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Scientific Evidence that Mind Can Influence Matter in Body and Beyond
- James Jensen
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Welcome to Healing From Within. I am your host Sheryl Glick author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening. Many of us are aware there have been tremendous shifts in all events happening globally economically politically and societally but the real challenge now is to realize these are not the problem. The real problem and challenge is a spiritual disconnect from our true being or soul wisdom. Today Sheryl is delighted to welcome James Jensen author of Expand the Power of Your Subconscious Mind who will help us harness the power of our subconscious mind to realize miracles and magic are not just quaint concepts but a way to manifest a purposeful and loving life experience.
As listeners of the show have discovered over the years my intuitive and imaginative guests seek a greater understanding of the true nature of our human and divine talents and gifts through understanding energy and how the mind heart and body contribute to a refining of our subconscious or soul essence for personal and collective advancement to higher levels of consciousness and a clearer understanding of the realities of life and energy as we define the duality of life as spiritual beings having a physical life.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” C. James Jensen draws upon decades of experience as an executive coach who draws upon his interaction with Dr. Joseph Murphy’s teachings- particularly his principles of the subconscious—how to harness it’s wisdom and power to manifest your deepest desires. James supplements Dr. Murphy’s ideas with modern day lessons and a toolkit of practices such as affirmations, visualizations, meditation and leadership skills.
Sheryl asks James what is in his background that makes him qualified to write this book exploring the discoveries by author Dr. Joseph Murphy written long ago as he discovered the principles of energy the Law of Attraction and other metaphysical laws that allow us to align our spiritual energy with physical life. James tells us he began his career as one of the top salespeople for the publishing company Encyclopedia Britannica. At the age of twenty seven, he became vice president in charge of worldwide sales. He went on to become president and CEO of two other companies. Today he is providing executive coaching and advisory services to emerging growth and midsize companies. As an active member he serves as a life director for the Institute of Noetic Sciences which is an organization of scientific and spiritually minded gifted people who seek an understanding of the human and divine connection and how to transform our limited world view into an open -minded way to provide better lives for all citizens. James combined a business background and as he discovered the more mystical part of life he added that information to helping people use spiritual tools to improve life.
James goes on to talk about self-talk and why is it so important. The way we talk to ourselves constantly provides instructions to the subconscious or soul based part of us to ensure how we behave, but these instructions may not align with what we desire. How many times have you heard people say things like?
I can never remember names
I always get nervous when speaking to large groups.
Or to their children: Why is your room such a mess? Why can’t you do things right?
Once we realize what we say to ourselves (positive or negative) affects employees children and others we love, we can begin to change the data, transforming it into the positive outcome we truly desire
The subconscious manifests what we concentrate our conscious mind thoughts and makes them happen. So it is true that if we change our thoughts we can change our reality. We must pay attention to what thoughts we are allowing ourselves to engage with and if negative or harmful to us or others must disengage delete not pay attention to if we wish to achieve different results.
We go on to discuss the three areas of the mind and their function. You have only one mind but your mind possesses two distinctive characteristics. The line of demarcation between the two is well known to all thinking men and women of today. The two functions of your mind are essentially different. Each is endowed with separate and distinct attributes and powers. The nomenclature generally is used to distinguish the two functions of your mind the objective and subjective mind: the conscious and subconscious mind, the waking and sleeping min, the surface self and the deep self, the voluntary mind and the involuntary mind, the male and female and many other terms.
Your “conscious mind” is sometimes referred to as your objective mind because it deals with outward objects. The objective mind takes cognizance of the objective world. Its media of observation are your five physical senses. Your objective mind is your guide and director in your contact with your environment. Your objective mind learns through observation, experience and education. and the greatest function of the objective mind is that of reasoning.
Your “subconscious mind” is often referred to as your subjective mind. Cognizant of its environment independent of the five senses and perceives by intuition. It is the seat of your emotion and the warehouse of memory. In a word it is that intelligence which makes itself manifest when the objective mind is suspended or in a sleepy drowsy state. Your subjective mind sees without the use of the natural organs of vision. It has the capacity of clairvoyance and clairaudience. Your subjective mind can leave your body travel to distant lands and bring back information often of the most exact and truthful nature. Through your subjective mind you can read the thoughts of others, read the contents of sealed envelopes and closed safes. Your subjective mind has the ability to apprehend the thoughts of others without the uses of the ordinary means of communication.
James tells us that, you must be certain to give your subconscious only suggestions which heal bless elevate inspire you in all ways. Remember your subconscious cannot take a joke It takes you at your word. Autosuggestion can banish fears. For an example. A young woman overcame her silent fear thoughts by three times a day she isolated herself in a room. She sat comfortably in an arm chair relaxed her body and closed her eyes. She stilled her mind and body. Physical inertia favors mental passivity and renders the mind more receptive to suggesti9on. She counteracted her fear of singing professionally by saying to herself, I sing beautifully, I am poised, serene, confident and calm. Her next audition was remarkable. You can do this procedure with any issue the power of suggestion is often self-fulfilling.
From infancy on the majority of us have been given many negative suggestions. As an adult you can use constructive autosuggestions which is reconditioning therapy, the impressions made on you in the past can cause behavior patterns that cause failure in your personal and social life. Auto suggestion is a means releasing you from the mass of negative verbal conditioning that might otherwise distort your life pattern making the development of good habits difficult.
Look around you and you will notice that the majority of mankind are intensely interested in the world without, and the more enlightened men are intensely interested in the world within. “Remember it is the world within, namely your thoughts feelings and imagery that makes the world without.” It is therefore your creative power and everything in your world has been created by you in the inner world of your mind, consciously or unconsciously. To transform your life and change the external conditions you must change the cause.
James tells us that the main point to remember is once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it. It is an interesting and subtle truth that the law of the subconscious mind works for good and bad ideas alike. This law when applied in a negative way is the cause of failure frustration and unhappiness. However. when your habitual thinking is harmonious and constructive, you experience perfect health success and prosperity.
James tells us how he discovered the writings of Dr. Joseph Murphy and incorporated his teachings into his own life? You have to know something of Dr. Joseph Murphy in order to understand how James has incorporated some of his thoughts into his life. Joseph Murphy was born on May 20, 1898 in the County of Cork Ireland. Bought up in a devout Catholic household with a younger brother and sister and a father who was a professor at the National School of Ireland he had a loving and balanced way or spiritual and physical life. He even considered the priesthood, but at age 24 withdrew and left Ireland for America. He eventually became a pharmacist and explored classes on various Eastern Religions and philosophies. Like most healers his soul knew that there were many ways to reach God and live a healthy physical life as well. In the 1940’s he moved to Los Angeles and became involved in the New Thought movement. He was ordained a minister of the Church of Divine Science and built one of the largest congregations in L.A. Dr. Murphy wrote over thirty books in his lifetime but his most well-known is The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. Dr. Joseph Murphy’s original book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Was written in 1963.
James tells us that over forty years ago he rsolved a malignancy in medical terms called a sarcoma by using the healing power of his subconscious mind which created and still maintains and governs all his vital functions. He feels sure many more people can trust the Infinite Healing Presence lodged in the human subconscious. The ancient proverb says, ”The doctor dresses the wound and God heals it.”
James tells us about the Institute of Noetic Sciences and his affiliation with it. The Institute of Noetic Science serves an emerging movement of globally conscious citizens dedicated to manifesting our highest capacities.
The mission statement is “We of the Institute of Noetic Sciences believe that consciousness is essential to a paradigm shift that will lead to a more sustainable world. We encourage open minded explorations of consciousness through the meeting of science and spirit. We take inspiration from the great discoveries of human history that have been sourced from insight and intuition and that have harnessed reason and logic for their outer expression.”
In The Foreword by Dr, Lee Pulos he writes, “The rational mind can be a barrier to the full use of our potential. It limits our capabilities with such a tight focus and has philosophically cut us off from the experimental theatre of our subconscious, the great source of our power. The older growth forests of the mind contain the true potential—our intuition, our non-ordinary awareness, our dreams, our connection to the cosmic information field our psychological our spiritual landscapes, and yes, our mysticism…..But Joseph Murphy’s brilliant insights—about the depth and richness of our many thresholds of intelligence and corridors of our consciousness—have helped millions of men and women rediscover the deepest regions of our hearts and minds that we had forgotten. That we are much, much more than our rational minds.
Expand the Power of Your Subconscious Mind is a reminder of some of the oldest wisdom such as that of the Buddha who said, “A man is the product of his thoughts.” And from an even older tradition, “Man is made by his belief—as he believes, so he is.”
This is a book for every generation. It also follows and embraces one of Albert Einstein’s favorite sayings, “Make everything as simple as possible—but not simpler’
James discusses how to understand many challenges of everyday life such as health marriage aging and Sheryl especially liked the practical look at aging and attitudes and ways to engage all times of life with good will and positivity. James writes that the subconscious mind never grows old. It is timeless ageless and endless. It is part of the universal mind of God which has never been born and will never die. Be sure that your mind never retires It must be a parachute which is no good if it doesn’t open. Retirement can be a new venture a new challenge a new path the beginning of fulfillment of a long dream. Age can be the dawn of wisdom. Wisdom is an awareness of the tremendous spiritual powers in your subconscious mind and the knowledge of how to apply these powers to lead a full and happy life.
Age is not a tragic occurrence. What we call the aging process is really change. It is to be welcomed joyfully and often at this time of life many learn of their powers which transcend bodily powers. He has senses that transcend his five physical senses. Scientists today are finding positive indisputable evidence that something conscious in man leaves his present body and travels thousands of miles to see hear touch and speak with people even though his physical body never leaves his couch. Man’s life is spiritual and eternal. He need never grow old for life, or God, cannot grow old. Do not fear old age because you anticipate mental and physical deterioration. What you think comes to pass Continue to be interested in life and hunger after new truths and search for new worlds to conquer. You can help stabilize advise and direct the younger generation and give the benefit of your knowledge and experience.
A growing body of scientific evidence shows that many health problems are related to tension and stress. Expand the Power of Your Subconscious Mind offers suggestions or remedies to alleviate the stresses of today’s fast paced world Your subconscious mind controls all the vital processes of your body and knows the answer to all problems. A technique for healing was given to Dr. Murphy by a minister who told him the method he used to convey the idea of perfect health to his subconscious mind. His technique as given to me in his own handwriting, is exactly as follows: Several times a day I would make certain that I was completely relaxed mentally and physically. I relaxed my body by speaking to it as follows: My heart and lungs and throat are relaxed, my head is relaxed, my whole body is relaxed. After about five minutes I would be in a sleepy drowsy state and then I affirmed the following truth, “The perfection of God is now being expressed through me. The idea of perfect health is now filling my subconscious mind. The image God has of me is a perfect image and my subconscious mind recreates my body in perfect accordance with the perfect image held in the mind of God. This is a simple easy way of conveying the idea of perfect health to the subconscious mind. Another way to convey the idea of health to your subconscious mind is through disciplined or scientific imagination For example the minister told a man who was suffering from functional paralysis to make a vivid picture of himself walking around his office touching the desk answering the phone and doing all the things he normally would do if he were healed. He lived the role and actually felt himself back in the office. One day after several weeks of frequent conditioning of the mind the phone rang and he got up and answered it. He was healed at that hour. The healing power of his subconscious mind responded to the mental visualization he had practiced for weeks.
We ask what is the enlightened way to deal with fear criticism and mistakes? The enlightened way to deal with fear criticism and mistakes is simply to accept it as a learning experience neither good nor bad but necessary for enriching the energy of the soul and spirit. There was a physician Franz Anton Messmer who discovered that by applying magnets to the diseased body he could cure the disease miraculously. He claimed his cures were due to animal magnetism theorizing that this substance was projected from the healer to the paitent. His method of healing disease from then on was by hypnotism which was called mesmerism in his day. Other physicians said all his healings were due to suggestion and nothing else. Perhaps all spiritual healing is done that way.
This might be the benefits received at the hand of Jesus by disposing of fear doubt and anxiety in the subconscious mind. In his words, “According to your faith be it unto you. You can see that Jesus was appealing to the cooperation of the subconscious mind. Their faith was their great expectancy that their prayer would be answered and it was.
In all ages unofficial healers have obtained remarkable results in cases where authorized medical skills have failed. This gives cause for thought. The answer to all these healings is due to the blind belief of the sick person which releases the healing power resident in the subconscious mind. This state of mind facilitated by the suggestion of health was accepted by the conscious and subconscious of the sick
Sheryl says that as a Reiki Energy spiritual Healer she has worked with women who were unable to have children but after Reiki sessions have have children, broken bones healed faster than expected, emotional fears were banished and positivity returned people who were sexually abused as children to finally release pain anguish and fear and go on to have loving family lives without constant therapy which often just causes the person to be in the moment of anguish again and again. During a Reiki healing session, a person is in a relaxed state like a hypnotic state and able to feel their own soul energy so they can restore faith and know the power to self- heal is within them.
It’s like miracles are happening both small and large.
James gives us a chart for companies to apply the tools used in the teachings in his book and shows how it would be different than an old school model and how do today’s management styles differ or should differ from how companies have been managed in the past?
Here’s how to distinguish between old and new management styles.
Abundant Consciousness
Scarcity Consciousness
Centered in love
Centered in fear
Trusts everyone
Distrusts most everyone
It’s all about us
It’s all about me
Great place to work
Just a job
Purpose driven
Ego driven
Loyal to team
Primary loyalty to self
Learner: Lifelong learning
Learned: already knows it all
The glass is half full
The glass is half empty
Produces energy
Produces exhaustion
Inclusive of all
Exclusive of most
Although Dr. Murphy’s writings that James has presented adding his own insights tools and ways to transform life to living with greater purpose and happiness if he had to accentuate one key lesson it would be discovering the incredible relationship between the conscious and subconscious areas of the mind: how to harness the incredible power of our own “self-talk.” There are not two different minds, but rather two spheres of our one mind. The conscious area is the part doing all the thinking. As you read these words, you are also talking to yourself about how you feel about what you are reading-along with what you are having for dinner tonight and multiple other talks. This is self-talk. Most people are unaware that we talk to ourselves all day long at a rate of 150 to 300 words a minute or over fifty thousand thoughts a day. And what most of us have not learned is that our self-talk becomes instructions to our subconscious, which acts like a servo-mechanism (control system) carrying out the instructions given to it by the conscious mind.
Therefore, James discusses that we also can become aware of “Distant healing or Absent Treatment” Suppose you learn that someone is sick in another state or place and not physically present. As a Reiki practitioner Sheryl knows that it is the Father within which doeth the work (John 14:10) In the mind principle there is no time or space. It is the mind that operates for healing no matter where the person is. In reality, there is no absent or distant treatment as opposed to present treatment for the universal mind is omnipresent. The treatment is a conscious movement of thought and as you become conscious of the qualities of health well -being relaxation these qualities will be resurrected in the experience of the person you are praying for and sending healing energy to and results will follow.
Sheryl as a Reiki Master Teacher uses Distant Healing on a daily basis and tells the story of a young woman 19 years old in California over twenty years ago who had a brain bleed. Sheryl received a phone call from her son who told her that his wife’s cousin was in critical condition in the hospital and it didn’t look good. Sheryl was asked by her son to do what it was she did, even though he didn’t understand it and if she could help, because it seemed hopeless at the time. Sheryl remembers sitting in a darkened bedroom in her house. It was New Year’s Eve and she immediately sent distant healing to the doctors facility family and the girl for a successful recovery and good quality of life to follow if that was in the girl’s soul’s journey. The girl survived and needed many months of rehab but every time Sheryl sees her in a family picture she is so happy to have been a small part of that miracle of healing.
We thank C. James Jensen for a new look at the book written by Dr. Joseph Murray Expand the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to review age old awareness of consciousness and the full range of our potential to create and manifest through our thoughts and actions the life and world that offers unlimited possibilities for finding joy purposefulness health happiness and for offering tools and techniques to fit our changing modern needs and perspectives on human and divine life. In order to purchase this book and learn more about the merging of our subconsciousness or heart- based reality with physical life for a sustainable future go to
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have explored the early writings of Dr. Joseph Murphy whose book Expand the Power of Your Subconscious Mind offered a realistic look at the power of the mind for self- healing by concentrating thoughts on positive intentions and connecting to Universal Sources of eternal energy and wisdom. James shares these ideas and skills such as affirmation visualizations meditation and leadership skills for conscious minded organizations to harness these tools for prosperity health and a more joyful life experience.
James wrote, “ Always remember if you really want the power to heal, you can have it through faith, which means a knowledge of the working of your conscious and subconscious mind. Faith comes with understanding. Blind faith means that a person may get results without any scientific understanding of the powers and forces involves. Learn to pray for your loved ones who may be ill. Quiet your mind and your thoughts of health vitality and perfection, operating through the one universal subjective mind, will be felt and resurrected in the mind of your love ones.”
James and Sheryl would have you remember we are souls having a phyiscal life and share the same energy of eternal life thought our experiences and challenges may be different as we are each unique and finding the events people and places that make our soul energy expand and refine with greater love and compassion. All is as it should be for each soul to create the situations and life they need in this time and place. Beyond here is quite a different reality.
I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and author of A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided insights to Support Global Awakening which shows us our challenges are not merely economic political societal but a divide from our inner eternal soul wisdom and true being. I invite you to visit my website to listen to and read about leaders in the metaphysical spiritual scientific medical educational and the arts and music as they explore the world of energy and ways to create positive and productive life journeys. Shows may also be heard on and