as the people who have shared them with me—some are visual, some auditory, some subtle some as life affecting as near-death experiences. They range through dreams disembodied voices, visions electrical and physical manifestations, messages received through nature….They can be the rare frightening contact or a profoundly satisfying grace that precedes or follows a death or occurs at the moment of death. Visitations can come at once or continue repeatedly for years….They can happen in a flash or transport us into an extended altered state that lasts all day….These experiences have defied my early efforts at near categorization—dreams here, visions there, visitations through nature….We don’t have labeled pockets in our psyches to which to file such moments. Like a sonnet or a symphony an After Death Contact is more than the sum of its parts. These moments speak to us in the language of Spirit or God or the Universe. They are not intended to be fully understood but rather to be savored and allowed to delight. More than anything else they resemble poetry which is defined by being undefinable.
Annie and I would wish for you a moment of surrender to the beauty and flow of life: listen to the wind and whispers from Spirit and our loved ones as you may just discover that life as a dream returns to us each evening when we allow ourselves to be enveloped in the darkness and the magic of the night and life, is but a constant return to life, in its many forms dimensions and realities.”