Internet Radio Show
Spirit Marriage
- Dr. Megan Rose
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Welcome to Healing From Within with host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher medium and author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from spirit that show us our modern day challenges are not merely economic political or societal but a deep disconnect from our inner soul wisdom. We are delighted to welcome Dr. Megan Rose author of Spirit Marriage to share a unique view of interactions between those in a body and those in spirit who find love and connection from different levels of life.
As listeners of Healing From Within have discovered over the years, Sheryl and her intuitive insightful guests share intimate stories and insights into the duality of life our energetic soul life force and physical life as we learn that life is indeed a journey of healing learning and love and we have opportunities to self-investigate and self-master our emotions guided by intuition and cooperation of higher Universal Source or those in Spirit who mentor and help us follow our destiny and life plan.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Megan Rose who has a doctorate in East West psychology is an initiated ceremonial magician, a Shakta Tantric Practioner and a senior seer in the House of Brigh Faery Seership Institute and serves as an Interfaith minister and psycho-spiritual counselor shares an in-depth exploration of the practice, relevance and purpose of spirit marriage.
When Rose is asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that may have signaled to them or others the life path and interests she might pursue in adulthood for it seems to me that we are born with a soul physical world and to raise to a higher awareness and vibration on love Megan begins to remember:
Megan writes, “My inquiry into spirit marriage is inextricably connected to the unfolding and evolutionary stages of my devotional life: growing up a spirit filled Pentecostal, communicating and praying with and to trees, being in The Present dissatisfied with a sexless Christian God and his disembodied practices, attending seminary and feeling a profound yet confusing call to public ministry, longing for a tradition that held reverence for and primacy of women and the Divine Feminine, and finally—seeking a path that embraces both light and dark as co-equal and indivisible.
My choices in life have almost invariably been guided by what Orion Foxwood refers to as “sacred longing and divine discontent.” As a child, I often felt the presence and fullness of the Holy Spirit as a palpable sensation in my body. Even though I did not understand exactly how, I knew it was a different sensation from the ones I felt when I prayed to Jesus or his Father God. This Holiest of Spirits often felt most alive to me in and through nature. Later I would come to understand that the experiences I had been having were the indwelling contact of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine, but as a child I simply knew that this contact awakened me in a vital and primal way and left me feeling ablaze.:
The term highly sensitive I define as having a highly attuned intero and extero-ception of stimuli. Experiences like ESP or visionary states are beginning to be understood as the extreme reaches of a spectrum of highly attuned sensitivities ranging from having heightened capacity with one’s five physical sense organs, to empathic or precognitive perception, to full-blown mystico-psychic encounters. Being a highly sensitive person (HSP) on any range of the spectrum can cause subtle shifts and cues in one’s environment to blare as strongly as a loudspeaker announcement, and often lead the HSP to interpret and interact with the world around them in a manner that buffers them from the onslaught of external inputs. These two psycho-spiritual aspects of my personality bear a tremendous amount of weight and influence on my story.
Sheryl says that as a sensitive to energy and as an empath medium and healer there are many challenges to feeling the impact of words and the energies held in places events and in daily communication with people and perhaps 20 percent of the population who are highly sensitive have challenges in learning to utilize these gifts helping themselves and others.
In her book The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love Sheryl writes, “In The Living Spirit I share simple but powerful exercises that I personally use to shed negative energy, resistance, and mental clutter. These exercises and insights can help us to protect ourselves from “energy vampires,” people who may try, knowingly or unknowingly, to rob us of our state of joy and well-being. Learning to act proactively rather than reactively may teach us how to respond when family and close friends are not supportive. Perhaps more importantly, I also share incredible stories from my own spiritual journey that will illustrate these points and hopefully illuminate the path for others. The timing for this book could not be better. For years, the metaphysical community has predicted a tremendous shift in human consciousness, and it is happening now. More than ever, people are feeling the need to rediscover their life’s purpose, and the economic downturn in recent years has given many the freedom, opportunity, and necessity to change their lives and work. Energy healing—including Reiki, Healing Touch, Reflexology, Chiropractic Adjustments, Acupuncture, Massage and Body Work, Rolfing, Polarity, Trager, Chromotherapy, Radionics, Alexander, Bioenergetics, Feldenkrais, Deep Tissue Work, Osteopathic Manipulation, and other modalities—has become one of the fastest growing fields of complementary health care, and it is part of my mission to help healers develop their God-given gifts. I have written The Living Spirit not just for healers, but for anyone who wants to awaken to their soul’s mission and to the incredible plan God has for them. It is intended as a compassionate and supportive guide for others beginning their spiritual journey as mediums, psychics, and energy healers or simply for those with questions about who they are, what life is all about, and whether there is indeed life after death. “
Megan tells us what Spirit Marriage is and how it is different from other psychic phenomena such as channeling or mediumship. Megan is one of those rare treasures and her book reflects sound research, deep understanding, and the type of clarity that will make it a classic for the researcher and practitioner alike. To these qualities, Megan offers a broad survey of types of spirit-beings encountered, traditional and contemporary approaches to the topic, and a view into the benefits and challenges of these companionships. Additionally, she offers us a rare glimpse into the lived experience of her research subjects as well as herself, and into subtleties that can only be known by experience. There is an old saying, “See and you will know, but do and you will understand—therein lies the difference between knowledge and wisdom.” This is wisdom in your hands.
Spirit marriage is a form of embodied spirituality and a transpersonal phenomenon. To put it as clearly as I can, it is the bonded or intimate relationship between a human and a subtle or discarnate entity such as a deity, spirit, or extraordinary intelligence. In this practice, the consciousness of the practitioner is linked or wedded to a specific entity, and the two beings share a co-creative consciousness forthwith. This practice has appeared in many cultures, among a strikingly large number of religious traditions ranging from African indigenous spirituality to Tantric yoga to Christian mysticism. The practice of union with a spirit can manifest in many different forms—channeling, possession, sexual encounters, visitations, and the like. However, for the purposes of her book, Megan has limited her definition of spirit marriage to practitioners who have gone through a ritual or ceremony of union, designed to align them with a particular spirit in a committed and dedicated fashion much like a marriage on earth between two living souls.
Megan has been in a spirit marriage for well over twenty years. In those years she has gleaned transformative wisdom from traditional folkloric material and revealed information that came through from her spirit companion as well as personal revelation. In fact, there was so much powerful material that she created a seven-year Faery Seership apprenticeship program that fosters these kinds of relationships for hundreds of people worldwide. Their lives have been deeply enriched by the material, and the spirit contacts that have been nurtured during the trainings have led my apprentices to become co creative agents of change—especially as it relates to ecology and ancestral healing. Her own life with an ancient nonphysical being led me to push off from all that was familiar, and journey into ancient and often uncharted landscapes of the soul of humanity, Earth, and the cosmos.
Her spirit marriage has expanded her positive impact on the world in ways she could never have imagined. Layers upon layers of wisdom have been gleaned from this profound symbiosis. Her spirit-wife, Brigh, and Megan have tested each other as her nature had to recalibrate her nature to ensure that we could co-create together in a healthy way Whether it is the “fire in the head” (a sudden flash of illumination) of the Celtic tradition, or an inner-heating force that reveals the spiritual light of vision and inspiration, or a spiritual force or a spiritual being that is mediated or indwelled by a human host, profound wisdom and healing is often found in the spirit or invisible realm.
In ancient Rome, when a person had an uncommonly high intellect, its source was thought to be a particularly potent guiding spirit known as a genius. Thus, to this day we refer to a brilliant person as a genius. We all have these helpful spirits but most of us never allow ourselves to be open to them. And when they do come through, too often they are called demons—a word derived from the Greek word daemon, which originally denoted a divine being, not an infernal one.
In this book many types of informing spirits are discussed. They include human ancestral, faery, divine, and more. Each spirit marriage has its own nuances, challenges, and benefits, and each has changed its human counterpart forever. In the spirit marriage accounts relayed herein, Megan feels that spirit and human partnerships have always been important to the spiritual and intellectual development of humanity. The farseeing eyes of the ancient, immortal, divine, unseen, human ancestral, and other beings are crucial if we are to see outside of our limits and beyond time.
The bottom line is that humans are moving rapidly into an era of expanded and fluid states of consciousness, and we must perceive the invisible relationships between visible things if we are to grow with our own destiny. We are human-becoming; we are not finished growing in our understanding of healing, the intimate workings of our planet, the causes and cures for maladies likely induced by human technology, and actions that impact nature in ways we cannot see. If we are to thrive and if we are to save our Earth from a forthcoming extinction event, then we must perceive beyond the perspectives that challenge the life of our species and our world. The eyes that are invisible see what is invisible to our eye, whereas the ear that extends beyond the audible may hear a silent tongue of wisdom. Our ancestors held in highest esteem those who heard beyond the range of sound, who were guided by ancient forces, who knew the very beginning of life, and whose reach was into the unfolding future—for they knew the unknowable. Perhaps the time to know beyond knowing, sense beyond feeling, and dance in balance to a tune of helpful harmony is now.
Sheryl says as an intuitive empath and medium who connects to Universal source and downloads information to add herself family and clients she is aware that we are in the midst of a spiritual revolution helping through these challenging changing events of war pandemic political divide economic problems climate change being given an opportunity to transcend the physical issues and rise to a higher vibration of energy understanding feeling and acceptance surrendering to the immediate event as we go beyond it to create more tenable solutions.
Sheryl wrote in her newest book A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening the following, “ Many years ago, after a series of mystical experiences that I could not explain with my logical mind, I found myself experiencing feelings within that related to a life that was more than my physical experience. As I began to quiet my mind, I began to know my inner thoughts in a way that went beyond the five senses and the way I was accustomed to experiencing the physical world. I became aware that I was able to use an intuitive sense that had nothing to do with my mind, years of education, or life experiences. It was a sense of knowingness and awareness to history, our humanity, and the past in a way that went beyond normal explanation. In dreams and in my interactions with numerous people that I later dis[1]covered were Spiritual guides brought into my conscious reality for the important purpose of realizing my life plan and my inner soul being, a new awareness emerged, enabling me to constantly review past beliefs seen purely from a physical indoctrination of this time, place, and present life experience into another way. I am incredibly more able to accept new ways of knowing myself and those who walk this journey with me and to discern the true meaning of life.
Spirit Marriage different from channeling or possession in that is a constant and continuous connection to enhance the personal and spiritual development of both souls who have committed themselves to each other to support love and assist in all areas of soul growth.
The practice of spirit marriage has allegedly been with us since the dawn of civilization. Through folklore and mythology, we hear of its ancient roots. We first start to see textual records of the practice in the ancient Mesopotamian sacred marriage, where it is reportedly undertaken to aid humans in the development and expansion of consciousness, both spiritual and every day. It is said to result in the development of extrasensory perception (ESP), esoteric revelation, and personal and societal transformation. Quite lofty outcomes! With that in mind, in Megan’s book we explore the possibility that spirit marriage as a viable means of personal and planetary evolution, and to investigate why it has seemingly been marginalized and obfuscated throughout history.
Personally, Megan believes that spirit marriage has the potential to be a kind of liberation spirituality. At crucial moments in history it seems that it has offered spiritual empowerment, co-creative engagement, and conscious evolution to its practitioners.
We are all surrounded and guided by entities beyond the physical human range and communicate with them in different ways. Some meditate and connect as Sheryl does to garnish guidance and information from these souls to help us merge our spiritual gifts and human life so using clairvoyant clairaudient clairsentient see hear feel smell taste and simply know through intuitive thoughts what Spirit wants us to know can lift up our awareness to a higher consciousness and serve to overcome human challenges. That is the difference between one highly sensitive person medium or channeler and another who chooses a Spirit Marriage for their spiritual growth.
Megan tells us why marrying a spirit has benefits. Megan postulates that the use of spirit marriage was and is a theurgic undertaking used by humans as a tool for personal transformation and evolution of consciousness—an assertion rooted in prehistorical hints of the phenomenon of Gods and Goddesses mating with humans.
And what is the purpose of this kind of bonded intimate relationship or what is the outcome of this kind of undertaking? (Co-creation, evolution of the species) perhaps. To better place this research within a psycho-spiritual context, let’s look at two key figures who have contributed to the realm of transpersonal philosophy and psychology and who also claimed an ongoing relationship with tutelary spirits or extraordinary guides. Although these relationships do not qualify as a spirit marriage as previously defined, these sources do report on the kinds of relationships that may be cultivated between humans and Otherworldly entities. They include well-known scholarly figures who have ascribed their ideas and inspirations to a relationship with a spirit guide or inner teacher. The Past First, the Austrian philosopher, social reformer, and esotericist Rudolph Steiner attributed much of his spiritual knowledge and practical philosophy to guidance by a group of nonphysical beings he called “the Masters.” In a Berlin lecture on July 14, 1904, Steiner reports, “The Masters can be regarded by us as Ideal. They have attained what we must attain in the future. We can therefore question them about our future development.” Steiner claimed that his knowledge of plants, the cosmos, and human nature all came to him through his conversations with the Masters. His lectures from 1904 to 1909 often had references to his calling on them to be present and thanking them for participating. And he specifically stated that in some instances that the Masters used his body to deliver a lecture. The Anthroposophical Society, founded by Steiner, later removed many of these references from the literature on him to distance him from the fake psychics and dubious channelers of the time.
Sheryl says it is too bad that was necessary for most people know the real deal and those who are truly messengers of Spirit as he and so many are and were in the past.
Much of this connection to Spirit and guides has been hidden in plain sight but we are just hearing about this now. Yet to be explored is the question of exactly why the mating of humans and angels was considered taboo. It is an open question as to whether the original act was a direct violation of God’s commandment or simply something frowned upon due to the aftermath of problems it created. According to paranormal investigator Andrew Collins, whose work centers on questioning the origin myths of Christianity, the early church fathers cultivated a climate of fear around the dangers of “seducing angels”—for the primary purpose of keeping women veiled and silent. Many of the early church leaders from the first to the third centuries used and openly quoted from the Enoch texts and generally accepted that the fallen angels possessed corporeal bodies. It was not until the fourth century that these assumptions were questioned, and subsequently the book of Enoch and many teachings on angelology were suppressed.
Accounts of Christian mystics and monastics from the Middle Ages still hint at the continuing presence of these fallen angels. It is also surmised that spirit lover practices may have been hidden in plain sight within Christianity. Specifically, St. Teresa of Avila’s autobiography is a primary testament to the ongoing practice of spirit marriage—or at least human-entity eroticism.
In her autobiography St. Teresa describes one encounter as follows:
I saw in his hand a long spear of gold, and at the iron’s point there seemed to be a little fire. He appeared to me to be thrusting it at times into my heart, and to pierce my very entrails; when he drew it out, he seemed to draw them out also, and to leave me all on fire with a great love of God. The pain was so great, that it made me moan; and yet so surpassing was the sweetness of this excessive pain, that I could not wish to be rid of it. The soul is satisfied now with nothing less than God. The pain is not bodily, but spiritual; though the body has its share in it. It is a caressing of love so sweet which now takes place between the soul and God, that I pray God The Past of His goodness to make him experience it who may think that I am lying.
We share our planet with many other species and beings—both seen and unseen—from the bacteria that live as some of the smallest units of measurable life to the celestial forces and powers that shape our solar system. These “invisibles”—although most often unseen, unheard, and untouched—have long been held by many spiritual traditions as integral to human development. Indeed, on occasion they are believed to make themselves known and available to the worthy individual. The wisdom traditions of our planet have long held the practice of spirit marriage to be a powerful means for the cultivation of extraordinary powers, acceleration of evolutionary development, and progression of humanity. These practices are esoteric and often shrouded by mystery cults and shamanic initiations. The calling to a spirit marriage comes in many ways and affects each individual differently. As such, the procedure and journey vary from person to person. Whereas one person may self-medicate to shut out this extraordinary experience, another may be compelled to seek this union from an early age. Each person’s path to spirit marriage is unique. I believe it’s important to openly share our stories of extraordinary intimate spiritual contact so that we may frankly discuss what appears to be a thriving practice amongst a not insignificant portion of the population. To that end, in this section I’ve chosen to highlight the individual experiences of those who have participated in a spirit marriage, rather than just giving you an overview of the practices. I call this form of extraordinary, experiential storytelling normalizing the paranormal
Megan tell us something of after the marriage, when Brigh began to reveal the purpose of their union As she put it, Brigh used the platform of my humanity to teach me about humanity.” She inspired him to ask specific questions about the human experience, which led me to finally ask, “Brigh, there’s a wound in humanity and it’s delivering it to the ecology, delivering it to each other. She sensed it was something beyond our avoiding extinction, or even restoring our relationship with the life of this planet.
That is when Brigh revealed “the dampers on the blue flame of the soul.” Brigh said the number one damper, the number one wound in the human experience, is the illusion of isolation. This wound shows up primarily as abandonment pain, and abandonment pain expresses itself as fear, resentment, or shame. All the other dampers, she revealed, are products of this primary one. It became clear to Megan that humanity has a great need for reconnective remembering practices that were part of the original instructions of our species but have been lost or forgotten.
Orion believes that all the medicine and indigenous wisdom practices, as well as the sacred teachings of the ancient world, hold these original instructions. Many of these practices have been destroyed due to persecution and suppression, and must be reclaimed, resurfaced, or repurposed for modern people.
The thing that drives people to spiritual traditions and religious practices is homesickness. It’s all homesickness. People want to feel connected to the family of life. When they’re willing to detox the fear . . . get rid of the illusion of isolation that breeds such things, like believing we’re exiled from the oneness of life, which we’re not. People want to feel home again, and they’re driven by this homesickness. Drug abuse, the overuse of alcohol, sex, you name it, is all connected to trying to feel alive, home. In order for me to teach this and to teach restorative and integrative practices, Brigh had me figuring out with her a way to help awaken those senses in the students that would come [to study with us].
Sheryl agrees that it was her search for HOME that led her to delve into metaphysical and alternative healing methods as well as meditation and developing her mediumship abilities so she could understand Spirit, Spirit Communication, the Afterlife. and Universal Energy to know that we are never alone and connected to the energies of our beginning from our Home to physical life and always connected to the Divine and every other living entity “All The Time.”
One of the most important points emphasizes repeatedly in our conversations is how healing and regenerative a spirit marriage can be. She emphasizes how our fear of sexuality and intimacy often leads to disease in our bodies, minds, and spirits, and how opening to the spirits can help us heal this. One of her key motivators for agreeing to be interviewed was her desire to set the record straight on this front: The spirits don’t make us sick. We make ourselves sick with our own fear and repression, by rejecting the gifts they have for us.
Entheosis (Awakening the Divine Within) relates to Spirit Marriage. Entheosis is an ideology to inspire the rising generation to reach the heights of their potential, ignite their curiosity to venture into challenging new learning experiences, and empower them to be leaders through service who are committed to family and community.
Dr. Megan Rose might like readers to take away with them after reading Spirit Marriage a better understanding of Magic. She writes, “Finally, I offer a note on the term magic. In renowned parapsychologist Dean Radin’s groundbreaking work Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe, he explores the intersection of science and magic, stating: “Real magic falls into three categories: mental influence of the physical world, perception of events distant in space or time, and interactions with nonphysical entities . . . [Magic can be reframed as the academic study of the full capacities of consciousness in light of the rising interest in informational descriptions of reality.”
She follows his definition and writes, “I define magic as a consciousness-based technology—that utilizes the emotions, thoughts, and vital/erotic energy of the human body in collaboration with the vibration, magnetism, and regenerative qualities of Earth and her morphogenetic field—to affect change. These two physical systems, human body and nature body, are not limited to the surface world. My training as a Faery Seer has taught me that we also collect and circulate the energy of the cosmos and the under- world throughout both our human and natural systems. However, for the purposes of this definition, magic is the end result of all three levels—upper, middle, and lower—working together through demonstrable manifestation’,
We thank Megan Rose author of Spirit Marriage for sharing an in-depth exploration of the practice relevance and purpose of Spirit Marriage around the world and exploring the phenomenon of the spirit spouse or spirit lover—an entity to which a human is psychically bonded as she shares her interviews with ten contemporary practitioners of spirit marriage.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Dr. Megan Rose has shown us that Spirit Marriages like marriages between any two people or entities of human or divine nature offer opportunities to evolve know ourselves our world and universe going beyond the physical five senses to develop psychic and feelings that guide us to know we are more than physical beings but spiritual souls having a physical life for the CHANCE to remember the eternal nature of all living sentient beings and to grow more loving in energy light love and compassion.
In the stories of spirit marriages of ten people Megan references Suzette and writes “Suzette suggested that being married to a spirit is not all that different from being married to a human. You are in a relationship with a someone. You are married to a person, a consciousness, except they are not in a physical body. You cultivate a relationship with your spirit spouse just like you would a relationship with a physical spouse. You talk to them every day, not just once a week on a “special” day. You carry out a daily ongoing dialogue in which you share your hopes, dreams, fears, and concerns. Megan shared with Suzette her belief that we season ourselves with the relationships we develop in life, and spirit relationships are no different. We bring things to them; they bring things to us. We become more of who we truly are by being in relationship with someone else, and we are given greater access to the realms of spirit and expanded consciousness by seasoning ourselves with spirit marriage.”
Dr. Meghan Rose and Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Energy Teacher would have you know that each of us are presented with people and experiences that come to us in the course of a physical lifetime which are neither random or meaningless. We have the free will to choose and explore those situations as a platform to expand and evolve into a higher sense of our divine soul presence. Relationships are the prime reason for a physical life. Wherever you find love healing and higher awareness of yourself know that relationship is meaningful, Relationships with our spiritual friends, guides, angels, higher vibrational beings, and Source or creation are ALL wonderful opportunities to simple FEEL and know life in its fullness. Let yourself be open to these possibilities.
Sheryl Glick RMT host of Healing From Within and author of the newest book in a trilogy, A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening invites you to visit her website to read about and listen to leaders in the metaphysical scientific psychological and healing fields as well as educators attorneys and those in the arts and music fields seek answers to age old questions guiding us to open our hearts and minds to infinite new ideas to live with hope happiness and age old wisdom. Shows may also be heard on and