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Sacred Mysteries of Spiritual Understanding
- Maresha Donna Ducharme
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In this episode of “Healing From Within” your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love and is delighted to welcome Maresha Donna Ducharme author of The Way Home To Love. In these changing challenging times we must embrace our inner sense of knowing or soul wisdom to find peace well being happiness and be part of the move to higher consciousness.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” expect my guests and I share our intimate stories as we remember embrace and reflect on the true nature of physical and spiritual energetic life. It is through developing spiritual awareness and practices that we may allow love and peace to enter our busy complicated daily lives and became more fully cognizant of our dual nature as both energetic and physical beings who are more than our body and more than the challenges that surface to remind us of our compassionate loving nature even as we conquer our fears and limitations which appears to be the real purpose of this physical life we have chosen to experience.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Maresha Donna Ducharme author of The Way Home To Love suggests we ask the question, “If Jesus Buddha Krishna and the Divine Mother were to meet in conversation what would each think of the other’s spiritual points of view. Maresha has been engaged in a long dialogue between the many comparative traditions and distills the essence of unity and love held within the heart that is the foundation of all spiritual traditions. We will explore what is universally sacred and how to find within ourselves a wellspring of love and peace.
When Maresha is asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that may have alerted her or other people around her to the life plan or destiny she might pursue she responded that even as a small child Maresha had memorable spiritual learning experiences about the nature of love. Her Italian grandmother soothed and healed her with an herbal drink or poultrice when she fell ill. See held ancient knowledge of dreams and healing. When Maresha was four or five one of her first friends ever was an 85 year old wise woman neighbor. When all the other children in the neighborhood were outside running around and playing, Maresha preferred to spend time with Mrs. Duprat. The other children were afraid of her and called her a witch. But Maresha was not afraid of her ancient visage but was actually drawn to it. Maresha and the older woman would sit together and talk. Later, after her death my parents bought her house from the state. We learned that Mrs. Duprat and I shared the same birthday. She had an extensive library on astrology esoteric spirituality and dream work and I asked my mother to keep those books. Maresha still refers to some of them today. Maresha now realizes that she was given a direct feminine spiritual lineage on which she could refer to and draw on for the rest of her life. Her knowledge was deep and her love was vast.
Sheryl says to Maresha that she is aware that she had a strong desire to go to church on Sunday and be in a sacred place. Her hope was to meet God and that was the beginning of an inner quest for truth. Maresha also began a teaching career in the public schools but was disappointed with that and knew there was more for her to find. Sheryl shares with Maresha that she had exactly the same experiences as she traveled her path to peace.
Maresha tells her about finding her way and acquiring degrees in teaching education holistic and macrobiotic counseling and energy medicine. She is a fire keeper of the sweat lodge and trained extensively in Eastern medicine. In 1984 she was initiated into the Kundalini Shaktipat tradition. In 2000 she established the Sanctuary a mountaintop retreat open to all faiths and traditions and dedicated to the healing of Humankind’s body mind and spirit.
Maresha was interested in how Jesus Buddha Krishna Muhammad and the Divine Mother would discuss and view each other’s spiritual points of view. In The Foreword to the book she writes, “In our own way and at our own pace we are walking the path of love. That means I have inside a call to grow and to expand and to be a beautiful person, a good person.” But how do we answer that call? Is there any way to find ourselves at home in this world and not be pulled this way and that by the challenges of our own lives as well as the crises that arise everywhere around us. The great masters would tell us that what may feel like separation can be brought into a place of unity wholeness and peace. They would tell us that The Kingdom of heaven is within—this is the foundational consciousness of the messages from every spiritual tradition. What we are searching for is already within us and love is the pervading essence that is our true inner nature.
We walk on the path of love to know our nature more deeply so we may find inner freedom by awakening our soul.
The guiding principle that love is universal whether it is expressed through the love of the Lord God, The Divine Mother, the nature and the elemental world, Jesus, Buddha, the sincerely aware mind, or Krishna— all are the same. The essential natures of these holy men and women bring forth the infinite light into the hearts and minds of humanity guiding our way through this life on the Path of Love. They are Shamans, Yogis, Wise Women, Kabbalahists, Christians, Pagans, Philosophers, and more. They are lit candles that stirred the flames of my own inner light and divinity.
We might like to think about how we may merge the needs of our physical life with the needs of our inner soul life and how to move forward to higher awareness and consciousness.
Maresha studied with Michio Kushio internationally known as a teacher of Macrobiotics and spiritual living. Maresha was able to let go of her programming about how to be successful and to begin to change previous exclusively intellectual outlooks and work.
Reality is free from all notions….it is our duty to transcend words and concepts to be able to encounter Reality. (Thich Nhat Hanh)
From Michio she learned about the world of duality, good-bad, right-wrong, do-don’t summer-winter, man-woman etc. He showed us how to transcend the world of duality through achieving balance within.
One time Maresha brought a man she was working with who had cancer and was seeking ways to heal himself to her teacher Michio. After an hour of dietary recommendations the man said at the end of the day he still wanted to sit down and have a Scotch. Michio just laughted and said, “When you drink the Scotch sing songs and be happy.” Slowly Maresha began to realize the absence of conflict was the presence of love and a path to healing. If this man could dissolve his fear of ruining his efforts by having the Scotch and simply enjoy his drink his freedom from inner conflict could act as a healing agent. The act of self-love is the foundation of all healing.
Reading this book can benefit us by finding ways to align to spirit, improve meditation, focus on conquering suffering, learn acceptance, realize practices for a good and simple life, understand the gift of life and energy, and learn to correctly see happiness and other expressions of human life as they are: and improve your interaction with yourself and others. All spiritual practices seek to work from within the innate soul wisdom to focus on our individualized life needs and the acceptance of all as we expand in our awareness of our full potential as spiritual beings having a physical life.
Personal guidance is achieved by experiencing the sacredness of all things and to appreciate the mystery of the circle of life as we find our place in that circle. Personal guidance through meditation, prayer, being in nature, allows intuition to grow and allows for inner wisdom to strengthen. For those who can, let them see…for those who can let them hear..This refers to making a connection to Spirit and the love of those beyond: guides, teachers, angels..God. It is achieved when you are able to have a crystal clear mirror and see your own divinity shining back at you. A spiritual mentor’s role is not so much to transmit knowledge or understanding as much as it is to inspire within the student the recognition of the student’s own pre-existing nature. The spiritual teacher points to something that is already present in the nature of the student: the fundamental qualities of oneness awareness divinity and connection. Through growing intuitive wisdom we find our true soul nature and connection to Universal Source and energy and the inner work frees us from the expectations of others and our physical conditions,
Maresha writes, “The feeling center and the process of healing occurs through the practice of meditation. The Golden Center or feeling center is the quest or longing that draws one forth into the unknown, into the mystery. The seeker steps outside the box and expands the boundaries of what is comfortable and safe. All attempts to understand, know and control are released. A state of innocence is established and in this state we trust love. The spiritual nature refuses certain dogma and social programs. It is a commitment to listening to the voice of one’s soul anew each day. This love we trust is a willingness to open ourselves to a higher will: it is an absolute acceptance that we are not the initiator. We give up the ego and immerse ourselves in the stream of consciousness love and merge with the infinite mystery Outwardly the actions of our lives look like everyone else’s. Inwardly we let life be revealed. We rise to every occasion with acceptance and grace. We live an ordinary life in an extraordinary way.”
Of course trusting love is symbolized by the beauty of the perpetually blooming rose. There is a golden center in each rose. The golden center reminds us to still the mind, breathe in beauty, accept everything, and trust the love in which we immerse ourselves. The focus in meditation is always the breath, listening to the sound of the breath and feeling the sensation in the body.
Maresha discusses “witness consciousness” We are just watching from the witness consciousness noticing thoughts emotions and anything that arises. The witness is you watching yourself: it is you in self-reflection. The witness has the ability to watch from a neutral place and notice what is without doing anything about it. It is not discussing or analyzing your situation it is not doing anything but watching and witnessing. You will get used to working with the witness as you sit in meditation practice.
Maresha tells readers she worked with a wonderful teacher, Tawa and wrote…”One of the most important lesson learned was that of “non-attachment.” Letting go of attachments opens up infinite space for the present expectations no longer rule our life. As emotions arose she learned how to witness them without becoming them. Maresha learned how to relate to the world as it was rather than how she wanted it to be. In clear light she was able to see through to the truth of things. The problems of this world began to evoke compassion in her heart rather than fear or anger. She no longer tried to find happiness. When happiness was present, she simply enjoyed it and then was able to let go when it dissolved. Maresha learned to let life reveal itself and dropped the need to control anything. The boundaries of her heart expanded and so she loved more. She felt naturally compelled to help but was not attached to the outcome. As this consciousness grew Maresha experienced a sense of spaciousness and freedom. This created a genuine contentment that she could never have found in temporal experiences.” This is “healing” and understanding yourself and the ultimate possibilities to create miracles.
She further describes “The Light of the Absolute” which is the point from which our highest consciousness observes the emotional life of the self. We see ourselves from a neutral detached position without judgment, analysis, embarrassment doubt or fear. We regard ourselves without the impulse to alter our circumstances or ourselves or anyone else. From this place you will know yourself better and refine who you are. This is what love is: the acceptance of self. The heart knows the Spirit and it expands within the light of higher consciousness.
Understanding the essence of life, the very energy that exists in all things that penetrates every level of existence, material, biological, and spiritual: from unconscious biological functioning to creative inspiring ideas and visions in our minds: to feelings of love and openness in our hearts: to the experience of connection and oneness in our spirits is the process. The Holy Spirit is the great intelligence that animates all things. And thus is a bridge of connection between matter and spirit. As your spiritual practice deepens your ability to resonate with the Holy Spirit expands. This resonance softens and relaxes the places in you that are hard and unyielding: it liberated your fears and brings you into the flow of love.
We consider the idea that if there is no shame and no blame what is there? There is acceptance for your own imperfection in a physical world where matter imposes instances of separation and emotions of fear shame blame and ways to deal with constant change. However there is only energy and energy is constantly expanding and growing and can never be destroyed. So fears of loss death and doing something wrong are merely illusions of the mind or ego. In reality we are the co-creators of our personal lives with the ability to improve ourselves and live with greater compassion joy and love. The key is to know yourself as souls having a physical reality but that is only one dimension of life and of your eternal nature.
Maresha suggests when confusion chaos and disruption are all around, dwell in the eye of the storm. The center is even and calm. The forces of separation and conflict are at force in the world and we are suffering from the illusion of self and other, self and opponent.
Three steps to healing and love is to begin with Self.
- Bring the body, emotions and thoughts into balance through spiritual practice.
- The second step is to extend that harmony to our primary relationships with family relatives and friends.
- Then extend that harmony into community society and the greater collective.
Sheryl says, “I would say let us forgive and accept ourselves and others, strive for personal inner growth, share our talents with family friends community and world, see the world with eyes of love, know there is no perfection and you can’t fix everyone’s issues, enjoy relationships, nature, and the beauty of the world, travel, explore music art write, dream and know your infinite Spirit and soul.
Maresha Donna Ducharme author of The Way Home to Love shares ways to honor all faiths and traditions and an unfaltering dedication to spiritual and humanitarian work for fostering harmony healing and unity for Self, individuals and a collective awareness of our unique spiritual gifts.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have seen that Maresha’s Sanctuary is created for fourfold purposes: First to inspire participants in the ways of healing the body mind and spirit: Secondly to guide each person to live with awareness and kindness: Thirdly to create a special place to experience one’s own soul which to the realization that one’s power to be a healthy and peaceful person extends to all aspects of their life.
Maresha wrote a most beautiful and truthful realization through her Path to love…
She wrote, “It is not necessary to subscribe to a formal religion. It is not necessary to believe in God. It is not necessary to change your faith. Inquire into your own real nature and believe in yourself. Loving awareness of oneself and others will reveal to you that which you already are. There is no place to go. You are already home. There is nothing to do. You are already what you seek. Take heart and meet every obstruction within yourself that your throw in front of the flow of love. You have the power to dissolve these obstructions, clear the path, and flow in life with love.”
Maresha and I would have you discover that beyond shame blame and any type of suffering. fear or negative emotion, we each have the power within our soul connection to Spirit, to make choices to love and honor ourselves and others. It simply means awakening to the truth of your unique divine energetic life and to know yourself as Love.