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Release Anxiety and Energize Joy
- Sherianna Boyle
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Welcome to Healing From Within. I am your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Energy Master Teacher medium and author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits which shares stories and messages from Spirit showing us that our challenges are not merely economic political or societal just a spiritual disconnect from our true being or soul wisdom. I am delighted to welcome Sherianna Boyle a former guest of the show and author of her new book Emotional Detox for Anxiety which unlike most books that treat the symptoms wellness expert Ms. Boyle guides you to cleanse your life of anxiety with an emotional detox treating the underlying causes of painful emotion.
For listeners who would like to hear the discussion Sherianna and I shared on her book Mantras An Important Tool for Awakening previously go to February 2018.
As listeners of Healing From Within have come to expect over the years my guests and I share intimate and insightful metaphysical views of both our physical and energetic aspects and come to know we are much more than our physical bodies and life must be experienced on mental emotional physical and spiritual levels.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Sherianna Boyle will show us how to avoid a life of chronic worry understand reactions to stress and doubt and experience an anxiety detox which is a symptomatic and mindful way to purge harmful thoughts. Once freed from this burden, an anxiety detox, returns you to a joyful carefree state.
When Sherianna is asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place event that may have signaled to her or others the life path or destiny she might create and the adult lifestyle she would experience Sherianna without hesitation tells us of the time when she was 12 walking along a country path and came to a Baptist Church. It was not the church she went to but felt drawn into the building to just sit and be in the Spirit of the Divine. Sheryl suggests it was the energy of peace and love that called to her and the healing mission she had chosen for her life path, her destiny, a path that would eventually help her to discover her own talents and share healing with so many others.
We find out what an Emotional Detox is and how vital it is to our health. Like a physical detox an emotional detox removes unwanted impurities. In essence an emotional detox is a systematic and mindful way to purge undigested emotions stuck inside you. An emotional detox will allow you to truly feel your emotions teach you how to take care of your feelings and provide a road map for living a happy fulfilled life.
The purpose of an emotional detox is to allow yourself to discover the tremendous value of your emotions One of the most significant things you will learn in this emotional detox process is that everything has purpose, even anxiety!
You’ll also learn:
What your emotions are and what they are not
The way reactivity shows up in your life
How to digest rather than react ex.
Think or worry about an emotion
How to communicate from no defensiveness
What happens in your body when you are triggered?
What the symptoms of anxiety are really attempting to tell you
Ways you block the flow of emotions as well as ways to enhance their flow
How to listen to rather than react to your bodily feelings
The seven step C L E A N S E PLAN for addressing symptoms of anxiety.
As we define anxiety we find what ways an Emotional Detox can help.
Anxiety and all its related thinking analyzing and worrying can take an immense tool on your body, mind and spirit. You might experience aches and pains insomnia and indigestion and also suffer from wear and tear on your relationships self esteem productivity stamina creativity and more. And you are not alone—anxiety has reached epidemic proportions, affecting more than forty million people in the United States alone. Symptoms of anxiety likely also trouble some of your co-workers, neighbors, friends and family members—people of all ages, backgrounds, and personality types.
There are generally five predominate anxiety disorders: generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, post -traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and social anxiety disorder and the chronic denominator is chronic worry. It is such a widespread complaint that it’s not unusual for individual to self-diagnose and in some cases, self-medicate using various coping mechanisms.
How do you know you’re experiencing anxiety?
You might hear yourself say things like:
I am constantly on the go: I feel like I’m rushing all the time.
I am so behind in my work that I don’t know where to start.
I can’t concentrate when my heart palpitates:
I worry it is a sign that I’m going to have a panic attack or worse.
I can’t relax
I dread going somewhere new or being in a crowded room.
I eat when I am stressed
I hate it when things are out of order.
I am a procrastinator
I feel like people think I am a basket case.
I feel overwhelmed and out of control
I find myself overreacting to the smallest things:
I get so irritated and snippy.
I have a hard time making a decision.
I no longer feel any love or desire toward my partner.
If only I could make more money things would be better.
My anxiety gets worse when I am alone or not keeping busy.
No one supports me. I feel so alone.
No one understands how hard I am trying.
The thought of dealing with my situation makes my heart race
I feel bad.
The Prevalent Symptoms of Anxiety are:
Difficulty sleeping
Frustrations or anger
Physical Symptoms include:
Excessive perspiration
Increased heart rate
Muscle tension
Poor memory and recall
Stomach distress
Sources of anxiety may include genetics environment brain chemistry and traumas as well as loneliness financial stress unhealthy diet/lifestyle overuse of technology and social media, raising children drug and alcohol addiction and disconnection
Sherianna has found that it is our resistance to feeling that seems to be the common thread among all of these causes. If you focus on your emotions rather than the symptoms you can influence them all.
Sherianna discusses process versus unprocessed emotions. Thanks to high levels of stress and anxiety most of us have learned to treat emotions like a faucet. The minute things become too cold or hot we turn off the emotions causing the discomfort. It is exhausting to treat emotions this way as your brain and body have to waste time on deciding whether something is a potential threat. Rather than relax, your brain is always on high alert. Unfortunately, people with anxiety have developed a habit of preventing or protecting themselves from what they feel. It is this resistance to feeling rather than the emotions themselves that are contributing to the symptoms of anxiety. It’s important to remember that your emotions don’t happen to you they are you.
Anxiety is like having the fear without seeing the whole picture You get caught up in
The energy of anxiety often show up as:
A hollow or tight sensation in the pit of your stomach
A lump or tension in your throat and chest
Heart palpitations or accelerated heartbeat
Heaviness in the heart
Nervousness, jitters or a sense of being overwhelmed to the point you could yell or cry
Pressure in the head
Stiffness or sweating in the palms of your hands
Tightness or tension in the chest jaw neck and shoulders
There are certain temperament traits (inborn characteristics) that make you more susceptible to anxiety. Some of them include:
Sensitivity to smells, noise, and or light
Discomfort in crowds or crowded spaces
Slowness to warm up or adapt to new situations
Being highly empathic shy or sensitive
Once you understand how these sensitivities are genetic you can know that you can change your cell The C L E A N S E works off the concept of neuroplasticity the brain’s ability to form and reorganize synaptic connections through tools such as visualization meditation and humming.
Sheryl asks Sherianna how the idea of Emotional Detox come to be. Like most important awareness’s dreams or intuitions often put us on right track for achieving our most desired efforts and goals.
Sheryl says perhaps like me you were told in a dream or a psychic medium that you would write this book and it was part of discovering that you are a healing spiritual being having a physical life to create love and refine your own soul energy so beyond this life you may carry within your soul the many memories and experiences that are the fabric of your individual soul that unites with the souls of all in eternal life.
In Sheryl’s final book in the Trilogy A New Life Awaits Sheryl wrote,
When I had my first reading by a medium, Sonya Mitchell, over 20 years ago, I was told I would write three books, a trilogy. While I had no interest at that time in writing a book, much less three, Sonya seemed strongly convinced that this was a certainty. I kind of took her strange predictions with a grain of salt. But as one coincidence led to another person and event, over time I discovered that these happenings she had suggested were happening and were not random but orchestrated by a higher hand or some unknown force of life. We can begin to call this universal energy the divine source or God.
Years later, having completed my third book as directed by Spirit, apparently for the completion of my soul’s promise to many people both in life and in Spirit I realized whether in a body or in pure energy, the soul is the essence and complete oneness of Spirit’s Intelligence and Universal Love and travels with us through time and space, lifetime after lifetime, as we gather experiences to refine our already magnificent soul. Death, in my opinion, is merely the next destination or adventure on our continuous circle of life.
Emotional Detox helps clients as do all types of energy work to release long embedded cellular memory of pain sorrow or trauma. The key seems to be to rid the body of unnecessary and limiting energies of the past.
Sherianna after years of working with clients has found is that people with anxiety tend to be highly empathic. This means they are quick to pick up on the energy of others. For example you might feel so bad for someone that you spend all your time helping them and forget to take a drink of water or get out for some fresh air for your own well being. Without the skills to nurture yourself you can intensify the symptoms of anxiety.
Emotional Detoxing may also help your manifesting potential. When Sherianna says manifesting she means bringing forth or creating something in your physical life through the process of digesting your emotions. By now you know your emotions give you energy. When you use this energy to create in this case peace calm and happiness you are manifesting. Clients who began working with Sherianna to get rid of their symptoms of anxiety would suddenly find a job offer came their way, they got a promotion at work they became pregnant or an adversarial relationship was beginning to mend. One client even found relief from debt.
The benefits of an emotional detox are:
Your physical mental and spiritual energy increases
You become less judgmental of yourself and others.
You are less pat to pick up on the negativity or anxiety in others
You learn how to take care for yourself
You create what you want rather than what you don’t want
The more energy you gain, the more relaxed and connected you become.
The C.L.E.A.N.S.E Method is kid friendly.
The step C L E A N S E method guides you through the seven steps to a successful anxiety detox.
The 7 steps include
C Clear
L Look Inward
E Emit
A Activate
J Joy
N Nourish
S Surrender
E Ease
Sherianna offers many tools to help listeners begin to learn how to process their emotions. Think of it this way When you eat a piece of foody your body naturally breaks it down absorbing what you need and excreting what you don’t need. When it comes to detoxing anxiety instead of breaking down you are breaking free from the resistant patterns and ways in which you have been controlling your emotions. Instead of labeling or figuring out what and why you are feeling the way you are before you allow it to be digested. We don’t exactly lose this habit instead over the course of the process you gradually lose the need to do this. This is because processing your emotions is an experience not an action. Digesting your emotions happens when you are in a state on non-effort.
Self-awareness on the other hand is where joy lives. To be self-aware means you have some knowledge about your own character, tendencies, feelings and thoughts and behaviors. Rather than getting sidetracked by other people’s stuff, you are interested in you own inner awareness—how your feelings impact the sensations in your body, the quality of your thoughts and the rhythm rate and depth of your breath.
Self Consciousness
Closed minded
Critical focusing on what’s Observant, open to opportunity
Triggers Past Wounds
Heals Past Wounds
Insecure, doubtful
Aware Present
Impulsive Wants a quick fix
Willing to be in the process
Sherianna gives us a tip you tp include in your Emotional Detox efforts. Sherianna tells us that when putting together the C L E A N SE METHOD she knew sound would be an essential part of the formula. I chose the sound hum because it wasn’t attached to any specific religious or spiritual practice. Hum seemed to be the least threatening and most familiar. The humming sound is evident in nature ex. (bees buzzing), it’s innate in babies as they learn to vocalize and it’s one of the most natural ways to sing along with your favorite tune. The humming effect has many benefits: enhancing focus and memory, fostering relaxation lowering blood pressure, reducing migraines establishing the natural rhythm of organs stimulating the thyroid gland, toning the nervous system
We thank Sherianna Boyle author of Emotional Detox for Anxiety for sharing tools and a Cleanse Method to help clear our mind and body of the thoughts and reactions that can cause fears and misunderstood perceptions that can take away our peace of mind and actually cause us to feel unsafe and unwell.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have actually discovered a system the C L E A N S E method which offers a plan to integrate a new way to realize where anxiety fear past trauma lives in your mind body and spirit and teaches not how to manage it, but how to release and move towards happiness and joy. We have learned that anxiety and emotions are not necessarily bad, and can guide us to know our deepest needs and desires allowing us to open our heart and expect or manifest amazing things in our life through thought and surrendering to everything that must be in order to help us remember truly who we are. Sherianna Boyle has shared many tools and suggestions to help us achieve a holistic and healthy life from utilizing yoga and working with the chakras to food exercise sleep and awareness of gratitude for life.
We can come to expect amazing things as we understand our anxieties and the emotions buried within that can be eliminated so we are free to create new patterns of joy.
Sherianna wrote, “Because the C L E A N S E method teaches you how to fee, visualize and allow higher frequencies (emotions) into your life, don’t be surprised if you like I did start manifesting ideas, things situations seeds you planted long ago. This is because when you are not attached to outcomes or extinguishing new responses, opportunities, and attitude shifts can happen. “ “For years I dreamed of teaching at renowned retreat centers all over the world. I wondered how to get my work into Yoga Journal and other respected outlets such as Psychology Today and the National Alliance on Mental Illness. (Nami) I would daydream about other methods for treating anxiety. It wasn’t until I started to practice the C L E A N S E method that all of this effortlessly came into fruition. I have helped clients shift from struggle to joy, tap into their higher potential and use the formula as a way to manifest their dreams connections and healthier lifestyles. You too will see things shift as you use this method.”
Sherianna and I would hope that those sensitive empathic listeners who are searhing for ways to deal with anxiety which is often a genetic as well as environmental way the body and spirit function to learn more about the possibilities of creating a fulfilling life know that everything we deal with is an opportunity to move us to happiness and ultimately joy. There are approaches such as energy healing and the C L E A N SE method that can help you “feel” emotions, conquer anxiety, and live in a state of peace and well being.
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and author of A New Life Awaits which shares the Spirit of divinity that lives within that yearns to know itself as love and infinite possibilities seeking to champion the challenges of modern day life. Whether in body or pure energy, the soul is the complete oneness of Spirit’s intelligence, in many lifetimes seeking higher consciousness and the miraculous way to heal and evolve invites you to visit her website to read about and listen to metaphysicians scientists spiritualists energy healers medical professionals and psychologists explore ways to better know our physical and spiritual essences and to create our best lives. Shows may also be heard on and
Sherianna Boyle link to
Emotional Detox for Anxiety link to
Sheryl Glick link to
A New Life Awaits link to