Internet Radio Show
Retaining our Humanness in a Technologically Advanced World
- Eric Leuthardt MD
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In today’s episode of “Healing from Within” Sheryl Glick welcomes Eric Leuthardt MD, author Red Devil 4, a novel based on his work as a neurosurgeon specializing in the field of neuroprosthetics and the exploration of break throughs in the field of artificial intelligence that will ultimately change the way we think about human consciousness and our relationship to each other and the world. The truly important aspects and regard for humanity and science dwell not only in technology and advancement, but in a greater understanding of our human emotions and our potential for love.
As a neurosurgeon and leader in the field of neuroprosthetics, Eric offers his vision of a futuristic world where computer chips implanted in our brains take the place of cell phones and tablets and where knowledge acquisition is instantaneous. Neuroprosthetics will give us the power to cure any neurological impairment. Dr. Leuthardt works as the director at the “Center for Innovation In Neuroscience and Technology” at Washington University School of Medicine. Similar explorations in brain computer pathways are also being conducted at Stanford University’s “Brains in Silicon” research program and at M.I.T. Whether it’s chips that act like neurons or IBM’s Watson, which behaves in ever more human like ways, computers are learning to mimic human biology at every level. This technology may lead to the first discovery of non-human intelligent life.
Dr. Leuthardt will share his vision about the technological revolution that we are now immersed in, and the distinction between the human mind and computers evolving rapidly into a new level of connectedness. Whether these innovations will make our lives better or worse will depend upon us. “Great science has the capacity to do great harm,” warns Dr. Leuthardt. The same innate human capacity that allowed our ancestors to create and adapt tools to master the environment has brought us to the edge where human nature may now be changed in fundamental ways affording us new impressive capabilities never seen in the history of our species. The immediate goal is to recognize the pitfalls and maximize the benefits and that is what we will focus on in this show. It may sound like science fiction but this great technological shift is already being reflected in our popular entertainment- television shows and movies…”Almost Human”, “Person of Interest” and “Intelligence”, “Robocop”, “Elysium”, etc.
A description of the storyline and some of the main characters in Red Devil 4 includes renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Hagan Maerici working on artificial intelligence and forced to defend his work when a rash of brutal murders breaks out in St. Louis. Edwin Krantz an aging technophobic detective and his ex-navy SEAL Partner Tara Dezner Krantz discovers a series of horrifying murders and realizes there is a connection to the electronic devices and brain computer interfaces. It is discovered that the murders have been committed by high profile citizens with no apparent motive. Other characters include Trent a young man who was physically mutilated in an accident and lives mainly through a chip in his brain in a virtual reality world..his father Dr. Devron… Reverend Franklin Elymas and his followers who resist the world of virtual reality and seek the divine as a way to survive and thrive. The Chamelion a criminal and wealthy businessman using technology for controlling the weak and making money. Lawyer Cyrus works for the Chamelion and is also an unscrupulous man who sells implants and drugs on the open market and deaths result as the products are not regulated and cheaper versions are unsafe for the user…… As Krantz and Tara Dezner examine the murders they turn to renowned neurosurgeon Hagan Maerici for answers and learn that Hagan is nearing a breakthrough in artificial intelligence and that someone may be tampering with the computer systems Dr.Maerici implanted in the brains of notable citizens. The detectives discover a long-buried mistake by Dr Maerici that could have devastating consequences for millions of people. The Dangers from Artificial Intelligence may be catastrophic to life as we know it.
In the story, Dr. Leuthardt shares an example of poor parenting expressed in an experience that Tara, the beautiful and highly proficient detective, was subject to. This may be a theme and the story of Tara as a little girl following her father who was way ahead of her in this steep climb up the mountain and in trying to reach him she falls hurts herself to the point of skin hanging off her knees and called to her father to pick her up to which he responded..”Girl ain’t nobody gonna carry you. Gotta carry yourself, now COME ON”. Of course some parents mean to empower their children to know their own strengths but there is a fine line between encouragement and abuse. Treatment of this kind may border on neglect and abuse and an insensitivity to another person’s emotional development. There is an expression-“soul murder”, which was expressed in the novel Love Gone Mad by Dr.Mark Rubenstein and we hope those working with children encourage and honor their noble development and interests.
Dr. Leuthardt tells of a great science fiction writer Isaac Asimov and how he described only 50 years ago how advanced we would become. Exactly 50 years ago at the 1964 World’s fair Isaac Asimov predicted camera phones, cordless appliances, nanotechnology, vehicles driven by autopilot and robot brains. The next leap forward will be computer chips implanted in our brains to take the place of cell phones and tablets: where knowledge acquisition is instantaneous, and where neuroprosthetics has the power to cure many neurological impairments. Throughout history, visionaries and leaders have seen the future and have prepared society for accepting the transitions and transformations necessary to move into modern times. Change is not always easily received but nevertheless, with preparation we can create the best version of modern technology and scientific advancements.
Several other themes of this fictional adaptation of Dr. Leuthardt’s scientific work focus on; Marriage: incompatible goals and needs..Love: as a force for creation in work and relationships. Father and son relationships: Trent, one of the main characters, who is handicapped and using technology exclusively has no interest in personal relationships and is distant from his father. Loneliness and bitterness: being treated as an inferior person because of disabilities. Implanted technology: Will all people accept that reality? Would we still have FREE WILL OR FREE CHOICE? Gender Inequality: male and female relationships with un-evolved vision, and Evangelists or Religion vs. the Evolutionist or Scientist: an ongoing theme throughout history.
Dr. Leutharth uses several technology terms including the term “AIRENS” which stands for Artificial Intelligence Reverse-Engineered from Neural Signals. Omid, the robot or artificial life form was part of Dr. Hagan Maerici’s project and discovery. Dr. Hagan communicated without any obstacles and all information was transparent between the robot and himself..perhaps unlike human communication, the lack of emotion or ego allowed this neutral exchange. Actually, Omid was downloading a great deal of Hagan’s emotional insights, but the doctor was not aware of this possibility.
In this futuristic world, in Red Devil 4, women appear to still be seen as sexual objects and subjugated to the money power and abuse of some men…there seems to be little improvement in the evolution between male female relationships and or the abuse of power and money. Dr. Leuthardt gives an example of this thinking in regard to gender inequality in a sentence said by a dark and sinister character known as the Chameleon. The Chameleon says; “You can buy happiness, you can buy anything and everything!”…This unfortunately is still the mindset of many unknowing and often mindless people. Dr. Leuthardt suggests that human nature seems to advance and evolve more slowly than our technological advance. Dr. Leuthardt and Sheryl, hope that science and technology can bring about the improvement and a more humane way of thinking about self defeating and antiquated views of women, marriage, sex and any unequal treatment of others.
Dr. Leuthardt and Sheryl, as forward thinkers know that science, spirituality, education, medicine, and the arts in an evolved society point the way to world- wide representation of the needs of ALL people being met which includes people respecting and allowing the proper quality of life for everyone regardless of their economic status..the right to thrive for All not just the privileged…the merging perhaps of Religion and Governments to produce enough food and sustainable resources for Everyone. The need to counsel those who cause disruption to improvement in the areas of Mental Health..etc.
Dr. Leuthardt and Sheryl have explored the union of past, present and future events to observe our evolution as sensory and intelligent human beings with the capacity for self-actualization and self-mastery of our human emotions while refining our energetic, scientific and spiritual wisdom. At the end of this fictional novel, Red Devil 4, what seemed like technology on the verge of destroying our human instincts was actually saved by Dr. Hagan Maerici’s artificial intelligent robot, Omid when he saved a human life and surrendered his own being. This action delivered a message of love and hope. Omid had downloaded the deepest longings and feelings of the doctor who had created him and was able to sacrifice his own existence Just as we might hope any enlightened human being would do for another human being, Omid a man made intelligence, did this for a human. Before his death, Omid said; “ My creation and development prevented what all humans need to be happy- to be in a relationship and to be connected to other people. We are communal beings and when we shut ourselves off we become machines alone and isolated” Therefore, it may take computer technology or artificial intelligence to teach us that to love others is the most human value and need…therefore the best of the human condition need not be lost when we advance to artificial intelligent life beings if we remember that fact and seek to empower our children and all creation with the values of higher consciousness and love.