Internet Radio Show
Sacred Healing from the Heart
- Shann Vander Leek
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In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” host Sheryl Glick welcomes Shann Vander Leek founder of the True Balance International, author of “Life on Your Terms”, co-author of Anxiety Slayer and creator of her Sacred Heart Teachings.
Shann shares her own journey of self-discovery through yoga training, silent retreat, deep shadow work, Artist’s Way facilitation, wise women circles, and healing lodge ceremonies. One of Shann’s challenges was the need to leave Corporate America to develop her new sense of business and entrepreneurial skills. In other words, she needed to create her own work schedule and work independently rather than in a structured and what became a restrictive and unnatural work environment. By experiencing extreme discomfort at her former job, she realized to become an autonomous soul was her destiny and calling. At this point, she realized significant transitions are a necessary and important part of our life along with caring for ourselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
In Shann’s publication “Life on Your Terms”, she offers her view on the Four Changes of Transition and offers suggestions for how to navigate the changes in our lives gracefully.
The Four Changes of Transition are as follows:
Stage 1. PAIN AND SUFFERING- Pain and suffering are symptoms that necessary changes must be made. The more you resist, the more difficult everyday life and challenges become. The universe offers an awareness of where we should be on our life path, and when we are not paying attention, the challenges and physical symptoms escalate. Symptoms might include: feeling frightened, in grief, angry, confused, uncertain, feeling negative about everything, defensive, reactive and trapped, distrusting of decisions and intuition, worry.
What to do: Do not over commit to others at home or at work. Develop nurturing routines, behaviors, or new habits. Ex. Inspirational reading, walking, enjoying nature, listening to music, yoga, preparing and eating nutritional food, journaling, spending time with children, water therapy.
Stage 2. INTROSPECTION- Going within to your internal guidance system. You may at this time withdraw from usual activities and friendships and demand your own safe and private emotional space. You may begin to let go of what is no longer meaningful to you including friendships and jobs. Symptoms might include: being contemplative, seeking, questioning, being protective of yourself, spiritual practices such as meditating, praying, being more quiet than usual, detached and withdrawn.
What to do: Similar activities as in stage 1 such as getting involved with nature and reading.
Stage 3. EXPLORATION- Finding a new direction, new goals, exploring relationship issues or new interests to be developed such as hobbies, traveling and friendships. Symptoms might include: becoming optimistic, confident, experimenting with new ideas, a new vision of yourself and life in general.
What to do: explore relationships and new connections, take a class, get some training, join a gym, take long walks, etc.
Stage 4. CELEBRATION- Take on life again and live the dream. Symptoms might include: being committed to new pursuits, being creative and optimistic. Change happens quickly now. Mentally and Physically you are at the top of your game- all is possible!
What to do: Allow everything to happen naturally and live in gratitude.
A new program, that Shann is very excited about at this time, is The Sacred Heart Teachings, where she introduces us to The Sacred Heart Healing Cycle. This new program can support your recognition of fears and limitations while ending subconscious patterns of self-abuse, heartbreak, and quiet suffering. Shann, as many healers who work with alternative healing treatments, or psychological and medical practitioners use many therapies to assist in the healing of any past experience or wound to the soul or psyche, and offer a message of HOPE. Shann suggests that this is the time for Sacred Healing and Sheryl responds “It seems we are now in the Age of Aquarius and a new millennium …also we are in the age of a new Spiritual Evolution where people, in large numbers, now wish to work on their inner energies or spiritual development, seeking to live more in cooperation with nature, man, and the divine expanding Universe. As the title of this show, “Healing From Within” suggests, we are only here in this physical life to rediscover our eternal soul essence and immortal divine connection to eternal Or Universal Energy. Once this is accomplished, we learn to balance our emotions- first, by realizing the outside world we see is created by the vision of our internal landscape… then, by improving our thoughts and actions into more loving, giving and sharing ways, finding what works best for our self-improvement, and thus entering a stage of awareness to our higher life state embodying virtues such as kindness, fairness, humility, hope, gratitude, love, cooperation, and all higher vibrations of our most divine essence.
Shann suggests that a person will know if they are ready to dig in and heal their wounded hearts when certain symptoms are noticed such as, when a person loses interest in their friendships, in activities they normally enjoyed, and become aware they are functioning below a level of joy, happiness, and enthusiasm for their everyday activities. These are all clues that they are diverging from their true life plan and life needs and need to refocus their thoughts and goals to regain the energy and vitality that is our normal state of being- to be healthy and positive. Examining the environment and situations they find themselves in, leads them to know they need to make a transition or changes. It is helpful if they find guidance and support from a spiritual teacher, counselor or loving friend. Sometimes what we need is right in front of our eyes, but if we are in a state of pain or of suffering, we may not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, or the many beautiful qualities of our own being. We may even be depressed or in a state of physical decline and not willing to admit it.
Sheryl will suggest that every spiritual program or self improvement regiment applies to men as well as women who wish to heal and transcend. Though men and women are hormonally and emotionally wired differently in the physical realm, spiritually both genders seek loyalty, trust, love, companionship. Everyone male or female must be guided to listen and compromise when necessary, fulfilling individual desires and working as a human team, rather than a separate male or female team. Again, it is a matter of recognizing that we are more similar than different, and the minor differences add to our self development. Learning to be authentic, learning to speak up when necessary without anger, but in a questioning way helps us to understand the other party’s thoughts or needs.
Shann writes “To be fully present and shine our light, we must explore our darkness..” Sheryl believes the darkness Shann refers to is the subconscious reservoir of traumas and doubts of past experiences, and also the fact that no one is either all good or all bad. The Sacred Heart Teachings may guide us to the root of what is weighting us down or as some people say, the baggage we carry, and to revisit these situations, traumas or issues which have limited a more optimistic and reflective view of themselves or others in their lives and life in general. Developing new perspectives, goals, and ways to let go of past experiences or problems and to become more proactive rather than reactive in any similar situation. While in the past, a more volatile or unpleasant reaction may have occurred in certain instances now by learning new reasons for our own or any person’s behavior we can develop compassion and acceptance for everything rather than focusing on judgment, anger or disbelief.
Shann and I have offered our personal experiences and ideas that may help you to know that many people are protecting their wounded hearts with layers and layers of heavy armor and may feel they are held hostage by the choices and experiences of their past or the beliefs offered to them by parents, teachers, friends which may have impeded their own self-confidence and self-growth possibly leading to confusion, guilt, shame and a loss of their natural soul right for grace and self-acceptance. We suggest that by choosing joy, health, and putting your energy into the present moment you may lighten the restriction and heaviness of your heart releasing the past and bringing you forward. By “going within” and becoming a witness to what troubles you, it is the beginning for reflecting on your own needs to care for your mind, body and soul…everything else when you make that commitment begins to manifest effortlessly and peace is the reward for the effort made to reclaim your natural god-given right to freedom, hope and healing.